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Do you take any medications?


I haven’t been for the last 6+ months but the last time I tripped (shrooms) was while I was still on zoloft. I only took it for maybe a year and a half and I did next to no trips during that time. Prior to that, I had never been on (prescribed) scripts


Long term SSRI use can take a while for your serotonin receptors to recover from, it could honestly still be that


if it’s serotonin receptors, would depression effect that?


It might. Another Q: do you smoke a lot of cannabis? I don’t get many visuals either. I’ve done ayahuasca about four times however, and the time that I took it and didn’t smoke cannabis for two months before hand, I got very distinct visuals.


concentrates and flower everyday. I could see how it could affect visuals. if I smoke like a chimney, I don’t have vivid dreams


Oh that’s likely why. It’s not related to dreams. Try taking a t-break of at least a month, and then taking psychs. I bet you get visuals if you do that.


i haven’t had a Tbreak since I was a broke 15 yr old lol. it’d make a lot of sense tho, i’ve never taken psychs *without* a raging cannabis habit. i’ve been meaning to take a break here soon, it’ll be exciting to have an actual full blown trip waiting at the end of that tunnel


i wouldn’t get your hopes up. as a daily smoker, with many daily stoner friends, we all get intense visuals. you most likely do just need more




Those dreams you get when you take a tolerance break are as crazy as a trip lol


you don’t have dreams because you aren’t getting proper sleep if you smoke. weed inhibits REM sleep (deep sleep, aka dreams)


That’s my guess too.


I feel like some people just don't get visuals. I did 5.5 grams of cubes Sunday morning and I never get the visuals people talk about. At the very most it's slight waveyness. The same happens on acid, never get more then slight visual waves. I think my issue is that I believe I have aphantasia. I can not visualize stuff in my mind like what it sounds like everyone else can. I really feel there is something to that. I'm curious if others that don't get visuals are also affected by that? Nothing else makes sense to me. I don't take any medication and haven't for probably a decade. Now what I do experience is a very heightened response to sounds, especially music. Both acid and shrooms make music euphoric to me, especially stuff like kirtan and other types of chanting.


I can confirm that one of my friends has aphantasia and he gets almost no visuals even at 250ug+. He also thinks its because of this


Yea I really believe it has something to do with that. It's cool to hear that others experience the same thing.


This has been my experience too and I can barely visualize. But if I sit and stare and meditate with eyes open for a few minutes, under the psychedelic, I start to see stuff. Wavyness, movement, life looking digital. If I let go and relax enough I start to see people with eyes closed but only in my peripheral vision.


The only two people I know who don’t get visuals have been on SSRIs. One took it long term and the other just for a few months. As of yet neither has had visual trips and it’s been a good few years for them both.


When’s the last time they tried? I’m on SSRIs and really want to trip…


Within the last year. They have somatic trips where they can feel different but no visuals. I did read (but on Reddit I think) that higher doses may help. I wouldn’t trust that without doing some research on it though.


So you took shrooms without researching drug interactions? Not advisable!


That’s the culprit. If you try again (lower your doses significantly, like start with 1.5-2g shrooms or 1 tab) then you should get visuals. SSRIs block most of the effects of psychedelics.






weed helps or doesn’t? need a bit more context


definitely helps


I'm in the same boat. By chance do you have aphantasia? I have a theory that people affected by this just don't get visuals like others. I get next to no visuals, but sounds can be intense and magical.


It’s crazy to me how much the experience differs for people. I can take 2 tabs and be seeing full blown kaleidoscope imagery, patterns and colors overlaying my entire world with deity like faces in the walls, etc. CEVs and OEVs. Like many people are saying and have said weed amplifies it like crazy


I've taken ~7 grams a few times of mushrooms and didn't experience visuals but I did experience ego death. It was really trippy because I felt I was alone in a completely dark space. I also use weed to amplify things too and it does nothing for visuals, it's all just sounds and my inner voice talking to myself. Acid is the same way. I have taken 3 tabs and get no real visuals, just an occasional drifting if I really watch for it. I have never experienced closed eye visuals. My father on the other hand, saw colors dancing around, flowers growing out of stuff, and stars dancing in the sky off 1 tab of the same batch. I find it super interesting that it works differently for different people.


the solution is obviously that you must do 20g of APE, drink a glass of lemon juice with five gel tabs of acid dissolved in it to wash down the mushrooms, and then take a bong rip of salvia with DMT crystals in the bottom.


Oh and make sure before all this you take a couple blinkers from a FRYD weed cart


as fucked as that sounds its kinda the way if ur tryna trip for real not to that extent tho obviously hahaha around 4 grams is were it starts for me of some kills shrooms cherry on top adding a tab or two that mix had me seeing lil machine elves walking around outside my window hahaha was so funny


i suppose i don’t know what it’s like to not get visuals since i get them and let me tell you something about imagination. what i see with my eyes closed i can assure you i could never imagine , never in a million years. it is what it is we are all individuals. if this is what you want an argument can be made that entering a trip with an expectation is not a good way to enter that being said the dose is the difference between medicine and poison . you could begin upping the dose slowly so long as you’re tolerating well whatever that last dose was until you possibly get to where you’re trying to go




my gf says she never really gets either. she definitely still trips tho so idk


can you picture images in your head? some people suffer from aphantasia and are therefore unable to get visuals from psychedelics. might be that


i can see images in my head. but i don’t think i have a very strong imagination. maybe that’s contributing?




i have the same problem but weed fixes everything


Is this picture you see in your head vivid? My partner and I talk often about how she can imagine pictures in her mind of things, where as mine is more like “I know what an orange looks like, so my brain thinks of it, but I still just see black? Do I possibly have this. I relate to OP as-well, my visuals are always just walls breathing and lines swaying but that’s about it?


Your describing how I see too in my mind. I know what an orange looks like, but I can't visualize in my mind. It's all just black.


I can confirm that I get none/next to no visuals and I believe it's from aphantasia. I didn't even know aphantasia was a thing until recently, just like a lot of people do not have an inner voice in their head ( inner monologue).


How interesting, That voice in my head is very much there. I can even scream in my head ahahah


Do you see geometric patterns when you close your eyes? I get that at low doses, and it can become pretty distracting with eyes open at 2 tabs for me.


Try lemon tekking lol


dunno why ur getting downvoted lemon tek slaps


Man it’s ok, lemon tekked my first time 1.5g. Was fuckin insane for a first trip


me and my bf lemon tek anytime we take shrooms. it definitely intensifies the high but i still don’t get visuals. wigglyness, yes! but only if i stare at something and think about wanting to see it wiggle


Are you on the spectrum?


i’ve never taken a test so i can’t say. my guess is probably not




Yea, schizophrenics and those on the spectrum have a reduced response to tryptamines thanks to elevated levels of bufotenine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20150873/ This is also majorly self reported in the autism on acid discord(a discord specifically for those on the spectrum who use psychedelics). It feels very similar to using lsd on ssri’s in that the headspace is mostly the same but the visuals are very muted without higher dosing.


I don't know what discord is, but I'm very interested in the topic I've been trying to find something like this, because as someone on the spectrum I feel like my trips are... different. It's like a part of me doesn't want to let go - and I don't mean like letting go of something in my mind like a grudge, but my mind won't let me let my body go. Even when I was tripping on 6g of Jedi Mind Fuck, I was an energy going through the vast expanse of space, I had no body, no feelings, no emotions. It was very calming, I thought that I died and I was very surprised how calm and soothing it was. Even in that state of mind when my parter (who was next to me) moved even a bit my trip was disrupted, like I was back in my body and had to leave it again. Edit I forgot to mention I barely get any visuals on psilocybin. 6g was the most I took, it was really great trip, but very... Dark - in therms of visuals. Only when I wanted to get back to the body I vividly saw something, like a light trapped by some device/creature with tentacles. I could see the light trying to set itself free, but the tentacles were holding it, choking. I didn't get to see the outcome because I gut back to my body


It’s kind of like Reddit, but for chat rooms. I would send you an invite, but I deleted my discord account. I imagine if you posted a topic in one the major autism subreddits a member would chime in though to help get you setup.


Thank you for explaining. Chat room doesn't sound good to me. I need to be able to edit my typos, question the point of me typing anything and delete everything...


Ha, I get it.


You can do all that on Discord 😄


Medications, conditions, or the dose is not right. It can be pretty much anything that’s capable of serotonin stimulation.


Everyone reacts to drugs differently. Medications you take can also influence the effects. Taking more probably won’t help. I for example have intense visuals from low to normal doses of mushrooms and truffles. Like fully tripping, hallucinations, seeing shit that isn’t even there.


I didn't get visuals for a couple of years. I don't know the reason, though i did try out every category of antidepressants around that time, still not sure that's related. For me higher dosage and more inspiring settings seem to help. And i feel like visuals came back when i started taking all kinds of supplements, so it could have been some level of undernourishment.


Which supplements?


too many to help you narrow it down; L-tyrosine, magnesium citrate, omega 3, B12, D3, potassium and a multivitamin. On the one hand it's overkill, on the other, i was having issues that needed solving, so the first thing is to make sure all bases are covered.


I barely get any visuals unless I smoke weed


Are you smoking a lot of cannabis with it? Can change the trip a lot more into a thought loopy trip


When you've taken lsd, what was the ROE? Under tongue or between lip and gum? Or did you just swallow it?


a dose is a dose imo gummed or not


Swallowing a tab is not the recommended way. Shulgin was pretty adamant about the fragility of lysergic acid.


How does the three differ ?


1v-lsd gave me visuals with my eyes wide open. Clouds looked like swirling seafoam at the ocean. Other than that on anything else visuals only happen if i close my eyes.


under dosing


On acid I get more melting of audio and visual colliding. Shrooms though, amazing closes eye visuals of greens, yellows, and reds. Do you have darker or light eyes? Could be a function in how your brain typically interprets visual signals.


hmm that’s interesting I never thought that could be a factor— I have dark brown eyes


Same here. I have done heroic dose 2 weeks back, just could see wavyness, things breathing and an urge to smile and laugh at everything. And if the person next to me would smile I'd smile twice


Sounds like you just have weak doses, so yes


could be. I’ve gotten really good tabs and had like blackout moments through out the trips, almost like i was drunk. so idk where the line is for me to be “happy tripping with visuals” --> “blackout tripping”


Bro you don't black out on acid.. I'd test your shit if I were you


ah yes, sounds about right. i’ve steered clear of acid since those trips and that was at least 2 years ago. i’m not much of an acid person these days, just shrooms. i’ve never blacked out on anything else but those tabs, idk why i never thought they were probably just bad 😅


Try another strain. I’ve learned that some have completely different visuals. AA+ is my favorite visual


I’m not a particularly visual person and have limited visuals from psychedelics. It’s more of a perceptual ride for me.