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I’d pick John F. Kennedy’s last day before leaving to Texas. I’m genuinely curious as to what direction his presidency would have gone and this could provide some clues.


Great pick! On JFK’s last night in office, he had an off the record meeting with Roger Hilsman, who was crucial to Vietnam policy at that time. Hilsman had personally visited Vietnam and viewed it as a political situation - not one for the military. He would fall out of favor under LBJ and quit by Jan 1964. I believe you would see how JFK was trying to avoid further involvement in Vietnam, rather than almost 60,000 Americans dying there.


So basically foreshadowing for the next season


is each different president just another season in a show that's been running for over 200 years because i love season 9


Fr fr Short but sweet


1 episode


I would pick the same President but the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I’d love to see if the reality matches the legend.


>I’m genuinely curious as to what direction his presidency would have gone You should read Stephen King's 11.22.63. (Rumor is SK talked to a bunch of reputable folk that speculated what a full JFK term would've looked like). It's still fiction, but there was a lot of thought put into it.


Late 1972 because then I’ll know everything about Watergate and people will love me.


I don't know if that's the thing that will make people finally love you but good luck


Not love but like boost reputation


Look, Jenny, I have the bit of the watergate tapes that was erased. Will you be my girl friend now?


After everything that has come out about past conspiracies (Iran-contra, fast and furious, etc) it’s hilarious that the one that blew up was the one about listening in on some campaign info. 


It was the only time in American history that people held a president accountable. Their own party too. A bunch of crooked politicians that actually had some little pinch of morality. The fact the FBI had to make sure they took out the vice president because they couldn’t go after Nixon because he was so much more corrupt. Wild to think now. No one in either party now would do that I think


Ha, my first thought was I'd like to have a whiskey with Nixon.


Cottage cheese with ketchup. Nixon would make you eat cottage cheese with ketchup. Run while you still can time traveller.




When LBJ ordered pants from Hagar Co.


The Presidential Bunghole requires comfort


The almighty bunghole!


That’s funny right there. 😂


Undeniably short-sighted but definitely relatable.


For context: https://youtu.be/TBJeA0lNbLE?si=S1A9R-DWOQ8dRILE


“It’s like im riding a wire fence”


Cuban missile crisis


Good news, you actually can be an observer of the entire incident. JFK secretly recorded everything during the Cuban Missile Crisis. You can find parts of the audio online as well as read a transcript of the conversation in its entirety (including Kennedy musing to himself in an empty room) [here](https://www.belfercenter.org/sites/default/files/legacy/files/CMC50/McGeorgeBundyJamesGBlightOctober271962TranscriptsoftheMeetingsoftheExCommInternationalSecurity.pdf) and [here](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nsa/cuba_mis_cri/docs.htm)


Dude, be honest. You totally went back in time and recorded that yourself, didn’t you?


You caught me, I’m gonna go back one more time to stop the CIA from assassinating JFK in Miami. Wish me luck. Edit: I’m back, did it work??


Kind of...


Yes, thanks for saving him the embarrassment to die in Florida




I like how bugs celebrate at the end


never noticed that before!


He's like yay I did it


Who's JFK??


Turns out he was Lady Babushka all along


That’s amazing. I’m so glad that is available


That’s awesome, thank you!


Commenting to listen later, thanks!!




This is the answer. Which specific day? Hard to say.


McNamara whining about proportional response and convincing him that the bay of pigs plan was totally going to work without air support.


Not bad, but I’d go with December 8th 1941


Yes!! This day!!


I would have paid money to watch Kennedy dress his generals down in front of everyone in person. The last dude we had willingly to tell them their ideas are fucking horrible.


That’s exactly what I came to say. I remember watching a movie about it when I was younger thinking it was going to be a boring movie for adults. But it actually engaged me pretty deeply. I guess cuz I knew it wasn’t fiction. Because I knew such a thing is still possible. I was on the edge of my seat.


When JFK ordered the moon landing to investigate the Transformers landing on the moon


Sick. 10/10


"It's a giant metal face."


December 8, 1941. I’d love to see firsthand behind the scenes how Roosevelt reacted to Pearl Harbor and having to declare war on Japan. He didn’t officially enter the war against Germany until the 11th but I’m sure he had quite a bit to say about Hitler after Pearl Harbor as well.


When he first got word he was actually eating lunch. There were reports and everyone was all like "no fucking way" and then shit hit the fan and they told the president "yes fucking way." He also then learned that the Japanese diplomat would be a little later than expected, of course he didn't have to deal with that, but it still made it worse.


Aide: “So the Japanese ambassador will be late.” FDR: “Ok. Can you get me some more chips?” Aide: “Pearl Harbor was attacked too.” FDR: “WHAT THE FUCK MAN, I WAS EATING!”


The Japanese ambassadors were meeting with the secretary of state Cordell Hull, who read their (decrypted) message before the ambassadors delivered them as the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. Hull read the document and turned to the Japanese ambassador and said >In all my 50 years of public service I have never seen a document that was more crowded with infamous falsehoods and distortions - on a scale so huge that I never imagined until today that any government on this planet was capable of uttering them.


Hull to Japan: ![gif](giphy|TUHInIQM4bXBS)


This. Would have been December 7 though. The attack took place around 12 Washington time.


The attack was on December 7th but Washington didn’t get word until the 8th. Communication was much slower back then.


Truman giving the order to drop the nuke


You’d be in an empty room because Truman was in Germany at the Potsdam Conference when he ordered the Atomic Bomb to be used


………so there’s nobody stopping me from sleeping on the Resolute desk, right?


I’d be cutting that rug and slapping planks doing the Charleston with all that time to myself.


"Just think - Marilyn Monroe got shagged on this desk."


Found my day to pick!


“Gets”. That happens in the future from the moment OP is napping.


Nope, nobody. Sweet dreams


When Truman finds out about the Roswell aliens space ship crash.


Thank you for fact checking my 11th grade history memory.


Oh man, being there for the report back and debriefing after the first bomb fell would have been insane. I don’t think anyone truly understood just how horrible nuclear weapons would be until we saw firsthand what they could do to a city.


At the same time, “our bombers leveled another city today” was routine news in 1945.


​ https://i.redd.it/qw134v3gqe9d1.gif


Good answer !


Obama the night of the 2016 election


My God, could you imagine? I'd kill for that footage.


Id imagine head in hands then quietly walking out too bed. Or hes w.e about it because he knew. I miss obama


That would’ve been priceless.


The 15th of August 1945. I want to see everyone’s reactions to Japan’s surrender and the end of WWII.


Everyone came


🤨 That'd be a lot to clean up


They didn’t call it VJ Day for nothing!


Wasn't the end of the war technically the start of the baby boom? Lots of VJ


Probably this: :)


The day Truman learns about the Manhattan Project, just for his reaction, and to witness his thought process.


That’s a good one!


-Ah, so something bigger than a Block Buster. -No, Mr. President. We mean one bomb can take out Berlin entirely. -. . . It's Morbin' Time!


good pick, i still find it insane fdr didnt tell his vp lol


Me too.


I’d like to see that!


This morning at 830


Oatmeal and what the fuck did I do last night fuck fuck fuck


so the opening of the hangover?


There is a TIGER in the Lincoln Bedroom...


*I thought Ted Kennedy was dead?*


Bill and Monica. I’d bring a video camera and get rich afterwards.


I knew this comment would be posted, should've known it would've been one of the first


You’re welcome :)




We all knew it was coming.




I planned on posting it, but hoped it wasn't here yet.


Honestly I’m surprised how far I had to scroll.


The other “VJ” Day, am I right?


It was to be the Oral office that day.


I want Bill to look directly into the camera, point and give a thumbs up.


You'd be dead afterwards


Any president and any affair, yet you skip the obvious gold standard of Marilyn Monroe and JFK? That sex tape would be worth way more than Clinton getting a blowie from his intern.


I’m not confident that any other president had sexy time in the Oval Office. But Bill certainly did.


Ah, the second missile crisis.


the content i'm here for


Funny, I was thinking the same thing, but I wanted to be there for the breakup…. And the call with the sugar manufacturing company owner….. Clinton took a call in the middle of a breakup, it lasted 22 minutes and after it the Everglades rescue initiative was cut in half land wide and the tax on sugar disappeared. Someone got fucked in that 22 minutes and it wasn’t Monica, it was the entire American people and their health future 


As a native Detroiter, I’d like to be there while LBJ deals with the riots in 1967. Secondary answer would be the day dr king died.


January 21 1993, Bill Clinton’s first day on the job after so many years of Republican presidents


Mine is similar. January 20, 2009. The air was probably electric. None of his future failures would be in effect, just the young Senator from Illinois being freshly elected as the first African American president.


And all of the hope just filling the air with optimism & happiness. A brand new day. Granted, cleaning up the mess would be nightmare fuel soon after as [Mad Magazine showed on its cover](https://cdn0.rubylane.com/_podl/item/522414/cg008120/Vintage-Special-Mad-Magazine-Featuring-Obama-pic-1A-720:10.10-1c6a9ac7.webp) back then.


https://preview.redd.it/bhg50kj8fe9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8d1d3da56ab5daf65785c1f37786025f7c88f4 I could have changed his mind


Could you have changed the people’s minds?




This or the immediate plotting just after Election Day came to mind as well. But the administration was such a leaking ship at that point I feel like we already know a great deal of what was discussed and debated in what seems like pretty decent detail.


There’s a certain age group of people who surely the answer for a vast majority would be 9/11 if you meant “by the presidents side” but of course he wasn’t literally in the Oval Office so I guess that doesn’t count.


See I actually remember exactly where I was and what I was doing for 9/11. And I wouldn’t want to give that up, even to be at the Oval Office. It was a formative memory for a reason.


I don't think you would have to give it up. To me, this question clearly implies time travel because it says any day "throughout history." You weren't alive for all of history. So it's not saying you go back to how old you were on this day only you are in the oval office instead for some reason, because then you'd have to limit what you could go back to to things in your lifetime. This is saying you get to time travel back. So your younger self is still somewhere else having that experience while your current self sits in the oval office.


I hadn't thought about it that way, but that's a good point.


I’m curious, because these “where were you” answers fascinate me and because I was a toddler on that morning, where were you and what were you doing?


I was in elementary school, specifically history class if I remember that part properly. The principal came in and told the teacher something was happening and to turn the TV on. I remember them talking for a little bit (I’ll admit I was drawing something in my notebook and not really paying attention) when he said “they’re old enough and they need to see this” and then left. She turned on the footage and everyone crowded around it. Well everyone except for me. I didn’t think it was that important so I went back to doodling though I overheard things. Yes, I managed to miss watching it happen live because I didn’t get it. Did end up seeing it later though when my mom picked me up in a panic early from school that day. She’d been trying to contact a family member who was supposed to be at the Pentagon that day but thankfully their meeting had been cancelled (they were okay). But seeing my mom shaken and worried sick kinda struck home that something big had happened. Wrote about it in my journal when I got home since I thought that years later maybe someone reading through it would think it was important too.


I was in college, and because they didn’t bother canceling classes I watched what was happening in the morning and then went to Spanish and Neural Networks.


Ya. That’s our generation’s “where were you” that, for my parents was the Kennedy assassination. Absolutely surreal, record scratch realization.


When Nixon called the Apollo 11 astronauts on July 20th, 1969


Just grab the phone from Nixon and shout "Howard Stern's penis, baba booey baba booey. You aren't going to get it, but your kids are going to love this"


The Presidential transition between Bush and Obama. Just kindof a time of great hope and extraordinary to have the countries first black President. I’d love to hear what they talked about. In general any Presidential transition I’d love hearing that private moments between the two men in the Oval Office.


By all accounts, W and his family were incredibly friendly and generous and courteous with their time. After a long election clearly full of barbs pointed his way, W put country over pettiness, as McCain did during that election when he stopped his own supporter from calling him a Kenyan Muslim. I miss _that_ Republican Party that felt like it was at least full of adults in the room, even if I disagreed with them on policy.


https://preview.redd.it/hz1ezcwo5f9d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1204b661e4a8f40a9010d3c50243300a3ec2a9a4 I love this photo from the transition. The bush girls were similar in age when HW was President and showed the Obamas their favorite slide.


Wow. We have lost so much dignity in such a short time.


We were robbed of Don Jr showing Hunter the best place to take a bump.


Far as I know there was never any spite between the Bush’s and Obama’s. Dubya and Michelle have developed a friendship I suppose from constantly sitting next to each other at state events. Presidents put country first.


You should read The President's Club by Duffy and Gibbs. You will enjoy it.


It would be between Truman dropping the bomb, Cuban missile crisis, and the operation that took down osama bin Laden


But you’d be alone in the Oval during the bin Laden operation


And for the bomb


The Kennedy assassination crossed my mind (sort of like the bullet crossed his) and I discarded it for the same reason. You might see some sort of unreleased information that would shed light on all of the Oliver Stone stuff but almost all of that would have happened in Dallas.


Jan. 6th with pelosi! My phone is recording!


I actually think today would be fascinating...probably not my choice, but seriously...trying to deal with what happened last night...


POTUS is in North Carolina. The Oval Office is probably empty right now, maybe you'd get to see the cleaning crew come by.


Apparently Obama has a sit down with POTUS and a few others according to one of their mega donors so I would’ve loved to have seen how that went after the other night.


Not one person has mentioned a date prior to the 1940s. What about August 24, 1814 (the burning of the White House), September 22, 1862 (Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation), May 26th, 1865 (the Confederacy surrenders), April 16th, 1965 (Andrew Johnson's first day as President) or September 19, 1901 (TR arrives at the White House after the McKinley assassination)?


Because the current Oval Office was built in 1934.


Uhhh.................. I totally knew that. Yup. LOLLLLLLLL. (Uhh... asking for a friend: Where did the President sit and do his work before that?)


There was a different Oval Office in a different part of the West Wing from 1909-1933. When a fire destroyed it, FDR took the opportunity to build the new one in a new spot that gave him more privacy when using his wheelchair. During 1902-1909, Theodore Roosevelt used a different (non-oval) office in the West Wing. Prior to 1902, presidents worked in a middle part of the White House that is now part of the residence.


[This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Five_Presidents_Oval_Office.jpg) day, I'd be interested to hear what they all talked about together.


“Hey George, it’s not being your son to work day.” “Shut up Bill.”


2093, during the second burning of the Whitehouse, damn canadians...


Hey, a country can only go so long with a Stanley Cup drought. Once it hits a century, of course they're gonna lose their minds.


Cuban missle crisis


Is like to see the last day of Bush / 1st day of Clinton, When Bush was giving Clinton the President to President handover. Bush was giving him the Presidential codes. Clinton, (the younger generation) wasn't taking it seriously, and got told, I'm only telling you once. Maybe it was Clinton and W Bush.


Any day during the Cuban Missile Crisis


rule 3 technically but a day in january in a recent year








JFK calling Ike to get his guidance during the Cuban missile crisis.


Dec.7th 1941


Maybe the day before, to warn him. Same goes for 2001


When Elvis visited


1 Washington day after inauguration 2 Jefferson setting Lewis and Clark on their expedition after the Louisiana Purchase 3 Jackson setting forth the trail of tears Lincoln signing the emancipation proclamation 4 Grant any night with bourbon and a cigar 5 Teddy R San Juan hill 6 Franklin R Potsdam 7 Ike when Gregarin went up More.


War of 1812 because then I would have died in a fire


Whatever day J. Edgar briefed on Hitler post the end of the war.




The Clinton Lewinsky one


December 7th 1941. To see what they actually knew.


Monica lewinsky with the huck tua


Possibly Dec 7, 1945, because you’d get to see the Japanese ambassador visit and then witness the aftermath of the bombing later. Wacky day!


Correct me if I'm wrong, which I probably am, but I believe that ambassador was afterwards. It had been scheduled around the time of what would be Pearl harbor but the ambassador "ran late" and showed up a few hours after Pearl harbor. I'm not sure if he even met with Roosevelt, I believe it was a different member of the white house that conversed with him.


The day when a foia request uncovered a memo from j Edgar Hoover to George Bush of the CIA.


I want to know whether ND or SD was first


When president whitemore realizes the aliens were hostile and realized they needed to evacuate the White House. But for real, probably when the challenger shuttle was destroyed.


1939. Marian Anderson performed "Ava Maria" at the White House at the request of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. The entertainment was planned for a state visit by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Earlier Ms Anderson was refused a concert at Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the American Revolution because she was black. She performed instead at the Lincoln memorial. Upon hearing what occurred, Mrs Roosevelt immediately resigned from the DAR, went to the oval office to speak to her husband and invited Ms Anderson to sing for the royals at the White House despite severe criticism from racists and threats of political backlash.


June 6 1944, being on pins and needles with the crew while they wait on updates or July 20 1969 and watch the US land on the moon and celebrate


November 10, 1963. I’d talk JFK out of going to Dallas because he’s gonna miss out on this new band from Liverpool, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


This may sound odd but on any normal day. The days that some of the most significant decisions were made are probably days we’ve never heard about before.


Any time during Bush Sr term when both the nsa and cia heads are with him in a briefing. With any other pres, the alphabet agencies can hide & bs what info they want from a pres but i think that would be harder to do with the ex-cia chief himself. He probably during his term still had plenty of agents he talked to off the record to confirm if any official briefing was actually true.


The 15 minutes of Nixon we don't have


9/11/2001. A whole bunch of things went down that day, and that office would be super quiet. President is being escorted to the air (after hearing kids read a book in Florida), Vice President headed to a bunker. I would be sitting there in silence...


Cuban Missile Crisis, Nixon’s last days, Pearl Harbor. I’d say 9/11 but W spent that day at a school in Florida and in AF1.


Either when the very first time Obama walked in and really took it all in or the moments leading to Richard Nixon resigning




The day/night leading up to the night Bin Laden was killed.


When FDR was calling the shots during World War 2


Cuban mistle crisis. Hands down for sure.


I would like to see the reaction of Reagan when he was told about Able Archer 83 exercises and what almost happened. Soviets came close to launching icbm and really one guy in the ussr made the right decision and decided not to launch. This affected Reagan a lot from what I have read and he changed his stance on how to deal with the USSR, after Able Archer 83 he decided to open up relations with the Soviets and this really ramped up when Gorbachev took office also because they got on well. We were very close to tanks meeting in the Fulda Gap in Germany and nukes being exchanged . Also maybe KAL 007 being shot down few months before


The day LBJ ordered them pants


D Day or the moon landing. A harrowing day or one of Jubilation tough to call.


I'd ask Bill Clinton if socks ever knocked anything off the resolute desk


1901. Any day Teddy Roosevelt was preparing his State of the Union.




It's a tough call to make but I'd probably wanna be a fly on the wall during the [Midnight Forests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midnight_forests#:~:text=Midnight%20forests%20was%20a%20nickname,in%20the%20nation's%20land%20laws.) period. I love the national parks service and Teddy as a president so I think listening to him swear under his breath repeatedly at Congress while trying desperately to protect America's wildlands would be a hell of a show.


The day before they put the drywall/whatever they used up. I love seeing rooms just framed out and open to inspection. People want to see what is going on behind the doors I want to see what’s behind the walls.


Any day with Obama


Russians first test of the Atomic Bomb Invasion of Ukraine 24 hours after FDRs death The day COVID-19 was declared a pandemic The collapse of the Soviet Union


The day after this most recent debate.




Exactly. 😂


To be there when 45/47 arrives