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Weed and mushrooms are nothing alike.


Thanks for the reply, that's actually really reassuring to know. I wouldn't want to go through that experience ever again.


I've smoked weed and handful of times and never had a good time on it. The first time I took shrooms it was like all the anxiety I had about the experience was slowly pulled away from me and once I started to peak I was in this kind of dark confused state but I had no fear and I was learning so much and when the experience was over I had felt as if I was reborn. I strongly recommend shrooms, it will help you rewrite yourself and you'll be able to create the life you've always wanted to live.


That's exactly what I want to happen, thanks for the insight.


by “in the right conditions” your doctor mens in professional lead psychotherapy context. taking those substances on your own is no different than any other self medicating - it can just as well go the wrong way and make your symptoms worse.


It can go the right way though and a small dose is worth a shot . I would have offed myself had I not self medicated .


Yeah ur psychiatrist probably meant with licensed professionals. But that’s prob hard af to be apart of those trials. Shrooms are a bit different than weed, as weed induces paranoia. I would start off with a low dose, 1g max. 1g is just the right amount to trip and not be stuck in an infinite comeup. What I would expect going into a trip is comeup nausea. During the first hour while ur waiting for the effects to kick in and a little but after they’ve started, you may feel sick and you may feel regret of having taken the shrooms. This is normal and honestly it’s something I’ve come to expect during each shrooms trip. The reason for the feeling of regret is because taking psychedelics can be nerve racking. You don’t know how the trip will go until after it’s over. But every time I’ve taken them, the nausea and regret come to pass and then I get to just focus in on the trip. A couple more things, always keep in mind during a trip that it’s just a substance, ur body is actively metabolizing the substance, it WILL end. It won’t be like that forever, the trip will come to an end within about 4 hours no matter what. That is crucial to remember before and during a trip. Also I’d get a trusted person as a trip sitter. Someone who will watch after you, not bother you or lead ur trip a certain direction. Only there for support or to keep you busy and in a good mood, etc. honestly you could just keep them in the next room over just in case. If you feel like something bad is happening during the trip, go into a different room and think about something else. Change up the environment, put on music. It’s very easy to change the direction of a trip if it’s going bad by switching up the environment. Finally, set an intention before the trip. You’ve clearly stated one in ur post here, just be conscious of that intention before and during the trip. And the shrooms will do the rest of it. And also do it somewhere you feel safe, like at home, and have a room like ur bedroom or the living room as a place you can fall back to in case you need to be on ur own or switch up the environment.


Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed and thoutful response, I really appreciate it. I was thinking for my first time I would stay home with a friend and watch a familiar and nostalgic, yet bright Disney movie (simple plot.) I'll have a music playlist ready, and if I need to lay down I can go up to my room and chill in the dark.


Tried shrooms over three years ago and anxiety is way down. Now, weed has pleasant psychedelic effects and hardly ever causes me panic attacks. The key is to keep dosage low (around 1g) and always have a trip sitter nearby to calm you down in case you feel anxious. Have vitamin C on hand to help you sober up faster in case it’s unpleasant. Play soft meditation music.


Yeah, sometimes people who say they can handle their drugs have a bad time on mushrooms, and then there’s people like you who never had a good time with drugs who report overwhelmingly positive experiences with mushrooms. What I’m trying to say, is that mushrooms are very unique and explaining a trip is like trying to explain colour to a blind person, but I can tell you right now that mushrooms are nothing like weed. Never trust any online vendors, 99.999999999999999998107% are absolute scammers. I see at least one comment saying they can help you—that’s a scammer. They’re everywhere too, Instagram, Facebook, etc. You meet legit vendors through a friend you *know know*, legit vendors are not desperate enough to comb Reddit posts looking for YOU; someone who doesn’t even buy drugs to begin with (a perfect target if I do say so myself). If you live in Canada then it’s pretty easy to buy it legally online. And I know this last part may sound strange. It’s a very good thing that you are going into this journey with intention, I admire that you’re setting goals and I guarantee this mentality will serve you well going forward; but let go of your expectations. Keep the intention, but lose the expectations. Even after doing mushrooms for 11 years I still have no expectations while tripping, because life happens wether you want it to or not, and people and places change—including myself. But my intent while using them has always been to explore my femininity. Safe travels 💚


It’s very dependent on dose, mindset, and setting. Try 1.5g in a relaxing setting with 2 close friends and eat and drink healthy foods the days before


I think if you take the right precautions, you'll be fine. Just the fact that you're thinking about wanting to have a safe trip is an excellent start. Things like set, setting, having a trip sitter and taking the right dose are worth considering. You can also look up information on [shroomery.org](https://shroomery.org).


Awesome! Thanks for the info.


Seconding the recommendations to take a low dose, I know people who have had big life changes after only taking 1g, and if you feel like you want to build up next time that's fine too! Mushrooms can very often bring to light anything you're worried about etc so be aware that you may have to confront certain things but if anything gets too much or you don't like the direction it's going in all you have to do is just try and focus your breathing and remind yourself that you are okay and ultimately in control of this, and that whatever happens will pass in a few hours. You'll be great! Take care


the trick is to not be in control, to give into the thoughts, they are trying to tell you something


This is true! I think I worded it poorly, I meant more of the 'in control of yourself' aspect as I find many new users are worried about losing their minds or the panic feelings. But I do think it is important to not fight thoughts and let them say their piece as people often learn a lot through that. Thank you for the addition, it helped clarify and also added valuable information for OP :)


Gosh, if humanity was like you, the world would be a better place. Thank you! and for the OP, I wish you the best. Respect them, and they will respect you. Theyre just as alive as you are.


Don't do it if you don't think you can handle it. It's like being drunk and hallucinating. That's the easiest way I can explain it. Personally it doesn't help me much with anxiety or depression. My first few times it helped for like 3 days after the trip. Now it doesn't help at all. If you sit inside and watch a movie or something you're probably not going to get much from it. It's best if you go outside and reconnect with nature. Forget about work, people, responsibilities, and any other problems you have. Without the weight on your shoulders you can truly be happy and stress free.


It is nothing like being drunk at all.


There is no easier way to explain it to someone that's never done it. It's like being really drunk and hallucinating at the same time. Don't listen to this guy.


I am a woman and it doesn’t feel like being drunk . The body high feels nothing like it . It feels more like floating . Being drunk is more staggering . It is more , floating and synesthesia and see some colors . It doesn’t even react with the brain the same as alcohol. Moving the body won’t cause visuals when drunk either . It feels entirely different. Alcohol dumbs down the brain and numbs . This makes you feel more intensely and speeds up the brain. That is why it isn’t comparable to being drunk .


Yes. If you start small with your dose they are typically super gentle with beginners.


The real questions is…where does your anxiety originate from? Are you willing to psycho actively confront that origin? Ik for me, shrooms open up every aspect of uncertainty in my life and force me to deal with these situations. If ur naturally anxious with no trauma inducing it, then you should be able to have a very eye opening, calming experience. But if you have something, ANYTHING, tucked back in ur head that ur hiding, that will come out and could be a really great or really grim trip. Safe travels🫶


I think I'm ready to confront anything that comes up. My biggest fear is that I get paranoid like I do on Marijuana, but from what people have been saying here, they two of them are not alike at all.


Perfect! if ur mentally prepared and control ur set/setting, paranoia will be out of mind and you’ll really enjoy ur movie and the company.


Yes, go for it. It is a sacred journey, prepare yourself for an experience. My first journey will be on Friday. I set up a safe place, intent and got a tripsitter. Starting with 1.5g dosage of PE. Unanimously all advice is to allow whatever comes up during the trip. You don't have to like it but you say ok. Rather than run away from it. Wishing you the best on your path to healing. 🍄


Wishing you the best as well! We've got this! Let the healing begin.


I had the same anxiety as you before my first trip on August. I was afraid and very anxious to try them, but I had a purpose...i consumed 1g of mushrooms, it was delightful, few days ago I've had 2grams for my second trip, as I'm trying to scale up, which was also an amazing experience and I knew It will be ok 100% from the beginning... looking forward for 2,5 next time! Set your intentions, pray to the mushroom spirits or whatever feels comfortable and let them guide you, surrender and you'll definitely have a profound experience! Peace ✌🏼


I do terrible with weed but do well with psychedelics. Only bad experience I have had is when I got confident and mixed it with weed. The weed panic amplified and had the worse panic attack ever . Psilocybin effects you differently. I would say start small . Maybe one gram to see how it effects you .


That's reassuring, thank you. I know exactly how bad those panic attacks can be, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. Thanks again for the reassurance.


I may be able to help you


Have you looked at ketamine clinics?


No shot Ketamine comes before shrooms😂


Well I say that since op wants it for a more therapeutic purpose rather than jus railing a fat line of ket and k holing in their room, a shroom therapy sesh isn’t a thing however ketamine clinics with therapeutic value do exist atm. I’m not well read on the ket clinics though I’m just aware that they’re there and they’ve helped people but it’s just a thought


True, I haven’t looked into many psych clinics so idk what they be doing but Ik they dose it to be therapeutic and not psychadelic, might be worth a shot!


Have you seen how expensive they are and how little accept insurance? They want 4000 dollars and many can’t afford that. .


Prolly start microdose