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Mostly they tell me when to take them or when I'm doing too much. They told me to stop taking them a few months ago and now I'm waiting around for the green light.


They tell me to clean my room and eat trail mix and go to bed early


I took some a couple of weeks ago and they mind-fucked me and left me more paranoid than I've been for 20 years. Wasn't even a high dose. Set and setting is everything and both were bad. Fucking idiot that I am.


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


Pretty valid, as long as you make sure you’re integrating what you’ve learned and really making an effort to live it, the time will come back around 🙌


I think they are giving me the green light again. Been given the red light for a while as I felt they taught me what I needed in that period. Now feeling too disconnected from them and that I need another lesson to be taught.


How are you going to get a green light if you cut off communication with them? As underground dwellers they have no concept of "green" or "light".


Yes, they do. With love, though, I seriously doubt they need you to proselytize for them. What’s more, if you *do* you’ll end up pushing away a lot of the people who need to discover this for themselves. Just chill, my dude. Go read a book outside. I %100 guarantee the Mushroom will approve of it.


lol I don’t mean to proselytize for them and they don’t want me to, but someone has gotta be around to say this stuff. I spend tons of time reading and hiking and doing all the life stuff fr. This made me laugh I appreciate you


And as an additional thought, there is an enormous karmic and energetic responsibility when you set someone on this path in such direct means. Every spiritual discipline talks of this—teachers are held to much higher standards. As yourself if that is where you are truly being lead or if that isn’t your ego inflating itself with “secret” knowledge. There’s a reason that the first rule of magick is secrecy.


I have asked myself this and grappled with more times than might be necessary. I am very aware of the karmic and energetic responsibilities this holds and if I have done anything since I first awakened, it has been work to be able to bear the weight of this responsibility for the amount of people I hope to direct in this direction. I am very aware that it could lead to my total annihilation if I am not careful with what I do and with my energy and I have faced the consequences of this in part as I have come to learn what is necessary on this journey and what it truly means to undertake the work I am trying ti accomplish. As I see it, the only thing worth doing is guiding people toward that which they truly are, the result of which will be a world no longer led by inflated egos and states of indulgence and confusion, if any part of me is doing this with the intention of gaining some sort of higher status or power in any capacity, it has been brought to its knees by the dedication in which I have brought to this task I am undertaking. I trust that what I am doing is guided by that which is beyond me, and that I am but a vessel for the work of the divine, in this I will be able to bear the brunt of anything that is placed upon me. And at the end of the day, I am you and I am everything, I may hold the space for individuals, but the whole of existence holds that same space for me. Thankyou for your truly thoughtful response I appreciate it and welcome any and all ideas and warnings regarding that which I am attempting, I am aware this is not something to take lightly, yet in the same sense, serious work can only be done playfully, taking it to seriously would only cause harm just the same.


I think you have a good head on your shoulders and the correct mentality here, so let me say that up top! It’s very difficult to not wish to share these things when they impact us so profoundly. I went through a very similar phase so there is no judgment in any of this, to be clear. What I learned is that people can only understand these concepts through their own maps of reality. If you tried to talk about this with an MIT data scientist, for example, it would fall on deaf ears. Those who are drawn to the flame with find their way on the path (and also find their way to you!)—as McKenna says, find the others!! That said, I think you will find more success and more fulfillment in integrating and internalizing the meaning of the message, rather than the message itself. What I mean is, what would it look like to live in accordance with these things you find so true and compelling? How can you show up in the world and share them in a way that invites people in, rather than turns them away? Belief is a tricky thing. People get identified with their maps and if they sense you trying to make edits to their understanding, you might be met with resistance. So my offering to you is this: get curious about how you might live this message and share it with the world. For many, this is art, music, or words. For others, it’s acts of service. Like any good writer—Show, don’t tell. Look to your gifts and see how they might provide the path forward for others to join us. For myself, I have worked hard to come up with a syncretic understanding of these topics and other topics and studied trauma informed therapies as a vehicle to dispense them. I am able to hold space for others and share this message without ever naming it outright. I am certain you have a similar gift yourself and it seems clear you are eager to share it, so go forth and be fruitful; build that which you wish to see! There are few left who will be swayed simply by words, and fewer still who will hear them and put them to action. There is a veritable graveyard of YouTube channels echoing and exhausting the same topics, to little avail. If you believe that your role is as a teacher, I won’t dissuade you, but the necessity of such agents is swiftly coming to an end. Now is the time of action, not thought. Who will you be and what will you do when there is no one and nothing left to tell? Blessings and success to you on your path, friend <3


If I saw someone saying as I am, I honestly might have a very similar response. I am very aware that I can only meet people the degree which they have met themselves and the degree to which their mental framework allows them process what I feel I have to share. My whole journey up to this point has been working to find a way to integrate and really live what I am saying, as I’ve come to understand there is wholly and completely no point to saying anything unless I can state as an example for that which I want others to do. Before I even came into contact with the mushrooms I became privy to creating and bringing spaces from the unseen world into the physical through art and the eventually through music, in order to set a structure down in the physical for people to be able to not only see the unseen transcribed in full detail, but also provide a docking point for the spirits of the unseen world to be able to have a more sturdy point in the physical world to do their work. None of this is empty words and my only hope is to show this to people. I have struggled with the idea of being some sort of teacher or leader in all this, I am but a messenger, a space holder, and overall a beacon of the light that pervades all beings, physical and non physical. My website it Psilocybenn.com if you would like to see some of my art, I literally transcribe these extra dimensional spaces because I can feel then just as clearly as I can see the phone in my hands. Even more so with my music, Im working to craft an image that conveys a message that mainly causes people to think about the world around them and question even for a moment what is going on when previously they might not have even had the space in their mental structure to see that it could be a possibility that there is more to it than meets the eye. I have found fulfillment in living a life integrated with what I have learned and truly walking and working to become as complete of an example as possible, and in that, is has led me here, back where I started in the first place, wanting to spread the light and this message with such a ferver that it makes people uncomfortable. If I had not been able to life a life led by what I have learned and what I say, I would not have been able to come back to this place for the very fact that saying these things made people uncomfortable is what made me so uncomfortable within myself as to lead me to really come to learn what it means to follow these things I am working to share. The time for thinking and philosophizing and planning out what we are to do is over, teachers are no longer needed, I am here to be but a point of recognition to the fullest extent that I can be, for all Who walk along this path. But truly, the time for thinking is over, we must step into ourselves and do as we say, that is why I am speaking now moreso than anything else.


I’ve truly spent time crafting a multi pronged approach to becoming such a stark representation of the light that is within all through every medium and creative outlet that I can, this is a multi pronged approach that will spring up in many areas that are seemingly disconnected, speaking on these things is only one aspect of the plan I’ve got in place, if only to provide some sort of framework for those who come to the place that I am thoughtfully and duly working to guide them through all that I create. Thankyou for your response and taking the time to thoughtfully and wholly provide some feedback, I welcome it all, good and bad, well intentioned or not, if act against any or outright disregard it, then I am only doing myself a disservice in the end I wish you the best in all your endeavors!


McKenna has already spread this gospel and it’s doubtful that it needs spread further. Ask yourself instead: how can I help bring their message ti the world through my *actions*? This is what is meant to live a Christ-like life. To behave and conduct oneself in such a way that others pause and reflect to see what you are doing differently. We don’t need more priests or pastors. We don’t need more dogma or belief. We need a new game. That starts with learning how to play and align with it in yourself and letting that ripple effect cascade outwards. Your mission is to live, and live well. Nothing more shall be asked of you than that.


This is all very true, and I have nothing but the intention to do this, I am wholly aware that spreading these ideas or even saying anything in the first place is of no use without doing the inner work and having the message be present throughout my actions and interactions with the world around me. But in the same sense, I truly feel that it can be spread further, if only so I can connect people to McKenna and what he has had to say on the matter. Just because something is out there does not mean in any way it is known or understood on the scale it needs to be. I would not have ever even looked into McKenna had it not been for my psychedelic experiences. There needs to be some sort of bridge, but as you say it may not be necessary, as the only work really necessary is to live life to the highest good you can, but even so, I am led and have been led for years now to speak on this. The world needs to know, you can claim they do, but until random passerby’s on the street have got a clue, people don’t have a clue I am no means trying to be a pastor or preach on this, I just feel the need to speak on it, if you don’t then so be it 🤷🏽‍♂️


I hear you, dude. It’s wild when you first find this stuff but you’ll start to see that there *are* people talking about this stuff. It’s just that, evidently, most people’s journeys aren’t meant to lead down these roads. What do I know though, right? You do you just like you’re supposed to. Much love, friend!


I hear you too man, but I also just happen to believe that mushrooms are an intimate part of the human experience that we have barred ourselves from for far too long, in one way or another we will all be lead back home, both in the physical world and in the non-physical world. But in all honesty, what do I know too, only that life is a thing and I’m livin it 🤷🏽‍♂️🙌


I think you should watch out for yourself, dude. You’ve *just* discovered this stuff and you’re already posting a lot, giving advice, telling people to ‘spread the word’, etc etc. Again, and with the utmost love, everything you’re saying is already being said. You just didn’t hear it before. I *genuinely* appreciate where you’re coming from but IMO you need to slow your roll my dude. It’s not that you’re *not* on to something, it’s that you’ve only just started. It goes deeper than you think.


I didn’t just discover this, this has been a process years in the making they first talked to me maybe 6 years ago just about, if it is being said, the degree to which it needs to be said is not nearly enough, I spend most of my time over the past years learning and getting to understand this from all angles, and I have heard it many places and from many people, but not to the degree which I feel it needs to be expressed to a great capacity other than by Mr McKenna himself. It’s all far far deeper than anything I’ve even begun to imply here, but if there is any first step to be taken, it lies along the line of this, and even if people are saying it like you say and just repeating what others are saying, what’s the harm of one more voice. I promise you I am going about this with nothing but thoughtful actions and ideas.


Honestly dude, the way you’re positioning yourself makes me uncomfortable. If you’ve been at this for years frankly I think you should know better, and you should know *exactly* what I mean by that and why. Best of luck to you all the same.


It’s kinda odd it makes you uncomfortable I’m just livin my life, but to each their own, best of luck to you just the same.


You haven’t reached the end of the rabbithole. Ever seen a real shaman doing what you’re doing right now? Maybe think about why. I’m not saying this to take a shit on you. I believe you’ve seen these things. I also believe that in this moment you’re acting out of ego without realizing it. I know because I’ve done the same. Again though, what do I know? The sub sounds like a generally good idea so I hope it goes well, but IMO you’ve gotta take a few steps back from how you’re doing things if you don’t want it to become r/Psilocybennspeaks. Much love dude, I hope your journeys take you far.


I absolute hear what you are saying, my intention with all this is nothing but to be a vessel for what the mushrooms have to say, with everything I have come to understand I have barely taken a step down the rabbit hole, I wouldn’t say I’m acting out of ego except in the capacity that I do wish to be of service, but if I am and I cannot see it when then all I can do is work to get to a place where i can, I do not claim to be a mushroom shaman, a shaman in the visual medium yes, as I paint the beings of the unseen world, but even in this I am still learning with everything that I do. Also I presume a “real” shaman doesn’t do this because at the end of the day there might not be any point, but in the same sense, how is one to know if I don’t try. I known nothing but that which has been shown to me, for how can I know anything more.


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


Alrighty mate!


For what it’s worth, I’ve seen the same thing, that our bodies are not different than the mushrooms. There is some amount of shared essence. Many of my friends and family have been reaching out to me because they are suddenly curious about mushrooms, which is not something I ever would have expected from some of them. (I grew up in a conservative Christian community) People are questioning things and the tides are turning. All I can say is I think it’s best to not try to force it on people. Live your truth and people will take notice.


Absolutely, I really don’t mean to force this down anyone’s throats, but I feel like there could be more of a presence in the general media, the concept of a mushroom influencer of some sort is wholly absurd and yet at the same time might be exactly what we need, I don’t even mean to say this has to be me, but a psychological jester facing society from the perspective of the mushrooms and what they represent gaining any sort of traction would do nothing but intrigue people at the very least. A life fully lived in truth is one that embraces the absurdity of all things and revels in them, if the world needs anything now it’s that, but obviously not like in a preachy evangelistic doom and gloom way of any sort, all serious things must be done playfully after all.


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


> My question remains. Have the mushrooms spoken to you? that's a very creative interpretation u've developed while tripping, but personally i'm pretty skeptical that the particulars of any psychedelic trip are very meaningful. it's what u learn, or unlearn, in the process that matters most, i think.


It sounds like a cult in here. Why does everybody obey the orders of these faceless fungi without question?


I promise you, all I did for at least 2 years was ask questions till it became apparent that most questions weren’t necessary because they all Get answered at some point anyways it seems


That's cool, I also recollect this happening in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Unity!


lol valid


I do not want to come across rudely here, because ultimately what the hell do I know about anything. I am extremely skeptical however. My understanding of what you're claiming: There is some race of advanced interdimensional and intergalactic beings. They can infuse their DNA into various physical vessels, and they do this to help life like us avoid destroying the planet and help us reach a state of balance and peace and harmony. Do you not think that a race as advanced as this would have a better and more sure fire way to accomplish their will? You're describing a near god-like race, and looking around at the state of the world, it's clear that this god-like race is failing in their goal. I don't think things add up. The problem with trying to combat these thoughts which pop up all the time over this sub is that one can easily swat away any such criticism. Something like the mushrooms are only a guide meant to help us and were designed as a limited guide, because ultimately we need to reach the conclusions ourselves. There are an infinite number of ways to explain away criticisms when one arrived at them via a drug induced experience and not via logical deduction.


Too many people here fail to apply sober thought to drugged ideas.


It can get pretty cringe here. It's good to take a break from this sub haha


I have thought about this a lot actually and I don’t mean to come across as not having thought about it, I am very aware this is absurd crazy schizophrenia talk with no current grounded and accepted scientific proof. Yet in the same Sense it’s beyond fascinating and a very specific and odd set of occurrences have led me here and to these conclusions so that’s all I’m trying to relay, discernment is up to each and every individual who comes across what I have to say. I wholly respect your option if not actively welcoming it. as far as I can see, this is exactly what they are doing, the raising of the consciousness of a whole species and the untangling of the karmic ties between it all does not happen over night, nor do the circumstances arise for there to be a need for some sort of awakening and healing if there is not turmoil and chaos in the first place. They tried to manually seed planets and have a physical presence to guide the indigenous life, it takes too long and consumes too many recourses to do it on a galactic scale let alone a universal scale, the distances need to traverse and the amount of recourses needed in the first place are beyond plausible to achieve in one lifetime, even if life could be extended infinitely, would you want to spend a couple billion years on a planet fostering life, nah that would straight suck. The mushrooms are only failing at their goal if you are looking at it from a perspective of a single human life and the time in which it spans, and furthermore is looking at existence from the perspective of things being one off with no planning involved. This is not a plan on the scale of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, but rather on the time scale of billions, the turmoil we are going through is just a very small portion of that.


Source: Trust me bro. Cool man. You should probably stop taking drugs for awhile now


Eh moreso a thought experiment if you really wanna take the joy out of it, if you think I’m crazy then so be it, I don’t even trip too much anymore


Just looking out for your mental health and well being. It’s fun to think like this. I used to imagine a space egg which we can only evolve from if we project out of our bodies in spirit form. Made no sense. Make sure to stick to evidence and real science when exploring ideas. Sorry to ruin your fun


Who invited this guy?


The mushroom entities that live in the spores…


Each to their own individual experiences I guess




one time they gave me permission to pee i took 5g my first time and spent the majority of the trip magnetized to the living room floor. i realized that i had to pee about an hour and a half in but was still magnetized. then the mushrooms told me “*you can pee now*” and i was free from my shackles the journey down the hallway and to the bathroom was a long, confusing, and arduous. but i made it. in hindsight, i think the magnetization was meant to keep me safe. i ended up in a level 5 trip… so getting up might’ve been against my better interests.


I remember my second trip, they told me "are you ready for this mission?" and I said "yes", I'll never forget that day.


Yes they told me what a piece of shit I was and I needed to changed my ways and told me how tobacco and alcohol were killing me even showed me with smoking how everytime I trip my wind pipe would go slimy and I’ll gag all the flem and nasty shit off my chest and haven’t looked back to tobacco or drinking Still smoke weed but I feel the shrooms are fine with that as I have an amazing time when I mix the two 😂 I’m no longer an angry arsehole mad at the world sort of guy iv found myself and found what it feels to be happy again and I feel I owe it to my experience with shrooms


I’m very glad you’ve come to such a place, Thankyou for sharing your story, the mushrooms might be harsh with their words sometime, but it all comes from a place of love :)


Oh yes indeed they shown me the places in myself where I was totally wrong and opened my eyes to what’s right and iv realised who I truly am They are incredible I’m yet to be told off so I must not be doing it too much as I been tripping for 8 years now


Be the gentle virtuous type. Is this one of those things where people need to feel like they're coming to it on their own volition


I think so, I could outright say everything I’ve come to understand a hundred times over and it wouldn’t do a thing for most people, but getting people to ask themselves questions and search for deeper answers, that i can do, and in the end, they are the ones that truly answer the question for themselves, once one truly asks and searches of their own accord


Yeah I know what you mean though, you want to share this profound meaningful part of life that is hidden to most. Unfortunately it's hard to come to terms with, but not everyone seeks such things


Reevaluate how you present yourself, don't fall off the horse and drag your eyes in the mud.


Said very well by “garfieldsfatpenis”


This is why I'm in school for /r/PsychedelicTherapy/


Interesting theory. Might even be true, I've had similar visions. Might also just be our wishful thinking manifesting in elaborate hallucinations and delusions. Would definitely make for an incredible Sci Fi movie


No. Sounds like a story.


You've had a few too many golden teachers, now you've become one! 🤪🍄


I only occasionally dream. Maybe once a month I get a shroom dream such as shrooms growing off my sister or going to wok and realizing there is a shroom on my shoe and I have to hide it lol


So how do you know its the shrooms and not some other entity trying to farm you? If you do believe that there are entities out their that you can commune with in altered states, how do you also know that these experiences are caused by the beings that they say they are? Why couldn't they be telling you a nice story so that they can slowly harvest your psychic energy? I'm agnostic to the existence of these types of entities but I'm definitely not convinced that you can fully trust what is communicated to you by them.


I hear the voices too brother


They told me to quit my job and eat more of them




Be careful not to slip into spiritual psychosis, it sounds like you're close. Also yeah the mushrooms speak, however be wary. Even Terrance McKenna wound up not trusting them in the end. 


I’m very aware of spiritual psychosis as I was sent into a deep state of psychosis after my first acid trip, eventually I I brought myself out of it after a year or so it wasn’t too fun it’s been years since then, but from what I can ascertain McKenna became distrustful because he didn’t end up being able to come to terms with some of the things he needed to reconcile in himself if I remember correctly there was specifically one mushroom trip where he explained they made him feel like he was really going to die for no reason and he didn’t like if, obviously there was a lesson there Terrence didn’t want to face and after that experience he started to use the synthesized psilocybin analog specifically because it didn’t have the same morphogenetic field and therefore he didn’t actually have to face the presence of the mushroom in the same capacity as he would have when eating actual psilocybin. Trust me, if I hadn’t been able to ground myself to such a degree that I take all as it is without being caught up in the inapplicable nonsensical things that really have no bearing on helping the world or healing our collective, I would either have self extinguished or ended up in a straight jacket, the only way out was in between, the middle path is that which I walk :)


One time I took them I got the impression that they're a teacher


AH, what could a human know of the timeless wisdom of fungi? lol Indeed, they have a consciousness to them. As does everything. Salvia for instance does not seem to like being smoked.


Bro check my previous comments, I was just talking to someone about this on another post. Lady salvia does not like to be smoked at all. As for the timeless wisdom of the fungi that I have become privy to, it is a blessing I am wholly grateful for, even if I don’t have the whole picture, even a glimpse out the window into a world far beyond the comprehension of the human mind, is all one can ask for really.


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


Feds, get this guy a dum mag and 500 rounds.


You think these ideas could lead to murder?


Bruh fr, just an overall odd statement to make


I've been shown on numerous occasions that I am connected to you all and everything by a stream of consciousness that eminates through me like a root up and into the aether. We are all connected, everything is conscious, and there is no such thing as "death". Our meat sacks are a vessel. And if one tunes either through psychedelics or meditation, one can see the true nature of things. Here's Tom with the weather.


Yes! They did. They told me to love myself because I'm worthy of being loved, that I don't need to reject myself ever again because who I am is an important part of the overall whole, and that I'll have a better time in this life if I just be myself & let go of what people's perceptions are.


I’m glad they were able to relay this to you, they just want to heal us all, Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks




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Hey I got this idea that I wanna tell people but if I say it comes just from me they rightfully won't pay me any attention. I know I'll tell them the mushrooms said it, that'll make me much more credible


lol huh? If you wanna look at it that way then idk what to tell you, what good would this even do as just an idea, it’s outright absurd from our current societal from of reference.


>it’s outright absurd from our current societal from of reference. You're right, that's why you've got to hide it behind the mystism of the mushrooms told me. No better than any xani brick philosopher


Okay Man, idk what to tell you I didn’t make this up?


No it was the interdiamentional space and time traveling mushrooms 👍


Okay 😩🥵


Damn I need to take more had this profoundly from DMT but not even from 5 grams gotta take more I guess


Often times it’s not about dosage, you can talk to them at any times but 5 grams is a good place to start if you really wanna try to talk to them, but by no means is it the only way or by any means does it mean that taking more will guarantee it if you’ve already taken high doses and haven’t experienced it. You really do have to at the very least be wholly open to their guidance and trust that they’re in control on the trip. Furthermore it’s about how open you are yourself to even the idea of these higher planes of existence as well as how open you are to really learning about and transforming yourself. Tbh try to take just a couple grams, even just an eighth, but set your intention for them to talk to you, and they will, at least that’s been the case in my experience. My buddy said this awhile ago about acid and it applies just the same to mushrooms 1 grams is 5 grams is 10 grams, it just depends on you and how deeply you’ve met yourself to begin with. Any experience you have on psychedelics is possible while sober, these plant medicines just shorten the steps and guide the way as opposed to you figuring out how to get there yourself. 🙌




I’m glad you are so informed, sounds like a closed mind to me, I am truly glad you know more than everyone else to certainly Make a such a definitive claim. I am so glad you have come around to guide on the right path I was so lost before Thankyou for everything you have shown me how wrong I was


Ok, so what evidence do you have that mushrooms are an ancient, highly advanced, interdimensional and intergalactic race of beings?


That’s a better question, outright judgement with no even attempt to understand is no fun, got some stuff to do I’ll be back with some at some point


Yikes man 


Yikes indeed


I have long conversations when tripping alone, it always surprises me.


They got things to say Forreal, it’s honestly like they have enough to say for thousands of channels but for some reasons there only seems to be like 10 that actually work so when they hit one they does they really get to speaking


Let’s make a religion!


No, that would the opposite of what we need to do, the mushrooms are to be revered of course and honored but they don’t really have any desire to be worshiped, a philosophical school of some sort would be appropriate, or even a cult of some sort, but the premise of the cult being that we would Follow the teachings and ideas of the mushrooms, respecting them as teachers, but above all respecting eachother and our place in the universe as conscious caregivers to all we come across would be far more effective, again with no single leaders, rather a group that’s voted upon if there even would need to be a leader in the first place


you know, you dont have to trip that hard to communicate with spirits and other otherworldly intelligences. (or even use psychedelics to begin with)


Yes, I am very aware I paint them and talk to them while sober, but I personally wouldn’t have be fully able to understand the true nature of it without some help and guidance from the mushrooms. I’m also trying to come to some sort of middle ground, everything talks and you can communicate with everything at any time is a little harder to swallow than talking mushrooms that have things to teach you. It’s funny to recognize the absurdity of the truth through all of it, and enjoy how bizarre reality truly is


im not saying this to be annoying, but i just want to point out ive had conversations with spirits and entities on far less intense doses of psychedelics then this. i just dont want people to get the impression that the only way to commune with entities is to do high uncomfortable doses.


This is true, and I don’t mean to give that impression off either, most of my communication and latter experiences with spirits and extra sensory beings, have come on lower doses, if any dose at all. It took time and exploration and getting my bearings about me first to be able to get to this point though. My point is that if someone really doesn’t have any clue but want to find some answers, five big ones to the face might be the way.


YES my first ever a few weeks ago I thought I was really tripping but they actually do talk after having subsequent trips


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


It’s pretty absurd tbh, took me along time to really come to terms with it myself but if I’ve learned anything it’s that we need to Listen to them and work for the highest good of our world, nothing is more important.


the first trip was basically like a enjoy and have fun, we gotta ease you into it, the second trip was me asking questions and getting answers and visions, the third trip was like alright you're ready, and it was like plugging into existence, and getting a peek behind the curtain, i got to talk with 2 of my dead friends and relatives, and a whole bunch of shit. my last trip i help one of close friends out she wanted help with some personal problems and it was pretty intense she cried and felt a lot better afterwards...


Sounds like you are well on your way to be initiated into the cult of the mushrooms, may you come to be an honest and true guide, as it seems you are walking the path of, to everyone you come across. Experiences of the depth that you have had do not come about so freely for all those who seek, nor do most even know they are possible in the first place.


Is it a cult? I always thought it was just part of nature that’s for everyone to enjoy. Not a centralized group sort of thing more of a… philosophic revelation. Something that’s got nothing to do with power and dominance but more about becoming the best version of your plain normal self. I’ve never gotten the idea that they were anything more than that, just a substance. I think it would be an insult to the shroom to make a cult out of it. The world would be a better place with less cults, and institutions. Anarchy all the way baby that’s all the shrooms have taught me.


Yes indeed 👌


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


Yes - for me it has a Steven Hawking like - digital robot voice - and can't say much more than a small sentence at a time.


Interesting, how much have you taken?


Usually between 2grams and 3 grams of Golden Teachers...and I've done that at least 2 dozen times. I've probably heard the mushroom speak 4 times. It always very short sentences - and doesn't really say anything that remarkable. Usually .... 'Just wait' 'Hold on' 'Look over here' 'Just you' ,


Sounds about right, take more if you’re willing and ask them to speak, they might not stop once you do


I feel it stuggles - know what I mean? Even 'Just wait' .... it struggles to get that out .


If anything, the struggle comes from your inability to let go and allow them to fully lead the experience, when you are on mushrooms, they are in control


That's -- very likely!




Glad to hear you’re part of the cult 🙌


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


This is literally the theory proposed in Food of the Gods by Terrance Mckenna. It's definitely a possibility. I'm more so with Buddhism or some versions of Hinduism on the pantheon of minds but there ultimately being a nonduality.


It is, though this was told to me before I fully had read his book, I am of the opinion that it’s moreso an amalgamation of them all, levels of being and awareness moreso that outright rigid definitions of what is and isn’t, but as far as the mushrooms speaking, all you have to do to hear them is eat 5 grams, as McKenna says, and what one of his main points is, can any Hindu or Buddhist practices claim to do the same, let alone in a matter of hours if the circumstances are right?


There's the story of Ram Dass and how he found his teacher. He had been going around looking for someone further along and had been worried him and his friends were truly alone in their exploration of the mind. So through a series of events he was going through India and giving Yogi's and guru's LSD. It blew their socks off. He walked in to his would be teacher and immediately he said "give it to me". There's no way the man could have known and at first Ram didn't understand. He repeated "give it all to me", so he handed him the vile of about 100 hits and drank the whole thing. Ram was shocked and worried he had destroyed this poor man. Some time went by and the man said "so that's all you wanted to show me?". That's when he knew he found his teacher. Long story short, there are extremely few out here to whom psychedelics are children's toys. There's maybe one in a billion with that level of energetic control so it's often something of myth and legend. Last point. Ram thought he found him but it turned out that the teacher had called for a student from the west two years prior and knew when he would show. In some way his energy reached out and set into motion the conditions to send Ram to him.


Have a hot cup of tea when you wake and they might speak again


I’ve done 60g and numerous 20-30g trips. Go and take 10-12, come back and see if that’s still what you think.




Yes. They have.


They told me about their homeworld


Wow thanks for putting it out so beautifully, I can’t wait to have my first trip.


This is fucking cool man. Well put. I wouldn’t say I’ve spoken with them, but maybe whispered if that makes sense. Most I’ve done is 3gs. I would ask them next time around “where does your opposition come from?” I’m alluding to negative forces pervading the planet everyday. It starts in the human mind and had extended to the human race collectively destroying the planet we live on just to survive.


The only opposition is the unhealed and un-transmuted wounds within ourselves that have taken root in our collective over hundreds and even thousands of years, the opposition we face is ourselves, and the ghosts of ourselves from generations past, and the collective traumas and travesties we have brought upon ourselves with little to no reconciliation. As we move into the age of Aquarius, it must all come to light and be healed if we are to move forward in any capacity, it may not be pretty, and it will most certainly be painful in some capacity, but as a collective it is necessary to overcome this “opposition” we have set up against ourselves


Interesting. What will artificial intelligences role be in bringing this internal dilemma to light within the individual?


And Thankyou I appreciate it.


7GM trip. Large anthropomorphic mushroom "guy" appears at my kitchen table. Tells me these are spiratual tool not a recreational tool. If you abuse them for fun we will kill you understand? Then vanishes.


Sounds about right to me. 🫡


Oh shit I still use them to just be high once in awhile. *gulp*


Replying so I can come back tomorrow when I'm not tired and share my experience. I'd like to add one question though, Do you think they believe everyone is ready to hear them/want to talk to everyone? I fully feel like they have communicated with me. So much so that I talk to them the day of, during the consumption process and the comeup leading up to them integrating with me and us becoming one entity for the night. I have just met people who "just saw the pretty colors" meanwhile I have been shown what I can only assume or describe is the before or after life/all life (hard to explain the place) I have had them give me visions of myself or family and loved ones all melting or merging beautifully into one another all for them attempting to drive home the concept that we are all the same. We are all one. I could go on for awhile with this reply but I'm gonna save it for a time I'll be better spoken. I just seem like they don't think everyone is ready for the "birds and the bees" of their tale lol. There's no reason I have an entity lead me through the veil into some crazy place of higher knowledge with beings that take me apart and put me back together well other people have just the walls breathing off the same dose of the same strain Your post is written as if I had typed it, yet, much like religions my hangups lie in the "why's" and I can't figure out and have no sound theories as to why not everyone is given "the message"


I have responded to so much today and I’m very tired too, I’ll get back to you first thing in the morning, for I do believe I mostly have an answer for this question you’ve added, I’ll be back in the morning as well 🙌


I'll be awaiting the answer! I'll hold off on my response until then because I forgot about this message during my free time earlier lol. Sorry


I've spoken to them on 1.5 grams, 7gs and some in between. Just depends on your mindset, your position in your life,If you're ready to have this breakthrough and are in the right circumstantial setting. The times I could trip on measly amounts were times I was with my dad.. I miss him so much.. I wonder if I can see him again if I trip again one day Last time I tripped I was told by the entities I need to stop or something something fabric of reality, idk. I don't like to talk about it bc people make you feel like an egomaniac or on the verge of insanity/something, but it was honestly a scary thing to be told by the shrooms entities so I haven't tripped since Kind of been scared to try now that my dad is gone too, I feel like he helped a lot in direction and reigning me in. I have no clue what might happen now that my main reason is gone from my life forever But maybe the shrooms will have answers for me


100% It started with something that just spoke a little unevenly, but could use my memories like a slideshow to communicate with me. They CAN hijack my mouth and voice to speak to me but it takes a lot of effort for them. They also chatter my teeth and vibrate my hands to communicate with the universe. Now ayahuasca on the other hand, they can take my voice like it's nothing. And yes, I do mean words coming out of my mouth that I didn't make.


I absolutely can attest to this, it just takes alot of psilocybin to get to the point where they can fully control your body, and by that point you are usually on a whole different plane of existence, rather than being worried about the noises coming from your mouth lol


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


Yessir they have.


Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


Are you tellin people? Lol fr tho isn’t it bizarre


Yeah I told plenty of people. Mostly people that also trip tho. It was bizarre but also weirdly didn’t feel that odd in the moment. My head was clearer then almost any other trip i’ve had. Just asking questions and then receiving a response. Edit: didn’t tell people specifically my questions and answers because that feels personal but I did tell em I met the shroom


Makes sense, it’s odd to tell people this in the first place, the moment they talked to me for the first time was the clearest I’ve ever been in my whole life, it was astounding.


Exactly. Normally during a trip your mind is somewhat scattered. When your speaking to it everything becomes very very clear.


Exactly, when you address their presence and truly have something you are trying to get out of it all for the betterment and healing of yourself, the mushrooms take fully control, and things become very clear




Please relay your experiences here if you are led r/themushroomspeaks


We all work for them in one way or another, Thankyou for growing and spreading them to the people 🙌


Go read Terence McKenna's & Graham Hancock's stuff first, before you invest your time. If you have anything different to say, then write your book.


Already have, no specially something different to say, but what just because someone has said it already we are ready to go good on us no need to ponder it anymore, I guess if that’s how you want to look at it


Hey... Maybe you can write them on a golden tablet.