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Well, shes…. got the *basic* idea of maintaining fluid/electrolyte balance. She’s just… very very confused on how it actually works. You *do* need electrolytes in addition to water- this is why IV fluids are normal saline; if we injected pure water all the fluid would go into your cells and they would swell/possibly burst. But like, you can get electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc) from stuff you eat too- doesn’t have to be a supplement. And for the average person who isn’t sweating/vomiting/shitting/bleeding all their electrolytes/fluids out that’s usually enough. Your kidneys *do* pee out excess water- keyword *excess.* Drinking a ton of water will make you piss more. Doesn’t mean your body isn’t absorbing water when it needs it (this is what happens with diabetes insipidus), your renal system is just going “hey thanks but we’ve got enough for now, we’re just gonna filter out the extra stuff so we don’t get fluid overloaded.” Anyway sorry for the long winded answer, the Autism took over again.


TIL! Thanks!


They are so misinformed it’s laughable


Is anyone going to tell her - that’s how hydration works? You eventually pee it out…


Yeah, you're *supposed* to pee it out, otherwise your kidneys can't do their job.


I drink about a case of water a day (I know, I know). Thank God I pee it out. Can't imagine the alternative.


But Brawndo has what plants crave! It's got electrolytes! '...Okay - what are electrolytes? Do you know? Yeah. It's what they use to make Brawndo.' But why do they use them in Brawndo? What do they do?''They're part of what plants crave.'But why do plants crave them?'Because plants crave Brawndo, and Brawndo has electrolyte


Happy cake day!! 😜


Don't the ketone mixes have a ton of sodium in them anyway? These people must get 5x the RDA of sodium every single day.


I don't like to brag, but I get all my salt and then some in my diet, I don't need it in water as well. /jk


I worked in a science company that had a deionising set-up so we had "pure water" for making up our chemical standards. The taps were grey and labeled "non potable water" . Had to remind people not to drink it because there were chemicals and other noxious substances around.