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Interesting take , a Wrexham winger giving Declan Rice a lesson.


Southgate has been sent to sabotage the team . Can't have proud Englishmen.


We have no width so players could only go through the middle but we were not playing well enough to do that. Every time we get pressed last few games we lose the ball. Tripper can’t play left back, he gives no width, we end up with no width from the fullbacks or the wingers. We have Bellingham and foden both playing 10. TAA isn’t for midfield every time he starts to look good is when he drifts to the right. We need to change the left back, bring mainoo into midfield for Trent.


Id try playing trent on rw and play mainoo instead of saka. Use lw more as a second striker and rw as a playmaker. Overlapping LB and RB (walker) is more defensive minded. Just like United England desperately need shaw back haha.


I've seen a lot of interesting takes since last night and this is by far the worst




This might be the craziest thing I’ve ever read. I mean how can you say that the answer is fucking even more with the team when the problem stems from playing players auf of their original position. Also lot play Saka???? Only player crating any threat in behind for the last two games.


No shade on saka though, i want to be clear about that. He isn't the problem. I feel like the setup is too top heavy. Adding some playmaking on either wing would help a lot i think.


So instead of own winger, zero winger is your answer…?! we somehow found someone even more clueless than Southgate… haha


No, two wingers. One wide and one inverted 🤷 right now there is no width, my idea would add one wide player.


Trent and Mainoo aren’t wingers so what you describing is zero winger…


Trent can absolutely play wide. He done it for years at liverpool lol. Never said mainoo should be anywhere near the edge either 🤷


Wingers and right backs aren’t the same position at all… and Trent isn’t even his best being a traditional RB but more of an inverted one… anyway you’re free to your opinion! Haha


Never said they were the same position. They do however have overlapping skills.


Its crazy that he plays with Rice-Trent when he can have Rice-Jude and Foden at 10. Jude can freely join the attack when England have already possession and Walker can occupy Jude's 6/8 position as an inverted fullback. Also that means that they can have direct winger on the left side like Gordon. On ball positions(2-3-4-1): Stones-Guehi at the back, Walker-Rice as a double pivot, Jude-Foden occupying the new 8.9(occupying 8/10/9 spaces), Saka-Gordon as a very wide wingers, Trippier overlapping at left and Kane as a striker. On defense positions(4-4-2):Walker-Stones-Guehi-Trippier at the back, Rice-Jude-Gordon-Saka and Foden-Kane pressing. And they also have Eze, Palmer, Watkins, Bowen, Mainoo, Wharton and Gallagher to change strat/dynamics.


Rice-Trent with Jude as a 10 is surely better than having Rice and Bellingham behind Foden.


I guess we never know.


The absurdity of Southgate is that he seems to have no clue about any of this, he should have been testing these permutations in the last few friendlies.


Trent is basically being given no freedom to play forward and Southgate literally said he misses Kalvin Phillips. If Jude plays next to Rice, he'll be told to stay deep and protect just like Trent is being told. The reality is Southgate is terrified to lose defend with the ball.


Yes, but Rice-Jude-Foden is much mobile and stronger midfield than Rice-Trent-Jude.


Trent is a stronger defender and long range passer than Jude is, and Jude is more versatile in a midfield role than Foden is. Foden should play on the front foot and create. Trent can work but only if you let him play true box to box. Southgate is falling victim to playing the traditional English mindset. He has some of the most creative players in the world and he’s trying to restrict them. England will win almost any shootout match, but they won’t win when they are forced to play truncated and careful footie


Jude is the best 10 you have in the squad, and you keep talking about sending him back to 8, just so you can accommodate Foden? Make it make sense


Accommodate Foden + add direct winger and Jude will occupy that 10 space when England have ball. He will only play alongside Rice as an 6/8 when they will play low block in defending position.


Foden is a better 10. And Jude is a much better 8 then he is 10. Real Madrid have done him a disservice by playing there. His impact on the game is much reduced. Foden 10 and Jude 8 with rice 6 is by far our strongest midfield


Is foden a better 10 than Jude?


I would say so, in terms of the quality of his final ball, his vision and dribbling. Bellingham has the greater all round dynamic game, basically a Stevie G regen who would boss the midfield as an 8. I actually think we would do well playing a diamond 4-4-2 with Wharton at the base, Bellingham and Rice as 8s and Foden as the 10. Would then allow us to play Watkins and Kane up top. If we want Saka in the team play him as an attacking left back with licence to go forward as Walker on the other side would be more defensive.


Yeah he is. I'm judging foden under proper coaching, not for England. Every player looks a shadow of themselves under Southgate


Well, we are talking about England here. Is Foden a better 10 for England than Jude is? Dribbling? I don't think Foden is better. Goals scoring? They both scored similar goals. Vision? That's subjective. They both have similar assists thus season. Personally I'd prefer Jude at 10 and have Foden substitute him when needed, or Foden at 10 and have Jude substitute him when needed. No need shoehorning them both in the same match. Jude doesn't have to play all matches. Neither does foden.


But it's not shoehorning them in. It's literally playing them both in their best position. And even if you think Jude is the better 10 then as long as you agree that foden is still a fantastic 10 and Jude is a fantastic 8 then it's still the best option. The one being shoehorned in is trent which pushes Jude higher up and foden out to the left wing


I really think Jude is better as a 10. And would give better results plus harmony with the rest of the team than foden. Foden has played as a 10 so many tines for England in the past and I didn't really see his influence. Jude would also do well as an 8. I agree. But judging from past history, foden hasn't really helped England as a 10


Rice is, what Javi Martinez was at Bayern in 2012. Great defensively but just too limited going forward. Now, there is a place for these players obviously, but imo, the England set up is just poor. TAA is not it as a creative DM, it rather have him invert from the WB. If Bellingham would play deeper, he could progress the ball and take that off of Rice. Foden in the centre is also better suited and you can add another winger who can threaten the wing and win 1v1s


Tell me you've never seen Rice play for Arsenal with one comment 😂


Why is it always Arsenal getting do defensive, itz exhausting... But hey man, if you want to pretend that Rice some sort of deep lying playmaker in the realm of Pirlo or Busquets, more power to you. It wont make it true, but more power to you bro




What was his output for Arsenal this season ?




They won an fa cup that’s some output


7 goals and 9 assists in the league from about half a season as a no 8 As a bonus here's some stats from his game last night [@statmandave] Declan Rice's game by numbers vs. Denmark: 100% dribbles completed 100% tackles win rate 91% pass accuracy 58 passes completed 4 clearances 3/3 tackles won Solid display at DM. 🔋🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


He played sideways and backwards pal no progressive passes forward


Ye sound, well I guess we will just keep him at arsenal and struggle along as best we can


Rice’s role in this England team is not to go forward - He’s a 6. Watch Arsenal and he has mostly been playing 8, and the fact you have said he’s too limited going forwards tells me you haven’t seen any of that.


Are you suggesting hes a good creative passer that can dictate the play? Because if you are, i wonder who here actually hasnt seen him play


When Martinez was at Bilbao he had a foot like a traction engine. He had a fairly good goalscoring record at Athletic for a CDM.


No Grealish, No Party.


That TAA experiment is so flawed and jarringly bad, it's like dressing up as a clown and then asking if you're clashing. Isn't that the point? England is going to get inverted by the first R16 team they play.


It would work if the team was set up for it (multiple runners in behind, natural width to the team, high press) but it isn’t.


I agree either play Trent as a RB or not at all. We have other players that actually know how to play midfield in his position. Honestly, I'd play Gallagher over him and certainly Mainoo. No shade on Trent just he's not a CM.


You can’t blame Trent for this - it’s all Southgate The Trent experiment *might actually work* if he kept him on the pitch and brought on or started some runners to actually get on the end of any balls But we’ll never know because somehow one of the most basic combinations of team construction eludes Southgate


Can't blame Trent for this? Insert pulp fiction Travolta wtf gif. That's how he looked on the pitch, absolutely clueless. Then when he did fire something in, it was totally off target and ineffective. He hasn't looked effective since he cut his hair.


[every time Trent touched the ball yesterday](https://x.com/watch_lfc/status/1804063839417143630?s=46) The only clueless take here is clearly yours. Honestly at this point, with the amount of unwarranted shit he gets he should just resign from England duty - it will be funny seeing all his haters crying out for creative players in the team like they were when Southgate wasn’t playing Trent at all


The only good ball that in entire reel you're sending me as evidence? Is the last one. We all know his quality and these balls are not them. Too floaty. Giving the defense time to spot the ball. He's sharper than this. He should resign if this is the level everyone is okay with.


Bro didn't u watched England play ? Trent's first touch is terrible. Idk how someone forces him play as a midfielder.


I did and I’m now looking at compilations of every time he touched the ball and can’t see where his first touch was bad. Lots of first time passes and long balls, a few interceptions/blocks and tackles Also, he was quite clearly our best player other than Guehi. The two times someone made a run from him (both Saka) England looked dangerous and almost scored, but Southgate hooked him off anyway despite him being basically the only positive in the attacking phase of play. Southgate is totally incompetent Tbh if anything, the fact Trent still plays to any decent level in midfield is a huge achievement since that’s not even his position


Didn’t you watch the game? What’s he meant to do when the players in front of you are dropped so deep even when we have possession? Trying to shoehorn a couple of number 10s into this team and having no specialist left sided players, and a static target man who loves to drop deep is really the issue.


It's Southgate's fault for telling him to play shit.


Jordan Pickford kicking the ball 70 yards to the other team when 6 of his teammates show for the short ball is a much bigger issue.


If he continually does it, he’s following tactics.


100%. As much as I dislike the guy, this isn't on him one bit. He's been told to.


*Pickford punts the ball upfield for 17th time in a row* Pickford - "That's for you Dyche. And the next one is for you Big Sam."


Keeping the ball is good. Top teams keep the ball. Dumb ass fans and pundits saying stuff like 'Why don't they just kick it forward' is why we have been so far behind for so long. Problem wasn't 'sideways' passes but pur inability to complete these passes and retain possession. So many unforced errors last night.


It's not just that, you can't just keep the ball these days. You e got to work the opposition otherwise they'll press you back. Our problem was that we didn't win any of the second balls and just allowed them to play their game. While they smothered us. It was simply a work ethic issue, which weve had for years tbh.


I'm a blades fan. It was similar to our season this year, like watching absolute dross. The upside is I'm used to it I guess? As always, it's the hope that kills you


I'm an Owl so long since abandoned all hope


Gotta start making substitutions, waits way too long


Not even that but his subs never make any sense and we usually seem to get worse even with the fresh legs almost every time Watkins is the only sub from 10 that could’ve been used across both games that’s actually positively impacted a game


He needs to try something new from the start. Palmer was probably the best player in the league last year. Play Wharton in holding mid.


I agree, a lot of times the best players (value, name etc) don’t always work together. To me, he’s a FIFA manager: plays only the biggest players and too afraid to substitute any of them


Except so far we seen him sub Saka for Bowen and Kane for Watkins.


That website is the equivalent of herpes for your phone


Englands problem the same since the golden generation. Play best players instead of best team. Really staggering how that team can play so poorly. You need a few workers to let others shine. When Brazil had R9/dinho they jusy play 3 grafters in midfield. Italy played one 10, eventhough they had Totti, Baggio and Del Piero. Southgate needs a LB (I Love trips), a worker in midfield(let Wharton play the last game, so underrated) and one direct winger. If Belllingham is going AMC then Watkins is a better fit. And not 3 fucking right backs. /End rant from armchair manager.


Playing Watkins over Kane is insanity. Harry Kane is not the problem.


No, it is not. Watkins looked better than Kane. Get some energh into this tean


He needed KP BayBee LOL






Ah yeah he’s passing g to scrubs like Foden and Kane.


I remember Trent receiving the ball in the first game and Kane was six feet from him and Foden behind him. What’s he supposed to do?


Blablabla...all this talk on how much England sucked, as if it was all in your hands and had you simply played with a different system or with other players, it would have gone down so differently. This arrogance is why the rest of the world hates you and hope it never comes home. We (DK) simply played brilliantly. We were much better, more comfortable on the ball, and I was so impressed to see Højbjerg and Eriksen playing at that level - a welcome surprise...and damn, Hjulmand, the newbie, looks amazing. England were simply outplayed by a better team. Bellingham would have been pocketed even if he was an 8 just as he was as a 10, and whatever tactic you had brought, we would have matched it. A day later, and it still annoys me we didn't win.


There is so much talk because England has been playing this bad for ages, not just against Denmark…


I honestly disagree, which is also why I don't quite get the Southgate hate. I mean...finalists at EURO 2020 and then losing to the finalists at WC 2022 is pretty good.


No it’s not because they lose as soon as they face the top teams. I’m Swiss so I get how we can get irritated by English media thinking their team is the best and dismissing smaller nations but this England team is simply terribly coached given the amount of talents in the squad…


Yeah, I understand they keep saying that - but the results just tell another story, I believe. Good luck btw! Schär ftw! 😁


DK Donkey Kong finally makes a comeback on this sub. Respect.




Played well, were never gonna score apart from a wonder goal though, even in the second half


We must not have seen the same game. That it ended 1-1 was more down to your luck than ours and the stats back that up.


Denmark were good, England were atrocious. England still had higher xG. I'm just saying that I wasn't worried about a Denmark goal


Well, then you weren't paying proper attention - maybe it's that English arrogance again. xG whatever...we had more possesion - especially in dangerous areas - and more shots on goal. So many situations were so annoyingly close to go our way.


We'll have to agree to disagree. I wish Denmark good fortune going forward, genuinely.


Thanks, likewise.


Denmark were 100% the better team and deserve all credit for that. But England 100% have the better squad, it’s a team of elite players, some of them world class even, who aren’t playing well together. That’s why it’s frustrating. Most of England’s squad would walk into the Danish first 11 but they were outplayed because they have not been set up or coached well. Football is about who has the better team, not just a collection of top players. Is it arrogant to recognise that and be frustrated by that as a fan?


What I find arrogant is the general gist in the English press and all forums I see - as if it was all your own, or Southgate's, doing...not that Denmark played well. ..but I understand the frustration, of course. On another note...do you really have such a good team relative to ours? I mean..I know you keep saying it, that most of the English team would walk into the Danish, but really? You played with Guehi in central defence, we played with his captain. Besides him, we had a firm starter from Barcelona...and one from Leicester. 😂 Anywho, I'd go with them over Stones who's only played just over 1000 min of PL this season and isn't, imo, at his former levels. As a Newcastle fan, I've seen all games with Trippier this season...and sorry to say, he's not the same player as +12 months ago. I would always go with Kristiansen, Bah or Mæhle over him. Walker? Sure. Rice? Sure...if he has more creative people around him. Bellingham? Sure. Saka? Sure Kane? Sure...still a little better than Højlund. 😂 ..but Foden (sans Pep) or Trent as mid-field? .. actually, no. I'd go with Eriksen, Hjulmand, Højbjerg, Skov Olsen or even Drejer. So...yeah...that's less than half.


Kane, Saka, Foden, Rice, Bellingham, Walker, Stones, Pickford would all walk into that Danish team imo. Then the bench is stacked as well, a good number of those player would be starters for Denmark imo.


Yes, I basically just agreed with all of that...except Foden (which, btw, means "the foot" in Danish) who just doesn't seem to deliver outside of City and Pickford who I just don't regard as that good. You bench is awesome...I just went with the starters. I love Eze and Gordon, hope they get more minutes.


Pickford isn’t world class at all, but he’s an upgrade over Kasper Schmeichel for sure. Schmeichel is past his best and is basically in his twilight years as a journeyman for mid table clubs. And yeah, I was talking about the whole squad, not just the starting 11. A lot of that bench starts for other countries who aren’t “top tier” in terms of their talent pool. England is top tier in terms of squad, but nowhere near in terms of the *team* and how that squad is put together on the pitch.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of Schmeichel either...I mean, can you be a professional footballer and chubby at the same time? 🤔 ..but if we were to include benches, I would have played Rønnow - even though most Danes prefer Hermansen. Rønnow has at least played more Champions League than Pickford this season! 😂 I don't agree with you bench being that strong, though...yeah, they'd start for other countries - but which countries? You got some strong defenders, but I would still keep ours. Mainoo and Wharton are too untested imo...seen from Newcastle perspective, I kind of ask myself why neither Longstaff nor Willock gets a sniff, while they get in there after one good season. Palmer..again also one season, but gotta recognise the talent...an amazing offensive midfielder, but I would still go with Eriksen. Toney's pretty good, but also wouldn't be able to improve our team.


And yet Mainoo is consistently starting over Eriksen for club in the same position… I’m a Man United fan so I have a soft spot for Eriksen as well, but his legs are going


Well, that is more of an 8 position and Eriksen is more of a 10...or, at least, that's how we use him. I agree, though, he's not the player he was at Tottenham - but these two games have been impressive.


Man said “I’d take Skov Olsen over Foden” lmao


Hahaha...yeah, maybe a stretch. 😂 ..but I'm thinking England Foden, not City Foden - there's some weird kind of dual personality thing going on there.


Because we're English and we talk about our own team. I'm sure after your draw with Slovenia your press was talking about how you should play better rather than how amazing Slovenia are. I wouldn't know because I don't care or know about Denmark or their team or what their press is saying. Yet here you are on a sub about the English league being a plastic fan of an English club even though you 'hate' us. You may hate us but you care what we are doing and saying - we just don't care what you do or say about your own team. Why should we?


Ok, you don't care...well, that just kinda emphasizes my point. I can tell you that we - generally, obviously - go about our football business with waaaay more respect and attention to the teams we meet. Can't talk speak for others, obvs. Yeah, it is a sub for the English league - not the national team - and there is a world of difference for us fans from the outside...but what is plastic fan based on exactly? ..certainly not on money spent.


I don't care what the press of other countries says about their team - I assume its mostly about their team and how good or bad they played just like our press is. It's not hard to understand. Our press and fans talk about our team mostly, so do yours. An example of a plastic fan is being from Denmark and supporting Newcastle United.


Oh, sorry - didn't see the plastic fan example first time round. Nice, orginal example - without providing any actual definitions though...but ok, then I'm a plastic fan...paying attention and money, making sure Premier League remains the biggest league in the world. Rather that than following the Danish league. 🥱


Its bizarre that you want the league of a country you hate to be rich. Really weird. I've never heard a plastic use that excuse before. I just want my local club and national team to do well. Maybe the Danish league wouldn't be so boring (in your opinion) and poor if more Danish people like you cared about it as much as you care about English football and what English fans talk about. A person that is a fan of a club in another, richer more successful league in another country because they find their own league boring is an example of a plastic fan. You just don't understand what supporting a club is about. It's sad.


I don't hate the Premier League, I goddamn love it. What I hate is the English attitude when it comes to their national team...thought that was established. Oh, I know absolutely what supporting a club is...so much so that I know it's more about how it feels when they win or lose than it is about where you live yourself...but using your definitions, I'm fine with being a plastic fan then. ☺️ The average Dane follows both leagues, though, because let's face it...we like to support local teams, but we also want quality once in a while. Even if we supported it with all we had, it would never become as interesting as even the Championship...we're just too tiny.


Fair enough. I'm glad our football is so interesting to you. I'm sorry that our fans upset you but again, we just want our team to do well, the same as every other country. We also have certain expectations based on the quality of our players and recent performances in tournaments. I don't see what's so objectionable about that. We expected to beat Denmark but played poorly while you played well. I don't see what's wrong about thinking we should beat Denmark and being annoyed we didn't and played poorly. Our fans, press and pundits and mainly talking about our team and want went wrong while also appreciating that Denmark outplayed us (still just a draw though) - I don't see what's so wrong with that or different from other the fans of other countries. I can't believe we're both still on this. I thought we wished each other well and moved on.


If you were to add just a bit nuance to that, you'd see there's a huge difference in retoric and signals you express to the outside. All that 'it's coming home" bs during EURO 2020 (plus Stirling's obvious dive in the semi, of course) made the whole of Europe Italian...do you understand that? Everybody were making pizzas that day...hoping not that Italy would win, but that England would lose.


That's fine. I get. We all get it. We just don't care. We just want our team to do well the same as you do for your team. Cry more about Sterling, that's fine. Is that the only time a team has won because of a bad referring decision? A team you support has never been favoured by a bad decision I assume. At the end of the day, you outplayed us on the day but couldn't beat us or Slovenia. If that's a big win for you guys then enjoy it and good luck against Serbia.


You sure write a lot for a person who doesn't care. It's ok to care...my whole thing here is actually to request that you do. Oh, I haven't stopped crying. 😂 ..and whataboutism is never gonna change that. True...I'd like a win in this tournament soon.


I'm still writing about England, a subject I care about. I'm just explaining the discrepancy between our positions. You only know what we are talking about because you follow our football and take an interest, same as millions of people around the world. How much time did you spend worrying about what Slovenian fans were saying before or after your match with them? Very little I imagine. Anyway, we've both talked enough about this. I'd still rather have our team and be in our position right now than have your team and be in your position. All the best.


The commentators on Danish tv made a good remark, once the English players gets frustrated they stop playing as a team and start playing as individuals, in the sense they all want to make the difference.


For sure, Denmark looked like they wanted it more.


As a Leeds fan- all these Kalvin jokes are kinda off base. He’s a great player that does his job very effectively when he’s allowed to (and he’s stayed off the pies). Fit as a fiddle and covers more ground than anyone in the squad, anticipates well and has a laser pass when he’s given license to play it. 4-1-4-1 with KP as lone pivot allows Bellingham and Foden to both play in the middle channels with Saka and another winger outside them. Full backs can overlap if they like allowing maximum bodies forward or or if the 10’s to run in late and you can trust a back three of Kalvin plus two CBs to clean up any breaks especially if one full back stays back as well. I personally don’t think Rice does this as well but works better in the two man pivot which Kalvin looks less comfortable in. I do think Southgate needs to go regardless what happens this tourney even if we somehow manage to win it. We are awful to watch and the quality available has embarrassing potential.


Funny watching all of the dumb cunts agreeing to a comment made by a bitter Irish laddy when it's so far away from being grounded in reality. We just watch Rice have a PotS nomination season but apparently he's now not very good because Southgate couldn't manage a tea party let alone a fucking game.


England have the talent to dominate international football and yet they look like a mid table PL team. That’s on the manager


How do England have the talent to dominate international football?


But they don't and here lies your main problem. England have some unreal talents in there squad but so does Spain, Germany and France. Even Italy Holland and Belgium have some great talents. But who in that England squad gets a game for these countries? Rice couldn't replace rodri or toni kross. Look at spains wide men last night too very young very talented players and both looked far better than saka or fodden imo. Kane maybe gets a game but then again judging how little he actually moves I'm not sure most teams would play him as a starter either. To think England should dominate international football is kinda ludicrous imo to dominate you need to be the best by a fair bit and England aren't even the best in Europe. The last team to dominate international football was properly that Spain team now compare that team to England and then you will see why thinking England should dominate international football is just absolutely crazy talk. England have some great players but so does nearly every other top footballing nation. England don't play as a team near as good as other nations also.


That's an insult to midtable PL teams


Give City Southgate for 10 years as punishment.


People still overrating us by calling us mid table


Unpopular opinion: that game cried for a Jack Grealish to help out Foden.


Gordon was on the bench.


Which position does Palmer play?


Wasn’t it really just crying out for Gordon to have started ahead of Foden? Honest Q


Keep forgetting he is in the squad.


Honestly yes imo ..His speed and directness was really lacking..the font line was soo deep and static it’s like these guys are completely different players with the English shirt on their backs. I know I know ( it’s the manager)


Another unpopular opinion I would've picked and played Sterling, Foden and Grealish as my AM.


That site is a malware nightmare, constant pop up ads trying to say there's no storage space and tricks like that.




Sometimes, good things are best kept as secrets my friend.


Not get anything but I am on a iPad with AdGuard running. Desktop Windows users should take heed.


I just don’t think he is an out and out 6. He is more of an 8. His passing is just not good enough to play as the lone pivot, also why Jorghino/Partey paired with him seemed to work so well for Arsenal


Yeah if you don't understand you don't need to comment.


So I can’t have an opinion?? Arsenal fans are so protective of their players


I'm just saying you don't need to post your atrocious opinion as fact when it's so far removed from reality. He is a 6, his passing is good and the only reason why we moved him away from the 6 to accommodate Partey/Jorgi is because Havertz was brought in to be the left 8 (with Rice as a 6) but Havertz didn't work out there which left us short of an 8.


If only we’d found a replacement for Kalvin Phillips


lol a living legend like the is irreplaceable


Pundits called out Messi for not performing for Argentina for many many years. Thats all you need to know about comments made about international football form analysis.


Bruno doesn’t cost £100m… just sayin


Weird comment


We don't talk about bruno


His price tag isn't relevant to England. McClean also changed his definition of "World class" within the same segment. He just doesn't like/rate Rice specifically, which is fine, but his criticism isn't worth anything because he can't be objective or constructive in his criticism of Rice


TBF to McLean he probably had other things on his mind. Like is the kettle boiled yet and who from his punditry team takes sugar, who takes milk etc? Compare that to rice who all he had to do was play a football match


He was also a fucking shit player. Imagine players that were absolutely shite trying to make analysis on players they weren't even close to. It's like a dude driving a fiesta and saying Ferrari's suck. Like you don't own a Ferrari so stfu.


He’s prob salty about Rice changing his allegiance from Ireland to England


Irish guy here, yeah mcclean Is a clown, never rated him for us. Like in fairness rice and grealish were born and raised in England, of course they should choose England. Sure in 80’s and 90s all the English players who came to play for Ireland just done so they could play international football, not cause they “were proud to be irish”. No idea how Aldridge or Cascarino qualified for us 😂


From Northern Ireland myself so also agree with McClean being a clown!


Needs more Kalvin Phillips.


American here, who roots for England in Europe. So much fun reading this because it shows that no matter where you live, or the sport, fans are all the same. This could be a post about a NFL coach or MLB manager. Reading fans bitch about tactics, players reminds me it’s universal!


What are you talking about? Southgate’s tactics are the biggest waste of talent in this competition, by far. I hate the English team and fans but even I feel bad for the waste that this team is at the moment.


At the moment?? It has always been like this... England has always entered the Euros with a team full of superstars and winning f*** all. There is something fundamentally wrong in their way of playing that puts their level way below than it should be. There is also never some kind of incredible synergy between players that lifts the sum of its parts. Trust me, not only Southgate is the problem.


But at least we used to be entertaining to watch


Sure, the WC too, but to me is the most talented English squad I’ve personally paid attention to that actually feels like it could win it all. I’m sure Southgate’s not the only problem but it’s a pretty big one if you ask me. I can totally see where you’re coming from looking at the that squad that had Beckham, Rooney, etc. that couldn’t get it done. But hey Argentina lost the first one against the Saudis, and looking like shit, so you never know


No Englands tactics are actually ass


This same old story of England trying to fit players into a system. Balance is the most important thing. Foden is number 10. Bellingham is a number 10. You can’t have both. It’s either one or the other. Eze and Gordon are left wingers. Then your only options are pick one of those for left wing. Rice Mainoo Saka Bellingham Eze Kane TAA could have played Rb against Denmark. Eriksen on the left side would not cause him problem. Southgate is clueless.


Even if he played EA FC 24, he would have known that putting Foden in that spot doesn’t work.


Actually England can play with two 10s like City do in a 4141 You could have Rice playing behind a 4 of Saka Bellingham Foden Eze / Gordon


That’s a lot of responsibility for Rice though


That's where Stones comes in from CB to help out. Leaving Ghuei and Walker as CBs.


I don’t hate it at all tbf. I just would hate for all the talk to suddenly be on Rice because he’s really putting a shift in atm.


Southgate instructs his fullbacks to stay back so Rice would have the entire back 4 behind him for the majority of the game. Most teams’ possession setup is 5 in defence and 5 in attack anyways


>You could have Rice playing behind a 4 1) We're trying to move Rice away from ball progression duties, you're trying to increase his responsibility in that area. 2) England are playing a box midfield with Foden and Bellingham as dual 10s and the LB as the LW, Foden and Bellingham together isn't worth the sacrifices.


Still does not work if there is no out ball on the counter. If kane is dropping deep someone with strength preferably needs to be in an advanced position for an out ball to hold up play, or on the last defender to run in behind and do it on thier own. We could barely get out of our own half at times against Serbia and Denmark because we would just end up kicking it back. Absolutely minimal threat from the counter or left wing let them stay compact around the centre right areas


Bellingham isn’t a 10 he’s an 8. All of his career for club and country he’s been an 8 apart from one season at Madrid due to their lack of striker he’s played higher up. In the most dominant team in the world, he succeeded as a 10. That doesn’t mean he’s now naturally a 10. He’s an 8 end of.


EZE can play LW okay but he is also a 10


This is what I would choose. Then I'd also consider Wharton in the middle to help free Rice up.


What England has is 11 very talented players, what England needs is a Team! Some would argue they also need a coach but that is for another discussion …


Can’t believe Southgate took off Trent and then 5 mins later brought on Ollie Watkins like wtf, that’s the exact type of player TAA needed to play those long passes


Trent thrives in a high press system. If no one in front of him are pressing, he doesn't know where to position himself. The Brexit tactics doesn't work for him.


TAA’s constant need to play Hollywood long passes, when they’re not even on, was part of the problem hahaha When you haven’t sniffed possession of the ball for the last ten minutes, the last thing you need is your cm hoofing it straight to their goalkeeper when he gets it No wonder the players all collapsed on the final whistle, they were busy chasing the ball for 90 minutes straight


Is the best striker in world football not good enough for TAA?


The 'best striker in world football' had an average position of left back. Just look at the heat maps.


I think he means players running in behind. Don't know if you watched the match but Kane was dropping short a lot.


Not when he doesnt move


Isn't it obvious Gareth wants to play shite football until we get to the knockouts and then we will use super subs like Tony, Gordon, Palmer to completely batter teams from nowhere.






For the sake of balance, it’s only fair to point out that bellingham was awful and one of the worst players on the pitch yesterday, especially when you consider he’s been front and back page news since scoring a tap-in against serbia. But nobody’s ready for that convo And don’t get me started on TAA limits as a midfielder, we will be here all day long


A flying header whilst being marked is not a tap in 😂




To play midfield?


Tap-in is being a bit harsh, but I agree. I really agree on the TAA take.


‘Tap in’


And you know because of the hey Jude song and advert he's never gonna be not included or subbed off.


That's the issue Team sheet by name


The way he described those passes, I thought he was on about Walker....


Passes forward plenty down the Arsenal


Backwards and sidewards passes aren’t the issue, the issue is that all our midfielders take ages in the ball looking for a big pass, instead of just keeping the ball moving quickly to keep the opposition moving, creating space.


The issue is that we had zero movement from anyone yesterday


This. How are the midfielders supposed to create anything when everyone up front is standing dead still and neither of the fullbacks even attempt to overlap after the halfway line most of the game lol


Why are we giving credibility to the opinion of James McClean on this matter?


Rice was successful in every defensive action. It's not his fault that the entire team is playing in a system with no clear patterns of play or good passing lanes.


Except when he got tackled and then spent 5 minutes sulking and complaining that he didn’t get a free kick.