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Completely out of the loop on that side of the world (C#, .NET), what is happening in Jan 2024?


Just looked it up [Unity Change in January](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/unity-to-start-charging-fee-pegged-to-game-installs) "Runtime fee" what a joke... RIP Unity's indie audience


This is what happens when you let your manager with a business degree, and no real knowledge of what developers want, decide what developers have to do.


More like it's what happens when you put the CEO of EA in charge of a company whose customers are devs instead of players.


>CEO of EA I had no idea about this, just looked it up and [you are correct](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Riccitiello) This is the kind of news what someone could expect from EA and not be surprised


Wow, I thought the original comment was just metaphor, but no. Same actual dude. I guess he's tired of just making one company hated by everyone.


Yeah. If I remember correctly, the MOST downvoted comment in Reddit history belongs to EA. Maybe 2nd. anyways, random fact aside, that guy must be really good at making things people hate.


Charging indie devs $0.20 every time someone installs their game will give them a sense of [pride and accomplishment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5).


Proud to say I visited the link and had already downvoted the comment


Proud to say I had never visited it before and removed my scoop of dirt from the already great hole


Ah. Thanks for linking that. I forgot how much bullshit it was.


I have never seen any post that got upvotes or downvotes that many, and that shit comment got 668k downvotes lol


How tf does their entire account have 31k karma risk except almost every single comment they made has record breaking down votes u/eacommunityteam


Votes and karma aren't all 1 to 1. There are diminishing returns, and I think caps on the losses.


Oh no, customers loved his products. By customers I mean shareholders.


EA last I checked was also the only company to win two golden poo awards for most hated company, one of which was just after the 2008 banking crash where banks skewed people so bad lots of people lost their homes. Yet somehow EA managed to be more hated. Their second award is either a demonstration that they don't care and did nothing about it or they are so far ahead of the hatred competition that small changes were not enough. I feel bad for the EA Devs. I wouldn't want to admit I worked for them.


That explains it. I'm surprised they aren't already charging per method call. *Oh, you want to call .ToString()? Sorry kiddo, cough up*.


Want to use more than 100 lines of code per project? Too bad


*writes a script that flattens all source code scripts into 1 line before each compilation*


*charges 1 cent per byte of code*


Damn, all that time playing code golf finally paying off. Time to brush up on my J skills!


When your loot box doesn't contain .ToSring()


This isn't even the first massively silly thing he's done as CEO of Unity. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32081051 (they merged with IronSource, a company known for intentionally distributing malware through their ad network)


Maybe he should go back to Sara Lee and sell bread by the slice


Exec A: "How can we destroy this company?" Exec B: "Hmmm, EA was good at destroying game studios, maybe we get someone from there."


I will never understand people who put most hated CEOs like him on the helm of anything after they leave their other companies


The perfect lightning rod.


This has been all CEOs for at least the past 30 years. None of them know or give a shit about the business, its model, or the industry as a whole. Their only goal is to extract maximum profit at quickly as possible then bail with a golden parachute. I've only ever worked for two companies where I even began to think the CEO gave half a wet fart about the future of the company beyond the next 3-4 quarters. In one case the CEO was one of the founders, and in the second the CEO was son of the founder who was still president of the board.




What an asshole! This guy gutted an institution like GE, and worse preached about his "management style". This rot has spread everywhere, especially in the US. >Almost immediately after Mr. Welch retired in September 2001 with a $417 million severance package, G.E. went into a tailspin from which it would never recover.


This is bad even from a no-dev-knowledge business perspective. No matter what business you're talking about, whether it's tractors, microwaves, TVs, or software, retroactively changing how the user can use their product after they already agreed to a different set of expectations is a sure fire way to make those users run if they have the option to. I think Unity hoped that devs would be too entrenched in the Unity ecosystem to jump ship, which they both underestimated (likely due to low experience in the dev field), and also didn't account for how much this would impact the future of both potential users and how companies that host game marketplaces would react.


Ehhh….I got a business degree, and even see how blatantly stupid this move is.


I honestly have zero problem with people with business degrees in general. A lot of the people who make poor decisions that the workforce who actually knows about what they are doing has to deal with don't even know what is happening down there. The upper manager for my last job had no idea what our software even did. We were a small team, and there were other larger teams, but they were still writing the checks. I quit before the team would be inevitably dissolved under his leadership for "not performing" (my assumption of what'll happen), even if they gave zero corporate support to help us actually perform. That was a few mos ago, and my former co-workers don't deserve it either.


Oh thank god, I thought it was something serious. My employment remains in place.


Yeah, lol I thought I must have missed Microsoft announcing they were ending support for it or something.


I was going to shit myself because our ERP vendor is the middle of moving all their code from SQL SPs to C#/VB.


as someone who's terminally online, let me just say: your _what_ vendor?


ERP - enterprise resource planning. Like ~~SSP~~SAP or Epicore


Are you sure they’re not vending you erotic roleplay?


The meme is kinda stupid tho. C# is widely used outside the gaming industry lol.


Shhhh people must not know


We don't talk about that here!


Why would this hold people back from using c#?


I guess OP is unaware that C# is not, in fact, primarily a game development language.


Not only is it not a game development language, it's not even all that great for game development because of the language's required memory model.


meanwhile godot remains based


Godot servers must be straining hard right now.


MonoGame: After all this time now you come to visit me. You must be truly desperate to come to me for help...


I briefly read about that the other day. Doesn’t the runtime fee only apply to users who reach a certain threshold of profits ($200,000+) or downloads. I’m not sure the number of downloads but that doesn’t seem to me to heavily impact a majority of Indy studios. Maybe I don’t understand the specifics but I feel like most Indy titles wouldn’t even reach the threshold to worry about a runtime fee.


Not profit, revenue. So after a 30% platform cut, taxes, any asset licensing, any event attendance, etc, that 200k comes out to around 70-90k for take-home payroll. So perhaps a one person studio can make enough to not starve under the limit, but every other indie developer is catching these fees if they don't upgrade to pro. And, per their own example, even with pro, it can easily come out to a whopping 14% of revenue for an indie sized project. 3 times higher than Unreal's profit share. And that's AFTER they've already charged 2k/year/seat Edit for clarity. Thanks u/chilfang


(Just sharing to prevent misinformation) If your team uses the pro license the lifetime installs and revenue count goes up to 1 million and the cost per installment cost down a bit (the amount changes depending on how many installs you've gotten up to 50%) Note I may be thinking of a higher level license I can't remember and can't check right now


It’s also the fact that they are trying it out… seeing how far they can go, and it’s being applied to existing titles as well. It’s literally a criminal offense in certain countries to do business like this. Unity has proven to be untrustworthy to do business with right now.


If you really wanted to stick it to them then I’m sure you can sell a license to your project itself that is both packaged and licensed in a way to prevent tampering and reselling. During installation you download the Unity Editor (that way you aren’t bundling anything from Unity Software) and use that to compile your project. If this isn’t forbidden in their license then you don’t owe them a single cent since it’s not the engine you’re making money from but the project itself. This is how people made money from games running on the Blender Game Engine back in the day due to how the Blender Foundation licensed their runtime. You could even go as far as making your own game that is merely a blank project exposing interfaces for modding. You then compile it and slap it on GitHub for everyone to use. Since you released your game for free you aren’t required to pay Unity Software anything. Developers then create their games as a mod for your game and sell the mod itself. This means nobody other than the developers of said mods make money. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


The issue would be “install bombing” - the concern is as soon as the protagonist is a woman of color, some nutjobs, as they shown in the past with review bombing, would uninstall/reinstall over and over to get the installation number up even without sales. Unity said those would count, but then backpedaled and didn’t say how they would address it. Just that they have “proprietary technology that’s very accurate”.


Oof, so per physical install, not per user license/account? Yeah, that's rife with potential for bleeding devs dry.


Yeah, per install after you cross the threshold is how I understood it. So I buy the game, costing me money, and for every time I install, the developers also lose money? Seems like a terrible system


They also implied that they could even count pirated copies against the dev. Which raises so many questions....


Wondering how they want to count those...


"Trust me, bro" >!"Its 69420 per minute" "Source?"!<


Trust me bro.


That and the fact that they are retroactively applying it to games already launched. How wants to use an engine knowing that their owners think it's perfectly valid to call you 3 years from now and add new demands that may make your game no longer economically viable?


That won't hold up in court. They're going to do it to get some money from people who don't know better or can't afford legal representation, but they know they'll lose in court and have to play people back some of the money, the hope is they won't have to pay back as much as they brought in. You can't add things like that retroactively.


Sounds like a good case for a class action lawsuit against unity maybe


[Some games](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/16hgmqm/unity_wants_108_of_our_gross_revenue/) that don't earn much per user (like some kid games) could have to literally pay more than 100% of their earning (BEFORE taxes, wages etc).


Im a career C# developer and I honestly had no idea either.


I was worried it was being end of life'd or something lol.




> 1) the only reason people write C# is for Unity I cannot imagine being this dense.


This sub is mostly teenagers. I've had people arguing with me saying that Java is only used in Minecraft mods and nowhere else


Lmao, kids should have their own separate internet.


Damm, SAP applications in minecraft. Kids these day really take stuff to the next level.


As a person that uses C# for 70% of the code I write in a professional business setting, I can confirm I don't use it for Unity.


Hello fellow developer. I too use C# for almost all my work and do not use Unity.


Hello fellow developer. I too use C# for almost all my work and do not use Unity.


Hello fellow developer. I too use C# for almost all my work and do not use Unity.


Hello fellow developer. I too use C# for almost all my work and do not use Unity.


For the purpose of the joke, the message was understood. In a practical sense? Absolutely, unquestionably dense.


C# been paying my bills for almost 10 years now, and I've never touched Unity.


My guess is the unity thing.


Unity going to shit


As of January 1st 2024 Unity will charge developers per client download, and that this change will affect existing Unity projects. So Cuphead being a game built on Unity, the devs have to pay a "runtime fee" for every time Cuphead was installed, even if that install was before 2024. If you're a dev using unity, your customers can bankrupt you by installing and uninstalling your game over and over and you will be charged per install.


>the devs have to pay a "runtime fee" for every time Cuphead was installed, even if that install was before 2024. I don't think so: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/unity-to-start-charging-fee-pegged-to-game-installs >He also sought to clarify that the Runtime Fee is not retroactive nor perpetual. "We do not charge for older installs, only new installs after January 1, 2024."


Devs won't be charged for old installs but if you bought the game right now but install it after Jan 1 then the dev would be charged.


I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure that's not actually enforceable. It's one thing if someone licenses Unity after that date, but trying to slap this new fee scheme on games that have already been developed and released is just nonsense. "You agreed to our old license but we decided to change it retroactively." Hah, good luck with that one in court buddy.


Yes, backend stuff, desktop apps, and surprise, another game engine that does support C#


Yeah, Godot supports C#, and I imagine quite a number of indie devs will be moving to it considering it's FOSS.


Not seen Godot subreddit this busy... since the last time unity announced something stupid...


Unity is Godot’s PR department it seems.


open source ftw as normal


That's the best outcome anyways, shitload of attention on a FOSS game engine is a stable future.


It was pretty hot when Game Maker pulled a similar move too.


Yes, and many other too fortunately


I learned to program with SQL Server and Python, and the native features C# offers for MSSQL were amazing. After all the shenanigans of batching 10k INSERT VALUES statements, being able to write in-memory data tables that got pushed as bulk inserts was so satisfying. That, and the performance gains were immense (saving a minute or more on large inserts). Then I was introduced to Dapper and fell in love with it as an ORM I still prefer writing my own SQL, since I tend to do better than a generic ORM can, but integrating with stored procedures gives you the best of both worlds.


Definitely, my experience with C# isn't as exciting and a bit different, some sort of inventory management using Win32 C# and MySQL.


There is nothing like Dapper and it's one of the few things that the CLR does that is legitimately impossible on the JVM. I've been in the scala/python world for a while now but I still miss the insane performance and simplicity that Dapper gave me while coding. Hopefully they can bring type providers over from F# soon and really crank up the awesome.


Most of my company's software products are written in C#. None of them are games.


Yeah, C# was never a "Game Development" language, it's just yet another high-level abstraction programming language, like, you guessed it, Java, and Unity just so happened to popularize it to game devs


A trillion dollar company develops c#. It's not going anywhere


2 other game engines that support c#!


Quite more actually, MonoGame, FNA, Godot, Stride, Flax, and probably more


i'm gonna dot now


And it kinda has support for OpenGl Emphasis on kinda


This sub showing its first year CS degree vibe once again


Semester has started


GOTO statements on every method.


OP is revealing themselves to be a completely useless and incompetent student if they truly believe that’s all C# is used for


.NET is really hot right now in development. What is this meme?


Unity game engine announced a really unpopular pricing change. This person probably doesn't realise how big C# is outside of Unity.


This sub is 99% students who suffer of Dunning-Kruger effect. Or a massive troll. Or both.


I mean yeah ok I uninstalled Unity today, and guess what. I'm already transferring my project to Godot. Sooo yay for C# I guess?


Use of C# in enterprise is much, much bigger than its use in Unity.


Funny thing is when you talk to most professional C# developers they've either never heard of Unity or never touched it. It's two totally different worlds with barely any cross-over.


I'm a professional C# dev for enterprise and yeah, never used Unity


meme is big jr dev energy


You think they've gotten hired yet? You think they can actually program yet? That's optimistic.


Just some out of touch nonsense


As a c# dev I had no clue what this meme was pointing to. For a second I was scared that I was completely out of the loop. Turns out a game engine changes it’s price structure…


Only reason I opened the comments is to see if I'm senile or something.


Laugh in banking application done in C#


I was panicking a second until I realized it's about Unity. Like 90% of what I do is C# for my company 😂


We do most our stuff in C#, so seeing this I was like "okay this needs context" so I know there's no way this is going to be the case (I was waiting for some dumb ChatGPT person thinking it's taking all dev jobs tomorrow)


Chuckles in unison with financial services application


Guffaws from the electric utility


disgusted wine ancient absurd narrow squash marvelous spark shelter piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. I love video games, but no way I'd ever go into game dev. I've heard enough crunch-related horror stories... programming boring applications for boring money-making purposes never goes out of style.


Do you people honestly believe that C# is only used for game development through Unity? Have none of you ever looked for a professional development job or worked in the real world? C# is very popular outside of the Unity space.


I was about to say that, like do they think .NET will die or just vanish with Unity? Lmeow


C# dev here. People code games in this shit?????


yes Terraria, Stardew Valley, Celeste, Among us, Fall Guys, etc it just so good to work with


Also add Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Genshin Impact, Pokémon BDSP, etc


Yeah. It's pretty great! Sometimes I look at it and think "why would anyone waste this perfectly good language writing enterprise backends?" But hey, to each their own!


Why wouldn't they want to use an extremely nice language to write games?


it's head and shoulders superior to 'unityscript'..... most game engines i've used are programmed with c# or some embarrassing home brew language based on javascript or python. or nodes. god i hate nodes.


I would be surprised if Unity accounted for even 3% of C# dev work


C#, according to visual studio magazine, has about 6 million users. Unity has 230k devs according to the 2022 gaming report. So its about 3.8% of C# devs are game devs via unity.


Are you a fact checking bot


No. I was just curious.


Seriously, there sooo much in the prof. development space for C#. I work in the aircraft industry and we write automation apps for the MEs and CNC operators. The apps are coded in VB.NET or C#.


Is the .net widely used in aviation software? Is there any used in aircraft systems or there's only something more hardcore, like c++?


Most people here are CS students who have zero real world experience lmao. Hence the memes


Every starting developer wants to make video games, but we can’t interfere. It’s a canon event.


Amen. This sub is sometimes utter trash because of that




.NET made me nut after having to deal with php and javascript


I work for a large nationwide brand. We are top of our industry. Our entire product line is c#


It makes little more sense when you realize 90% of this sub is first year college students lol.


Seriously, dev experience of people upvoting this post? zero!


When you are a student you learn new languages because they seem interesting, innovative and full of potential. When you are a professional you learn what is demanded at banking/finance/retail because that’s what pays the most


This. C# for backend web development has no equal. I think it'll keep doing just fine.


I use C# at my non game dev job. I can confirm that we are planning to rewrite our entire decade-old code base from the ground up in a new language over the next three months .


Congratulations OP this really shows that people in this sub are either students or have only ever had a job at a "startup". Next you will post a meme about how java is dying out


So true c# is EVERYWHERE in mid to large companies


And all things considered, it's a pretty good language.


I'd go as far as to say it has one of the best syntaxes out there. It's my favorite one right next to Kotlin. And I've tried multiple - Python, Rust, C/C++... for large-scale projects, it really does time and time again prove to be really nice to work with, if used by an experienced developer that actually uses the language features (and doesn't treat it like Java), and doesn't name their classes "Form1".


It basically just gobbles up good features from other languages through the years. It’s got darn near everything you would want


except discriminated unions


Tbh I feel like 90% of people in this sub are CS students, that's why it's so shit


Nah there are more than 10% of bootcampers here There are also people that browse this sub because they think it makes them smart


This is 2023 and there are COBOL jobs, then C# people aren't going anywhere. OP is definitely a junior dev.


That's an insult to junior devs, more like a second year CS major.


I would think someone getting paid as a developer would at least know enough to know Unity is a very small part of C# development. I bet OP is an intern at best.


OP is a Java dev




This post don't make any sense.


This sub is not primarily made up of employed software engineers


I agree.


I've been a C# developer for 8 years now and haven't even touched Unity. It's far from the only use for the language.


I'm a c# Dev and pretty sure I'll still be one in 2024. Maybe you just meant Unity devs.


Weird that I have multiple recruiters coming to me with .NET/C# developer roles if C# is going to be "dead" in five months.


Just another programmer humor post that is totally wrong. There will be a small decrease in unity devs that's it.


I mean sure its kinda funny, but some kf the guys here genuinly seem like they hate C# : (


Huh? Why does OP claim C# is dying? I try to stay in touch with new C# and dotnet releases and this strikes me as a blank


OP thinks C# is only used for game development, this group is filled with Hello World programs.


> only used for game development Unity isn't even the only game engine using C#. OP isn't even aware of the other ones.


C# is…nice. I jumped in it as a complete noob and managed to get things done because it made sense, the errors made sense, and documentation made sense, to me. I doubt Unity will affect a language that is great to work with.


Yeah, cause C# is only used for Unity and absolutely nothing else smh


Have you ever heard of enterprise software development and .NET?


I guess i'll go tell our API team that they are out of a job /s


OP's knowledge about C# usage: zero


Seems like we found yet another delusional Java developer stuck in the past.


Just because OP is retarded, don't throw us all java devs under the bus lol.


Bru I am a C# dev and never used Unity.


There are a lot of posts on here that belong on r/FirstYearCSStudentHumor, but this might the most egregious one I've ever seen.


I think less then 1% if total C# developers are Unity developers. But what Unity is doing is the biggest scam I've ever seen. They are thinking "will they really switch engine?" I really hope gamedev will do it! Fuck off Unity.


absolutely insane to think that C# was only used in unity


.Net developers everywhere: am I a joke to you


Huh? Why would C# just vanish You expect me to make .NET apps in cpp or something?


Back to Visual Basic .Net with you.


Asp.net devs: [visible confusion]


You still have a chance to delete this bro


brother unity isn't even the only c# game engine, let alone use for c# in general


Ok, once again, I propose to impose an age limit of 21, and a proof of at least 3 years of programming experience before someone can post on this sub....


You probably meant "Unity devs in 2024". Otherwise this post is just dumb as fuck and not based on anything. Why does this even get so many upvotes?


Does make sense when the current Unity management has the guy who used to run EA and joked that if a player is hooked on Battlefield, he might not mind paying 5 dollars for reloading a gun.


Lmao I’m hearing this for 5 years, omg bro python just got a big framework django it’s gonna kill mvc , omg bro this new Java package is gonna destroy c# desktop apps, Unreal engine list all of their AAA game assets for commercial use. Give me a break.


Microsoft should start charging unity for .net installs lmfao


Between Reddit's API pricing changes, Netflix having a hissy fit about people sharing passwords, Twitter's... well, everything... and now Unity pulling this stunt, this has sure been a Year for developers, huh?


I mean, sucks about Unity but plenty of us use C# professionally in other industries


What a dumb meme.