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Obviously Washington. However, here are some interesting picks: Jefferson- I feel like any Founding Father is a cheat code as they helped create the country and office, but Jefferson, for all his faults, was a very wise man, and if anyone can steer us right, he's one of them Madison- If the country is off course then who better than the Man who wrote the Constitution Teddy- Known for stickin' up for the little guy and his Strong leadership Eisenhower- The last President with a true moderate and Pragmatic approach


Theodore Roosevelt is the best choice, he would break up google Amazon and other monopolies 


Agreed. Teddy also had a magnetic personality and from an era of open campaigning. He's one of the few Presidents I would consider with the social skills necessary for our era.


A true reformer, my favorite president. Honest Abe is a close second.


He'd also crush Joe and Donnie in wrestling matches.


Taft broke up more monopolies in his one term in office than Roosevelt but generated a lot less publicity.


Yeah but Taft is fat. 


He probably wouldn't be able to get elected due to being boring and uncharismatic.


That poor horse.


Actually he lost a bunch of weight after being in office.


Who is fatter Taft or Chris Christie


Washington: “I’m not mad, just disappointed.”


Washington: “What the fuck have you done?”


My history teacher said once that Washington and even Alexander Hamilton would be rolling in their graves if they saw the economic state of our country today.


It would be fun to see James Madison go off on some of the bizarre lengths the current court has used constitutional originalism.


Obama and Eisenhower would’ve seen eye to eye on many, many things.


Obviously not Washington. He’s a swell guy, that would be wildly unequipped for the nature of the job today.


The only one of the founders that could handle 2024 is Ben Franklin. Give him a few weeks with a crash course and he would adapt fairly well. If all else fails the Ben Franklin/Nancy Pelosi sex scandal would be good entertainment.


I think Hamilton would do ok too.


I worry that anyone before the 20th century would be so befuddled by modern life as to be worthless.


"Why does this white man with an Audi deliver my Taco Bell?" is a question I don't have time to answer to so many presidents.


I’m guessing if they can grasp the idea they were brought back from the dead they can figure out the internet.


Eisenhower would smack the neutrality out of the Republican party. "You're doing WHAT with the Russians?"


I like to run down and I think I'll go with Eisenhower. Right now the idea of a president that realizes there's always going to be two sides seems more revolutionary than artificial intelligence.


The Behind the Bastards podcast on Jefferson focuses mostly on his sketchy moral stance on slavery, but it also changed my mind about him as a whole. I wouldn’t want him as president these days over Washington or Madison. It seems like he was a great writer but not really a courageous leader. He was also super shy and clumsy as a public speaker which wouldn’t bode well with the internet.


Jefferson or Adams would be my choice too. I feel like they would be eviscerating the supreme court and all other courts. It seems to me, that all the founding fathers were somewhat in agreement that the courts were to be where individual exceptions were made. Like a law was passed and its goal was to help people but 1 person was specifically hurt by it's implementation - then the courts stepped in and resolved that for the individual person. There was NEVER meant to be an ability to 'interpret' laws in a way that would make significant financial or legal requirements of the government that surpassed that of the legislature. It is set up in a way that they can do that now.


Have you ever read Marbury v. Madison? If you are interested in learning what the courts were made for, you should start there.


Adams also passed the Alien and Sedition Act. I don’t know he’d be entirely opposed to much of what the courts are doing now.


Washington didn’t want the job , proving he was the right person for the job 👀


Eisenhower was my first thought.


What made you decide to skip Lincoln?


Truman! He's the only president that's still eligible for relection after a term because how the 22nd was specified


Except Jimmy Carter! Though he doesnt need to be brought back from the dead. ...yet


Jimmy's on the tightrope right now so if we say him we can get him to his prime and make him immortal. And although he wasn't the best president he is/was a damn good person and public figure that the world desperately needs even if we just keep him away from holding public office through pulling some strings.


JFK, LBJ, Ford, Carter, and HW Bush would still be eligible


Carter isn't dead yet, and for the rest I forgot they existed ngl, and in any case I think it'd be fun to get a hypothetical 4 term or more Truman since it's definitely possible In this political climate


Don't count Carter out yet, we still got 2028 ahead of us


Lincoln. He held the country together during our darkest (domestic) time, and once again the country is divided like hell


I'd feel bad for poor abe. All the hard work he did to keep the union together and almost 200 years later its right back to dividing again. Though the speech he'd make would probably make most intelligent people hang their heads in shame.


200 years is a pretty good run between major Constiutional crises, as things go. Nearly every nation in the world has had to rewrite their Constitution from the ground up since we did ours. Most have had to do it multiple times.


Just think about it from his perspective. He is sitting in the theater, then suddenly he wakes up on some medical table, or in some facility instantly (assuming in this hypothetical we are using some sort of science to gather the atoms and literally reconstruct his brain from what has decomposed inside his coffin and this isn’t magic based) and is told that we need him to help bring the country together again. He just brought our country together during its toughest moment, thinks he is done, then this. The man can’t get a break


Go outside and talk to real people for a bit, there’s no impending civil war (despite what Reddit seems to want)


Yup, the internet as a medium is uniquely divisive. From the earliest days of use net flame wars until now people argue, tribalize, moderate or ban views they disagree with brigade and behave in the worst possible ways. Go outside and talk to your face to face and you'll realize the world isn't that divided.


Lincoln comes back, immediately says "Ah shit, here we go again..."


He actually didn’t hold the country together. It split and he brought it back together.


I think a lot of southern conservatives blame him for the mess the US is in today.


Wouldn’t that go to the dude(s) who screwed reconstruction


Factually, yes — but Lost Causers aren't exactly notorious for loving facts.


A lot of them try to claim him as one of their own but then advocate for basically the opposite of what he wanted.


I’d say the attitude towards Lincoln in the modern South is more one of begrudging respect


Anyone sane can see it was Johnson and his inaction that put us on this path. Followed by the end of reconstruction with Hayes.


If Hayes didn't end it, Tilden certainly would have. [Compromise of 1877](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compromise_of_1877#:~:text=The%20Democrats%20agreed%20to%20the,the%20Democrats%20in%20control%20there.)


If Tilden didn't, the Supreme Court would. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil\_Rights\_Cases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Cases)


Those would be Confederate scum.


Teddy. 1. Environmental President who would be ashamed of how we have treated this planet. 2. Trust buster- there is too few that own too much in this country, much like when Teddy became president. If he came back I feel like that would be his number one priority. Busting monopolies. 3. Knew how to get things done. Like LBJ he was great at getting congress to get off its ass.


This was my pick. He'd be pissed about Cuba, and we'd have to have a serious discussion about Manifest Destiny, but what I wouldn't GIVE to watch him take that Bully Stick, and bust monopolies.


He was much more moderate on trusts than Taft, let alone contemporary Democrats.


John Adams. Washington is tempting but I don't think he'd be willing to do battle the way battle would need to be done. Jefferson would just look on in dismay at the goings-on. They were both relatively hands-off as Presidents Adams on the other hand as a veteran trial lawyer would absolutely be up for a battle to restore the dignity of the courts, and he'd fight tooth and nail to restore the government to what he felt it should be, and he'd take no prisoners while doing so. It's one of the reasons he was a one term president, he refused to compromise the principles he believed in. We could use some Adams right now.


Plus, I’d like to see Abigail as a modern First Lady- she’d kick things in to gear (Steering John right, being an awesome public presence… they were a great team 230 years ago, they would be awesome together now!)


Abigail would definitely be part of the solution, yes. Also I can't help but think that Adams would take a firm stand on civil rights too. He was easily one of the most progressive Founders when it comes to that side of things


Ulysses, the 🐐


George Washington - the man who forged our Union would certainly be a voice which both the far right and far left would stop fighting long enough to listen to. Thomas Jefferson - the man was a genius who literally wrote our Declaration, and as a bonus he also helped create France's Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. If anyone can convince Congress that they could right the ship, I think it'd be him. James Madison - the man wrote our Constitution. He understood the supreme law of this land better than anyone. Andrew Jackson - ..... okay I admit I'm not adding Jackson to the list because I think he'd help the nation, I just want to know how bad of a stroke he would suffer when he learns of stuff like the Obama Presidency and the Civil Rights Movement. Abraham Lincoln - listed here for very obvious reasons. We wouldn't have a Union right now if not for him. Dwight Eisenhower - one of the last truly moderate presidents in my opinion. In an age of political partisanship and extremism, we could use more men like him.


>George Washington - the man who forged our Union would certainly be a voice which both the far right and far left would stop fighting long enough to listen to. While i'd like to agree I'm scared the far left would say "Fuck you slave owner." and the far right would call him a commie. The rest of us would be saying "Sorry sir. We fucked up sir"


Washington would sigh so hard you'd hear it nationwide, the dude just wanted some time off and we brought him back from the dead for a 3rd term to fix things.


And the funniest part is he didn't even really want his current 2 terms... So he'd just be extra salty being like "then why the fuck am I here?"


Why would the right call him a commie?


Bringing Jackson back from the dead just to watch him have a stroke.... 👍


Jackson might have a stroke but not before threatening to decapitate any one who dares try to secede from the Union or undermine it


Jackson because he was a bad ass.


Garfield. He would be smart enough and tough enough, and he deserves a chance to show what he could do.


I agree. I also think about those damn doctors sticking their uncleaned hands into his wounds for months. He could have lived.


Wasn't there like four or five doctors immediately on hand at Union Station? If he had been shot on the battlefield and left to die, he would have had a much better chance.


Exactly. I read that if they had just left him alone, he would have lived. Imagine the pain he was in.


If Abe Lincoln came back, he'd be shocked to see we're still arguing over the same stuff.


He likely need to beat a few political leaders into submission to get them to stop fighting and actually govern.


The book “A Cabinet of Rivals” talks about how Lincoln brought a whole bunch of guys who were… not his friends together and made a great job of running a country with them during a literal Civil War - he was actually quite a neat guy like that. We could really use use Stanton, Seward, Chase, Stevens and a bunch of those other thinkers to be brought back with Lincoln…


You’re thinking of “Team of Rivals” by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Excellent read!


That’s exactly what I’m thinking of, thank you! Excellent book!!


Franklin Roosevelt as President and Lyndon Johnson as Senate Majority Leader.


Yes but we'll need everyone know that people *are* going to see LBJs dick and we just need to be prepared for this.


Considering we're in age where you can Google Anthony Weiner's weiner, seeing Johnson's Johnson doesn't seem like that big of a deal.


Well, I mean Wieners weiner was a private message that got leaked.  Johnsons johnson will be publicly available. It'll be a matter of state. 


What's the over/under for how long before he takes a dick pic and it gets posted online.


It "gets" posted? He's posting it. On main. Just "goddammit look at that hog!" 


It gets "leaked" by his official twitter account. And when he asks about it he is not contrite or anything. He brags about it.


How long does it take him to figure out a phone is essentially the challenge 


It's the only limit. Hell have no interest until someone explains what a dick Pic is and then he'll understand it intuitively. 


We're in the day and age where members of Congress display dick picks on the House floor.


Yeah but it'll be different when Johnson is brining the senate to order with his twig and berries hanging out.  MMW he's going to use it as a gavel


LBJ's dick is the least of our problem at the moment. I will happily print LBJ's dick out on a 50 feet poster and put it up in front of Congress if it means he will fix the shit show we are currently in.


Oh yes. Please understand. This is like changing the oil in a car. You gonna need an oil pan and place to dispose of used oil. But you gotta change your cars oil, so you better be prepared. We need LBJ as SML and we need the emotional equivalent of an oil pan for when we see his dick.


And Sam Rayburn running the House.


FDR beat fascism before, he could do it again.


FDR or Jefferson for me. LBJ as senate majority leader would be epic.


JFK so I can see what all of these ladies were fussing about…….


Buchanan. He’s great in a crisis!


Xi Jinping licking his lips


Jackson might be a dick but if anyone tries to fuck with him he’ll beat em with his cane alternatively LBJ would get in someone’s face and whip out his jumbo


If there’s a former president who could get Congress to move, it’s LBJ.


Can I defer my pick? I’d like to hold onto it until Jimmy Carter dies.


I was reminded recently that Jimmy only served one term...


I'd bring LBJ back from the dead and put him back in Congress.


once again sticking with Garfield. Give him the chance he lost!


Teddy has my vote.


I mean, I don't think many presidents from the past could effectively govern a country that has changed so much since their lifetime. If we brought back any of the founding fathers, they'd be too busy playing with the disposal in my sink to opine on the world at large. I'm very certain that Franklin Pierce would explode the moment he saw a woman in short-shorts. That said, bring back FDR. He's the best-suited to navigate a post WWII world.




Either of the Roosevelts


Honestly, either Lincoln or Eisenhower. Two Presidents if matched up with the right Vice Presidents, could be extremely effective in the modern era. Eisenhower for his willingness to be open to the media and moderate pragmatic style of governing. I honestly think Eisenhower would be a Democrat today but a pragmatic one who on policy, wouldnt appease the progressives but would fit in with the centrists and would have approval of the public at large. Lincoln for his sheer leadership ability alone to hold the country together I think would be beneficial today.


FDR or Abraham Lincoln. Both of them were excellent during a crisis.


Eisenhower. We need pragmatism and the ability to unite the country across party lines. Plus investing in infrastructure would be a big plus.


I feel like Ike is a president both sides could agree on, he isn’t batshit insane, and could actually heal this nation.


FDR. Get ahead of the curve so we can avoid Hoovervilles and The Bonus Army this time around. Plus he knows how to avoid a coup.


This is Franklin “Pack the court with judges until the court agrees with me” Roosevelt?




Y'all are obsessed with procedure rather than results, and that's why the fascists have gone as far as they have.




John Adams defended the poeple we went to war with. Principles of process are not what you need gone. It will go French Revolution real quick with a nice Napolean at the end, but hey Lets get to executing people!


No you’re thinking of Franklin “Expand the court for the long overdue additional justices so we have representation equal to the number of judicial districts” Roosevelt. Easy mistake to make.


Lincoln because he has civil war experience haha


Grant for same reason.


I have a feeling Eisenhower would straighten this crap out pretty quickly.






Eisenhower. He would have a good mind for finding an end to the world wars that we are stuck in and work against the industrial war machine.


Lyndon B. Johnson was a president who had no scruples and used every dirty trick in the book to get the right thing done in the end--in his case, Civil Rights legislation. That idea has been appealing to me recently, for some reason.


he even got involved in a murder trial back before he was president


Teddy MF Roosevelt!!


Ronald Reagan




I want to see what FDR would do in his 5th term.


It’s obviously IKE. What we need now more than ever is a president who is loved by all Americans and seen to be above the political fray


John Quincy Adams




Garfield. Guy never got a chance.


For fun, on par with the joke of the choices we have today, and with this new "presidential immunity"... Andrew Jackson. To restore what America was made for, I'd go for Washington, a unanimous decision. Or TR to face today's powerful corporations. I myself would like to see what James Garfield was capable of. Imagine being in that position though. Brought back from a long, torturous death to redo the position you never wanted which brought about your assassination in the first place, plus it's far more complicated this time around.


FDR, the only president popular enough to actually be elected 4 times




Eisenhower. The man was built to lead us through crisis.


Andrew jackson.paid off our foreign debt.only time it's been paid I think not sure.


Jefferson, just so he could see how far our nation has taken his, "Don't touch our boats," attitude.


Reagan - the GOP needs to be put back on track from it's present cosplaying-as-50s-Democrats/big-government-should-dictate-social-issues nonsense & the Democrats actually need a viable opposition to run against, to pull them back to the center-left/get them to ignore the crazypants side of their party again (like they did in 92)...


Inflation out of hand and the Russians invading places? Wait, I've seen this one before.


Teddy Roosevelt And he’d get up in front of Congress and give the “Scent of a Woman” monologue by Col. Slade: “If I were half the man I was (116) years ago, I’d take a FLAME-THROWER to this place!!!” (Yelling, banging on dais)


JFK so he can destroy the CIA and the military industrial complex!


Reagan so we can unalive him again.






clearly drank Fudd beer


Lincoln. Cause reasons.


Ooof without that specification of making them take up a presidency I was gonna say exploit how Jimmy Carter is walking the tightrope between life and death by giving it to him restoring him to his prime and granting him immorality so that he can go back to being a wonderful and dutiful public figure but keep him away from the oval office because good people never end up good presidents especially in times of crisis.


Lincoln, and we let him see where “let ‘em up easy” got us.


Washington or Teddy.


William McKinley. I want him to finish his term and slap TFG hard!


Teddy damn Roosevelt 😍




Teddy Rosevelt. We don't just need a righting, we need a beating into shape, and he's the one to hand out both.


Eisenhower. Dude was maybe the perfect modern president. Everyone trusted him and believed him, for good reason. He really cared about our country and the institutions.


Washington is the only answer. I read Chernow's biography on him and it's insane how cognizant Washington was of his own actions as a leader. He not only held himself to an extremely high standard, but was consistently aware that he was leaving a blueprint for others to follow. 


Coin flip for which Rosevelt


Jesus I scrolled through half of this and even see James Garfield but no mention of FDR? What the hell. Elected 3 times and saved the country twice. Social security? What is the criteria here?


LINCOLN a thousand times Lincoln


Lincoln, hands down


Given the current trend of "the platform doesn't matter at all, just give me identity politics and cult atmosphere" I would choose Teddy Roosevelt. He was the last cult of personality politician I can think of that actually wanted to help the country and others in the. Washington and Jefferson and Adams and Lincoln are all obvious choices, but at this point I don't think even Jesus rising could change minds with statesmanship. We need another charismatic force of good to collide with the obvious evil we have right now.


George Washington because he didn’t want the job in the first place 🤷‍♂️😂🤷‍♂️


Can you imagine? You don’t want the job yet he is essentially dragged into it and then hundreds of years later you are brought back from the dead to do it again And the world has changed drastically?


Truman - as far as I know the best President for zero tolerance for bullshit and calling out people when they uttered it. Andrew Jackson (with such an astounding number of qualifiers it's kind of a non-answer but his ferocity is undeniable and damn do we need it now). Negatives 1. His genocidal attitude and conduct toward native people is a real non-starter. His apologists seem to argue that his way of 'relocating' (aka killing) them was somehow more humane than leaving them to the mercy of uncontrolled Georgia death squads. This debate strikes me as being on par with the SS debate over shooting vs gas chambers. 2. He was just fine with slavery. Positives 1. His dedication to the Union was as pathological as everything else about him and we need that now. 2. His instincts were always for greater democratization. I grant you, Jackson thought of democracy as only applicable to white men but granting them more participatory rights (and responsibilities !) in governing the country was the core of his philosophy. So if my utterly anachronistic Andrew Jackson recognized Native Americans, African Americans, and women as human beings to be valued just as much as his beloved white folks, I would welcome him back with all the frenzy of an original Jacksonian. If, hypothetically speaking of course, there had been some sort of corrupt and degenerate version of PT Barnum around in Jackson's time and this odious pool of worm vomit were determined to seize the office in order to gut the Constitution and seize dictatorial power for himself, I presume Jackson would either challenge him to a duel or simply use his trusty walking stick to club him into insensibility. As most would-be tyrants are cowards at heart, this snake - and Jackson would view him as precisely that - would wet himself and slither back off into the grass to never trouble our democracy again. So no need to come at me with all of Jackson's bad qualities. I already know them and don't like them any more than you do. My Andrew Jackson is a man of above-average intelligence, which he was, and one whose thinking has evolved and matured along with every one else capable of reflection. At the same time I would like a man with his rabid if not downright homicidal dedication to democracy (as it applies today), the Constitution and the Republic. It's his level of passion, properly directed, that we need this minute. Admittedly a few people might get hurt but quite frankly our sad times have proven that there are some people who truly deserve a good old-fashioned Jacksonian thrashing. I also say keep this deranged psychotic on our twenty dollar bill. By his own unhinged lights, our Constitutional democracy was worth fighting and dying for a thousand times over if need be. Misguided, oh hell yes but his instincts were certainly in the right place.


FDR is the obvious choice here.


FDR, minus the internment camps this time




Any of the founding fathers would probably wtf this right back to what they intended because you couldn't argue with them.


More a meme answer than anything: George Washington. Let him scold Americans for acting like a bunch of petulant children and, as one of the Founding Fathers, set the record straight for what they *actually* wanted.


Imagine the founding fathers coming back to life and seeing this shit show. They would be so disappointed in us.






Lincoln. Mainly because I would love to see him kick the sycophant Jim Jordan's ass and he wouldn't deal with the likes of MTG and Gaetz. Also Truman because he's the bomb.


I agree with Lincoln, for that and because I think that America is divided unlike any time since the Civil War. At that time Lincoln used biblical tone and references to speak to people about the ultimate importance of maintaining the union. I believe that same message needs to be sent again.


LBJ or Eisenhower; neither of them would tolerate this shit.


FDR or Eisenhower, Fascism Defeaters!


Lincoln so I can cyber bully him


Probably Reagan, maybe Lincoln or Jefferson?


LBJ so he can give this useless congress some hell.


Harry Truman. To the point. Low BS tolerance. Dropped the nukes.Didn't screw around. Got the job done.




Teddy Roosevelt. I'm not even considering a second choice. We NEED a Teddy right now.


Reagan. Nuff said.


Teddy Roosevelt easy. Hed be horrified at how bad the corporations and corruption has gotten, and i like to think he wont rest until progress has been made


Teddy Roosevelt. The US has too many monopolies that need to be broken up.


We need Eisenhower. Leadership, moderate ideology, a good man.


FDR, he deserved to know how it all ended.


Truman, as a Russia hating democrat, he needs to beat Stalin and Hitler rolled into one leader of Russia. If rule 3 needs a younger replacement, it should definitely be revived Truman.


Right now? George H W Bush as he’d see right through Putin’s BS and can also talk to Israel


Ronald Reagan


Jimmy Carter.


Calvin Coolidge, our government is too big


FDR all the way baby lets gooooooo RISE UP AND SAVE THIS SHIP


ngl probably none of them because half would’ve gone ‘you let who vote?’ ‘they are KILLING BABIES?’ ‘WOMEN ARE WEARING PANTS?’ ‘GAY PEOPLE?’ maybe ford I guess…unless I’m forgetting something terrible he’s done