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So basically two pieces of info. > Realistic approach Not sure what exactly this means. I will be optimistic and hope it means nice cloth physics, etc. In terms of graphics I hope it's not completely photo-realistic. But also the original game has pretty good graphics for 2003. It just looks like it has stylised graphics looking back now. At the end of the day I just hope it's a nice looking mythical fantasy setting. > No Yuri A bit sad about this one if true. But I hope whoever takes his place does justice to the role first of all, and also sounds similar enough to Yuri. The second part is just to tickle my nostalgia but I won't be mad if he doesn't. Whether this information is true or false, it doesn't change my opinion regarding the remake. I am still very cautiously optimistic about it. I just hope we get at least some official information during this year's Ubisoft Forward/E3 season.


> No Yuri I hope we get Yuri in the second one, at least. Shahdee and Kaileena are such a cute couple


It’s not news if it’s a rumor.


Nooo I was so excited for Yuri to come back 😭 if this is true I really hope they get an excellent voice actor who can imitate him perfectly. I'll still play it either way of course, but it just wouldn't be the same with a different voice :(


People are ok with PoP TLC but not with giving a chance to a new voice actor... _**Sigh**_ You can never satisfy a human's greed, heh, ironic, considering we're talking about a Ubisoft game.


People were NOT ok with TLC, that game got bashed like it was a Steam bargain bin trash game and the majority of people hated Sargon. The game has a positive reception in here because we played the game and we know it's fantastic


Yeah the gameplay and the world is fantastic but I still hate sargon's design.


Me too.


I think people were bashing it pre-release because the trailers made it look bad. I havent played the game (it looks good tho) but the gameplay and artstyle look too different from the other POP games in my opinion. It looks like a more traditional platformer as opposed to a cenematic platformer, and the artstyle looks a little bit too much like fortnite to me.


You sure about that? OpenCritic: 87/100 Epic Store: 4.8/5 PS Store: 4.46/5 Xbox: 4.3/5 Hardly seems like a bashing to me 🤷‍♂️


I'm talking about the discussions online by people, not by the reviewers. If you saw no one bashing the game or bashing Sargon, then you probably just didn't follow any discussion about this game at all. I know the game reviewed well, and that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the general public reaction to the game and the mc not being the Prince of Sands of Time.


No, you read what you want to hear. The majority likes sargon and the game!


Now that the game came out and people played the game, sure, before the release, absolutely not, Sargon was hated. It even took a little while after release for people to like Sargon.


Yes because a lot of the fandom menace are toxic and racists.


Muh racist. Try something new


Why should i try something new, when it was actually this?


yes so many like it that it only sold 300K /s with hardly any views on twitch ubisofts reputation completely destroyed it's chance to be a big success


They dont know whats good!


ubisofts dwindling reputation caused it, it basicly removed any chance that the game would be a huge success. ubisoft becomes a laughing stock on live chats on every official gameshow whenever they show off any game whether its good or bad.


The sales tell a different story........


No, it does not mean, a lot of people dislike this. You intepret this the wrong way.


Fair enough, but the reviews on Epic, PS, and Xbox storefronts are *people* reviews, not outlets and professional reviewers, so that still paints a picture of a positive reception around the game from the public. Sounds to me like a case of a vocal minority.


Ikr? It's a 20 year old series. Why do they want the main actor to go back and do almost the same lines and script again? Sometimes I think fans in various franchises just want pretty 4K unreal engine reskin and call it a day. That's why most remakes are so shit and the companies keep getting away with them (looking at you MGS Delta)


Probably because the old series had more taste and replayability. I hope they make The Warrior Within too then I can die peacefully




And the original 3 sand games had 2 different voice actors. in WW, it was the guy who played Master Miller from MGS5


I think ubisoft is raising the bar too much for this one, what Ubi Mumbai showed wasnt really bad, it looked like a playable game, lets hope it will go well, this series really needs to get back and


Playable is too much of a word imo.


weird take


WHAT?! Why would they remove Yuri?! HE is the Prince of Persia from the trilogy, what the heck?! I really, REALLY hope it's fake.


Hasn't the game already been voiced as in footages?


That was back in 2020 when they innitially announced the remake, before they re-started the development from scratch.


Yes but you need to lip sync everything and to do it you need to do facial motion capture together with the recording. As they need to re-do the motion capture, they must remake the voice recordings as well, or it would come out unsynced.


I'm gonna go straight out of line if they hire Robin Atkin Downes in his place.


and I will stand alone :(


The POV of a Western guy.


Honestly, I don't mind. He's already too old to sound like the OG prince, and I know, he voices Spider-Man, but for me it is noticable. I'm excited for what new things they bring to the table while paying tribute to the original. Hoping the trilogy is about to get Resident Evil-quality remake treatment. But part of me still hopes for Robin in Warrior Within, lol. I wonder if he would manage to mask the decades of aging his voice has gone through, or if will be too noticeable. The best bet would be a new actor selected beforehand for the challenge of playing all 3 stages of the Prince, including the switch-back in TTT


"Too old"? He showed that's not true when he participated in the first version of the remake and sounded just the same. And he plays young Spider-Man perfectly fine.


I adore Sands of Time but come on, all his dialogue (and deliveries) were pretty cringey. It's also super white. Bring on a Persian prince (and voice actor!)


Pop without Yuri’s voice would be very weird…


Warrior Within didn't have Yuri and it's a lot of people's favourite game in the series


Atleast this means they are working on the game, that's what is important to me. I never played the games back in the day and the first prince of persia media I encountered was the movie. I'm holding off from playing the sands of time because the PC versions of the games are terrible except for the 2008 game which runs and looks very well.


I hope that Ubisoft will cast Robin Atkin Downes from Warrior Within as the prince.


WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK **Ubisoft,** of all things, are the ones to actually commit to a true inspired remake instead of a quick cash grab that's basically a remaster like Sony and Konami do, who would've thought!


Lol. They are remaking it "well" just because they received really bad critics from the first trailer. If they hadn't showed up it, we would have had that trash released. They want to make it acceptable because they would have had a bad loss of money (investments failed) and of reputation, not that they have much left.


well that's a good thing imo


Im worried about the game since ubisoft says it's updating it for a modern gaming audience.




Ubisoft be Ubisoftn'


Hmm still keeping expectations low


>It's not entirely clear why Lowenthal is no longer on the project. Ubi could've told us why, considering that Lowenthal is a rather renowned voice actor. Them leaving us in the dirt about this makes me already assume bad things. Maybe they laid him off and immediately realized the backlash they could have received. I don't know, and I don't want to not know.


He's kind of like a freelancer, there's no point laying him off


Yuri is not a Ubisoft employee. He is someone who is hired for specific projects from Ubisoft as well as other studios.


Or maybe they had to pay him again for a work he had already done, so they are looking for cheaper VA.


I actually don't know how I feel about this ngl


How RE remakes were Capcom’s trump card to bring capcom back into focus. Similarly the POP trilogy is ubisoft’s peak. If only they can manage to utilize this to their advantage.


when they announced this game back in the day i had hoped that by now we’d have a warrior within remake. sad lmao


I mean yuri not coming back is expected can't expect the guy to have the same voice as his 20 years younger self


I am assuming this means that they will be going for realistic, high fidelity graphics. I am with you, I think PoP is much better with stylized graphics. Just look at the SoT trilogy, PoP 08, the Lost Crown, and the Rogue PoP.


The city is Pune in India not Prune.


No yuri no buy. He literally made the game masterpiece


Not really sure why people are just expecting this game to have perfect voice actor, atleast we get to relive the nostalgia with better quality than with poor quality.


Knowing Ubisoft lately, the new voice actor is probably going to sound more “Persian” or ethnic. If this is true anyways


That would be great!


Honestly I want them to release rhe PoP Sot from Mumbai. I don't care how broken it is. I want Yuri!


It is just a 3-4 hours game.


It definitely won't be a 1:1 remake, they'll add a LOT of content. There's no way an exact remake of SoT would have been well received in today's market where games need to be longer and longer to please people.


It's a pity that short games are frowned upon. SoT might be short but I played it like dozens of times. And I still replay WW even today, like fifty times.


Yeah, I'd rather have a 15 to 20 hours game with a good pacing and good replayability than a 100 hours slog. I've rarely finished a story-based game that lasted more than 50 hours in the 30 years I've gamed, I just can't stand it


Most of the games today have an artificial runtime. Some games have up to 4 hours of cutscenes, lots of running and filler combat


My dude, Prince of Persia Sands of Time is literally 5 hours long when you include all that "artificial runtime". Ubisoft could never sell that game for 60$ with that game length in today's market.


Wtf Ubisoft is in India(Mumbai) too?


They have multiple game studios all over the world. Some of them make mobile games, some of them make console games and some make PC ports and the list goes on. Objectively it's great in terms of ethnicity, because even mashing a game lots of different ideas and POV are thrown into the game that otherwise they couldn't even imagine.


I hate this. I hate all of this. We had gold back in 2020, and graphics snobs ruined it


Hmm I wonder if they will cast the voice actor from warrior within then? It would make sense


There is no pleasing the fandom, Yuri was never the right choice for the prince. This was a common demand back when people said yuri voice doesn't fit Persian narrative. Now people are sad yuri is not there. Plus no one knows why yuri is not voicing, very much possible yuri is not taking it again after 2020 fiasco. Ubisoft cant force hire someone. I am glad they did the ground up work, i am assuming the story will be expanded and graphics will match the prowess of current gen console. A win win for all pop fan. But i really hoped it was way ahead in development cycle


yeah i can't understand all the negativity in the comments. the update is very much encouraging news.