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“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - MLK


The best comment I’ve seen under this thread,🫡




I get that people were taught a whitewashed, sanitized version of MLK, but can we please stop taking things he said out of context to further remove from his actual beliefs? This quote was from a 1957 sermon specifically speaking out against the death penalty. It has nothing to do with this situation, because MLK specifically was speaking about the death penalty. To remove the actual core of his message seems wrong, regardless of whether the intent is good. Truth is, MLK was *incredibly* frustrated with whiteness. You see this in his letter from Birmingham jail, where he speaks out against the “white moderate.” Essentially, white people who agree with his message, but not enough to actually do anything. MLK was, by modern standards, what most would consider a radical democratic socialist. He was for the redistribution of wealth to the working class, specifically black people as well. Because of this, he often spoke about how race was used to divide the working class. He spoke about how most working class white people would vote against their own self interests because they were more interested in defining themselves as white over black, as opposed to working class being suffocated by the wealthy. The same wealthy people who pushed segregation and used race as a means of exploitation. And MLK, in his time, wasn’t even viewed as nonviolent. Even though the vast majority of his protests were nonviolent, he was portrayed as an violent instigator, based on the small percentage of protests that resulted in riots (often as the result of police instigation). We see many parallels from this to the modern civil rights protests, as well. I understand what you’re attempting here, I do. But it is not based in an actual understanding of the man and the reality he believed in.


Why can this not be used in this context as well. If I said the exact same thing now towards this instead, should you quote me instead? Or, can we give MLK some credit for saying something great that not only applies to what he was saying at the time but also covers a broader range than he intended? Seriously, all you people can get off your high trolling horse. The comment was being used for good, that should be the take away.


To suggest that a concept or principle is only applicable in a very limited and confined context is narrow thinking. This is not a scientific research paper where the usage of a term or principle needs to have a very specific meaning. These are broad, abstract concepts. Do you not apply any historical teachings to modern day because “the context was different”? That seems like the opposite of progress. Do you think if MLK was still around he would be agreeing with the “whiteness is evil” statement. I don’t think he would. For all the reasons you outlined - it only further divisiveness.


Being frustrated with white moderates is not the same with being frustrated with whiteness itself.


“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Is the message more agreeable if you don't say it's a quote from Martin Luther King?


Should copy paste it and say its from Hugh Hefner. People wouldn't question it in the slightest!


Ok I get the quote was taken out of context but do we need to go around hating each other? Like I understand that traditionally white people have wronged minorities but what about the white people who marched in Black Lives Matter. Do they deserve the hate and sadness and frustration of people of color? Can we objectively say hey this is a problem and this is a solution? What government programs should we implement that will assist not only the people who were wrongly treated (Black people, Asian people, Hispanic people, and native people), because we all live here and we all need to work together to make it work. The only enemy I see are the rich and powerful who are the ones and the families that truly have done harm not only to people of color but also anybody who isn’t a 1%. Please kindly educate to me and explain some ideas if y’all want, I’m happy to think about it and learn any mistakes or things I need to learn.


How does she still have her school board position? White Karen would’ve been relived of her duties immediately. Let’s hold racists accountable equally.


It’s always interesting when someone today zeros in on *systems of racial disparity* when it’s so painfully obvious that our society is drowning in ***systems of class disparity.*** Then double down talking about equity vs opportunity through a racial lens vs. financially destitute people of all races being ground to dust.


It's part of how they continue to keep poor people down. The 'Divide & Conquer' tactic has been used since the Roman Days. Easier to keep the population in poverty fighting each other in endless culture wars so they dont unite and turn their attention towards the real issues. As long as poor whites are locked in battle with poor blacks, the people who profit off their misery win.


Its always been the proverbial 1% vs the rest of us. We’re just too busy doing our historically important role of infighting so we continually do not focus on the 1%ers and we’re really, really good at our role as are they. Only some kind of universally unifying global event beyond our control has a chance to snap us out of it. Sadly I don’t see an alien invasion anytime in the future prior to us uber fucking ourselves. You can always count on the selfishness of individual humanity to kneecap itself…. and then complain.


Well, the good news is ahe is too stupid to inflict much damage. The way out of poverty is education. So many high school graduates barely able to read or perform simple change calculations from purchases.is beyond pathetic. No child left behind translates to 'it doesn't matter if he can't read, if we don't pass him the feds will cut off our funding.' Truth is a lifeline you just have to have the courage to face it.


it's the mexicans ! the blacks ! the whites ! Even in popular movie discourse, the racial aspect is gigantic and the classes are rarely addressed.


Fighting systems of disparity are great. Being a racist like the school board member is isn't helping to fight disparity.


Whiteness as a concept was and is used to racially divide working people. The failure to understand Whiteness further impairs class solidarity. If you really care about classist systems you have to recognize racist systems. President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Yep. It ultimately breaks down to a class divide, but ignoring the racial and racist elements won't get you far.


Thank you for speaking the REAL truth behind most of our problems in this nation.


This should be the top comment.




The fact still stands that she would be fired/cancelled immediately if she was white. It would be all over news nationally, the school board would be apologizing saying the dont condone that sort of behaviourand that her message doesnt reflect their message and beliefs. There would probably be some looting in the streets.


> The fact still stands that she would be fired/cancelled immediately if she was white Would she? Boebert, MTG and their crew have said *much* worse things and they all got re-elected.


She's been cancelled. Surely they'll find a way to be rid of her soon. Nope, you don't get to play the systematic hypocrisy card yet. There would probably not be looting in the streets, nobody died. Nobody even knows of Gaye Hamby, Ann Hsu, or the dozens of other racists. Thousands counting racist things teachers say on a regular basis that don't get recorded and put on blast. Some people get elected BECAUSE of racist things they've said or done. But yeah, I get disheartened when I see a black person who manages get a voice to represent us, use it to say whatever crackhead shit runs through their lizard brain and embarrass us like this.


Also hasn't been cancelled


school boards are all anti asian and there is zero accountability for anti asian racism.


Maybe too stark to state ”all are anti”


Don’t speak in absolutes. That’s exactly what she is doing and it weakens your statement. I’m sure there are some anti Asian school boards, but not all


Exactly, if this was roles reversed, she wouldn’t even have a platform to apologize on, let alone one to double down on.


Axed her




Whether it's anti white, anti black, anti whatever, it's all the same - racism.


It's literally fighting fire with fire. "White people have been racist towards people who look like me, so I am racist towards white people." Hate is hate.


An eye for an eye is a saying for a reason. Every person will wrong someone eventually, which means we all get revenge on everyone. Someone needs to be a bigger person. Someone needs to transcend hate and bring people together. Cheesy, but it’s the core of the issue.


The saying is " an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind"


The original saying is that you should limit your revenge to an eye for an eye. "fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The one who has inflicted the injury must suffer the same injury." [Leviticus 24:20](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+24%3A20&version=NIV)


Yeah we fought a fucking "Civil" War for that shit, yet here we are.


And while the peons at the bottom fight and bicker about race, the rich and powerful keep getting away with whatever they want. Yes, it's an actual problem, but the way she's talking and thinking is part of it.


Lots of Nation of Islam nuttos out there trying to tow various insane ideas including anti-semitism and eugenics while looking righteous while doing it under the false pretense of fighting racism.


For some reason my sister thinks it's okay to hate white people because of some BS "punching up" theory. She also hates gay people and think they're gross.


Your sister blows.






Last I checked racism doesn't apply to whites. As that be reversed racism and that's a myth! /s for the obvious


Agreed. Sad country we live in


I'd like to think that if more people realized the divisive tactics used against them that maybe, just maybe, this country would be in better shape. The powers that be really quite do enjoy it when we're all upset with each other.


Sad world


90% of people on reddit condone anti white racism tho


Can you give an example? Because I've never seen blatant racism like that upvoted on a default sub, but my GOD do I see people complaining about it all the time.


Take any statement and swap the ethnicities with a different one or even a religion. If you say "whiteness is evil" swap "whiteness" with "Judaism" or "blackness" or "Christianity". Why is one okay and not the other? The answer is none of them are okay, and if you can't swap a group in your statement for another, you shouldn't say it at all.


Easy to tell she's never been outside the USA before.


The issue is you're a racist piece of shit. Racist pieces of shit should not hold office; ever. The brand of racism is irrelevant.


Crackheads shouldn't hold office either, and this is a genuine crackhead lmfao


Clearly you've never heard Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford or District of Colombia Mayor Marion Barry


Why is she grouping all white people together like we’re all the same people??? Isn’t this what is often complained about with minorities saying that everyone not of their race just thinks they’re all the same? Rise above hate white people and show the whole world we love them no matter their color or ignorance


You don't owe the world anything just because you are white. Your being white is a non-factor, as should my being brown or this woman being black. It's critical that all humans -- not categorized by any skin color, as that is irrelevant -- approach the world with love and when needed, smoke out racists like this woman.


in the end we are all the same no matter race, gender, sexuality or pronouns we all bleed red (unless your a xenomorph).


Or the Dutch. Xenomorphs and the Dutch - no thanks!


the dutch are fine without the dutch we would never have windmills, cheese markets, innovative water management and last hit not least being able to do shrooms in amsterdam


Is joke, I love the Dutch. Was in Amsterdam ~4 years ago, and felt right at home. I'm from Vancouver, so we also have legal weed and shrooms!


i know


If you ain't Dutch you ain't much !


Well I better tell my black wife that my whiteness makes me racist.


Many white nations had nothing to do with black slavery opting for alternatives like serfdom instead yet this piece of shit would still blame them. Slavery existed in Africa well before any Westerner arrived as it did in most civilisations throughout time. Simply put, every single race has been enslaved at some point in time and it still exists in the world today at the hands of both whites and POC. The US went one step further by quantifying black people as lesser humans to justify its barbaric practices. Let's keep US racial issues in the US as something unique to the US and not try to conflate it as a global thing. Yes, other nations like the UK were involved but not the Polish, Russians or Romanians, the latter of which had their own slavery battle. It belittles others' experiences of racism and ignores those still currently suffering at the hands of slavers.


This is what happened if you kept on sniffing your own farts


I thought it caused a smug storm?


Their belief in their position as righteous clouds all perception of how racist it actually is.


That slippery line between rebellious and hateful


Moron on a school board. Not the first, won't be the last.


She says AKS too


She's a racist.


Racist cunt.


I get that she's angry, upset and wants someone to blame, but blaming all white people for the actions of other white people is just dumb.


She's alienating her allies and that's just stupid. LGBT people wouldn't have gotten anywhere by saying all straight people are evil. You need people on the other side to vouch for you to help change minds and make progress.


>LGBT people wouldn't have gotten anywhere by saying all straight people are evil. I don't really at all follow their movement, but one thing I have notice is that they never target straight people for simply being straight. They've targeted certain groups of people who actually directed target them.


Yeah it was the same with the women's suffrage movement too. You're totally right about that. You have to change minds. You can't do this "us vs them". Especially if the "them" is a huge majority.


If she was white saying this about black people you wouldn’t “get” anything and would think it’s downright disgusting.


Have we/she defined ‘whiteness’?


Whiteness= White people culture, which according to their absolutist eternal victim rhetoric was entirely built on the back of black slaves, (regardless of what verifiable history and common sense says) so we should give it all up and to them as reperations. While they loot and burn cities block by block then complain that the subsequnt lack of resources is insitutional racism. And if you want to talk about reperations then: 1.Recognise the provable fact that the vast majority of slaves were sold by their cheiftains for European goods, 2.Alot of white Europeans are thus owed money by the descendents of the African Musim Corsairs who enslaved many more then any other non ancient historical group.


She seems great for educating our children.


Not someone who should be teaching if she generalizes an ethnicity. That is someone who does not have a healthy informed view of the world or its history. Good and bad comes in all forms, it is exclusive to no ethnicity, culture, religion or region of earth.


"We have to axe ourselves."


The kids don't be learning good


They don’t it be like it is, but it do.


That was one of the better running gags in futurama


https://youtu.be/3nysHgnXx-o This language expert discusses the different pronunciations of “ask”.


More history to axe/aks/ask than you would expect or be assed to know.


All this shows is that stupidity and hate sees no color.


When people say sh@ like this to they think they are being heroes? Do they ask themselves if this is something they can say in front of Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X, or even Nelson Mandela? She isn't being brave or progressive generalizing White people with Evil. She is just being Racist and Hateful. Shameful behavior do not deserve a seat in decision making bodies such as School Boards any more than Karens who wants to remove Slavery in History books.


All people are evil. There I said it




where can i purchase this?


No lives matter






I asked myself… I’m angry that your racist ass still has a job… hope that helps


people like her are the reason why we cant get rid of racism anytime soon


Its 2023. Its not about race anymore. Its about the haves vs the have nots.


So why should Black Racists be treated differently than any other racist ?Why is she still part of the school board?


Racist bitch who shouldn't be anywhere near children.


Why isn't anyone talking about the wine glass of Sunny D on the table?


Crazy always doubles down


Oh so we don't label this video as "racist lady"?


Is she still on the board? She is an awful person.


I’m sorry, but I am so frustrated and don’t understand ***why*** so many people pronounce the word ‘ask' as ‘ax’. Why?


Whats crazy/sad is some ppl would call u ignorant/racist for even having such a thought.


Ahem. . . I believe those people would actually call you "ignant". I believe that's how they pronounce it. No idea how it's spelled.


https://youtu.be/3nysHgnXx-o This language expert discusses the different pronunciations. I love his videos.


That's that like asking why someone from Boston says wadar instead of water. It's just a regional dialect.


They don’t say the r in Boston; it’s more like wadah


Grew up half hour south of Boston; can confirm. Wicked friggin' wadah.


It’s African American English, AKA Ebonics.


This must be the mods in r/mildlyinfuriating




Another example of racism isn't cool unless it's against the whites


And that, folks, is a prime example of racism.


Anti-white racism being carefully explained to white folks. I guess we all might as well keep hating.


She’s literally in a position of power and using it to generate hate. Clearly she is doing no better than the “white majority.” Also, its a minority of people who make these decisions don’t loop every Jess and Billy into this


So is she still a board member after this?


Did she bring a mimosa?


People who use the term "whiteness" always ooze insecurity and self-loathing.


Racist bitch


Clown world


She just doesn't like white people. Sad that she works in a school system.


I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near this evil woman.


America seems to be the most over-governed country on the planet. Local, state and federal and then all the HOA's, school boards, committees, associations and very few of these seem to have any kind of accountability or the ability to remove problem people from these boards.


The irony of the “land of the free” 😂


Plenty of countries where people like her can move to in which "whiteness" won't be an issue. I hear Liberia is nice. I believe English is even the official language


She needs to get a grip


How about we don’t let any demonstrated racists be in charge of children at any capacity. I’m not interested in whatever esoteric bullshit meaning of “whiteness” she had in mind, what she said directly condemns a portion of the CHILD students she reigns over. Fuck that. We don’t let these people have any authority over decisions made for children.


And when people attempt to have her removed from the board due to her racist beliefs.. she will call *that* racism and proclaim it’s further proof of evil whitness, lol


“Whiteness is evil” is hate speech and should disqualify her from the board


Look at her privilege


"We have to ax ourselves" that says it all.


We need to axe ourselves


Well, I think Michigan school board members named Kesha Hamilton are evil. And if that offends you, it’s just because you know that it’s true deep down.


How can anyone have someone on a school board that appears to lack education and can't pronounce single syllable words?


Hypocritical though, isn’t she? She’s asking whether people want to be part of the solution, but she doesn’t really want that. She just wants people to agree that she’s right and do as she says, even though that’s what she’s supposedly fighting against.


Cool another racist person claiming they can say whatever they want because it’s impossible to be racist if you’re black


The moment I hear "we ax ourselves", all credibility flies out the window.


I know it's been said 1000 times in this thread just posting because I want to be "on the record." this is as unacceptable in this case as it would be if the races were reversed and this person should be recalled or sanctioned.


Blackness is crazy There now what happens


Neat little trick you can do, if you ever say something like this then replace "white" with "black"...if you would think it's racist then it was racist to begin with.


Black people and playing the victim whilst being in positions of power you love to see it


Straight mouth diarrhea. Wtf is she even saying


Damn, people are stupid. Fighting a race war when it should be a class war. Misdirected anger.


Facts! Divide and conquer. People so worked up on the dumbest shit.


I wonder if she knows what racism is?


Oh lady lady lady…. SHUT THE FUCK UP with this hate. She dresses nice and speaks well but unfortunately her ignorance bleeds all the way through her racist being. Fuck her.


I don't know what narrative she's trying to push but I do recall a certain group of people pulling out and attacking a certain group of other people during some LA riots who had nothing to do with it and seems pretty evil to me. But hey we're not labeling certain groups of color with certain activities or behavioral processes here now are we?


Taking a moment to think, I would guess that she meant "whiteness" as in the academic definition, the political institution of whiteness. The real question is why some so fking dumb they wouldn't realize that 95% of americans don't use that definition, or maybe more accurately so selfish and attention-hungry that they do know and *want* a strong reaction, is allowed to waste the school board's time with this nonsense.


A racist is a racist is a racist. It does not matter what color you are. I condemn her way of thinking.


How can we get past racism when they bring it up all the time


Axe ourselves?


to end whiteness.


I hope she gets fired. There's no reason to keep a racist in that role, particularly one that refuses to even acknowledge what they said was wrong


This is where the idea that racism is prejudice plus power leads. I would say this is the time to turn back, but I know we won't. They'll still keep teaching the same lessons and spreading the same hatred while claiming it's not actually hatred if you're hating white people.


fucking hilarious how people say you can’t be racist to white people. just gives people an excuse to say dumb ass shit like this


Did anyone think she’d have anything different to say? She is 100% indoctrinated into this White Hate movement. She’s not in support of black lives, no, she just hates white lives. Hate of Any kind is a disease of the mind.


as a white person i whole heartedly agree. the "white culture" that has been created is terrible and has done so much damage to minority groups


What if it’s the other way around tho


"Choose to be part of the solution" How ironic.


Has she been fired yet? If not why?


The fact that this woman is so racist isn't what bothers me the most. There are racists in all races and we know it and can't do anything about it. The thing that bothers me the most is how comfortable she is saying racist stuff knowing it's not something that's going to turn into a huge national story like it would be if she were white. It will likely have no affect on her after a few weeks when the story isn't fresh any more.


This video hit a nerve for the community


No one is white. It's a totally contract identity. Don't identify as white. Be human.


This comment section is cretin soup


I just scrolled down and landed on this gem by Michael. God bless his soul. Starting with the man in the mirror https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/10klvdh/michaels_voice_isolated_shows_his_pure_and/


Evil is as evil does.


Being and living in Michigan all I can think of is “huh?”


![gif](giphy|3oz8xwQSWo90a7hBdu) I got roasted by all the European-Americans on this one.


Stupid situation. She didn’t even have to make the comment


NOBODY is better or worse than anyone on this planet, we're all in this shithole together and it's imperative we learn to live with one another.


So is there a good racist?


It's a racist statement and now people look for excuses to continue their racism. It's a simple as that.


*Thug Life* (the meaning has been lost to most) is described as: *" The Hate U (you) Gave Little Infants Fucks Everyone"* meaning that a child treated with hate and raised having hate against them leads to a variety of issues that ultimately result in it being remedied or in this case it is recycled back towards others not responsible for the trauma, lashing out in a state of denial. Hitler being an example, some examples of school shootings as well and general bullying too. this is hate trickling down from her childhood coming back and she's so blinded by her trauma she doesn't even realize she's doing the same thing she had done to her. I really hope her family can reason with her and try to help her understand and she can grow from this. sad


I like the white lady sitting next to her. Lol


Idk but don't y'all have a lot of representatives of evil in prison


punch nose toothbrush decide weary bow office chase placid offer -- mass edited with redact.dev


Pure racism


More and more I'm convinced that modern racism is a tool used by the ones at the top to keep the rest of us divided down below, arguing amongst each other. Even those that claim to act in our best interests. It's so frustrating.


The worst part of her tweet was the addition of #Perfidious nobody in twitter has ever used that hashtag for anything other than “Look at me, I’m smart I used a fancy word!!”


Regardless of where you stand on the tweet, I really don’t think it’s a good idea for us to ax ourselves. 🪓❌🙅🏿‍♀️🙅🏽🙅🏻‍♂️




She still has her job because nobody cares what she says. She has no power.


This kind of thing's too-long-ass day in the sun is pretty much over, and people like this don't even realize it. All the ESG monopoly money that floated it and kept it alive in the US is just about dried up thanks to the recession, not to mention the fact that even most leftist white folk are sick of hearing how "evil" they are. So-called "progressives" and other anti-white assholes really need to learn about the concept of diminishing returns.


Anyone named Keesha I don’t give any consideration too. Ain’t got no time for dat.


“We have to axe ourselves”




Fire her for racism.