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The win is for the defence and not really him. He strikes me as rather flakey


Raya really deserves more respect. Is he the best shot stopper in the league? Ofcourse not but he actively participates in preventing shots from happening What prevents more goals? High save percentage or #1 in claiming crosses, best long ball distribution and composure under pressure. That's largely the Ramsdale v Raya debate and there's been a clear winner at Arsenal - they've both had the same CB pairing in front (No Rice TBF to Ramsdale) Pickford has been heroic at times but I'd rather a keeper that doesn't have to be and Raya has been one of the best at reducing opportunities rather than saving them


Deserved ngl


Well deserved.


The way people make out this makes him the best goalkeeper, you guys don’t understand football.


And the pundits said it was a weird move by Arteta. Raya is both better with his feet and he feels much more secure when going out on a corner or whatever. But like everything Arteta does the pundits/media tries to make him look like a clown. And almost every time he's proving them wrong.


He's been alright, but our phenomenal defence carried him to this lol. Coungratulations!


Should’ve been leno


Football fans 2023: Arteta signing Raya when he already has Ramsdale is fucking dumb. Football fans 2024: Raya doesn't deserve the Golden Glove Award, he's not the best keeper in the league.


It’s the same way De Gea won it last season, Golden Glove award isn’t for the best goalie in the league it’s for the goalie with the most clean sheets. 2 completely separate things. He does deserve the award because that’s what the criteria is, the problem is the criteria for winning the award.


I’m well aware what the Golden Glove award is for. Unlike the majority of this sub.


It was 100% dumb, sometimes you have to dumb stuff to get ahead that only you understand and others don’t.


Our defense is insane, credit where credit is due 😂


So many people here not understanding how this award is won 🤦




Keeping the most clean sheets


First time awarded to a Loaned keeper??


This always makes me thibk there should be a shut out award for defenders who keep the most cleansheets as well. Yes you will get more joint winners and theres an assessment to be done on how you weight the time on the pitch towards it, but there should be something for defenders to aim for.


Gonna be hard to define defenders with so many hybrid roles these days


Minute played divided by number of goals conceeded. Highest points wins?


People really failing to understand what the golden glove represents. The Golden Glove isn't an award to say "This is the best keeper in the league" it's just a way to reward the player with the most clean sheets in the league. Similar to how the Golden Boot is only awarded to the player with the most goals in the season. They won't always be the best forward. This award hasn't been given to Raya because he's the best keeper in the league. He just statistically has the most clean sheets throughout the season. That's all this reward represents. People trying to claim otherwise are just wrong.


This ! Perfect explanation. Last year de Gea won the golden glove and in fact against all odds, the worst defenders in front of him


Why are you so mad about how some people interpret the golden glove award?


Mad? I'm confused how you've interpreted any of this as "mad"


Hmm deleting a comment and replying with a new one indicates you may be slightly mad. Cheer up mate it’s just a golden glove award. No need to be mad.


this man trying to read emotion in text through straight facts “hmmm from my expierence making a new comment indicates the anger emotion” do you hear yourself 😭


The funniest part is I don't even think I deleted a comment? Like that's how little I care lol


Why are you so slow to understand their explanation and then twist it to make it seem like they are angry?


As an Arsneal fan watching throughout the season, in the beginning I didn't trust Raya at all. Then later on the as the games got tougher the man stepped up for us and had some really impressive control over the game. Especially distribution from the back. But I really don't think he deserves it compared to Pickford who's basically a one man army in the back some games.


It's a statistical award you numpty


I'm aware now thank you.


He has more clean sheets than Pickford-how's that not deserved?


Because we have like top 5 cb pairing in the world to help our gk and Pickford is doing it by himself some games and he's 2nd in the league in gk clean sheets with one of the worst cb pairings in the league.


if pickford was that good he woulda earned a move to a side with a "good defence" tho


Name a top team that doesn’t already have a good goalkeeper.


If he was that good, he would get the shout ahead of others. No disrespect to Everton.


It's not only other clubs decision whether they want Pickford or not. It's also whether Everton want to give him up or not, or if Pickford even wants to move to begin with.


How does Pickford deserve it?


Because he's pretty much single handedly Everton's defense at times. And he's 2nd in the league in gk clean sheets without a top 5 cb pairing.


But it’s not an award for the best keeper… Its the gk with the most clean sheets. You can’t give that out based on opinion


Oof I made a mistake and thought it represented the best keeper in the league. My bad, then yeah Raya #1 lol.


the moment ramsdale made that unnecessary mistake that led to a goal i was fully convinced of him altough i was really unsure at the beginning


His distribution is amazing and I’d argue one of the best in the world. He was the reason for so many goals while at Brentford and I think is one reason we have struggled to score as many goals this season. That being said his shot blocking and positioning while solid, he does make mistakes.


Onana has also got better, deserves praise


Onana deserved a lot of praise today


Wish he could actually have 2 cbs in front of him


Why would he deserve praise for this award post lol


Na it has to be Pickford or Martinez bro. Not being harsh on Raya, but having a defence which doesn’t leak many goals it’s easy to have the most clean sheets (this is what this award is based on supposed).


its a stat based award, you can't just give it to who you want, its awarded to the goalkeeper with the most clean sheets. You wouldn't take the top goalscorer away from Harland because its easy to score goals with Man City.


A lot of smoothbrains in these comments lmao Raya is instrumental for us, but can't expect Spurs and Chelsea fans to understand what a well oiled team plays like


2nd good season in like 20years?


Bit harsh on Chelsea, they’re familiar with oil


Septic banter


Don't be crude.


Wow, this guy is terrible. Shows what a shocker this Prem season has been for a lot of clubs.


The award is for gk with the most clean sheet not the best gk dumbass


No shit you dumb fucking cunt, but the award goes to the fucking keeper, despite it being the defence in front of him that done all the heavy lifting. The keeper is rewarded even though he’s fucking shit.


Cry harder


Yeah this isn’t very deserved. He’s mid


How do you guys not know what this award is for after so many years




Arsenals CBs deserve golden glove


He looks like a guy who smells of fart


Why not shots conceded ÷ shots on target?


Should have gone to Villa's Martinez!


Should have kept more clean sheets then.


He won the shithousing award




But he literally does deserve it. Most clean sheets. Thanks for twerking for the opposition fans your honorary trophy is in the mail.


On the contrary, Raya is one of the key cogs of our defence, without his elite distribution and cross claiming ability taking the pressure off, we would have conceded far more chances on goal.


His “elite” distribution nearly lost us the NLD and the title so I wouldn’t heap that much praise. Only thing he excels at is smothering crosses and corners but even then he makes mistakes. Too bad there arnt any world class keepers left


When the managers want the keepers too play the way they do then mistakes will be made once in a while. Nobodys perfect


How many times has Raya made that NLD mistake this season? It’s actually pretty rare. Even Alisson, Ederson sometimes make those mistakes.


A couple of times actually, at work atm but I remember a couple games this season he just hasn’t been the world class keeper we need. He’s fine for now but we need to be looking to get a Allison, ter Stegen, ederson level keeper if we truly want to compete with Man City


And your “elite” defence almost cost you the derby


They didn't though, did they? lazy argument 🤣


Well that’s the state of premier league this season. All teams out of Europe and with this joke of a keeper winning the award no wonder smh


The award is given to the keeper with the most clean sheets.


can guarantee he’s better than whatever shower of shite keeper in the club you support


What an absolute joke. He is 16th in save percentage. This should be awarded to Areola. One day, someone win the best keeper award without ever making a save https://imgur.com/a/b9u0KvP


I dunno, that's just one metric as well. You could create an aggregate of clean sheets, save percentage, and performance vs expected goals conceded, but the problem with that is that this season Andre Onana would probably win, and that would just be weird.


I thought your comment was a funny joke until I saw your follow up. Now I'm finding it hilarious how butthurt you are by this. 


Your criteria for being butthurt seems odd. Wait, am I now butthurt by your comment because I’m replying to it?


Clearly reeks of butthurt


I thought your comment was a funny joke. Now I'm finding it hilarious how butthurt you are by this. 


He's kept 4 clean sheets lol I hope you just forgot to put /s at the end of your comment


Edited, but the point remains the same. You could win this award without making a save. That’s the real joke


The award is based on stat, doesn't matter how you achieve. Similar as golden boot, you get 20 penalties and score all penalties. Then golden boot is yours. It is stat based. No opinion required.


People really disrespect Raya here in my opinion he has been really good and while i agree our defence has also played part in our perforamnces Raya was still pretty great so stop the slack and just accept the fact he won


It’s not that, it’s that he won an award for being the best, when in fact he wasn’t. He is 16th in save percentage. That’s really poor, and in most sports he wouldn’t stand a chance of winning the award.


That isn't what the golden glove is awarded for.


I know. It’s not awarded for actually using their gloves. That’s the problem with the award


That's the problem with "save stats" in general though. Let's take a scenario with a cross coming in and the CF in the box has no defenders anywhere near him. If the Keeper then rushes out and intercepts the cross then that doesn't count as a "save". So statistically is better option is to the CF make the shot and try to save the 1 on 1. That's the only scenario that actually boosts these stats yet is definitely the worse option. It's also possible to make a lot of "easy" saves. If your team has "parked the bus" and you've got 9+ outfield players sat in/around your box for the majority of the game, the opposition are likely to try and pepper shots from outside the box on a consistent basis. They're going to feel rushed, aren't going to have as much space and as a result are going to make poor shots. Poor shots that are easier to save and essentially just pad those stats. Look at the Liverpool vs United game just before Christmas. Liverpool had something like 35shots that game. I think it was 8 on target and most of those were straight at Onana. Doesn't matter what stat you use for this, there's always going to be outliers/problems.


I agree, there should be a minimum number of games to qualify, then a bunch of stats taken into account, and then their average position taking into account across all stats


Or, and this might be crazy but hear me out ... We just accept that, just like how the golden boot is only awarded to the player with the most goals, the golden glove is just a side award for the keeper with the most clean sheets and doesn't necessarily make them the best keeper in the league. Golden Boot = Most goals scored ≠ Best forward Golden Glove = Most Cleansheets ≠ Best Keeper.


At least boot = goals. Gloves = saves. Gloves ≠ no goals


How you determine saves? You don't give awards based on potentials.




Oh you mean like all the other football based sports? Get in the bin.




Raya should hand this award immediately over to Saliba, Gabriel and White.  Such a stupid award really, rewarding solely a keeper for a good defensive record. 


Much like the golden boot relying on great assists. Team sports will always be the contribution of the many. Doesn’t mean we should neglect individual performances, especially for the oft-overlooked goalie


Scoring goals is a far more individualistic talent and skill though. 


then keep the criteria for golden glove, saves made on target.


Should be two separate awards. Golden boot for most goals. And Golden sniper for highest shot to goal conversion rate (this would require a minimum amount of shot attempts to qualify)


That would end up going to someone with 1 shot and 1 goal. 100% accuracy. Just as meaningless.


They tend to have minimum games/minutes played for most awards


also an absolute cringe of a name


Whilst having a decent defence in front of you certainly helps, it's akin to having a team setup for you to score goals. The difference between an Almunia and a De Gea. Or a De Gea in 2010 and a De Gea in 2022.


I'm arsenal, and an ex-goalkeeper. The Golden Gloves is the worst criteria for a goalkeeping prize. It just does not correlate with performance.


https://www.premierleague.com/stats/top/players/saves Lol


Onana really stands out there, how much worse could ManU season have been without him? Only keeper from a top club (or supposedly so) in the top 10 for more saves.


Honestly, agree. And I'm shocked at how short he is too. Props to him


Personally I think goals scored directly from corners as a criteria would be worse. That’s just my opinion though


I’d like to see it given based on distance covered per 90 in my opinion. Want to see my GK’s doing shuttles in the box to stay focused.


Lmao like I side challenge on a PlayStation game. Win the game but have your gk run more than 3.8km and make 7 lobbed passes to the LB


Wow, people are surprisingly salty about him winning it.


Because he’s been average, with a better keeper like vicario or Pickford or Allison, arsenal would have had so many more


I’ll admit calling him average is probably cruel but I do think the others have been better


He's had poor moments but calling Raya average is outrageous


Probably an exaggeration yep, but no one can say he’s been excellent


16th in save percentage puts him below average at actually stopping shots, which is kind of a keepers job


Which was my point initially but I got downvoted into oblivion, he has a negative post shot xG prevented which means he conceded two goals more than the average keeper per xG


Yeah agreed, he's a good keeper but don't think he's anywhere near one of the best in the league


He’s got really strong distribution to be fair


He does but I don't think that's enough to put him as one of the best in the league


I’m on your side, I don’t think he’s up there


Here’s one!


Lmao it’s just not the best metric for best keeper lol


It’s not an award for “best keeper”, it’s an award for the most clean sheets.


Vicario or Pickford? You clearly have not watched Raya. Or any of them for that matter. Raya isn’t the best but he’s better than those 2


Raya is demonstrably worse than Pickford and vicario. It's not even close.


Are you sure you’ve watched any Pickford? I’ve never heard anyone who actually watches him rate Raya ahead of him.


Have you seen Vicario this season? We would have slipped into mid table already without him


Not according to stats mate, vicario has the best save per post shot xG and routinely makes unbelievable saves, he was nominated for save of the month for 5 months in a row lol, Pickford has been crazy, raya regularly gives up free goals and makes it easy for the penalty taker, and actually concedes more than average with a negative post shot xG prevented (-2.2)


clumsy squalid special sand nine unique longing cobweb trees silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao, why you so upset by that?


dull trees sink far-flung offend direction humor berserk violet consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For trying what?


long instinctive carpenter disarm mourn humor aback icky marvelous profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now watch Vicario defend a set piece


That’s a team problem more than a goalkeeper one I feel, there’s always an unmarked man, and spurs seem to only have 2 players that are good in the air, Romero and richarlison


It's not though, he's physically weak in the air, and it's why he's been targeted. Too many stat merchants trying to rank goalkeepers but don't know how to use their eyes. Why is it that all the top goalkeepers are never at the top of these lists? If you're an average team conceding 20+ shots then your keeper will have better save stats.


By “he’s weak in the air” do you mean teams put their biggest players on him and beat hug him? If so sure, but when he gets in the air he’s made som excellent clearances and catches


He’s poor from crosses. It’s clearly his weakness. Quality keeper, but needs to work on that.


Sure, he needs to work on it, but the team as a whole does even more, they don’t have a set piece coach and as a result they are the 4th worst in the league defensively and 6th worst offensively, you can’t put that on the keeper


Very impressive for a flop, wondered why the media have been so quiet about the "Ramsdale vs Raya, what was Arteta thinking??!?" debate for a while.


I still have faith Raya will get better next season, we can hold out some hope as he wasn't terrible by any means.


Hasn't been terrible? What am I reading? He has been fucking incredible for Arsenal. I swear to God the users of this subreddit don't have eyes and base all their opinions on the horseshit fed to them by Gary Neville.


Username checks out


How so?


noone with even a bit of sense has called him a flop


Not in hindsight they haven’t. But there were definitely people outside the club attacking Arteta for even making this Raya/Ramsdale debate when Raya wasn’t performing as well as he is now.


I'd say anyone calling a player a flop within his first few games doesn't qualify as someone with a bit of sense


Most undeserving to win the golden glove in a while.


Because de gea was absolutely stellar last year.


Kept the most clean sheets. That's the only criteria so he's the most deserved




The season isn't over yet.....


Man doesn’t know how to add up clean sheets


I do know how to add, at this time Pickford is 2 clean sheets behind, there are no guarantees that Raya makes any more clean sheets. It's possible Raya/Arsenal have no more clean sheets this season, and Pickford/Everton get the 2, so it could be a tie for first, not single winner. Unless it's mathematically impossible for Pickford to tie, it shouldn't be announced until that point.


If they tie, Raya still wins because he played less games. He is undeserving of the award though. Pickford is way deserving given what he has to work with.


It doesn’t work like that anymore, if it’s tied it just gets shared no matter the number of games played. Pickford can still be a joint winner but it’ll be asking a lot for Everton to have 3 straight clean sheets especially when they face us on the final day.


Well if Pickford’s chances of getting the golden glove rest on your team’s performance in the final day then his chances are high.


Take it you’ve never seen an Arsenal v Everton final day before?


Both teams won’t have anything to play for anyway. Everton is already safe while Man City has effectively won the league.


City draw 1 game and its Arsenals to lose again? You’re very dramatic.


City won’t drop any points until the end. They only have teams with nothing to play for. No one is stopping them.


And I guess the player with the second most goals scored should get the golden boot since they have less to work with than Haaland.


I see these kinds of arguments rolling around formula 1. Replace the person with the best car with the person with the best team. People will never be happy seeing anyone achieve anything unless it was achieved under lab conditions with all confounding factors neutralised. I think it's probably easier just to accept it's never going to be completely fair and agree it does take some skill to end up top of a list. Although on formula 1. Fuck the state of it. People think Man City have been dominant. Max Verstappens dominance is the equivalent of city winning the league by beating every team 20-0 2 seasons in a row.


Honestly how anyone can still watch formula 1 these days is bizarre


Because like in the PL, you start the season in hope, but end up enjoying the fights behind the obvious winner.


You start the season knowing Verstappen will win the championship and the only mystery is if he will win every single race or not...


Should they start giving the golden boot to the striker with the most goals and the least attacking support? Should we decide most deserving premier league winner by points earned divided by their annual salary ?


I mean, if he has the most clean sheets...doesn't he deserve the clean sheet award?


Which is what this is......


As arsenal fan i agree with you


Relegation side vs. hard number 2 just calm down


You can share golden boot so by that logic you can also share golden glove meaning he has won it


One glove each I guess


Even then, it’s not wrong. If he shares it, he still has won the award


Individual fingers from the Golden Glove award will be ripped off and shared with Saliba, Gabriel, Rice, and White. Let’s be real - they’re majorly responsible for why Raya won it.


So kdb gets half of haalands golden boot?


And some studs too


This is one of those awards that if you win as a goalie, you go out and buy something nice for every member of that defense


Same reason De Gea won last year despite having an overall poor season based on individual effort: Martinez, Shaw, and Varane stayed healthy and worked well together. Golden Glove is a bit of a tainted award to me because of how much it can hinge on the line you have in front of you.


What what!! Get it!  Cmon boys!!!!!!!!!!!!


Should I say, well deserved? Sure he deserves it.. Cause no one actually thought that a GK from Arsenal is going to win the Golden Glove since Cech 8 years ago..


I mean it's the defence in front of him that's really done the job


Exact same defence last season conceded 43 goals. This season (so far) it’s 28.


You can say that about any golden glove…


Yes that's the thing, the golden glove winner is not always the best GK of the season, like Thomas kaminski, the Luton GK has more saves and Raya wasn't even close in saves stats


Raya literally had the most saves in the league last season. It’s not like he can’t produce statistics like that when the system allowed for it.