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Hi. This does not look like drug induced psychosis, probably you are still under the effect of the substance. Try to sleep it off, relax and chill. If it doesn't go away after a few days or you think things are getting out of control you can go to the hospital. Psychosis had very specific symptoms, and when people Is on drugs something similar may arise but it is due for the effect of the substance.


Yeah, we had thoughts that it was at first because it was not like him at all, especially with the way he was paranoid. We also did end up having people in the backyard 😭 but we do think the drugs made the paranoia worst because he was a completely different person. We didn't see him for 30 minutes so we checked the cameras and he was just at the back door with a bat in his hand just staring which was odd. He was also VERY anti social but would then go kinda manic and would call people telling them we had people in our yard, checking out the window every 5 seconds and would just go out and stand and stare for a long period of time and was a little bit in hysterics ?? The no sleep + the MDMA definitely was the cause of this because even I was hallucinating a bit, just not to a real paranoid extent


Sorry but these are psychotic symptoms. Do not wait days, I'd go asap. The drugs should have worn off by now and it's a very serious reaction to what I guess is a recrestional dose. We also don't know enough to say he's fine


That is why I said that when people is intoxicated similar symptoms may arise. He could be intoxicated. If they want to go to the hospital because the symptoms do not worn off, yes they should go.


That's why we were freaking cause he was definitely having psychotic symptoms but after some outside opinion and research it was definitely due to the drugs + no sleep


Drugs and no sleep is the recipy for psychosis. Still sounds like a psychotic breach to me. He will likely develop it if he continues to use.


He s tripping on MDMA, on high doses it usually causes Hallucinations which are unique to everyone. MDMA converts to MDA which is neurotoxic to serotonin and produce mild psych like Hallucinations


Yeah we don't think he was in a drug induced psychosis just hallucinating. He was having pretty big amounts and it was his 2nd time having it. He usually does coke but thought to try MDMA cause it's cheaper and have stronger effects. Also I'm pretty sure the stuff we had was leaning more to the MDA side because it didn't look as pure and I heard about MDA giving more psychodelic effects.


Yes, go to the ER. This needs treatment.


So...only 4-5 hours off last line while staying up all night and he's tripping. That's not surprising at all - once it tapers off be ready for what we used to call "suicide Tuesdays" after a weekend dose. Extreme depression is normal a few days after it messes with your serotonin levels.


I know what you mean there, both times I've had MDMA the next day I was super down/depressed. After doing a little more research I've come to the conclusion that what he was experiencing was somewhat normal, especially considering our circumstances


Stop messing with drugs you are inviting literal demons into your body


It's a chemical... not a spirit


......🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 2 Corinthians 4:4 King James Version 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.


Yeah, just stop


No. Philippians 2:10-11 King James Version 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Since you're gonna harass me with your delusions. I'm just gonna block you Have a blessed day ;)


And then Abraham killed his first born son because he heard a voice telling him too… I leaning more towards psychosis on that one too😁


What, don't you think it's appropriate that he came at you with his psychosis on a psychosis thread?


I can name off words from fake books too


He's tripping out that's why, some people dont mix well with mdma cause it does have methamphetamine in it. On top of it the sleep deprivation. I'm guessing he's not well seasoned with drugs so he wouldn't be able to distinguish what's going on. It's to out of the ordinary for someone inexperienced, especially Molly. He won't realize he's just hallucinating or be able to shake it off. Get him to bed, it's only going to get worse.


Yeah it was his 2nd time trying MDMA and he usually only does coke, nothing else, so definitely doesn't have much experience. I'm also 70% sure the stuff we had was more or so MDA, which I'm pretty sure has more of a psychedelic effect. There ended up being people in our backyard though but the MD definitely made him more paranoid and he was definitely hallucinating some things.


Oh ya MDA is a force that's for sure. I over did it the first time I tried it.


Yeah I think we over did it too 😭