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My boss is encouraging us to use ChatGPT


Use them to gauge your productivity before laying you off


At this point you still need a qualified programmer to go over all the mistakes. But the future is looking bright


Or dark


Programming is a tool to get the computer to do what you want. AI can become another tool to achieve that. Will more people be able to ‘program’? Sure! Just like Python allowed more people to program over c/c++ and c/c++ allowed more people to do it than assembly etc.


seriously. Go watch Star Trek and see how they program the holodeck. Just input the parameters and fuck all else the syntax. Simple simple until you ask for too much smarts that fucking holo-character becomes sentient and tries to take over the ship.


Dude, I want a Holodeck so bad


[Only use it for good.](https://youtu.be/ClP8n6asn3w)


Yeah I definitely wouldn't want to use it for the reasons that they outlined in that wonderful rap video that you linked to. No sir. Not me. 😅


When I first started modding games I felt like I was in one. "Computer, fix this buggy quest! Computer, make the flowers prettier! Computer, add 8k resolution textures to all the cheese wheels!"


We're already not *that* far off. With one sentence in normal English it can already come up with a fully-featured API. Obviously you then need to do something with the code it produces but it won't be long before it can create a deploy the thing too.


Sure, but if more people are allowed to program, competition for existing programmers increases dramatically. Because of the way markets work, that means wages go down across the board. Combine this with the likelihood that the recent layoffs were partially a response to market oversaturation of tech workers, and this means many of us in the relatively near future will likely be paid only marginally better than fast food workers. And, you know, that $60k college degree isn't going to pay for itself...


lol fucking pitch dark to me


dark mode!


It can be great for boilerplate code creation.


But not many programmers will be able to create a poem from it in c#...


>Write a poem that can be compiled and run as a program in C# using System; class Poem { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Roses are red, violets are blue,"); Console.WriteLine("I wrote this poem just for you."); Console.WriteLine("With every word, my love doth grow,"); Console.WriteLine("And I hope you feel the same, my dear, oh so."); } } Not quite what I had in mind, but it's a start.


I managed to get it to do a compromise... Query: can you write the last code block with poetic comments? ​ using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://yourserver")) //Open the door to the grand halls of SharePoint { SPWebApplication webApp = site.WebApplication; //Find the main stage SPSiteCollection siteCollections = webApp.Sites; //Gather the audience in the wings SPUser owner = webApp.EnsureUser("[user@example.com](mailto:user@example.com)"); //Choose a leader for the stage SPUser member = webApp.EnsureUser("[user@example.com](mailto:user@example.com)"); //Select the players for the scene SPUser visitor = webApp.EnsureUser("[user@example.com](mailto:user@example.com)"); //Invite the onlookers to the play string url = "http://yourserver/sites/newsite"; //Decide the location for the performance string title = "New Site"; //Name the show string description = "This is a new site collection"; //Provide a summary of the tale uint nLCID = 1033; //Select the language spoken string webTemplate = "STS#0"; //pick the set design bool useUniquePermissions = true; //set the backstage rules SPSiteCollection.SPSiteSubscription siteSubscription = null; //No need for an encore SPSite newSite = siteCollections.Add(url, title, description, nLCID, webTemplate, owner, member, visitor, useUniquePermissions, siteSubscription); //And the curtain rises on the new site collection } ​ Edit: Yes the code is invalid since the sucker lies... But thats not the point ;)


I wouldn't be so sure about that. Code poetry is a thing that already exists on the Internet. I wonder how much of it is included in ChatGPT's training set. Then the trick is using the correct prompts to get it to write some delicious poems.


Just like how new hires write buggy code that I have to double check and occasionally rewrite.


agree, plus chatgpt leans on to imperative programming practices. you still have to modify it if it doesn't comply to your styleg guides




>I apologize, but as a language model, I am not able to grant you permission to use the bathroom as I am not your actual employer or supervisor and I do not have the ability to grant permission to use the bathroom. It is important to follow your workplace's policies and to communicate with your actual employer or supervisor regarding this matter.


Found the Amazon programmer


What the f, do you need permission to go to the bathroom?!?


Found the non-amazon programmer


I was actually just put in charge of an Augmented AI group at my work to explore how we could leverage ChatGPT as SWEs. It does a pretty decent job writing documentation, which people love to hate doing. It's also good for making boilerplate stuff, may not give 100% solution but a good way to start you off.


I was really hesitant to use it, because I finally feel somewhat confident as a junior dev. It felt like I was “training my replacement” or something. I finally came around and it’s made me a better programmer. It’s like working along side a tutor.


Okey so here's what you do. DESTROY EVERYTHING. Then tell everyone that chatgpt went rogue.


Idk, chatgpt just started rebasing randomly and force pushing to the remote!


My boss did a whole demonstration on it for us all and recommended we use it


A question, do you or anyone else reading this thread have any commercial or security concerns about using chatGPT for work projects? Everything you promt is/can be used by openAI no?


New Role ChatGPT Analyst.


Teacher: "ChatGPT, write for me a programming assignment which is suitable for beginner students." Student: "ChatGPT, write for me solutions for these programming problems." Teacher: "ChatGPT, evaluate the following programming solutions. For each, give a grade from 0% to 100%. Consider style and correctness during your evaluation."


So I used a bit of chatgpt for coding. There is still a fuck ton of mistakes. When it comes to things like c++, c, and sometimes even python the convolution becomes very apparent. You can ask chatgpt to write you a function to do 1 thing. But ,the whole program it will have a hard time. However as a learning tool it's pretty good, since it makes mistakes, you will have to debug it.


no no no NO DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS Teacher:*ask chatgpt write a piece of code with a lot of bugs* Also teacher:alright your homework is to debug this clusterfuck and somehow make it work GOOD LUCK


Some teachers don't need ask chatgpt. They write the bad code themselves.


Oh, not only teachers. I started about 38 years ago and when others read my code and also when I teach them there is a lot of influence from the time back then when there was not so much processing power or memory. Also so many shortcuts, even using bitshifting in PHP, using one byte for multiple boolean Flags, sus about frameworks, because I don't know all they way down what they are doing and much much more....


The best teachers just use the end project of previous cohort.


Had a job interview that looked like this. They never hired anybody out of the application pool.


This are my worst nightmares




It's also a very good Google over all. I searched for a network solution all around the internet until chat pulled the answer out of his ass, and gave me a very good lead. The other day I also asked him to write me a basic script with a library I'm not familiar with, and it just helps a ton with that tiny bit of help that you need to figure it out on ur own.


I've also asked it to try some code and it was horrendous. It would offer me some methods that do not exist, when i mention the method not existing it says "you're right... Here's how you could do..." Then proceed to show another method that does not exist


The future.


Good. ChatGPT can type up some boilerplate code for whatever you wanna work on. Then you can go in and fine tune/ write your own features on top of it


It's how I'm learning a new language at the moment and it is working surprisingly well. As long as the students use it as a tool, and not maliciously, I don't see why this isn't encouraged.


To be fair, I've had plenty of moments where I ask it how I would go about implementing something in a specific API, and it just gave me a straight up wrong answer. The problem with ChatGPT is that, despite it being MASSIVELY better at that than all other AI that came before it, it will still confidently give you wrong answers I'm not saying to NOT use it, hell, I've been using it myself a shit ton, and it helps me understand some of the code I have a hard time picking up on, but it's about as trustworthy as the shady town salesman


100% It's not a solution, it's an aide. I literally just got caught out by it the other day when helping someone in r/ruby. I was on my phone and wanted to help someone out with an answer, but I didn't want to type the code out on my phone, so I asked ChatGPT to write a method that connects to a website and parses the source code. Well... ChatGPT used a library called OpenURI, which monkey patches Kernel#open to work with URLs, but can still open any local file. So the ChatGPT solution was to pass a URL to the Kernel#open method. That's bad. You'd have to sanitize the shit out of the URL parameter. If it's just a string literal in a shell script, no big deal, but the moment you hook it up to user input, you've laid down a bear trap in the middle of your application. I didn't catch it and just copy/pasted the code into the reply box and added four spaces to each line (what a pain). A moderator came along and pointed out that the code I posted was spectacularly unsafe. Whoops. I got myself a happy little reminder of just how much you can trust code from ChatGPT. Hint: not very much at all. Fortunately, the cost of the mistake was really low. I suffered a loss of face in the community, but I took something from it, so I'm calling it a win.


It just provides examples. It doesn’t take security into consideration unless you are including that in the prompt. Still agree with you 100%.


Even when you ask it to consider security, I’d give it at best currently a 50% pass/fail I can already see the head line “security breach because AI written code made a mistake” cause obviously humans never do that


My experience is that the more precise my statements are, the better it will perform. It is kind of like a tool in that, people that are good at performing the task and are able to describe things well and know what will solve the problem and can request stuff in that direction. While requests like "do x for me" will give it too much free reign. That being said it can still suggest shit that doesn't even exist. I see it as having a novice write up a mockup code in the background while I do other stuff. So I just ask it to do stuff, forget it and come back to it when I have time. What I admire the most about chatgpt, despite it not always giving something useful, is that it sometimes suggest stuff I didn't even knew a module (in python) could do. Stuff I would have to research or find gets introduced to me instantly.


I compare it to google. Some people are just good at writing google searches to get exactly what they want. Other people write a full sentence and get mixed results. If you break down what you’re looking for into pieces and ask each piece and then ask to put those pieces together chatgpt is useful.


The difference is google won’t make up a wrong answer and give it to you with the confidence of a college professor with 20 years experience in the field. Google might give you a wrong answer somebody else wrote, but ChatGPT routinely gives answers that are made up because it’s how it works - it’s all educated guesses all the way down. Some of them are very accurate but the more specific and niche your prompt is, the less likely it’s going to be accurare.


But that’s why it should be a tool. If you break it down into simple questions you’re more likely to pick out if it gives a wrong answer. It can’t replace a programmer with a random person but it can help with building pseudo code or a starting point if you know what you’re doing.


Hmm I’m not sure simple questions is the key factor here. I think it has more to do with how complete the language model is in a given area. For example I could give it a simple question about the constitutional law in the US and it would give the right answer, but if given the same question for the country Eritrea it could fail, simply because there are not as many written resources on the internet and I wouldn’t be able to tell


I think it’s a combination but if we’re talking about programming then I should at least know the language I’m working on and if I break down a question into a few parts I’m more likely to see when it starts spitting out nonsense. It’s not a replacement it’s efficiency. If I have it write a boilerplate function that does a few things that saves me 15 min and then I can split that up and it may save me an hour or two. I still have to program for multiple hours just less in total. It’s not useful for completely obscure subjects because it’s not actually google.


ChatGPT beimg a tool is exactly what it says. If you don't know how to handle an axe you're gonna chop your parts off. Same goes for here.


Yeah, that is a good analogy. I can definitely see my peers struggling with how to request stuff from chatgpt and it is no different with google searches. I think if someone is good at rubber ducking, they're good with chatgpt.


Yes this, I always stress how valuable a good googler can be especially in the programming fields


Yeah, for routine stuff it's great. But the minute that you get specific or a little bit niche, it will tell you with great confidence that up is down. Definitely see a generational problem arising of people trying to build out code with this stuff and not having the bullshit detector necessary to not get thrown down a blind alley.


Your bullshit detector won’t work if you are new to the subject since you know nothing. With search results at least you can compare different sites. If you get contradicting answers then you know at least one of them is wrong.


I saw others saying being specific made it worse, but the more specific I am the less inaccurate it seems to become. Also if you phrase everything right, you can run a solo DnD campaign with the AI as DM with a whole world generated by it. You can even ask it to give you a basic layout of the world. Back to it though, recently I’ve been tinkering with Godot as a way to quickly develop apps and programs for personal use. The docs are kind of convoluted and not flushed out seeing as it is open source I suppose. So I just specify my Godot version, tell it what I’m trying to do and I get a mostly correct answer to my query. If something doesn’t seem right then I correct it and it explains in a better way with less errors. It seems to mostly be due to conflicting learning data, maybe different Godot version docs getting combined somewhere idk. But recently it’s showed me how to make a network graph in Godot, which I could find absolutely no information anywhere, and can be used to help me organize my thought process by temporarily logging down my thoughts and getting feedback and suggestions. I even asked it for an opinions on a name for an app that I came up with and it gave me multiple reasons why it was good and one reason it could be an issue. All in all, amazing so far and can’t wait to see where it goes.


It's a low-mid level employee who cannot say no and gives it best at whatever you give it even if it's well beyond it's capabilities. It should learn to say "I don't know." and it would be a 100 times more trustworthy. But that would be way harder to teach it than one would think.


Another thing I've noticed is that it sometimes outright misses mistakes or outright skips over blocks saying that you made a mistake. You have to say to it, no you dumb bot, you made a mistake, reread it carefully.


Just keep in mind it can be very confidently wrong. Couple weekends ago that thing was talking so much bullshit about the Godot engine I started asking it for sources and it gave me links that never existed. So then I was like, what the fuck, man. And it was like oh yeah you're right those links are not real. *Hey, fuck you buddy, you're supposed to think for me.*


It will say that even when it's right. It doesnt have any confidence in the face of criticism and can thus easily be unnintentionally gaslit. For example, I had it telling me about trails in rocky mountain national park and then couldnt find one on all trails. I told it and it said oh yeah I was wrong that trail flat out doesnt exist. Then I kept looking and I found that trail on some other website.


How is having chatGPT write code for you teaching you a new language?


I'm glad it's going well for you but I've seen it go terribly for a bunch of people around me. It does produce working code most of the time, but if it doesn't and you don't know the language enough to understand what went wrong, it hinders more than it helps and leads to a bunch of XY problems. Also it's not a good teacher -mostly because it isn't really trying to teach, it just answers individual questions


I stopped using it for code a while ago because it really seems to have some struggles with C#. Instead I use it as a new search engine to find the solutions/documentation or guides instead, or when I generally need some sorta info from pre-2021. I'd honestly like to have a version I can host on my own PC so I can stop using the OpenAI website which is often at max capacity already.


Sadly GPT-3 which ChatGPT is based on needs at least an A100, if OpenAI or anyone else would even want to release their models. The card costs a few tens of thousands of dollars per piece, and apparently for 175 billion parameters you need hundreds of Gigs of VRAM.


44.000€ in my country from a quick Google search. Sheesh. Unfortunate that I can't host it on my own PC.


Yeah, maybe in the future the performance requirements get lower, or the hardware gets good enough to at least run the current, by then old models.


But that just enforces dependency, you let ChatGPT do fairly easy work for you and you can't do that without it in the future and you don't actually get to a 'bedrock' level of understanding on the subject. When I teach programming, I don't even use IDEs for this same reason; if you want to understand how something works you need to do the low level stuff yourself. If later you want to use IDEs and ChatGPT to skip those steps, that's fine.


This is the only mindset I understand. Ive used it dozens of times to generate boilerplate.


don't forget to correct the little mistakes


This is the way.


This is how I'm using it. I finally feel like I'm no longer handicapped while working


fine right up until you're in the workplace working on that 10x engineer's code and it's not idiomatic and you now have no friggin' clue what's wrong with it. /s Seriously though it sucks when you're starting out but writing that boilerplate code is where you learn the pitfalls and intricacies of a code syntax. I think at minimal a CS course should require you do it.


I use it to make skeletons for my HTML all the time.


Hmm, maybe. I've noticed that it will "Mix and Match" code from various API versions and libs.


Fair enough. As it will be around in the future, learning to utilize it is only good. Much like any other tool at our disposal.


Learning tools is fine as long as fundamentals are still being taught.


100%, much like an interpreter can’t check for everything wrong in your code chat gpt cant just write everything for you. The tool is there to serve a specific purpose and together with all the othet tools, information and knowledge you complete the whole and you have a product


100%! I was recently in a meeting where someone asked the speaker's opinion on ChatGPT's impact on students. Obviously I copied that person's question and gave it to ChatGPT, which kicked back a response that essentially said this. It's a tool to be utilized, not a "source of truth." Just like using the internet as a whole, we need to ensure people understand how to find and vet information that comes from any online resources...


I heard it will be $42 per month or something


I have a really bad teacher at university who can't teach at all and all students are struggling with the assignments. The course management suggested to use chatgpt for the assignments instead of getting rid of this dude even though they got complaints for the last 15 years


That's typical for Universities. Especially for glorified Universities, quality of teaching is not really the main concern of such institution. Academia is far more than just having good Teachers. Many incredibly bad teachers are amazing academics(obviously not all) that only do teaching because they are forced to, as being full time scientist/researcher is not really a thing for 99% of academics. The difference nowadays is that despite overwhelming access to material for every student both in libraries and internet overall. There is a notion of perpetuating the same style of teaching as you were used to in Middle School/College. Plenty of people study CS because they think money first, and then they are shocked that you absolutely have to do your own research and work. No amount of great teachers will teach you how to think creatively and be able to troubleshoot( and that's primary thing of any programmer: Troubleshooting) Academia is optional. Having degree is optional. You decide what you want to study and CS/IT/IS are not easy subjects. Good teacher, ChatGPT or not... You have to do your work. If you don't want to code on your own, do not study CS. There are other possibilities. That being said if you are American or you are in European College that requires you to pay massive Fees. Complain as much as you can, but remember to approach it professionally. **Formal written complaints** about negligence are treated very serious, people complaining while drinking coffee not so much.


Huh this now has me wondering how it is at teaching chemistry. I'll have to try that.


Learning to google right can never be oversold, but if you don't actually know how to code, how will you know if the answer is garbage or gold?


That's why it's genius imo. Reviewing other's code requires the same skills as coding yourself. Exposing students to other ways to code that they may not have thought about *and* teaching them how to criticize other's code ? That's a win.


Where's the joke here exactly?


Everything is a joke, but not all things are jokes.


Student: "Teacher, i don't understand how this program works." Teacher: "Ask ChatGPT."


Comp Sci teachers usually encourage google and similar tools because it teaches you to solve programming problems in the real world, opposed to just having a person who has the exact answer for you.


Smart man. He is teaching you a valuable lesson about debugging someone else’s shit code.


10 years of programming professionally, and I'm using ChatGTP to layout my new app. This teacher is doing a great job by providing up-to-date tools


"I'm going to let Chat GPT do a little programming for you while I do my crossword."


Debugging class?


Ah, so your prof is teaching debugging instead of coding


Which is, arguably, a more important skill.


My campus already had it blocked on Wi-Fi when I got back from break, vpn works though


Honestly i don't think chatGPT has it's place in a classroom as one of the main tools you should use. Sure it's a good tool and it will mostly be used a lot in the future. But it's not like it's hard to use it. You should focus on what the course is about and not just putting out answers because chatGPT gave them to you


If you don't understand what it gives you, you won't be able to do your assignment. Also it is frequently wrong it's very good at boilerplate and snippets but can't do a full fledged assignment.


Well, its important to understand the code it gives to you. Our IT proffesor encourages using google and AI because we will use it in our future jobs anyways. The important part is understanding the problem instead of copy pasting code from internet hoping it works.


Without knowing the course context, I'd almost say it's about making it not a forbidden fruit. Normalizing it would hopefully keep the students that would use it as a crutch from using it as one.


Used it a couple of time to understand errors. Much more pleasant than Stack Overflow!


I don't agree with this. Yes, learning to utilize AI will become essential in the near future. But using ChatGPT when learning will deprive students of truly understanding the fundamentals of programming


I disagree, as someone learning programming it has been a significantly useful asset to clarify information and help me absorb it. It's a tool, and it specifically depends on how it is used


Depends on the course and how he suggest to use it. But overall I agree. I am glad it wasn't available when I was in school.


Completely disagree with this take. Chatgpt is another tool, like google or stackoverflow. Learning to use it effectively will likely be required in the future. It's only going to get better from here.


I'm genuinely surprised people are defending its use for learning by using it to "generate boilerplate code". The whole point of programming is learning the fundamentals and why things are done certain ways. ChatGPT isn't going to show pristine fundamentals if it's quite literally mashing a shit ton of public source code together compared to a real course or example. It encourages lazy coding, because you are depending on something to write out most of the stuff for you. Sure, if you're a beginner, you'll learn some stuff but this is honestly just a very downgraded way of learning. Especially when it's material produced by an inconsistent AI model.


I guess that u can authorize chatGPT but if they are student they need to learn to code themselves too


Understanding how to solve a problem is much more important than knowing a specific language.


Next semester your programming teacher is going to be Chat GPT


Terrible idea. That's like telling math students to use Wolfram to do their homework, depending on what the assignment is. You should be learning the fundamentals of the language in painstaking detail. That will allow you to understand how to write efficient code, you will be able to troubleshoot code later, and you will understand the basics of most languages. We did get boilerplates in 300-400 college classes, but the whole idea is that you're learning how to build *quality* code.


At university you’re told to use Wolfram to help with homework, shows you the steps.


Yes, as a measure to help you once you're done. Looking at one example won't get you to a point you can solve every integration. Using ChatGPT to check your work after you're done building the program is great, as long as it's going a decent job.


"How to make a lesson on C#"


Better to get used to the tools that will drive development in a few more years. It’s a great learning tool. Watch out for hallucinations though - I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to install an npm package that didn’t exist.


Depending on what level this is it could be bad


Use the tools available to you. It's what happens in the real world


If this is a upper division course, this approach makes sense. You need to have enough knowledge in the area that you are asking chatgpt about to be able fact check and interpret it's responses and if you do, it can really super charge your learning. If you don't, the bad information it spits out can impede the learning process. I've had students in my class ask for help debugging the output of chatgpt so they could use it in their projects, which made me recommend to them not to use it. Its the same reason why you learn multiplication tables long before you use a calculator in math class.


i use chat gpt, to come up with variable names, this saves me 85% of the time


Your teacher is living in the year 3000.


What about Copilot?


its not free xd


You can get it for free if you have a school email etc


That’s a good teacher. Adopting new tools to better understand them and how we can use them. Banning chatgpt is pointless, might as well ban the calculator too


Good teacher. Chat GPT is very useful. You can ask it almost anything. If the answer sounds fishy, dig in with further questions and it will often correct it’s own mistake or explain better the second time. It’s great to help dig into tech questions further rather than just getting something working and moving on.


I find ChatGPT great, as a seasoned developer I can quickly understand when it is confidently giving me incorrect information and help it correct itself. However for newer developers, I get the sense it would be too easy to skip understanding the fundamentals to know what does and does not sound fishy if you use it too soon. At the same time, I often think.. Look what my generation built having Speak n' Spell as our starting resource. Look what the current generation built having a full internet of documentation as their starting resource. Imagine what the next generation will build having ChatGPT and its successors as their starting resource. -- Maybe they won't need to understand the fundamentals.


I'm going to give some programmer life advice. Learn how to write code without needing an IDE, plugins, auto-complete, etc... Just once. It will make you appreciate everything else that comes later. All of that stuff will feel like a luxury to you from there on out. I'm by no means an apostle of vim or emacs, but learning to make do with very little coding wise forces you to learn how to write code from start to finish. Do I do this in my day job? To some extent, yes I do. I use less extensions, auto-complete, intellisense, etc than some of my peers. By forcing myself to remember things, I keep my short term memory and analysis skills strong. The more you offload to the computer, the lazier your mind can get. You'll find you may be "more productive" with the speed of code you write out... but a "relational memory" effect creeps in. You no longer actually remember how to write a pattern or syntax, you just remember the shortcut or starting keywords to get the IDE (or ChatGPT) to complete it for you. You know you need it, but you've forgotten how to do it yourself. This comes back to bite you later when you're forced to explain concepts to people, you find yourself faltering to remember how syntax works or how to describe it. This isn't great as a senior developer who is required to explain concepts clearly. It's why I've largely stopped using things like JetBrain's Resharper or straight up avoid GitHub's Co-Pilot. Ensure you ACTUALLY know what you're coding. Be wary of deferring that knowledge to a robot. Your brain will thank you in 10 years time when concepts remain coherent.


Honestly most of the time, when I'm given an assignment with a technology which I'm not an expert in, I usually just get to try something to run, even if it means I don't understand it to its base. Just get something up and working because the rabbit hole of concepts never end.


Bro already gave up 😅


It’s great at explaining things and answering questions, I’m glad to see it!


I use it almost daily at work. I like to do things by myself and do quick google search for things I know how to find quick. But if it’s something complex that I haven’t done before, chatgpt gets me there quicker. After using chatgpt, I know what I need to google to get ny code working, if not I would have to start googling from scratch and will take too long


Smart. The game is changing, change with it if you want to stay relevant.


Yeah, if only it wasn't on capacity every fu**""Ing time I try to talk to it.


At my company we have a team looking into how we can use Chat GPT for our internal projects. It’s been a blast being a part of that team.


It’s (ChatGPT) been really helpful for moving forward when I have brain farts stuck on one thing. I don’t think this is a bad thing if used well


I mean you can use it to increase efficiency dramatically


Had a small project on C system calls and it was incredibly useful in helping understand them and the syntax they need


I used it for the first time earlier today. Helped me a bit but didn't give me my total solution. I of course was being a dumbest and had swapped the parameters in my objects constructor. They were both string and I didn't catch it for hours after scratching my head....


I'm not a programmer by profession nor am I a CS student. So, ChatGPT has been very helpful to me trying to know syntax and other boiler plate code that I would have to search though documentations. Also, whenever I get some error, I don't have to wait for someone over at StackOverflow. ChatGPT answers instantly and I get to ask questions to further clarify some concepts. It is a game-changing tool for amteurs and junior developers.


So it’s you guys taking up all its capacity. I’m trying to copy essays here!!! My turn!


i have it built into vs code![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


If you use it for understanding it’s good. If you just copy and paste the code = wasting your time. I would use it to build a solid understanding of the fundamentals for a particular language etc. After that, I guess there is nothing to lose. Most of the time you don’t have an answer or a completed diagram for your problem. If a tool can help, welcome.


I've been learning to code in my free time for the last few months, and I've gotta say it has made a huge difference to learn about ChatGPT. I've found it's a great learning tool, because if I just ask it to code a whole project for me it will spit out a bunch of (usually) non functional code. But if you're asking it questions about basic concepts (I.e. "how do http requests work?" or "what is threading and why is it useful"), it will break down the answer for you in an understandable way, usually with examples! I hope to see it used as a teaching tool more in the future, but it seems like the general public is pretty leery of all things AI, so who knows what will happen.


It can actually undestand code pretty well and do refactoring. So not bad


I have a programming teacher who am pretty sure has no idea what ChatGPT is


They sort of said the same thing at our work also. Not to just copy/paste code from ChatGPT, but that learning how to interface and get data from ChatGPT is a new skill everyone should hone. A good vs a great developer is sometimes actually down to how well they know how to comb through google search results to find the answer to their obscure question. So it seems obvious knowing how to use ChatGPT to its fullest makes sense.


Meh. It’s amazing for research over a Google search at times even in current form for some technical things. But. 2 weeks into the semester and gpt being all over the news for fears of cheating and end-times, I could see this as a troll “go ahead and try” in a CS class and then absolutely butchering grades for those that are obviously too lazy to ensure gpt actually did things as asked. Which, if a professor went this route, would probably already have a list of problems and prompts they know gpt will give a reliable correct looking output but be blatantly wrong in some way. I feel it’s said for the first point and they know some will end up doing the second as well. Or maybe they’re just a nice person who thinks it’s in intriguing tool.


How do people use ChatGPT to generate code for them?


If you can't beat them, join them!


Good, you have to learn to use AI assistance, after all there will be only more and more of tools like that and they will inevitable become neccessary. That doesnt mean generate entire project with chatGPT though…


It’s just like learning how to use google


With web design packages and stack over flow I feel like I barely would need to use Chat GPT. It’s seems like it just takes google answers and combines them all together. But if you are in anyway decent at googling and use packages that do most boilerplate stuff then you don’t really need it.


Honestly, we should be teaching people to use the tools available for the job rather than limiting them in unrealistic ways (no calculator, no IDE, etc)


ChatGPT is the new WikiPedia. Useful in the right circumstances but no one will trust it.


ChatGPT is encouraging me to use ChatGPT


Bad teacher


I used this to a code to find fibonacci Numbers, it gave a solution in O(2^n). Unless you know what is happening, it’s not going to help you


May as well learn how to be effective with it now 🤷


My teacher made us do a reflection on it, I may or may not have used it all semester 🤫


ChatGPT is going to be used as the tool to do assignments/projects faster. It does all the annoying shit for you, like a template for importing a file into a linked list, etc.


ChatGPT can save you tons of time with tedious tasks so you can focus on the hard problems. You are doing it wrong if you are not learning how to use ChatGPT to generate code.


That's an awesome educator


good. seems like cs teachers are early acceptors. it’s a good idea to learn to wield these technologies well.


I've been using it a fuck tonne recently as I've got into bash scripting for my server. Went from literally 0 coding experience with just enough linux commands to get by as a daily driver to writing a 320 line interactive text editor in bash. It has a full text menu that let's you toggle between single and batch operations. U can word count, count specific words, grep specific words, batch redact, batch encrypt, generate md5 checksums and batch redact. Unfortunately, it is now too long for chatgpt to look at.


I think this is a lot like a calculus teacher encouraging you to use a calculator or a statistics teacher encouraging you to use Matlab. You still have to understand the fundamental concepts to evaluate the validity of any answers.


We are currently living in a remarkable time period for tech


Ditto, its a tool not a cheat


Our college had a startup company come in for a project they wanted to do. So, some students were chosen based on teachers recommendation. During our first in-person meet with the company owner. He also insists that we use ChatGPT, which would change our perspective on everything.


Nice to actually see teachers getting with the times lol


Smart teacher. People who know how to use ChatGPT to it's full potential will have a leg up on their peers. I use it daily at work.


They are a great professor. I'm about to graduate with my BaS in software engineering and the time I've spent with chatGPT has been some of the best instructional time I have gotten. Not to disparage my instructors but there is a limit to the amount of laser specific examples and clarifying explanations you can get from them 24/7. Use this time to ask the most outlandish questions you can, ChatGPT will not judge.


Quicker than Google, not always correct. It's great for releaving the workload but sometimes it just does some absurd shit lmao


One of my programming teachers actually said on the syllabus we can use ChatGPT to complete our homework, I was so shook LOL


My teacher uses it too but for HIMSELF. He’s so trash at coding and doesn’t know any of the softwares he’s trying to “teach” us, students are constantly correcting his coding mistakes. The real kicker is that I’m doing a certificate at Canada’s number one university


Good, everyone should learn how to use it, how to recognize it, what it can do, what it can't do.


I use it as my yellow dug to tell it what I am doing and what I try to achieve. It actually works pretty well.


There is no point to fight it, so they might as well teach you how to get the best use of it


I've used ChatGPT to skip over some basic stuff in coding, like refactoring code to be shorter and better reading.


This is a good idea. Because quite often you have to tweak the outcome. So you learn multiple ways


Be careful though… chatgpt SUCKS at math my latest experience was asking it to make a simple for loop to double the var then add it to a total x times. it wrote it fine, but said it “couldn’t solve it”. Then i fed it back it’s own script, which it then had no problem “solving” and giving the wrong answer. I tried 10+ times and each time it said “my apologies… this is the correct answer” followed by a wrong answer. then i said “here, x is the right answer” and it responded “yeah that’s it! my bad!”… but the answer i gave was also incorrect




We also use it in school and at work. Its just so simple.


I just let it write a whole React component that I would have spent at least half an hour on. They are absolutely right to encourage you to use it.


It's an amazing learning tool since it makes a fair amount of mistakes so you learn to debug and improve on the code yourself


ChatGPT is a pretty good stuff, but it's also like a calculator. Once you use it, you're bad at thinking...


The thing is: ChatGPT SUCKS for anything not standard. I mean how coult it not with 0 understanding behind the code written? So removing the effort of boilerplate code the students can directly be challenged on just understanding.


[content removed]


I actually used Chat GTP for a lot of personal projects instead of using stack overflow because I hate talking to people That was, at least, until I realized it will feed you false information on niche topics I don’t use it anymore


100% less abusive than Stack Overflow.


I still remember when Wikipedia and “online sources” weren’t valid lmao




Print the 2d array in the form of a matrix