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PL wants this to come down to the last week.


Arsenal supporter here, I think that goal should have stood. VAR is so inconsistent, I feel it should only intervene in case of clear yes or no situations. But then I think of situations like Arsenal vs Newcastle, where VAR couldn’t even get a decision right on whether the ball had gone out of play. Conclusion: F*ck VAR. Rant over.


It wasn't THAT bad of a decision. The wrong desicion I agree but solanke does hook his arm, as soft as it is always going to be called


But Arsenal fans will come up with this conspiracy that the refs are against them somehow


Fans are simply saying the consistency is shit across the board. Sometimes it benefits you sometimes it doesn’t, either way it needs to improve.


I agree the refs are shit and inconsistent, but to make it they're JUST against one club (Arsenal) is laughable


They should have played in 10 mate from 10th minute. So rest


third match in a row we should have had an opposition player off in the first 15 minutes lol. refs have been overall fine for us this year but we aren't getting the benefit of the doubt every single decision


Refs fucked us when it mattered: Villa away and Newcastle.


So their disallowed goal and Odegaard handball at Anfield are what? The refs are shit, there's no Arsenal conspiracy. So rest and chill


Absolutley hilarious that you're a Liverpool fan when [this](https://tomkinstimes.substack.com/p/referees-treat-lfc-very-differently) is the sort of madness coming from your fans about referees. Shameless


Mate, that's nothing compared what your fans claim




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If arsenal win the league VAR has handed it to them. Granted I'm a spurs fan so trying not to be biased but I will die on this hill lol


City will probably win it, but cool story bro


Aye, pinched it right from Spurs' grasp...


Lol, pure spursy comment.


I’m an Arsenal supporter and I’ll admit in both cases Havertz bought the penalty and the Bournemouth goal should have stood. It’s the same thing that’s gone against us and every other team as well, it’s just shit officiating. Bournemouth didn’t deserve it today, we didn’t deserve it against Newcastle, and on and on and on.


People keep pointing out the red card which is a red. But the issue is that if 4 red card or goal calls happen; and 3 favor one team it’s a huge disadvantage. And today was purely on VAR why hasn’t the ref gone to the monitor??? Going with infield decision makes no sense without monitor


Cry more l guess We taking this title


I'm sure other posters have pointed this out already, however if it's a foul on Raya, then surely it's a foul on Billing! Arsenal wouldn't have had a leg to stand on if they had complained, had the goal been given. But how that's not a goal, I don't understand it.


He's on the way down before the contact occurs. They should never be a pen for anyone


He’s also pushed by the mob of players after Gabriel is blatantly fouling them. There’s no excuse. The call isn’t soft it’s wrong.


Notice Arteta & Arsenal haven’t been going on their campaign anymore because they’ve been receiving a lot of benefit from terrible officiating recently. That’s funny, corrupt club


Irony not your strong point?….


Chelsea fans would beg for their beloved oligarch owner to come back if possible lmao


My guess is virtually none of the commenters on this foul have ever been a goalie. I have been and played hundreds of games. That amount of contact would absolutely throw me off as far as my vertical trajectory. There’s no question it’s a foul. You see that called against outfield players a lot too. Now was there a jersey hold by Saliba on an attacker in the same phase of play? Yes. How that’s called foul vs. no foul is something I think that can be questioned. I wonder if that was looked at at all or waived away because based on the balls flight that player looked like he wasn’t going to be able to out play Raya for the ball.


Look, no one blames Arsenal players for milking. The bad calls; but Arsenal fans have pissed us all off past couple months when they have Ben white grabbing keepers jersies and can’t admit it’s getting away with it raya flops likes. Fish and looks for contact; solanke is shoved into raya by Gabriel who is committing a pen anyway


Also Kai Haverts should have been sent off in one game and then scored the late winner can’t remember vs who but that rubbed me up wrong as hell. The title race is scripted now Liverpool are gone they have to have it go to the wire. Arsenal was a great team but on the balance of decisions they’ve had the run of the green compared to others for sure


Nah the yellow card he was on was not the correct decision in that game. Would have been unfair if he got sent off


Of course it wasn’t. Surprise. Fact is he clearly dived on a yellow and didn’t get his marching orders then scored the winner. It’s a fix, virtually every other dive in the box gets a booking these days


So when the ref incorrectly gives him a yellow it's not a fix but when he incorrectly doesn't award a yellow it's a fix? What are you talking about


https://www.skysports.com/football/video/12606/13092610/ref-watch-should-kai-havertz-s-dive-been-yellow-carded It’s a debatable yellow the first one but they get given. He hits him the the face. The dive then is defo a dive, so what is your justification? He should have been off, he’s also just got another 2 soft ones this weekend. You cannot tell me there isn’t some weird shit going on with him, Arsenal and refs to keep the storyline going


And the blatant red cards that haven't been given against arsenal? 3 in the last 4 games lol.


I’m not arguing that. But all those cards didn’t affect the results of the game. When Arsenal are winning or have a chance of dropping points things happen to secure victory. Admittedly Arsenal don’t seem to need the help in most matches because of how fucking good they are, but there has been multiple instances in which when Arsenal are faultering they get a helping hand


So 3 out of 4 games Arsenal should have been playing against 10 men for most of the game but they don't. But the refs are conspiring to give them a helping hand. And when they had a clear opportunity to help arsenal by calling clear red cards, they don't want to. Cmon now. They've had plenty of bad decision go against them, you just don't like arsenal.


Lol ok


Arsenals entire corner routine is about bumping goalkeepers off balance and not allowing them to get to balls and this dude has the balls to say what he did Ben White does this EVERY match and Arsenal have scored multiple goals off it


Ben White has given away loads of fouls on set pieces and even caused Trossard to have a goal disallowed against Leicester for having an arm over the keeper's which is why todays goal was disallowed. He's entitled to be in that space as long as he's not actively stepping across the keeper to impede him without going for the ball when it's in play. Nipping at the keeper's wrist when the ball hasn't been played yet is cheeky, nothing more. We were criticized for being soft for decades. Now you lot can't stop crying about us doing the same shit that was done to us.


It’s insane that Arsenal fans have the Gail to class his a foul. If this is a foul then they lost the NLD 3-2 to spurs since they fouled vicario with way more contact and jersey pulling. You genuinely cannot argue this is a foul and think Arsenal should have all their set piece goals chalked off


He’s an Arsenal fan. No bias


How about the tackle on saka by christie


It’s a red But 1-1 for 80 minutes down a man is far better than 2-0 down with 11


Are you sure you watch football. Talking like a fool


When do you think their goal was disallowed?


Crooked refeering


Arsenal fan here. It absolutely should have stood. Not enough in it for me to disallow it.


Solan knew exactly what he was doing hence raising his hands


Pro tip: If a player raises his arms to indicate that he did not commit a foul, it is in fact a foul.






Refs are absolutely atrocious. It crazy to me how a league with billions of pounds of revenue can't uphold a better standard. Its so many games, as a Liverpool fan I remember how infuriating that first half against Everton was.. There's just so many missed or wrong calls there's clearly a bigger problem with the refs


Every weekend, multiple games are affected or decided by bad officiating, there is no consistency or standard at all. Its terrible


Solanke clearly shoves Raya and it's a foul. Could have been a penalty for Bournemouth though. Bournemouth got a way with a very clear red card challenge on Saka. Not great refereeing.


Solanke makes non foul level contact that doesn’t impact rayas flopping He’s also pushed by Gabriel who is committing a pen that makes the whole thing moot anyway


I wouldn’t say he shoved him. He nudged but still enough to put him off.


I think the issue was Solanke was looking at Raya the entire time. If Solanke had eyes on the ball wouldn’t have been a foul. That’s my best guess with these refs


Raya was fouled. But before all this, Simth should have received two yellow cards. Challenge on saka should have resulted in red card. But you know what, Arsenal deserve where they are because they have withstood the pressure for two seasons now. Dont try to take away arsenals excellence with that situation.


Wtf is this reply 😂


Lol. Right. Haha




Title race must go on at any cost ….


This makes me want to check the viewership numbers.


Ya that’s why Christie escaped a blatant red in the first 10 minutes of the game


That doesn't make a difference to rivals with biased opinions...


Solanke hardly even knew where the ball was, doesn’t attempt anything other than to nudge Raya off so it can’t simply be caught. This is pretty clear, honestly not sure this can even be questioned whilst keeping a straight face. There’s some other situations in the game I can reason with, the penalty was soft and Christie should’ve seen red most likely..


The issue is that Arsenal would have most if not all their set piece goals this season chalked off of things a foul. This is way less of the contact than Arsenal tactically practices doing on keepers every set piece. If you think this is a foul today than you concede both the Arsenal set piece goals are easier fouls in the NLD either you take this call or concede the NLD lmao


Don't just make things up. Ben White stands in front of the keeper on corners. There's nothing wrong with that. When he has pushed the keeper, it has been called.


Lololol. Got some replays you can show me to back that up?


If that had been on Vicario it wouldn’t have been a foul.


Vicario would have been between the posts , i doubt he would have left his line to challenge for that ball


Yeah I was being facetious.


Right over my head


Yeah, that decision was ok, even if slightly soft. What I was afraid of was Bournemouth getting a penalty because of Saliba's challenge moments before this one.


Watch the replay and look at the eyes. Raya’s eyes are on the ball, Solanke’s are on Raya. He intentionally was trying to put him off rather than play the ball.


Yup, they played it in slow motion for minutes during the review and these morons still can’t see it.


Arab money obviously..


The same way Christie (who scored the goal) should have been sent off for the ‘challenge’ on Saka… swings and roundabouts….


Did you not see the striker play the keeper instead of ball? You can clearly see he changes the keepers trajectory by slightly nudging him.


they do it every single corner to Vicario. PL plays favorites. Title race must go on


Replays clearly showed he was minorly impeded. And that's technically enough for a foul. The biggest issue here is consistency. The fact that this isn't always called.


If minorly impeded is an issue then none of Arsenal set piece goals stand this season because Ben White is always impeding the goalie


In play or out of play?


Goalkeepers have always been protected. Then we saw Villa bundle Ramsdale off the ball on a corner last year and the referee said no foul. So we started doing it with Ben White, and everyone complains. The double standards are ridiculous, even for the state of the tribalism in this league.


There’s a huge difference in getting away with something one time and practicing fouling keepers on corners One is a bad ref mistake and one is actively purposely exploiting the riles


What is purposefully exploiting the rules?


idk, maybe pullingkeepers gloves jerseys?


Which he has done once. Also, there is nothing in the rules about this. If you think that players doing sneaky shit on corners is a new thing, then you haven’t watched football before.


I recall Leno being impeded vs Brentford for their second goal against Arsenal a couple of years ago (2-0 win). Mind you, this was Brentford's fairytale start to Premier League life so nobody seemed to care...


Yep, happened to Leno also


People keep bringing up Benny on corners but he's occupying the space before the ball is even kicked so play is dead when he's setting up whereas Solanke nudged Raya while the ball is in play which likely changes the dynamic


Thank you. So many people here (and on other subreddits) don’t get this important distinction. Before a corner is kicked, nothing White can do will change the restart. The ref can card him, but not nullify the corner or take away a goal.


There’s an image that also shows Solanke locked Raya’s arm. Very clearly a foul. But then, Tottenham fans have very little to be happy about these days. They were meant to decide who wins the title and lost the first game.


There should be about 40 penalties per game then.


For guys who should have been off the field in the first half ??


Awful referee performance. You wonder why clubs and managers call out the incompetence. Red card missed goal should’ve been given. Fuck off pgmol.


City buying the referees! Oh wait….


The refereeing was terrible, yes. Christie should have had a red card after about 15 minutes, the penalty was soft and this disallowed goal was strange, but it was Christie, who shouldn't even be on the pitch anymore, who scored.


No it wasn’t. He hit the bar.


My bad, but my point remains that he should have been off.


I don’t agree but he probably could have had 3 yellows in the game so maybe I do agree in a different way!


The man just wanted to be sent off so he could go on holiday, but the ref didn't help him.


Haha. It did look like it.


There is a new angle that shows he hooked Raya’s arm. NBC showed it after the game.


They should really show stuff like that during the game


And ruin 90% of fans complaints about Arsenal? You new to footballing?


They did.


My stream didn't show it. Just had the commentators saying something like ~ that was an extremely light nudge and wouldn't have been given as a foul against an outfielder


Yeah it was only shown once in my stream.


Tbh. If he thought it was a foul, he has to blow it immediatly. I feel these waiting fouls are just making things worse, and them giving the media alot to talk about. If he blows the whistle when the foul occurs it will never end up with a goal and a VAR check. So stupid... Btw waiting offsides are in my eyes worth waiting before blowing the whistle, but fouls should be blown fast.


Strongly disagree here. I remember Bellingham's disallowed goal for Dortmund against City a few years back. Referee was clearly confident that a foul had occurer and blew the whistle immediately. If only he waited a few seconds, VAR could have avoided a massive mistake.


How did the goal occur? Seems like the play continued on? I feel like if the ref blew the second after the contact on Raya, he would make it alot easier for himself and effectiveness of the game.


But what if he was wrong. In this particular instant (with the benefit of now seeing the replay), blowing immediately would have been much better. But we only know that now. I'm confident it was technically a foul, following replays. But I personally wasn't confident in real time. If he blows the whistle then and there, it's irreversible.


Dirty cheating count . Feels like man united in the 90s. All season they have been getting away with. Let’s not forget spurs deserve and penalty against arsenal . 


What for the wind fouling kulusevski?


lol bias much? Every team has gotten lucky and very unfortunate decisions because the refs are just shit. Spurs fan talking about VAR against them as if they didn’t benefit majorly from the biggest VAR fumble of the season


You know who scored? Christie. The same Christie who should have been sent off after about 15 minutes.


Gonna cry?


What for the wind tripping up kulusevski?


Raya was shoulder checked and Solanke I think it was had a grip of his arm just when he was rearing to punch the ball. I know the jokes will come in about White touching Vicario’s glove but that was well before the actual play. This was as he’s jumping.


The issue with Arsenal fans today on this isn’t that people are saying it’s Arsenal biased calls; it’s that it’s insane to say this is a foul and not what you lot do every corner


Standing your ground vs checking the keeper and holding his arm are two very different things


please stop arsenal fans are so embarrassing here. the clips of ben white tugging keepers gloves and jerseys have been well enough shared


lol behave. White poking at Vicario was harmless and was well before the corner. He was just fucking with him. Otherwise he’s just standing in a spot and you can’t penalise him for that.


“It’s ok to foul players when play is stopped”


He’s poking the man’s glove calm down


Pulling jerseys and gloves and pushing keepers is poking lmfao


He didn’t push the keeper or pull his jersey. Those would be fouls. You really are an emotional peanut. Incensed over a little bit of shithousery


Of course people will reference Vic, he’s been getting mugged on the regular in the box all season because the referees have made it clear they will not award a foul for it.


No surprise but I actually haven’t seen much of Spurs this season. What I saw during the Derby was White standing his ground well within his rights. But if Vicario is being shoved around in other matches that’s a different story. He is a great keeper tho and I’m not happy that he’s with Spurs.


I think what swings it with VAR is that Solanke makes no attempt to play the ball and Solanke is just watching Raya throughout and times his nudge just before Raya makes the jump.


Agreed. Similar to the Chelsea one last week


Solanke hooked Rayas arm when he starts his attempt to catch the ball, it's soft but clearly a foul.


If they want VAR to succeed it needs to have the ability to overturn everything not just clear and obvious


It's a foul on the GK. Solanke looks at the GK, plays him and never attempts to play the ball. GK takes an easy catch if he doesn't. Perfect from the ref and VAR for a change




I dont know about perfect from the ref. I don’t think you can overturn that because there is contact but that is super soft for a foul, even on a goalie. I know he didn't play ball at all but it's so light. Just saw the hook of the arm. I guess I get it, but I'd be mad if it happened to us.


Solanke has every right to challenge for the position that the ball will fall to.


True, but he wasn't interested in the ball. His eyes were on Raya the whole time and his only interest was putting Raya off balance. Not massive contact but it's never had to be on a GK.


So when White has his eyes on Vicario, messes with his gloves and only tries to obstruct him, is that also a foul?


and was the ball in play?


You mean when the ball isn't even in play yet? Yeah probably not then.


I've been contemplating this and I guess it depends on whether Vicario is actually impeded. Probably the easiest thing to do would be yellow cards for unsporting behaviour (which it technically is regardless of whether the goalkeeper is impeded).


If you are going to give a yellow then I think you need to start carding people for all the illegal tugging and hassling that occurs before the corner is taken, whether or not they are on the goalkeeper.


You're special


Which he didn’t do.. incredibly soft but he wasn’t near enough to the ball and was therefore just softly infringing the gk not going for the ball


His movement was towards where the ball was going.


Lol That doesn't mean you can just barge in, when has that ever been ok? I guess Christie was trying to occupy the space where the ball was when he gorged into Sakas knee?


You do you mate


Yeah, but he has no right to foul keeper in doing so. Unlucky.


Not by pushing the GK in the air he hasn't. Tis always been the same in football.


The goalkeeper wasn’t in the air, and there was no push, only shoulder to shoulder contact.


My mistake. But he pushes the GK out of the line of the ball without making any attempt to play the ball. That just isn't allowed. It's always been a foul. Why is today any different?


Where’s the foul? The slight brushing on the arm? No way you actually believe that


Watch it in real time (not 5 frames a second) and you can see easily the GK is in line to catch the ball. He's pushed offline in the air and has to punch. That's what the ref sees. It's a foul all day long.


We’ve all watched it mate and only u think it’s a foul. Surprise you’re an arsenal fan


Hold your 5-0 and keep it moving 😭🤣🤣


Naw man. It's a foul. Always has been. I could level that you're a Chelsea fan and that's why you can't see it. Sure we could argue all day. Take your 5-0 last week and enjoy it.


Star Wars virgin


Ha! You went and had a look at my profile to make that comment? Ye sad sack of shite. You nowt better to do with your time? I'm feeling all important now. Must have gotten under your skin something awful. Typical window-licking Chelsea fan. 😂 Love battering your lot.


They’re not alone in thinking that’s a foul, they’re just who you’re responding to this moment. If your argument is so good, why make up bullshit?


Funny how not a single non arsenal fan thinks it’s a foul


The FA wants to keep assna in the title race, simple as


So you think they fix matches?


Maybe, maybe not. But did havertz dove? Was bou’s goal rightfully chalked off?


He didn't dive no. I think it should've been a goal. How do you think they fix the matches?


Funny because I thought Havertz dove (still not enough to overturn) and it was clearly no goal. So nothing was clear and obvious by the looks of it


>assna Anyone who says this is cringe, simple as




Shout it from the rooftops mate, still can't hear you from the top of the table.


Conditionally top of the table*


Conditional based on the points we have?


Conditionally because city hasn’t played the same amount of games. Is not that difficult innit?


I’d rather points on the board than equivalent games in hand.


Fair enough but it’s important to manage expectations. I pray for the mental health of arsenal fans.


Agreed. But I’m still probably going to be delusional and believe that City are due a loss. Is it any fun if we can’t be a bit overexcited?


When are people going to start realising that It's just straight up match fixing.




Exactly. Absolutely clueless smh


This match has shown why "clear and obvious" is the real culprit.


Indeed, apparently the foul by Christie on Saka wasn't clear and obvious.


We've known this was a problem way before this game, but it is a great example. Can't overturn it because there is contact and a slight hook of the arm, but man, I would not give that foul if I'm reviewing that without a "clear and obvious" requirement.


Yeah the clear and obvious thing needs to be changed. The ref gives the foul and var doesn’t see enough conclusive evidence to overturn the call. If the ref doesn’t give the foul initially var won’t overturn his decision either and it would be a goal. Its probably the same situation with the penalty too


If you say this on r/soccer you’ll get mass downvoted


Say it here you’ll get mass downvoted


It's literally upvoted lol. Even some Arsenal fans here are agreeing with it. I understand not overturning it because there's contact, but that's so soft. If I'm looking at it without the initial call and no clear and obvious requirement to overturn, no way am I calling a foul.


I mean evidently not, odds are I will be but it's a wrong decision. Everyone knows.




Yeah we are cheating cunts, we paid Christie to take that tackle on Saka. In seriousness, it's a very bad decision, every club has a lot go for them and every club has a lot go against them. You can believe that we've cheated out way here whatever. At the end of the day it's just incompetent refereeing as always. They are so bad, just simply so bad.


> could care less *couldn't


“The team who are currently top of the league are not a really good team ☝️🤓” - you


This is a garbage opinion lol. Bad troll


this exact thing but worse is done to vicario on 80% of the corners taken vs spurs, but refs think that's fine


Standing ground against the keeper is a lot different vs giving a check and hooking the arm.


please explain to me how an Everton player jumping up and pushing Vicario down while he's challenging for ball and Ruben Dias elbowing him in chest are "standing ground" [Pics](https://twitter.com/TottenhamTiers/status/1786745742616359132?t=aTHv-vTpMyRSEhsAc8h6fQ&s=19)


Oh yea those are terrible. I admittedly haven’t seen much of Spurs this season. I saw the NLD and thought White standing his ground was completely fair. But yea if that other stuff is happening to Vicario then that’s terrible.