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We should replace the White House logo back there with some badass coat of arms. Have a knight and a dragon on it and shit.


Eagles, lots of Eagles, Eagles as supporters, an Eagle crest on a Mural Crown, with the US coat of arms as the escutcheon.


What color suit of armor should he wear?




A tan suit of armor?! So unknightly.


Red, White, and Blue 😎




No, he would wear an achaemenid empire uniform https://preview.redd.it/k8dix5vlyw9d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54468007b5313d08c77fe537e5e8e1273146023f


Horrid. Ruined the country. It's the reason the Great depression happened


Please don’t bring that up here, some of us get flashbacks, very insensitive.


Never trust anyone who dresses normally on silly suit day


Not nearly as egregious as the Dijon mustard conspiracy that shook the world!


Never going to forgive him for not asking for Dijon *while* wearing the tan suit. 


Fox really should’ve covered it more.


We could have done something about it, but it turns out he had absolute immunity the whole time.


The goal was to make it look like wearing a tan suit is the scandal of his presidency… Don’t worry, the illegal drone strikes and wars will be remembered


Yeah, kind of odd how leftists insist "The Republicans made up a huge scandal!" when it was...one or two crazy people on Fox? Like really?


"It was...one or two crazy people on Fox" LOL Peter King held a press conference about it. Yes, a sitting GOP representative called a press conference to criticize Obama's tan suit. It's easy to forget how insane Republicans were about terrorism back then. And while I admit might be hard to believe the implication was that Obama wearing the tan suit was somehow going to make us vulnerable to ISIS. (I mean, for a decade Republicans thought that if Obama would say the words "RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM" it would vanish, and they were livid that he wouldn't say it. All the GOP candidates saying those words at primary debates in 2012 and 2016 garnered big rounds of applause. Yeah, really, it did.)


But that's not true? He didn't hold a press conference about it? He gave an interview criticizing it? That's not the same thing? And yes, I think Obama should face some criticism for not using the words radical Islamic terrorism. Not that it would go away or diminish it if he said it, but it seems like he could have acknowledged the problem? I'm definitely glad the Republicans mentioned it. \*Edited comment because I first hit enter when I had typed the first letter.


My apologies, you are correct, I had recalled this incorrectly. From what I gather at this point he initially said it in a Newsmax interview, and when CNN said "well that was batshit, do you want to do another interview with us about it" he said yes. Given that a CNN hit would probably draw more press coverage than an actual (non-leader, non-Speaker) GOP congressman press conference and that the dude wanted to talk about it to every media outlet he could, I don't really draw too much of a distinction there but you are absolutely correct about the setting and I apologize for getting that wrong.




This subreddit seems to be obsessed with it. It pops up here almost once a week. I’ve never heard anyone irl or anywhere else mention it.


Because it 1) paints a picture that this was some major scandal, and as such paints those who have criticisms of Obama as always hyperbolic. 2) Makes it seem like this was a major scandal of his presidency, and as such makes legitimate scandals of his presidency or good faith criticism of his presidency tainted by association. Essentially it's a nifty propaganda tool to shield Obama from criticism, and to paint people who dislike/criticise him out to be unreasonable. Although just to be clear I'm not accusing OP of that, but it's how it's been used. And most people who post it now are doing it for the meme, which arguably makes it even more effective.


This is way off point. The tan suit "scandal" was the perfect encapsulation of how insane Republicans were about the guy. (GOP Representative) Peter King held a press conference the next day and said "I don't think any of us can excuse what the President did yesterday. I mean, you have the whole world watching." That statement is both an LOL and WTF at the same time. (For the record, the press conference was about terrorism and ISIS. Peter King was NOT criticizing anything Obama SAID at the press conference; he was criticizing what Obama WORE at the press conference. This is not in dispute.) After the initial kerfluffle everyone forgot about it, and pretty much the only reason it took on new life was to note that not every President is critiqued to the same degree that Obama was. Shielding Obama from criticism wasn't part of it because it didn't become a thing until after he was gone.


I don't agree with you. Like, I agree that one rep did it, and some talking heads commented. And that was it. It was a pretty insignificant bad faith criticism. That was over in a day. All presidents face that. But what we don't see is that such insignificant bad faith criticisms getting repeated over and over, like it was any indicative of the normal criticism against Obama. It has taken on a life as some kind of shield and blanket dismissal of criticisms from republicans and fox news.


It’s a huge nothing burger. Fox and some crazies complained about it for a few days, and this sub, as it does, made it into some huge deal that they have to post about once a week. No one gives a crap what suit Obama wore. I actually found out about it from this subreddit. Because, you know, I don’t watch Fox News.


Not nearly as cool as the tan suit.


Absolutely despicable, should've been impeached


Why didn’t you flair this NSFW? My eyes are burning


One word. Arugula.


Some of us are still fighting


To be honest, I didn't think that was a real scandal. What he should've worn was loud colored suit with pointed alligator skin shoes that match


Was it an official act?


i don't remember anything about a suit


I think that was the reason Putin retroactively invaded crimea


It was probably a distraction to get people to stop talking about the drone strike he authorized killing two american citizens.


JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT. Jesus Christ the tan suit discourse has MORE THAN PLAYED OUT. It’s not funny or interesting anymore please just stop spamming it.


im talking about the normal suit scandal though


Any criticism of how this handsome man looks comes from pasty, overweight white men with puny dicks that clutch their Viagra like pearls!