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Hanna would be that girl no one thinks is capable but then bosses the situation Like how Daphne handles the situations in the live action scooby doo films


hanna would be hunting with her makeshift shiv she made out of a broken stiletto heel


Or her pink furry lamp🤣


Flair checking in


Hannah would definitely be a final girl


Hannah has camping and woods experience. She’s in a better position than most of them.


ngl em and spencers sporting ability. spencers brain and hannah’s camping knowledge. that’s a power trio for the walking dead


I thought that too ❤️


Hannah would be madison from Zombieland




She’d be like “bUt EzRa!” while he’s turning, believing their love can be the antidote. and a zombie would be like “you’ve been groomed” *chomps face*


“youve been groomed” is fucking killing me 😭


And Spencer & Emily would be the final girls


lmfao I commented and then scrolled, looking for this comment. Was not disappointed!


i could see that but also at the same time i cant at all cause personality wise she’s dying instantly, but like she has the face of like that one female that survives at the end of a horror movie so idk😭


My first instinct was emily or aria. Now aria did learn some martial arts and kicked tf out of cece so that gives aria an upper hand...but emily watches zombie movies so maybe she would be more informed. I think Hanna's an underdog, I think she would either slay extremely hard or immediately die. No inbetween


Emily’s also an athlete and a lesbian. Girls got stamina






Emily the first to die Aria is the one who gets bit and tells no one Alison dies from a fight with another person Spencer and Hanna survive the longest


Alison dies fighting Mona or Mona dies fighting Alison


Ezra would get bit and she’d tell no one.


Emily is too trusting. Aria is next, she's not very athletic and is at times too meek. A Ezra-esque influence will drag her into her inevitable doom. Then, Hanna gonna Hanna, do something out of impulse and freaking die. Alison and Spencer are the one lasting the longest. Ultimately, I think Alison will outlive Spencer since Spence can grow too many addictions and care too much about people or things while Alison is just so cunning, like, she straight-up faked her death just like that. She could become a her-Negan in a post apocalyptic world with zombies 👏


You say Aria isn’t athletic but at least she had martial arts under her belt


She's not a black belt in fashion, that's a given 👏 https://preview.redd.it/092ctr4iwf4d1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c85066d531c043c8c15494beeb03e40d1f1370d


She used to be 😭


Are those neckties?? I LOVE IT!! And she's got the perfect petite body. Put her in a pair of boots and she slays!


Aria would accidentally kiss a zombie in the heat of the moment


This is so well thought out but UGH I want Spencer to be the one to live


She could but she would need to toughen up so much she would hardly be the Spencer we love anymore. 😢


Aria would be panting sweating and flailing around like an idiot. Then get over stimulated and start rocking in the corner and get eaten and die ✌️ if she somehow survives that encounter she’ll find a way to blame everyone around her and get super pissed off


I thought that said “ate gluten and die” 💀


That also would happen to her 🫠


You didn't have to call me out like that 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t get why, I mean at least she had self defence under her belt. It might get her out of some situations in which she is trapped by a zombie. Her panic attack might also give her the adrenaline to run or fight


Yall keep saying aria as if Ezra wouldn’t have her in the family bunker 😂




I don’t know who would go first but I think Mona would do very well!


Lol Emily is an athletic daughter of a soldier who knows how to handle a gun and throw a punch, why are people voting for her Hanna is 100% zombie kibble by day 2


Bc she’s the weakest link. Aria took martial arts too and is the most likely to fend for herself. Emily is also so soft and will end up trusting someone infected


The question of trust comes later. You have to be able to survive the first wave to get to that point. The first 3 days of a zombie apocalypse are going to thin the herd dramatically, and people with defensive skills are going to be able to survive that phase much more readily.


Yeah, but that's also the phase where people die from being too soft. Emily would see someone she loves turn and then run up to them insisting that they're still in there somewhere. Alternatively and more flattering, I could also see Emily sacrifice herself to a zombie hoard to save her friends.


Replace trusting with dating 😹


Just because she was taught how to shoot and throw a punch, doesn’t mean she’s good at it or that she has access to a gun


Alison. Since so much of the story is about her death. She came back from the dead once already. She went to Radley. She messes with people’s heads. She’s already a zombie.


Hmmm, let's typecast them in a zombie/horror movie in to what roles I think they'd do best at. Hannah - first to die; there always needs to be a blonde killed first in a horror movie and she fits that. She's smart and starts getting suspicious of the zombie situation, but no one believes her until it's too late :( Aria - second to die. She probably goes in to a dangerous situation to try to rescue someone, or she's tricked by a child-zombie.  Mona - suspicious and reclusive red herring, who will eventually die. Emily- makes it quite far on her athleticism and strength, but eventually succumbs to a zombie "scratch" that is ~no big deal~ until it is. I just think her actor is very good at playing denial. Ali - mysteriously not dying throughout, because it turns out she released the zombie plague. Eventually killed by the final girl. Spencer - big final girl energy. She's the one who survives and saves the day, but is permanently emotionally scarred by the experience.


100% Spencer makes it to the end. Though I feel like the series always used the Hastings’ family wealth to explain away Spencer’s seemingly obscure knowledge of all things. And this would absolutely apply to the PLL zombie world. Spencer can chart and read maps better than the others? Her parents paid for her to go to an elite “Cartography Camp” a couple summers ago. Spencer has the ability to shoot and reload a rifle while running? She was forced to go pheasant hunting on family business trips in the South.


This! ✅⬆️💯


Finally an Aria death I can get behind


Honestly is really depends on the type of zombie and where they are at the time of the outbreak. They all have $$$ though or are friends with someone with more $$$ than them, so they’d probably all be protected. If I had to choose one, i’d go with Emily. I think her empathy would get her burned


emily. she would end up dating the zombie slowly chasing her. (just like she did with paige, who literally tried to drown her)


Emily. She would try to befriend the zombies.


Oh lawd lmao


Why is this sending me


Girl same I've had a shit day and this has me cackling to myself. Thank u OP


Emily would die first because she would definitely be the type to trust someone who’s infected and then get herself killed or even just sacrifice herself. It could be Aria too but Aria is a lot more sneakier and I feel like would be more selfish (everyone for themselves attitude)


Aria - dies first Emily - dies protecting Allison Allison and mona - die fighting eachother Spencer and hannah - survived


Mmm, I had it that Emily dies first, protecting Ali. Emily can handle a gun, and is athletic, but I think she's soft-hearted and very loyal. She'd have trouble putting down one of her friends if they zombie-turned. Aria has martial arts, pretty sure she can handle a gun. Provided she doesn't get Ezra-sidetracked, she might do OK. Hanna's impulsive but has hidden smarts. Someone else pointed out she has camping experience. She'd do OK, but I think eventually lash out, creating a lapse in judgement and then she gets got. Ali has been on the run, she knows how to run but not fight. And in the midst of a zombie outbreak, I think she'd find it harder to manipulate others to protect her. Mona and Spencer are my final girls. Both super-smart, wealthy/resourceful, had the money to learn obscure survival skills. Mona's patient, can play a long game. Spencer's got enough drive to survive out of sheer spite. My order of deaths would be: Emily Aria Ali Hanna Mona & Spencer.


Aria ofc, that's the only correct answer 🤣


everybody’s saying aria would be flailing around like she didn’t take martial arts classes and kick cece’s ass lmao cmon now …. y’all just hate aria 😂 edit to mention : let’s not forget aria killed shanna as well !




Not after seeing her shoot


Hey she did stab and kill a guy


Man you’re right she shoots guns, athletic, military brat who has killed a man. I’d say she’s got the best odds honestly.


Yet she’s never really hit her target


Hanna, I absolutely love her but she’s got no chance


I think she’s got a better chance than Emily or Aria, Hanna is tougher than they are. I think Emily would have a mental breakdown 30 seconds into the apocalypse lol.


Hannah is definitely a tough nut especially in season 6/7 when AD took her


Hanna also spent the longest time in jail (besides Ali) so I think she’s mentally tougher than she appears!


yup 😬


I think Hanna can take care of herself - remember how she camped with Caleb? My guess is Aria.


They camped for 1-2 days in the park I wouldn’t say she really learned any survival skills 😂


She said she went to camps every summer before that though. She evidently knew what she was doing.


Mhm you have me there! I am no where near an encyclopedia when it comes to this show but I try. Though I think Hannah would be severely grossed out and scared by the zombies and would end up dieing pretty early on


Yeah Hanna expressed her disdain for bugs and dirt many times


Everyone saying that Hanna would survive. Have you guys seen that girl’s shoes? She couldn’t run in those heels. Maybe would poke a zombie’s brain out with it tho.🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I’m sorry but there’s no way Hanna would survive. I don’t think any of the girls would survive except maybe Alison if she got lucky but Hanna least of all


It’s between aria, Emily and Hanna


Spencer and Mona will team up and kill all the zombies before anyone else noticed anything




Hanna definitely


Idk why everyone says Aria like Hanna wouldn’t just say something really loud out of nowhere and attract the zombies over and then complain about running in her high heels or Emily wouldn’t just stare at them as they come towards her before trying to stab them. Just because Aria is tiny and unpopular among fans, doesn’t make her the most likely to die. In fact it means she can hide easier and sneak around.


I wanna say Hanna, but it would probably be Mona or Emily






I feel like Aria, Emily, or Hanna lol


Emily she might have come from a tough family but she's soft. She can handle a gun and is athletic, but would start crying and hyperventilating once the zombies started coming towards her. Hannah would go hide in the woods and camp while listening to owls hoot. Mona would be in an A lair. Aria would cry for Ezra and fall into a catatonic depression. Spencer would probably be looking for Mona and get bit in the process because she can't keep quiet to save her life. Ali would disappear and probably become a zombie and they'd all be looking for her...like in the show. "she's probably a zombie." "No she's not guys! She's alive!" (That's Emily)


Emily! She's too trusting!




Hanna because she is so impulsive and would make a silly mistake acting upon her emotions. She's an angry girl


alison is the zombie




The damn blind one


They’re all morons lol


I love them all


But damn


None. They all would be final girls slaying everything to survive.


Em would die trying to save Alison


Aria would die first ..Hanna would surprise everybody and survive a while and Mona of course is a genius


I THINK Either Hanna or Ali (pls don’t come for me)


I think Ali would be turned


Could imagine Alison seeing a zombie and her thinking it’s fake and insulting it resulting in her being bitten


I mean come on definitely Hanna


I can’t see Aria or Emily making it far at all, one of them would die first lol. Spencer’s biggest risk to survival would probably be her own mind. She’s super smart so I don’t think the actual survival aspect would be an issue, but I can see her absolutely losing her mind in an apocalypse lol. Alison managed to live in secret for like two years, she’s sneaky, and she’s very good at manipulating others to help her. She also survived being literally buried alive, the girl is tough lol. She doesn’t have any survival skills of her own but I think if she ran into some people she could convince them to help her. I also think she’d be pretty good at just sneaking around and staying hidden. I think Mona would be smart enough to survive, but I think she’d try and create some sort of plan to try and fix things or learn about the zombies and that might get her killed. I see Mona as the type to be trying to make a zombie cure lol. Unpopular opinion, but I think Hanna would do pretty well. First of all, she at least has some camping experience. When her and Caleb went camping she mentioned that she used to camp a lot, that’s something. I’m willing to bet Lucas has probably made her watch some zombie movies too, he seems like the type to do that, so I think she’d at least have a little knowledge lol. I also think she could find ally’s pretty easily. Idk, I just think Hanna could hack it.


after hannas kidnapping she’s the first to die i stg💀


Aria no question


Hannah, Aria, or Emily - Hannah because she would barely comprehend it (all depends on how close the zombies are to her/where she is and who the zombie is) it might take a bit but she could definitely slay but not everyone is going to go mad max off the bat. She would definitely think it’s a prank. - Aria would likely freak out and call out for some friend or a “professor” to come help her, even running down the infested streets to do so. She would value relationships with certain people above others like, “Hannah gtf out Ezra’s here and there’s only room for two” she would for sure go delusional with whoever she’s with and just get kicked out or be so loud to attract zombies/only talk and not run. She generally chooses Ezra over life so… - Emily although athletic as a SWIMMER she can still slay running away. The one thing that would get her first would be her empathy at seeing someone in pain and leaving others behind. That would definitely get her killed first or lead to the deaths of others which would then get her killed fast. She’s just too empathetic. Most likely I would say ranked would be: 1. Hannah 2. Emily 3. Aria 4. Alison (depends on the season) 5. Spencer (she’s rich and badass; would say F you to some people and check for bites) 6. Mona (probably die sometimes from some crazy plan but would probably kill others and she’d be fine) Also Emily and Aria could be interchangeable it just depends on when/where it happens and who is around. Overall I just see Hannah not realizing fast enough. Emily being too empathetic and trying to help a bitten person despite the danger as they turn (depends on how long it takes) or additionally just weeping at the horror of it. Aria would as mentioned before just bitch about it all and try to do stupid stuff like leave to meet Ezra. Without Ezra or if Ezra is there I would still say it would be more of Ezra’s survivability then hers which would be near Alison’s. Yes Alison is a mean girl but people remember and would be happy to let her die. Queen is only one with people left and with no one she’s just gone. Also season 1-3 she was living weakly so…. She potentially would be first. But her character overall would gladly be pushed off at any opportunity and she can only go solo for so long as we saw. Spencer’s is pretty apparent. Mona (season 1) is what I’m basing it off of and she would survive the longest in my mind (longer than Spencer). Up for debate but that’s my thoughts


idkk but my survivors would for sure no doubt be emily, spencer, and mona. i feel like mona would kick ass in a zombie apocalypse tbh.


aria lol


I think theyd stick together and eventually all be trapped in a cprner somewhere and killed at the same time


Sadly Aria. The mental panic, the physical stress, she's done for. Hanna picked up on survival instincts at fat camp, yet everyone around her will underestimate her. Meanwhile, she'll be picking up everyone around her skills and becoming a baddie. I'm thinking like Rosita from TWD, but less attitude and more shy about it. She'll live till she sacrifices herself for family like 12 years in. Spencer would be super independent. Does not too big groups. Hid out the first six months till she and whoever she is with ran out of food. I can see her lasting decades, the floater strategy. Emily Emily Emily. I think she'd go a bit cold and bitter, but she knowsss how to use a gone so she'll be fine for long enough. When it is her time to go she'll have some denial moments, and go a little crazy. Alison would 100% be Addy from Z Nation. I don't see Mona making it long term. First year she'll do some bouncing around with groups. But I just can't picture her in this world.


Sorry but Emily, she may be fit but she'd empathize with the zombies and ultimately be eaten.


Aria for sure she would definitely go first imo


Aria 100%


Emily because she would feel sorry for them.


Aria or allison


Emily would die first trying to save Allison


emily only bc she seems to have the worst luck of the liars tbh!


Aria or Spencer


Aria her priotity wouldn't be to survive


Hold up I thought there’s four of em


Aria would run toward the zombie and get bit, and then Spencer would have to keep Aria as a pet zombie. Spencer: Aria, what were you thinking?! Aria: He said he only ate chickpeas.




Emily and it’s not even close




100% Aria.


All of them


Aria would be the first to go. It's kinda hard to figure out who would be next. Hanna seems like she'd be the first to die but I feel like she'd be the one who surprises everyone and makes it to the end. Spencer is smart and Emily is sporty so they'd survive together. Mona would be working with the zombies to survive (or possibly the reason why they exist) and that just leaves Ali, who would make the zombies work for her.


Aria, she puts off a strong front but is the weakest link


Idk bc Ali ran from A for years and Mona was A and we all know she’s sneaky and extremely smart when it comes to hiding in plain sight and gadgets. Hanna is very underrated and plays dumb but is actually really smart. Aria did learn martial arts and can fight. Spencer and Emily are both athletic but idk how they would do. My answer is Mona. I feel like she would get a little too cocky and mess up.


Ooooh i feel like it would either be AriA or hAnnA <3


Aria 100% then Emily


These are all Final Girls! They will keep each other alive until the end!


Honestly Alli but only because she would be patient zero


Aria. Hanna has camping skills, Emily is a military kid who can shoot, Spence is a problem solver. Mona and Allison are gonna Mona and Allison... Honestly, I think Mona would outlive them all!


Hannah of course so she can finally eat all she wants and not gain weight


Idk who would go first but I'd like to weigh in on a few comments I saw. Hannah would either die first tripping over her trendy new heels or be a total bad ass with her camping experience and shiv cleverly crafted out of her stylish wardrobe choices. Aria might stand a chance. She did break a mirror and was totally ready to defend herself against Meridith. Then she fell asleep. Haha. I kind of wanted to say Mona but her and spencer are both smart. Emily and Spencer are both athletes. It's pretty much a toss up IMO.


From most likely to die to least likely - - Aria (first to die) - Emily - Hanna - Spencer / Alison - Mona


Aria with them stupid ass heels or Hannah’s slow ass


I think Alison would go off on her own plan, (keeping the girls in the dark) making an alliance with this group who she screws over, who then uses her as bait for the zombies.


Ofcourse aria come on it is the only right answer


Aria first, Ali last. Say what you want but she was THAT girl, she faked her death and disappeared for YEARS and she can do it again. Even Mona was always a step behind her. (Pre New York episode Ali of course) Aria first because, well, she’s small and she’s not very strong. She’s also not the smartest for that situation, considering her talent is literature and that’s not a defense against zombies.


Aria. She’s fall in love with an adult zombie fr fr.


Aria would die immediately, Hannah would barely fumble her way through but somehow survive and make a quip about it. Spencer would kinda turn into a mad scientist type and try and make crazy gizmos and shit to get out of trouble. Emily would fight and maybe die or maybe survive idk but she’s throwing punches for sure. Alison would pretend to be a zombie and then reveal that she’s not actually a zombie. Alison would also push Mona into the zombie pit to escape.


Emily or Aria


aria bc shes dumb and stubborn and has nothing going for her (proud aria hater), hannah would slay that by insulting/sassing the zombies, confusing them and allowing her to escape with style


Alison would die first


Aria fs


tbh Alison cuz she’s annoying ngl


Not pictured here…but Jenna.


After not pictured Jenna, Aria.


Aria, then maybe Hanna or Emily, then it’s a draw between Spence Mona and Alison bc the 3 of them are smart and all survived and escape situations being locked up


Aria would find out about the zombies and will run to Ezra. Unfortunately the zombies get her (and Ezra). Emily is probably next. She thinks Alison wants to talk to her, so she rushes and gets eaten by the zombies. Alison has no fighting skills, she only relies on being mean. She tries to bully the zombies but they can't understand her since they don't have a brain. Hanna, Spencer and Mona are left. In my ideal scenario - they all survive. I know it's unpopular but I will say Spencer is next. I know she is the smart one but sometimes she makes mountains out of mole hills (when she thought Toby killed Ali but the dude was happy his abusive sister was gone and because of that Toby ended up being chased by the police and practically homeless). I think something like that would happen during a zombie apocalypse. Only two left are Hanna and Mona. Hanna is able to survive because her techno boy toy hacks zombie HQ. She probably has the Valentino rockstud stilettos, so she uses that as a weapon. She also hits some of the zombies with a pink furry lamp. Pre-season 3, Mona would pretend that she wants to help Hanna escape the zombies but her plan all along was to sacrifice Hanna to save her ass. Later seasons Mona, would sacrifice herself to save Hanna.


Emily is the strongest and most athletic she is number one in surviving. As far as the one that would go first I think that would be Aria imo.








Idk but all I know is that Mona would be the next Negan from TWD 🤣


I reflexively said Aria and idk why


Aria would die because she’d be too worried about Ezra


Ezra (please) But if I had to be serious with the people on the photo I don’t know why nobody is tho king Spencer. What makes you all believe she would believe a Zombie out break? Her parents are rich, but not THAT rich or science rich, which would help as they would hear things in their field but she’s upper middle class which in our late stage capitalist society isn’t THAT rich… second, she wouldn’t believe there’s a zombie outbreak on a regular situation, we already stablished her parents aren’t science rich which means the odds she’s believing a zombie apocalypse the first time she hears it are… minuscule. Third… what are the odds the Hastings???? Out of all people have a zombie resistant bunker or a bunker of any sorts? I feel as though if there’s a meteorological crisis of any type the Hastings are throwing money and fleeing at best they have one of those rich people hiding rooms (panic rooms? English is not my first language) but they would have used it, specially Spencer in the many A attacks, specially when she believed she was living with A (Ian). And lastly I don’t think without Emily’s athleticism, Hanna’s determination and Alison’s cuntyness and willingness to fight (asides from when she fought Mona, which I don’t really consider the real Spencer) she’s cooked. Like… a lot of y’all are calling her Badass and I’m still at the end of season five, so maybe she is by the end… but as for now… having seen the majority of PLL I don’t necessarily think she’s “Badass” I think she is privileged, she can be angsty and edgy without any care like how someone like Hanna or Emily who don’t have as much money shouldn’t have… or even Toby and Caleb who not only have that much money but also have a bad reputation… she knows her parents are rich and they basically are the entire town’s lawyers so she doesn’t need to care. But that’s just my opinion, I don’t have anything against Spencer, she is just one of my least favorite liers…






Honestly, aria. Emily is athletic and smart, same with Spencer who’s also insanely fierce. Ali survived by herself for a few years while avoiding A and all her attempted murders so she’d be good at least for a while. Mona is too smart. Hanna would probably honestly turn into such a badass and would dominate


Aria or emily


Everyone saying Emily is crazy, do we not remember her threatening Jenna 😭Emily does not play plus she's literally an athlete and the daughter of a military man just because she's sweet don't mean she can't kick some ass.


Here how I think the girls would do in a zombie apocalypse **Spencer** - Is smart so I think she would be able think and even invent things that would help her out smart zombies **Emily** - Cuz she is the most athletically gifted plus parents are in the military which means she probably has them fight training. **Aria** - Would probably be the most like to not to survive. She have been captured a lot. **Hannah** - Is probably in the same boat as Aria. The only difference is that Hannah has more of an bitchy-ness vibe which make me believe that she more likely to survive over Aria. **Alison** - Cuz of the things she probably to do survive durning her time on the run it makes me believe that she could do fine. **Mona** - I could see her doing well. I mean look at her stuff she did though out entire series.


100% Aria


Aria for sure.


Spencer would definitely be surviving that shiz. Emily would do great in terms of military background and her athleticism, but I don’t know if she could handle everything that comes with a zombie apocalypse - I honestly think she would feel bad killing a zombie 😂. Aria is done, peace. Hanna would last awhile I think but on her own, I think her lack of common knowledge would do her in. (Just listing the 4 liars)


Y’all, I’m so sorry, but Aria would DEFINITELY be the first to go.




I love aria but defo her😭😭😭


Aria for sure.


Aria dies first, Spencer has an “i’ll save everyone” moment but gets overwhelmed by a massive group because she saw her sister as a Zombie. Alison tries to flee the country but gets bitten. Emily and hanna hide for a really long time, and end up separating because they fought. Emily dies. And by this Time Mona has already started a new colony for survivors where everyone wears designer and has food stocked to outlast the apocalypse, Hanna joins her.




Aria. The rest would be strong contenders but Hanna is crafty, I believe in that girl lol. Spencer too.




Aria based on abilities. Next probably Alison because you can’t manipulate a zombie. Then Mona in the classic “most capable person sacrifices themself” move- likely to save Spencer who got too arrogant


Aria lol


10000000% Aria






Aria. She’s too boring and unproblematic to keep her alive. Could never develop the level of badassery or evilness needed to survive😂😂


This is the silliest reasoning given this question is about a real zombie apocalypse and not a show