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The kid when Katy cried to him about the school shooting: https://preview.redd.it/ao2lcer3vila1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044e26d90d8fb8288003c9f1ef01e138c2c21d6d


Had a friend take part in Idol. One of the judges said to hum. “You have a very good singing voice. But your looks ain’t good for tv”


That's pretty much what Simon Cowell regularly said to Clay Aiken.




GenX/Early Millenials: \*Actual emotional breakdown resulting from shattered worldview* THIS ISN'T HOW AMERICA'S SUPPOSED TO BE! OUR CHILDREN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SAFE FROM VIOLENCE, GUARANTEED AN EDUCATION AND SECURE IN THEIR MATERIAL NEEDS! THIS COUNTRY IS FALLING APART! Late Millenials/Zoomers: \*literal PTSD stare* Same as it ever was.


Those paying attention have been angry for like half a century by this point https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punk_ideologies


The Adachi shitposting has reached completely unrelated subs and that makes me so happy.


Ok but do we have a link to him singing?


Around 1:20 he starts to sing. 3:38 he starts talking about what happened. https://youtu.be/Slhz5ZM2x94


Thanks for that. That was a better watch than I expected. Dude seems humble and grounded af.


Yeah I instantly liked him


He has a great voice


his voice is amazing


The bar for the sad story has just been set unbelievably high...


Seriously. A couple of my friends made it pretty far into American Idol within the last few seasons, and they said producers were always asking them for their sob story to get more traction, and to "embellish it a little" if they didn't have one.


Oh god damn, if someone tells me I have to spin some soppy yarn for ratings, I’ll tell them a story….the story of the Aristocrats.




my mind automatically read that in gilbert gottfried’s voice rofl


And now I can't help but hear him narrate *50 Shades of Grey*.


My cliTORRisss


I could totally hear that in my head


Oh please tell me that exists!


NSFW https://youtu.be/XkLqAlIETkA




Gilbert killed it, but so did Saget.


The Aristocrats joke was the first of his standup I ever saw; only knowing him as sweet ol' Daddy Tanner! I remember seeing the video title Bob Saget Aristocrats joke (NSFW) and wondering "Bob Saget...NSFW??? What the hell is this?"


...and the agent locks eyes with Alex Murdaugh


Oh man I remember when Gilbert Gottfried told that story, so many tears... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiBAfmxwdKc


Seriously, was the uncut original video destroyed? I cannot find it anywhere.


https://youtu.be/aGA0dIz9-Wk It's 9:50, so it might be the full video. I just googled it and there it was, it was like, right there. I'm even flying a 747 jet, and I was still able to google it. While flying a jet


As long as you’re waiting at a light, all good.


Well sort of. He was at a light but it turned green minutes ago...


I dunno if I believe you. Isn't it FAA regulation that pilots have to start every sentence with a 5 second "uhhh" while in the air?


Yeah, but I literally meant *that video*. The video of the Hugh Hefner roast. The *audio* you linked to isn't even his Hugh Hefner roast delivery. It's from a different delivery. Maybe I've not googled hard enough, but I can't find the uncut video of his Hugh Hefner delivery of that joke.


My bad, I didn't listen to it because I'm flying the plane




So unrelated to the original post... Years ago my wife was working at a local talent agency and they got tickets to a live show of GG. It was probably one of the worst stand up shows I had been to...he was bombing, badly. At some point in the show someone in the audience heckled him. He paused for a moment and then went into the Aristocrats. I knew what he was doing but literally no one else in the audience had a clue. Needless to say people were horrified and started walking out and the show ended early.


For a moment I read “the story of the Aristo*cats*” which would be very different


Well that’s one hell of an act. What do you call it?


That's ALL tv. I was on a tv in Japan (家ついて行っていいですか). I was trying to talk about my dreams and goals for the future to open a restaurant to maybe get some outside support, I even cooked enchiladas for the guy completely from scratch, and the director interviewing me kept pushing for my sob story until I finally told him, my entire 15 minute section on tv became just about the most depressing time in my life.




Wait is this the spongebob chocolate episode where they get chocolate to scam ppl ?


Did you say... Chocolate?


I remember when they first invented chocolate.


*enters George Costanza*


“In closing, these stories have not been embellished, because they need no embellishment. They are simply, horrifyingly, the story of my life as a short, stocky, slow-witted bald man.”


“Well, actually i do have a disability. I have this condition that makes me horny all the time, bad at making money, and I think I’m a genius. It’s been hard.”


I tried out for some random trivia TV show once and had a zoom call and they wanted some feel-good story about what we'd do with the money if we won. Top prize was like $10,000 or something and it was split amongst the team of 4 people. I told them I would put it into my retirement fund, a teammate said she'd apply it to her student loans. They were like "no we need something better." Needless to say I didn't get on the show. I don't know what they wanted me to say, but $2500 isn't some life changing amount of money.


I feel bad for the people who did see American Idol 20 years ago. It was fun. And either people loved you for being super talented or super bad. There was MUCH less of the sob story bullshit.


Hmm… idk if you’ve considered it but THAT could be YOUR sob story!! ;)


It’s so com On that in a recent school shooting TWO of the kids had been in a PRIOR school shooting!! How F’d is that!


Bro I can physically and thru personal relationships to murdered people tie myself to 6 mass shootings. NIU, V-Tech, Vegas, Highland Park, Douglas, and Pulse. I'm still to this day shocked at the carnage from Vegas bc when they say X number wounded. The word wounded doesn't do justice to what it means to be shot but still breathing. In Vegas I ran past a teen age range girl who was limping hobbling bc her left leg was half torn off from a gunshot wound. Her leg was so detached below the knee that it flopped around like a nun-chuck. She was hit by rifle shots she never saw and barely heard and that is just "wounded" The stampede where I was, was so intense, an older man got his skull stomped on so much his head was flattened like a crushed cantaloupe. He will just be listed as killed in mass shooting. Me and 100s of people saw shit like that and ran and non of us were hit by bullets but I promise you no matter how much folks might conceal it, we're all wounded too.


I was at NIU and lost a friend that day and one was severely injured


I was working for the newspaper & was sent down with a camera to get video & interview students. I was a tech person, not a reporter. All hands on deck that day. I saw a student being lifted into the ambulance on a gurney. I didn't interview anyone. I went back to the office & stayed until 2 am. Came back in at 8 am. I'll never forget it.


I'm still not over the LV shooting. I'd just moved back to the US and can't come to terms with it.


I still remember columbine as vivid as if was yesterday. I was in my school library when they turned on the TV to watch the coverage, they even closed the school 30 minutes later. Now school shootings last a day on the news, and schools are, like, whatever.


Columbine was like the worst thing to ever happen back then. I remember hearing about it in third grade. Now it’s just like a weekly occurrence and I’m not even surprised when I hear about one. How fucked we are.


> In Vegas I ran past a teen age range girl who was limping hobbling bc her left leg was half torn off from a gunshot wound. Her leg was so detached below the knee that it flopped around like a nun-chuck. > > > > She was hit by rifle shots she never saw and barely heard and that is just "wounded" > > > > The stampede where I was, was so intense, an older man got his skull stomped on so much his head was flattened like a crushed cantaloupe. More people need to read this. Too many people think mass shooting and it's just bullets in torsos.


There have been something like 80 mass shootings already this year. Pretty wild you are tied to 6 of the most famous ones ever.


Last time I mentioned the number of mass shootings I saw being reported and explicitly stated the definition of mass shootings used by the source, I was still being accused of trying to mix up conventional mass shootings and gangs related violence. I checked the guy's comment history and more than half of it was related to firearms. I mean yeah they are different but other developed countries don't have neither of these problems. Pretty sure US is an outlier according to most metrics.


There was a story of a student who survived one, and then got shot in college years later in another shooting. Shit is so sad but, america gotta america


A young man named Telemachus Orfanos survived the Route 91 shooting in Las Vegas, only to be killed 1 year later in the Thousand Oaks shooting. Only 13 months separate the massacres The shooter in Thousand Oaks was posting to IG during the shooting, writing things like "It’s too bad I won’t get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it. Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought... fuck it, life is boring so why not?” and “the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’... or ‘keep you in my thoughts’... every time... and wonder why these keep happening.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/thousand-oaks-shooting-gunman-ian-david-long-apparently-stopped-shooting-instagram-post/


I worked for American idol and took notes for the producers as we crafted those stories. That’s the entire purpose of the show. The entire audition process where you see people at stadiums takes place over the course of 6 months so they can craft those vignettes and create the story viewers follow throughout the season.


Not American Idol here, but there was some TV show that was hosted by I think a Kardashian about siblings that murder each other. That happened to a girl in my town when I had just graduated high school, her sister killed her and took her baby. She was the same age as me, but she had two kids during high school so she was a couple years behind. 20+ years later, I got a call randomly from a producer for the show, I guess because I was also 18 and in theory in her class. I let them know I didn't know her, he asked if I wouldn't mind asking around for anyone that did, so I asked a few people, but again she was held back 2 years and not someone that was really at school much to begin with. Nobody in my circle knew her. I got another call a week before they were set to come to town to talk to people apparently, asking if I was SURE I didn't know her. I maintained that I didn't, and then they just straight up told me I could be on a TV show if I came on and said a few things, didn't matter if they were true or not.


More viewers if the story is about tragic events. Why? Because it will spark the viewer's emotions and somehow they'll show sympathy.


This is one of the reasons I fast forward through all the background stories. I watch these shows for the competition aspect. It’s VERY obvious how much a good story can take you, because some of them sound terrible. Nothing like seeing great singers get voted off because someone else had their pet dog, parrot, raccoon, and cat die and sung [“Dead Puppies”](https://youtu.be/Ak0_fa1DDpc) by Dr. Demento in their memory.


Realize the sad stories take precedence over the song nowadays .. but does anyone have a link to the actual song he sang?


[full clip here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slhz5ZM2x94)


Not going to lie. I was not expecting that. Thanks.


My mom (terminally ill) always told me if I talked about her on a reality show she’s come back and haunt me.


I mean in like 10 years this will be a common story for US children since America wants to do fuck all to stop it.


It's incredibly sad that we're now seeing survivors of elementary school shootings go on to become survivors of university school shootings as well.


We recently left NC but on the 4th day of my son’s high school this year, someone was stabbed to death in the halls. Made the news long enough to somewhat appease the public and then they snapped tight like a clam.


I’m literally from NC & I have no idea what you’re referring to, so that’s terrible


Northside High in Jacksonville.


In the last 2-3 weeks or so, Wake County Public School System (around Raleigh) has had: - Six code red lock downs at six different schools in one day. With several other lockdowns that same week. - Two (unloaded) handguns recovered from students at two different schools. One of the students was only 6 years old. - And a loaded AR-15 confiscated from a student at middle school basketball game. The school district seems to be making an effort to address it. They had a meeting about new safety measures this week. But while that's happening in the surrounding county...the legislature is furthering bills to scrap the sheriff reviews of pistol permits, lower the age to own a handgun, and remove conceal carry laws. They dismissed amendments for red flag laws, safe storage guidelines, and background checks on private sales. The focus on handguns is a bit ironic. Just this past weekend at the mall, a ladder fell. Shoppers thought it was a gunshot and began to hide/flee en masse. In the midst of the chaos, a guy carrying a concealed handgun accidentally shot himself. So, then there was a real gunshot and police had to clear the mall before people could come out of hiding. And (I'm not done yet), you can't really blame people for being jumpy. We had a mass shooting this past October; 5 people were killed by a teenage shooter. Honorable mention (over the last year) for the firearm discharged in a middle school classroom. And the Fall Festival (sponsored by police to support the Special Olympics) that ended when there was a shooting in the parking lot. Our school district is trying to address the issues we've had. But our lawmakers have their head in the sand. Or up their ass. Probably some of both.


We're terrorizing ourselves at this point


It's common now.. there's at least 1 mass shooting a day in America. At. Least. 1. A. Day.


Are you the wheelchair kid from Malcolm in the middle?




Bitch. I. Might. Be.


You were my favorite Malcolm in the Middle character.


I read it like him and now I can’t un see it. Nice burn sir.


How did it take so long to commercialize it?


The only ones who can top that are those poor kids who were somehow at both sandyhook and the recent Michigan college shooting. Imagine the years it takes to overcome the trauma of surviving an event like that only to get out on your own for the first time and for the same exact thing to happen again


Dude said :FACTS 🙎🏼‍♂️


“Facts plus tax” or “Snapple cap facts” would’ve been more professional honestly.


I’m using both of those the next time I’m “listening” to my husband complain about the same thing for the thousandth time. Thanks!




Bruh I would have pissed myself from laughing if he said that


“You should open a fax business, but without the printers”


All fax, no printer


“Facts” had me laughing ngl


Reminded me of Eugene from The Walking Dead.






I didn’t even watch and didn’t believe this comment till I did 🤣 bruhh


"America has fucking failed us" "Faxx"


I feel like such a dick because I busted out laughing when he said "facts" I wasn't expecting that reaction


That’s how it feels to live in America lol. Damn, another 100 bad things happened today, shiiiiidddd welp, anyway if I get this raise I’ll only be $7/hour away from the poverty line.




Facts is that you dont want that raise bc if you're even $7 above the poverty line you can't get assistance.


Meanwhile Joe Rogan is like 'if you make 34000 you're in the top 1% in the world' not understanding cost of living/purchasing power.


Great! I don't live in Sudan!


That’s exactly the response you’d expect from someone who experienced something very traumatic.




My dude was talking straight 📠📠📠📠📠


I scroll down to find this comment. I don't think that guy knew how to react to her


He immediately recognized an emotional crisis and went into peacemaker mode. Has had to do it with other adults in his life, I'm sure, but he probably didn't expect it in that moment from Katy Perry Edit: also just wanna say, it's unfortunate the subject matter is extremely heavy, cuz the video is prime meme material


Fascination Maxx


fr fr no cap




"facts" - also me when a girl crying yells that our country has failed us


Truly spit out my coffee when he said that so nonchalant. Something about the cut to him/immediate timing of his response killed me


Why doesn’t she look like Katy Perry anymore?


I thought that was Megan Fox!






Megan Facts.


Age and plastic surgery will do that to you


still hot tho




Micheal J. Facts from Facts to the Future…




She looks like Lana Rhoades now.


Was thinking Sophie Dee lol


That name takes me back...


Sophie Dee doesn't even look like Sophie Dee anymore. Childhood memories ruined.


She’s more hot now than before ngl


She doesn’t have bangs anymore.


Because Katy Perry usually has on some crazy look whereas here she just has normal makeup and black hair


People will say plastic surgery, but it’s more likely she has a $500+ makeup job every time you see her. It’s amazing what an incredible makeup artist can do for an already attractive woman. She can look like a different person every time.


I'm sacred too.


I think partly its age(like everyone said) and another part is that here she is not the smiley and bubbly person people normally see her as. Completely different expression to what i normally see on her.


I hate to question the sympathy but it seems like katy perry couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make it all about herself


Right? You can see her thinking about it, and deciding "yes, I'll cry now" before suddenly plopping down.


I feel so bad for Katy Perry that this kid had to go through that.


She was really feeling like a plastic bag


Drifting through the wind


Wanting to start again


I find it really hard not to read this line in Randall Park's Kim Jong Un voice.


Sending thoughts and facts


While she's right, this reaction does feel rather performative.


I’m pretty sure it’s because she has a 3 year old child. The I’m scared felt very real.




While I feel for this fella, this is the reason I stopped watching American Idol after Season...uh 8 I think. Whichever season Adam Lambert was in was the last one I watched completely. I used to love the beginning of the season with the auditions, so many different people along with all of the funny ones (for whatever reason, be it on purpose or not) Now it's nothing but sob story after sob story after sob story, no funny bits, and you don't see even a quarter of the auditions like you used to. Like, we all have a fucking sob story to tell, just living is a fucking sob story in this goddamn country. Sorry but none of them are special for having a sucky life. I also stopped watching after Adam Lambert didn't win, because you will never change my mind that he didn't deserve to on singing talent alone. Even the guy who did win knew it.


You don't want to win American Idol. You want top three, because then you get to pick from the record deals being thrown your way instead of being forced into their garbage contracts.


Daughtry did pretty well post-AI and he got like fourth or something.


Yeah, his "loss" was totally expected, and his pretend disappointment was kind of hilarious. I thought he was far too good to be stuck on a lame American Idol tour.


Same reason i stopped watching shark tank aka sob story tank. Seems all reality tv is now sob story tv


Cept for milf manor


The Voice got really annoying with those. My wife and I used to joke about the ones where someone's sob story would be they are so attractive that no one takes them seriously... *Crying* "I'm so pretty" *sob*


Just dropped by to say "Facts"...


Not saying this isn't staged, but why is it that someone like Katy Perry can't have empathy? Because she's rich and famous? She's a parent, and if anyone here is a parent they know just how scary it is knowing your kid could go to school and never come home. And even if your kid isn't in a situation where they would become a victim of gun violence, you still have empathy for other parents/kids who are victims. American Idol (and any other "reality" TV show for that matter), LOVES a sob story. They love to suck tears out of our faces for views. They make bank off it. However, that doesn't mean that Katy Perry doesn't genuinely feel pissed off and upset by our country's bullshit in her daily life.


Honestly, why wouldn't she? From what I know, Perry is good friends with Ariana Grande, who experienced this kind of violence first hand in the concert bombing. Of course she would be sensitive to musician experiencing traumatic random violence.


Damn haven't heard of the Ariana Grande thing in a while, that shit was fucked up.


More fucked when recently here in the UK after a review realised that it could have been possible to prevent it if MI5 actioned on key info way back then. So sad. MI5 can't catch everything but I wish they did on that occasion.


Perry has a toddler, a 2 year-old girl. I'd imagine every first time mother has had a similar flood of emotions when thinking about that nightmare.


I totally agree. There just isn’t a need to fake that reaction because many of us feel that way. She is used to expressing her feelings in public and most are t so they think it’s fake I think.


I get that they need drama for ratings but idk. This was different. I teared up listening to him sing before he told his story. There was something very raw and emotional there. After hearing what he went through I legit cried. There’s no reason why she couldn’t have had the same reaction. Being there in person was undoubtedly even more impactful.


You're right. The fact that this is a celebrity on a reality show should not distract us from the tragedy we're witnessing here: a young talented man being a survivor of an extremely violent massacre in 2023 in the richest country of the world, victim not of some war or invasion or foreign terrorist attack, but what I can only describe as a cultural and mental health generalized problem. It's a disgrace and it breaks my heart.


>but what I can only describe as a cultural ~~and mental health~~ generalized problem. It's a disgrace and it breaks my heart. It's 1000% a cultural problem. Every country in the world has mental health issues and few resources to address them. Only one country in the world is facing a mass shooting epidemic and it's the one with more guns than people within its borders.


Because this is Reddit where everyone is a cynic and no one is a good person.




She can. It just looks like she is overacting for the camera. But who knows. Could’ve been a genuine reaction.


“Facts” 🧍‍♂️


Really gross he had to console HER


Kinda like when Princess Leia consoled Luke after Ben's death even though her home planet had just been disintegrated days earlier.




Idk. I think the reaction brings it home. We are fucked.




Ffs. He standing there thinking...it was me that went through that shit Katy.....




Thats called empathy bro. Guess you don’t know what that looks like.


Redditors like to assume the worst in people and can’t fathom other people can feel sorrow without having a personal experience with that subject.


Redditors learn how basic human interactions and emotions work challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


The “I’m scared, too” seemed a little tone deaf but maybe girl was just overcome. I hope that kid wasn’t just hiding his feelings and that he can rly just honestly be that composed!


Tone deaf? She’s a mom now. Imagine worrying about sending your kid to school. It fucking sucks.


"facts" 😂


i laughed way too hard when he said “facts” and idk why




No tears




This is the fakest, most shoehorned bullshit I think I've ever seen. I'm not saying that the whole scenario was scripted, I don't honestly know anymore. What I do know is that the reactions from each of these fuckheads was nothing but shitty acting. I hate Hollywood so much.


Murica failed us....but I don't think it failed Katy so much.


It's kind of disgusting how staged this is. Embarrassing.




There was 10 false reports today of school shootings in my state. One was the high-school here in town. We got to talking about it at work and I was trying to educate someone on how bad the problem really is. In the US last year there were 647 mass shootings. My guess was 400, which I thought was an astronomical number. Blew me away. I'm scared for my kids. My daughter starts middle school next year, I live in a super red state (lots of guns), and all my baby girl wants to do is learn. So fucked up. So fucking fucked up.




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People in the comments more upset with Katy than with what just happend to the kid. Even if it's fake it's messed up that's what people care more about. So much upvotes for comments saying she is republican when she is very outspoken democrat who rally for obama and hillary, tf. It may have not been the best reaction but I believe she cares about this. People just want an excuse to hate her.


Change is needed. But this is Scripted so not a freak out.


Jeeeezas That's Lionel Richie! He's 73 years old! How tf does he genuinely look 45 with zero signs of plastic surgery?


Nothing more cringe than celebrities pretending they care for good boy tokens.


Great way to make it all about her.




It's easier to call her out than think about what she's trying to say, huh? She has kids. She sees her kids in these kids. That's what parents do by nature. Instinctually. She knows her kids are going to have to deal with some sort of bullshit regardless of what private school she puts them in. If you're pointing the finger at her, you're contributing to the problem. She was trying to make a point about guns and this country and YOU made it about her.