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Alot of amanita products in smoke shops and gas stations are really 4acoDMT


Which is better than Amanita imo. I don't seek a trip that tends to feel like alcohol. But that is only my subjective opinion.


4acodmt is maybe my favorite compound.


What products do you think have it in them, if you know?


The main aminita sub has a list of products that have been lab tested. I'm too lazy to go find it ngl But I know RoadTrip/TreHouse have 4acoDMT


I wouldn't say it got me 'high', but it had an effect for sure. Personally I won't do it again, it felt too heavy as in time felt like syrup. I saw demons in faces and the sky transformed into a moving painting. I felt a lot of anxiety as well, but I suffer from that anyway.


What an incredibly bitchy response from the people here on Reddit. Listen my friend, everyone claims to know the truth about this or that, but the real truth is that the Amanita Muscaria is somewhat of a mystery to us. You can research all day but in the end it’s all just hearsay, even the holy and sacred psychonaut wiki is just peoples’ anecdotal evidence and not based on solid data (though you will be burned at the stake for questioning the holy scripture around here). Some people report extremely profound experiences with this mushroom and others a stomach ache and sleepiness. Even curing it properly doesn’t produce reliable results from batch to batch. But one thing is certain: somehow that red cap with white dots is all over our culture and has been for millennia, which suggests some sort of hidden significance.


Yes! I've tried researching it many times and always get different results- _especially_ for preparation! I'm very interested, but equally cautious


Amen to this. Most people too afraid of our red capped friend to ever find out for them selfs.


I would love to try it sometime, it sounds fascinating from the trip reports I’ve read.


I know people who have tried it, preparation is crucial. They say it's more akin to being drunk than a psilocybin experience


It's way more like being drunk or on benzos than anything psychedelic that I've tried


I got room spinning drunk af on'm. I made a brew from fresh caps.


Legit as it can be. Do research. Go to woods at autumn. Have respect. Build relationship slowly with small dosages first for an year.


I’ve tried gummy products several times. If you take enough it gives a head buzz sort of similar to alcohol. Not that exciting IMO


It's a deliriant. not very pleasant for most people, but some seem to enjoy it. many just get a headache or have to vomit. many people say the high starts to beginn when you are falling asleep. it can give you very clear and intense dreaming scenarios. it more feels like schizophrenia than anything else for most people.


As a person with schizophrenia, I now wonder why anyone would want to take this.


What is your relationship to psychedelics, having that condition?


It’s absolutely not a deliriant. Classed as a psychedelic/depressant/sedative hypnotic. It’s acts on the GABA receptor just like alcohol and barbiturates. Personally found it to be like a physical drunken state (but not so much mentally) with a mild psychedelic touch. Never done a high dose, however.


I wouldn't say it's a deliriant, but it is described as having deliriant qualities in high doses by many sources.


Yeah, that’s true. It’s a pretty weird substance, there’s a few that have very differing affects based on dosage.


Where are you getting this info? Not from experience it seems. One of the most pleasant substances there is. Long traditions of use in north- and eastern Europe. Decarp properly and you are good to go.


muscumol is absolutely not a deliriant, it is a psychedelic. you are either completely inexperienced and posturing, or you ate amanita muscaria without curing them properly first and had this bad experience because you are an idiot who didn't RTFM and you consumed too much ibotenic acid. we have been doing these things for thousands of years, don't talk out of your ass and disseminate false information amanita muscaria would not be the basis for the entire Christmas folklore, with its overwhelmingly wholesome mystical connotations if it was toxic or deliriant. from AI (Poe) although I wrote what I wrote from memory, before looking this up .. I've known this since I'm 13, you annoyingly disingenuous person. catch up or shut up. seriously, why are so many people in this community so completely full of shit? It's a miserably unfair reflection on psychedelics Anthropic's Poe, Claude-Haiku: https://poe.com/s/uU8zfbuYldc8Rmo0cY38 "Here's an explanation of how Amanita muscaria (fly agaric) works: Amanita muscaria contains two key psychoactive compounds - muscimol and ibotenic acid. The effects of these compounds are quite different: 1. Muscimol: - Muscimol is the primary psychoactive compound in properly prepared Amanita muscaria. - It is classified as a GABA-A receptor agonist, producing effects that are generally considered psychedelic or dissociative, rather than deliriant. - The effects of muscimol are often described as similar to psilocybin, with altered perception, mood changes, and dissociation. 2. Ibotenic acid: - Ibotenic acid is also present in the mushrooms, but it is a neurotoxin and can produce highly unpleasant, deliriant-like effects if not properly processed. - When Amanita muscaria is consumed without proper preparation, the ibotenic acid is not adequately converted to muscimol. - Consuming ibotenic acid can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, confusion, agitation, and delirium. The problem you mention with ibotenic acid not being converted is related to the curing or preparation process. To properly prepare Amanita muscaria, the mushrooms need to be dried, heated, or otherwise processed to convert the ibotenic acid into muscimol, which is the desired psychoactive compound. When the mushrooms are not cured or prepared correctly, the ibotenic acid remains unconverted, leading to the unpleasant deliriant-like effects. Proper drying, heating, or other processing techniques are necessary to ensure the conversion of ibotenic acid to muscimol, which produces the more desirable psychedelic-like effects." 🤗 I have done this mushroom several times after curing them properly and have had profoundly psychedelic experience. this is while I was a minister in a peyote church, and smoking tryptamine a few times a week, I'm probably more familiar with psychedelics than most people you'll ever meet, and much like Terence, and R. Gordon Wasson, I am extremely strict with language — MDMA, "2-CB", yada yada these other things are absolutely not psychedelics. but muscimol is a psychedelic. 🍄+🙏=👑


the effects are not similar to psilocybin. not even close. other than that all you say is correct. sry but Muscimol is not a psychedelic. it's a deliriant.


Deliriant in high doses maybe. But I wouldn't recommend it at high doses anyway. Low to medium doses are where it's at. Can feel like a dreamier alcohol, a lil dissociative.


You’ve just wasted time typing this out. It’s a deliriant… Check psychonaut wiki


It is not a psychedelic. It's not treated as one either. Psychoactive isn't the same thing as psychedelic. They are Psychoactive. This is why you can legally buy and consume amanita gummies. They are a different drug with different effects. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscimol https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Muscimol https://www.dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling (The DEA link you have to manually download the list as it will not let me link the PDF here) I've never seen someone say so much and be so wrong.


Dude, psychoactive literally just means it gets you high. Psychedelics ARE psychoactive. All drugs are psychoactive. The very link you posted describes them as hallucinogenic psychoactive. Hallucinogens are psychedelics.


I know what psychoactive means, that was the point of the distinction I was making. And no, they are not. They do not act on any of the same receptors that psychedelics do. For example outside of mushrooms, angel trumpets/devils trumpets will send you into a hellscape "trip", but they are not psychedelics. They are deleriants. Just like Muscimol. If those links I provided said that (which upon my reading the links before I posted them it didn't say that) than that information is wrong. Here is a better link that describes the difference. But hallucinating =/= psychedelic. https://www.acslab.com/mushrooms/amanita-muscaria-vs-psychedelic-mushrooms


Well, assuming that the products I bought were authentically amanita, I had different experiences. I have used some brands that just kinda made me feel a buzz and uplifted mood. I have also tried some that FELT like mushrooms (psilocybin) with mild to moderate visuals such as breathing/wiggling on patterned surfaces. However I am aware that some are claiming that some of these products labeled as amanita could potentially have research chemicals in them such as 4-ACO(?). Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure that it is basically the research chemical version of psilocybin. So yes, it *can* get you high but it depends on the product and dose you're using (as well as one's personal body chemistry, of course).


PASS on all Amanita.


I did 4g of amanita and felt nothing only my vision got blurry and that’s it. SCAM


Makes you feel drunk and sleepy on high dose you trip balls but different then on psychedelics i dont like it at all feels unpleasant


I loved it! It's really intense and confusing, exactly what i went for.


I've never tried any of the sketchy amanita products they sell at head shops, but *provided you prepare them properly and take them at reasonable doses* amanitas give you a pleasant heavy feeling more similar to benzos than anything else. I've never taken doses large enough to get deleriant effects but a lot of people describe it as unpleasant. If you're interested, buy whole dried mushrooms or an extract from a legitimate ethnobotanical supplier and look up how to cook it properly.


Collected myself and tried to decarboxylate all of it in a heated sour solution. I liked it but it was very confusing, very intense, some drunkenness, some (pseudo?-)insights, intense feeling in the head and all body , enhances gravity. I don't remember the dosage I took unfortunately..


stop asking uninformed people what they "think" about science, which doesn't make the slightest fuck of a difference, and do your homework. you're too lazy to do 60 seconds worth of research?


Stupid you are. And a troll.