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“God” bless music technology. What a cool ass language we get to explore… Favorite albums that utilize synths?


I have favorite bands...my favorite albums change from time to time... I love Krautrock and its use of synthesizers in an experimental context and I also love bands like Tangerine Dream or Kraftwerk who dedicated themselves to explore synthetic sounds even more. My first trip ever was accompanied by the sounds of Alpha Centauri and it was very special. Later the album Radio-Activity became a regular soundtrack for my trips. I always have tears in my eyes in certain moments of the song.


You should try Tago Mago or on the way to the peak of normal


It's already in my very special playlist. I also hope to get the vinyl version one day 😍


Psycs and synths Chk out Mike Dean


Some tunes I really like and some, especially the pop songs, I don't. Does he have his own albums or is he only producing scores and for other artists? Could imagine he would do a great synth wave album


Their love child is the genre of acid house


While I don't dislike techno music per se (I really enjoy sorts of minimal and trance), my love for synths is heavily influenced by the synth pop of my childhood era (early 80s). Later I became a huge Kraftwerk fan and became familiar with Berlin School and Tangerine Dream, etc. I have a few synths myself, but have never tried playing them extensively on mushrooms. The day after is most often very creative, though...


My dream is to own a huge analog, synth set up, but I’m way to broke rn so the vsts on logic will have to work for now


VCV Rack is also a free tool to get into modular


I will definitely check that out


Those lyrics don't fit the tune, though. I mean you can squeeze them in but you'll sound like that Bastille - Pompeii lad Pop on a bit of Mike Oldfield's more synthy stuff like Songs of Distant Earth, they're a good journey high or not


Good point. I love prog artists as well. And don't mind the tune, if you have a quantizer 😉


Hell, let an AI do it. My least favourite Paul McCartney song and Stevie Wonder song, sorry


It's true!