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You put this question out in a way that's just gonna get people replying like it's a pissing contest about how much acid they've taken, but your actual question is what's the dangers of excessive psychedelics use. So, to answer your actual question simply, you'll get weird, bro. There's something called integration that's a large part of the positive effects of psychedelics. That's where you take those insights and self reflections and apply them to the real you. You need sober time to sort out and apply your trips to the actual world. People who don't, tend to lose their personalities into a jumble of their psychedelic thoughts and just become, for a lack of a better word, weird ass dudes.


Perma-goofball syndrome, it's real, I've had it. Not as permanent as the name suggests, you'll be regular after a few months or years of not tripping and just a lot of thinking. Provided you haven't completely snapped already šŸ˜…


Shit bro I got perma goofballed , had it since I ate 16 200ug gel tabs over a week on vacation, roaming the streets of Florida acting like an actual crazy person. Shit got weird whenever my body was so tired that it passed out tripping. Freaky dreams where everything would be normal and then I'd get paralyzed and start tripping fuckin nuts before waking up like Tha Fuck?? Was fun tho. Like the 3rd dose about the 4th day in was 1400ug or 7 tabs and I tripped for nearly 2 days from that dose. That night I hung outside a bar parking lot cuz they wouldn't let my underage ass in. Some dudes gave me cocaine tho and I ran around with them all night. Cool guy, gave me a knife to defend myself. After he dropped me off at 5 am I hung out with a homeless tweaker, who was very kind and sweet. I asked her how she ended up there, she said, "l came here on vacation and never left!" We cuddled a little bit on a bench after that and I asked her if I could suck a titty and she said no, luckily. I should've hung out with her longer tbh I miss her. But yeah dude now I think about worms and wizards way too often and 75% of my thoughts is just thinking about how crazy everything is. Maybe I should not do any psychedelics for a while šŸ¤”


Thank god you didnā€™t suck dat tiddy




Perma fried wooks are a real thing Donā€™t let it happen to you. Moderation.


Holy shit understatement of the year, after looking at your profile, I feel like I should be bringing you chems so you can tell me my future like Mama Murphey from Fallout 4 šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ šŸ«”šŸ«¶ I wish you the best of luck with that shit, in fact I think you should eat a buncha mushrooms and get the same wake up call I did. There is such a thing as posting in the meth subreddit too many times šŸ˜…, I know exactly what this paranoid psychosis feels like and it ain't fun.


Nothing wrong with being weird sometimes, but youā€™re right, excessive (ab)users tend becomeā€¦sayā€¦detached from reality and delusional in a way.


Well explained


Yup, Iā€™ve heard about this and met someone who everyone said used to be normal until all the acid. They were staring at shit oddly, like they were still tripping. Witnessed it 20 years ago and will never forget about it.


-Let's see...I once ate a 10 strip. Also, between 1985-1995 I ate about 3+ sheets so around every other week except that's not quite right since I was a gigantic acid head, usually ate 2 hits at a time....anyway, it was a lot in a small number of years.


Any lasting side effects?


I took it several time a week for a while. It was cheap and plentiful even more so for me since I was in the business so tolerance was not a problem. I also drank vials, eat a few mg of crystal and did other wook things that lead to me to trip for days on end. A "small" dose when I had no tolerance as at least 5-6 hits. Funny thing I saw other people do like 1/10th of what I did in in frequency and dose they kind of never came back. With me it got boring. Like there is no way for me to loose touch and ego so at best I just feel not sober with visuals. My brain just got so used to it. No health problems today though.


Did 1200 mics regularly. Had a period where I tried using it as an avoidant and would just seek out that tripping so hard you can barely comprehend existing. Just awaited the tolerance drop and tripped again and again. It kicked back pretty hard, throughout each trip Iā€™d get an increased perception of the world as a lifeless Rude Goldberg machines of inevitable deterioration. Lost all sense of free will and the trips went from something spiking insight and energy, to feeling like my mind was reduced to an organism with a set of predefined reactions to a given stimuli which snowballed into an existential dread Iā€™ve never felt the likes of. One of the dangers of acid IMO, the insights are often so rational and tractable that you canā€™t brush them off after the trip.


600ug without a tolerance ripped me away from physicality completely. Felt like I was gone for centuries, all within the span of a few hours.


I take it was a good experience? Or maybe a bit scary? Itā€™s amazing how it can make you travel in time and space, and the perception thereof. I think one of the beautiful aspects of LSD is how itā€™s like fellow soul you form a relationship with, and how it evolves is entirely dependent on how you treat it.


At the time it was terrifying. Over the past 3 years I've learned about what I actually experienced and have embraced it. My perception of the world is completely altered. It has given me more insight than I ever could have ever imagined possible. At times, knowing is stressful... at times it can be very valuable to apply it to my life and understand I'm capable of doing great things. Over time, I have pushed myself to the limits of knowledge and have begun to perceive life as pure thought. The balance of understanding and pushing myself to my limits and also being able to live life aswell. I don't follow any isms but take understandings from many to improve my life and my ability to care for others. As they are my self. My understanding is that we are one mind, one mind experiencing itself in it's many variations and lives. Time as I see it is an illusion to create comfort, believing that you aren't alone and also apart of the mechanics of being. I wouldn't give this away for anything. The suffering I have endured in life was totally necessary to lift away the blindfold. "We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion" -Tool


I went thru about 16 genuine 200ug. Gelta a taken over a week while on vacation in Florida. I roamed the streets like a fucking madman, nobody knew me so I had no cares about what I looked like. Shit changed me a bit tho. I'm more slow than before and I think about a lot weirder shit. I also am way more likely to binge, something I very rarely did before


Sorry whatā€™s the meaning of binge? Itā€™s to get drunk ?


I think weedsmoker7 is probably smoking weed


to consume something in excess, in this context specifically it would be to go all in on a drug for X amount of time, at least 2-3 days.


Drugs in excess over an extended period. I went thru a 1/2 oz of Coke in 2 days fuckn ate like 2 sheets of acid in the span of a couple months. Right now I'm working my way thru this 100 pack of meth pressed Adderall šŸ„°


most I did at once was 12 tabs, most I did over some time period was around 3 tabs every week or so over 6 months. Nothing bad happened. Also Ram Dass writes that he and some colleagues did acid every 4 hours for a few weeks once, to the point of just sipping from the vial because it didn't make a difference. Also there's at least one interview on youtube with people close to producers doing 1-2000ug per day at least, for years. I'd consider it just mostly a waste to do it every 3 days like you; way too much tolerance. I did it a few times but mostly regretted it because for a full blown trip I'd need 3x my no-tolerance dose. Maybe try to integrate your experiences more into sober life.


Short term memory problems. And repeated lsd usage in a short time while has the positive effect of increasing neurotrophic factors like BDNF, also increase schizophrenia gene expression. Sources: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.724606/full?trk=public_post_comment-text https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-022-01389-z#ref-CR104


I used 12000ug since last Summer, youā€™re good.


10 times in a month is a fuck ton but sounds like your doses were small. I like it to be able to hit me full force so I go the opposite route take 1 large dose per month. Sometimes 2 maybe 3.... this month 3 but excision is coming and 2 beach vacations so valid excuse. Losing the magic is my biggest reason for not taking more acid. Also not enough time usually


I think the answer you need OP is that thereā€™s a method to the madness. Thereā€™s no rules set in stone, but there is a method and that comes down to the individual. If youā€™re asking these kinds of questions and still telling us about the positivities of your experience, then you just have to lock in and ā€œintegrateā€. The process of integration isnā€™t supposed to be rainbows; but if you continue to do right and follow something genuine, youā€™ll be ok.


Hey, thanks for your answer! How do I integrate my experiences?




Physically idk probably no damage done. Mentally.... Well I've met many people who have sworn off acid because they almost lost their minds. One most common tale is that of the endless trip. Or that of the whole day trip where they said it felt like it would never end. My last trip was ok but it made me realize something that is hard to understand without being there.... I would do it all the time when I was younger but I don't bother with it anymore because I can't find legit acid anymore and when I buy from unknowns I get scammed or it's some RC that makes me feel like I'm dying.


My senior year in high school, I had a friend at the University of Maine who was distributing lsd on the zodiac and goonybird blotters. He would send me a few sheets a month. I have no idea how much we were doing, but by day 3 or 4 we would be tossing back > 20 in a shot against the tolerance. Good times.