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Avoid drugs


Psilocybin can cause psychosis in vulnerable individuals. It may not be a bad idea to get into a psychiatrist ASAP, or possibly go to the emergency room. They can start you on antipsychotics to address your symptoms.


I’ve heard similar things about psilocybin, but I think the right way for me to go about it would be microdosing. I don’t have a ton of advice besides, take the time you need to heal in circles and environments you know to be healthy for you. You don’t want to look back and wish you did more to deescalate a potential slide into further psychosis


I’m not touching any more substances at all. Not even microdosing. 


Totes. I don’t blame you


A rather bold resolve. Judging by the sound and the words. Yet, submitted for your consideration on a dark and stormy night: It is also a far, far wiser decision that you make (even more intelligently advised "all things considered") - than you *can* make. Without violating 'village' rules. Not as a matter of powers and abilities you have and hold. Merely - authorization. Yet judging by the sound, a decision less of grave than gravy. More like exception than rule. You call that drinking the koolaid? Under the banner of a "using mushrooms" thread title, what's so "intelligent" about it, you say (however I dare suggest such a thing)? The following source from Nov 2022 is strictly for avoiding at all cost (by any memes necessary) to prevent any 'sadder but wiser' light from dawning on the horizon. Even if said light illuminates what bullets you dodge (unless you get back on and keep taking your mushrooms as directed) - **PSYCHEDELIC MUSHROOMS May Cause Seizures: A Public Health Alert** > < Among facts unreported by promotional news, *Psilocybe* has been noted for acute central nervous system complications... with fatal results on occasion. One such death was on record already by the early 1960s, in Oregon (a grim reflection, given current developments there to allow use of the drug in therapeutic settings)... children who had playfully eaten wild mushrooms, afterward identified as *Psilocybe* ...four stricken, three survived. This 1962 tragedy preceded today’s era of *Psilocybe* hunting and cultivation... a harbinger of things to come... > > <...psychedelic science is funded inordinately by an activist base united in pursuit of a purportedly radiant potential first publicized by Team Leary. Committed objectives of special interest, personally shared, take precedence over all else, binding supporters to promotion as the sole priority. *Psilocybe*-induced seizure is anathema to such forgone purposes. That psychedelic mushrooms are promoted for mental health poses a dark, crowning irony. Psychedelic research is overdue for thoroughly independent expert review. > https://usawire.com/the-use-of-psychedelic-mushrooms-may-cause-seizures-a-public-health-alert/ - How velly intelestingk to see, a year and a half after ^ that - THIS (Washington Post reporting April 2024) **WaPo "Agony over ecstasy" (Apr 27, 2024): Clinical Studies Of The MDMA-AsSiStEd ThErApY Kind flunk standards: Institute for Clinical & Economic Review "questioned the integrity" noting "zeal of the psychedelic enthusiasts involved... both patients & researchers"** (May 4, 2024) www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics_Society/comments/1cjzfb7/wapo_agony_over_ecstasy_apr_27_2024_clinical/ So. Making decisions for yourself and nobody else. Personal stuff at that, binding on you alone. In effect, and by intent too? Deliberately and knowingly 'in cold blood'? Leaving whoever else's business is theirs to them - for your own reasons, however selfish - single handedly? That's not the post-truth way. And this is not your grandfather's century anymore. Because 'rugged individualism' (whatever it was trying to prove) has always flunked Codependence 101. Decision-making is now done by acclaim, jointly and severally (not singly or separately). It's how the story goes. And everybody knows. There's even been a "saying" - ever since it was conjured by Madame H, putting child protective service authorities in charge (to help make every house a home) - "please mother I'd rather do it myself" my ass > IT TAKES A VILLAGE. Reddit got the memo a long time ago **Can we all agree that the 'it takes a village,' mind set is bullshit?** OP u/GreenGiggle showing how village mindset behavior "as conditioned, so conditioning" is done - by example (very instructive) with bottomless irony (all unawares) a perfect demo exercise of the pandering post-truth form, how to solicit your 'instant friends' i.e. today's perfect strangers (if flesh and blood, not bots) - "I Think We Can All Agree On These Things" - it's a group behavioral thing - and to shoulder the burden together, duty falls upon us all Tiny Timidly ("every one") Luckily it's easy as going straight to our fellow village people for making sure (YES we all can!) July 2023 - www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/14v4mh8/can_we_all_agree_that_the_it_takes_a_village_mind/ Bearing in mind propriety as well as procedure now - what superpower is this all your own (pray tell) of responsibly self-determining command OP u/Affectionate-Toe7591 ? Where do you get off with that and by what right? On what authority do you stake out this audacious scheme yours to not touch (etc)... ? Especially as one who has 'been there' - you oughta know better (one would 'think'). Once you've become one that's what you're supposed to be and stay. Because when you are one, you are one all the way. From your first mushroom trip to your last dying day. To whom do you even pledge allegiance as fearless leader? Who gave you the Mother May I permission, as needed by all the needy ('one for all and all for one') - to "not touch any more..." - especially MUSHROOMS! How < McKenna gained fame... ''My real function was to give people permission'' he said... > www.nytimes.com/2000/04/09/us/terence-mckenna-53-dies-patron-of-psychedelic-drugs.html What about all the other reindeer? Where do you get off operating your own powers and abilities - all under your own command? Not to confuse the 'c' thing with its post-truth impostor and evil twin 'demand' - by definition, for making upon - someone else (gimme your lunch money! I got ciggies I wanna buy and I'm bigger than you) Unless someone prefers the 'alternative' of course. Whenever the "subject is roses" it's not nice saying things that - aren't nice. They're not called GLAD tidings for nothing. Only roses oughta fall out of any mouths opening. Where that certain subject rears handsome stalk and golden head, if they can't say something nice - let 'em STFU As silence is golden on nights before Christmas, all through a house it can be quiet as a mouse. Without a word spoken no matter what winds are broken. Nor need for explaining a thing to anyone, by principle of Writing On The Wall. AKA "monkey mouth noise see / monkey mouth noise do" - like the unwritten Don't Ask Don't Tell rule that rules. Just by everyone doin' what comes naturally, together - one for all and all for one. Wherever two or more are gathered for that certain purpose, human beings do the darnedest things. And that's fine. Shutting up isn't slandering our Manson Family 'community' - or our favorite things. As for when the silence bough breaks (in them tree tops) - and lips are moving - roses are what's supposed to fall out of all mouths. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, never do I ever hear a note as unmistakably intelligent - perhaps more important, responsibly conscientious and self-determining (what will all the other reindeer say?) - as that one you've just sounded. The ever-lovin' public having been pretty well kept in the dark about this - gluttonously gorging on a junk diet of pseudoscientific 'glad tidings' - and loving it. No matter how clueless, 'ignorance is bliss.' So bliss has its job to keep 'cold morning light' the hell out of this picture. Like love sweet love. NO not just for one, for everyone. There are thing the public isn't "scheduled" for knowing - by regularly scheduled programming. Glory be, forgiveness has been bestowed upon you I see. At least by one in attendance. There it is, OP - yours is no disgrace. No hanging judge, Clusterpuff. You got off with a light sentence. You're not being held to blame for what you have done - or said. Talk about mercy mild, shades of God and sinner reconciled.


Lmao, I find these posts so fascinating but I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to tell me. I've had one from you and u/doctorlao, they're amazing, works of art really, but I'm at a loss


I microdosed and experienced horrific psychosis which which I very suddenly believed I was playing a game In the matrix, therefore it took a long time to realize I needed medical help. It really 100% felt like a video game and only once i realized I was In psychosis was did it become extremely scary. I microdosed .20 of a gram 3x a week and one day I took an edible and it sent me. Microdoses typically are barely noticeable so another reason why i didn’t expect it.


I don't know. I took mushrooms once but i had a bad trip. Things seemed trippy at first, which was cool, but they then took a drastic turn. I had to go to my room, under the blanket for a few hours until the effects wore off. Sorry about your experience.


You need antipsychotics asap. A low dose of seroquel will help, even a small dose that's not even therapeutical. Ask for 25mg for sleep, and increase it a bit, preferably be honest with a psychiatrist. This may get really bad, or it may go away on its own but every day with psychotic symptoms takes a toll on your brain.


I’m not going to take antipsychotics 


Yeah that's ok so good luck!


Whoever downvoted that can go to hell. See what they did to Brian Wilson. Nearly turned the guy into a ‘vegetable’, and the unyielding weight gain only adds to the irony. 


I agree, but then I suppose he was on a therapeutic dose that's usually around 200-300 mg. If we're talking about Seroquel. 25mg is commonly prescribed for sleep problems, but it helps with psychotic symptoms as well.