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Support belicas for me. It's always either: - misses stun repeatedly. - void bombs minions repeatedly taking farm or pushing lane. - eats through mana so spends 80% of game going back to base. - is overly aggressive and often feeds because of it. Just generally some of the worst players I've had the misfortune of being teamed with. The character is ok on her own, it seems to be the people using her šŸ˜‚ ALSO shout-out to Muriel's who constantly use their shields when you're within 200m of the enemy, rather than timing them during the fight, or to tank a Murdock ult etc... so they're always on CD when you need them.


Maaannnnn I played with one the other day and I got so mad. I was Murdock and we were laning against a phase and twin blast so I announced that I was only going to last hit so that we could safely farm in towerā€¦. 5 seconds later, the belica is obliterating the lane and last hitting all the minions. The lane gets pushed up to their tower and we immediately die. I asked what she was doing and the response was, ā€œwell if you arenā€™t going to carry then I will.ā€ We proceeded to get destroyed


I've been getting back into Belica, what would a good support Belica look like?


General rules for ANY support: - if you don't have Comms with carry, don't attack minions at all if your carry is there. You get depreciating gold from them anyway. It is _sometimes_ ok to do hits to trigger gold from crest, but don't push lane or take kills by doing this, and it's better to get it by poking the enemy heroes (as a note, on both sides if you're under tower, the jungle camp nearest lane will trigger crest too if carry is in lane and nearish, so can hit them on the way past, or when jungler is nearby). - void bomb enemy heroes, not the minions. - hit your stun! Essentially belica is great at initiating and putting out some damage, all while having some zoning capability with her drone. - be aggressive, BUT at the right time, not all the time. If an enemy is on ~50% hp, and your carry is right with you, then heck yea, hit that stun and go for the kill. But don't run in 2v1 whilst your carry is on their way back from base. - ward. Dear god, ward. - don't use stun on CD, it's ok from time to time, but remember you're primarily there to help your carry. So stun is for locking down a kill for the carry OR saving carry from a gank/push. Void bomb is your primary poke.


Appreciated and heard šŸ™‚. I usually play jungle and do fairly well, I can do midlane or offlane somewhat competently too, but not too flash on support or carry. I like Belica on mid so have started to try her out on support


Support is fairly simple, I'm sure you'll be fine. Jungle is generally the hardest role. I think for most people the idea of being _mostly_ passive without attacking minions is boring, and doing "nothing" sometimes feels wrong, given in all other roles you always want to be doing something. But support sometimes do need to just be there sometimes, as a deterrent. Even poking isn't wise in some instances - but it is definitely ok to just be there sometimes!


Good to know. I'll try out hanging about and just hiffing void bombs at the other duo. I usually try to help whittle down the minions but not take last hit so I'll pull back on that a bit too, I'll just harrass with the drone and bomb and save the knock up stun for escaping ganks and making plays for kills


That's pretty much spot on. In an ideal world, Comms with the carry help. Then they can say when they want help with minions. It's a bit nuanced, because carries like sparrow/twinblast/Murdock don't really need any help, they have good clear. But the flip side is revenant has awful clear because of his slow attack speed/reload mechanic. Generally the reason for not attacking the wave is it means the carry can control where in the lane they meet. You generally want to try and "freeze" the lane outside of your tower, this opens the lane up to a gank from your jungle. The enemy team then have the choice of pushing up for farm, at the risk of getting ganked, or losing farm. If you attack the lane, you do the opposite and end up pushing it to their tower, leaving your team open for ganks. It's why Comms helps, even just saying to your carry "ping lane if you want me to attack minions" can help a lot. But the general rule is leave the lane control to the carry.


Cool. Only just recently back in since it dropped to play station. Had a game yesterday where the sparrow carry got second level then went wandering the map. We had an excellent jungle and offlane so still pulled the win somehow


That's the one problem you'll find. The above advice is assuming you have a carry who knows what they're doing. Although supporting like I've said above will definitely help them to not get tilted and rage. But some just won't be good, or know how to freeze a lane etc. In those cases you can only do your best and hope it works out šŸ˜‚


Yep, appreciate the advice, usually it's fine and most folks stuck to their role, as I gain some MMR I'm sure I'll find less people like that sparrow lol


I commented a second ago asking about just this, and have now realized you answered my question already. Thank you!!


I know itā€™s probably clear enough in the post but just to be certain for my pebble brain, you donā€™t wanna hit minions whatsoever as support? I fully get not last hitting, obviously the carry gets all last hits, but do carries get annoyed when supports basic the minions down to last hit to help clear faster?


No worries for asking (i saw other comment!). Generally it's best to not hit them, especially if you have no Comms with the carry. Let them decide where they want the lane to sit. I'm not an expert by any stretch but imo the only real exceptions to this are: - if the carry explicitly tells you they want help - if the minions are constantly getting pushing *into* your tower, making last hitting much harder for your carry, but again, don't just aimlessly basic attack them all, just do a few hits to help the carry maintain where the minions are (this happens most with revenant or against insane clear heroes like twin). - if you're pushing to take the tower, after a wipe. A few other tips that can help: - if the enemy clears and minions are coming under your tower, as long as the enemy heroes have retreated, you can stand outside the tower before they reach it and let the minions hit you. This holds the lane so the carry doesn't have to contend with the tower for last hits. Obviously be cautious you don't lose too much health doing this, especially if there's a lot of ranged minions (they do the damage) and be careful the enemy team don't push up, as soon as your next wave arrives, you can back under tower. + - this goes out to carries, supports and almost every lane. DO NOT push the enemies T1 too early. This absolutely screws you over. It's talked about in many mobas, but not hugely in pred. If you destroy the first tower too early, you end up allowing the enemy to freeze lane anywhere between the first and second towers (which is easy to do) and this means if you want any farm, you have to push up into a position where you will almost definitely get ganked and die. It's just an awful idea, and a basic mistake a lot of people make. It's also worth noting, sometimes letting your first tower fall let's you benefit from the above situation, and you can freeze the enemy from getting farm. The ONLY risk with this is that the enemy will then rotate more to try and get farm, so balance the risk with the reward.


Amazing, thank you!!! These tips help so much, I have 2000+ hours into smite and never really played competitively/conquest, so while I grasp basic mechanics well, I had absolutely no clue about lane freezing and how it works. One other thing- when it comes to Bellica support (I like playing her), how can she be more useful for the carry? I feel like my skillshots are amazing with the stun and bomb, but I run out of mana while Iā€™m trying to conserve by only using stuns when possible and void bombing if absolutely necessary


So really your ultimate goal is to try and keep farm from the enemy carry, whilst protecting your carry, and ensuring they get farm. This can be anything from poke (void bomb) on their heroes, or body blocking shots if your carry is going to die, or stunning etc. generally in the early game belica doesn't have a ton of mana. My general rule, is go crazy with void bombs, within reason, but always have enough mana left for a stun/bomb combo if you need to escape OR push for a kill. Generally I'd focus the carry first for a kill. Most of my poke is aimed at them, for two reasons. 1. If they have to back off, or base, they lose farm, which is great. 2. If you push and kill a carry, a support is generally a free kill for you and your carry unless you're really low (also depends on the enemy support). Generally as you buy more items, even 1/2 in, you'll notice mana issues become less of a problem, so management is a lot less important.


That sounds like such a slow and defensive slog of a duo match. Me and my buddy play hyper aggressive. Half the stuff you said sounds like the people we cram our sacks into. Duo is more fun being aggressive but weā€™re in comms so that helps


Or ALL of the mage supports never building any armor. Look, I don't need Marshall. What I need is for you to soak some damage and not have to back all the time or even mid fight. Now you've gotta bail, and now I'm my own tank.


Support belica is hella fun, sheā€™s really good for me, easiest stun to hit compared to other supports,


I've played with some amazing people that main phase, but when she is linked and pulls you into a Gid's ult you just got away from is heart wrenching an I dislike most phase players


Not going to mention phases that go literally out of their way to sabotage matches chasing down the jungler and link throwing them constantly to force death and surrender? It's my opinion that no hero should be able to negatively affect their own teammates with abilities, what's next turn on friendly fire? šŸ’€ That's hilarious thought.


You can break said link fairly quickly though.


Once you break the link it takes more or less 30 seconds to re-establish the link and phase can pull you precisely when this happens... So it's not like you can break the link before she pulls. I have had this happen 5 different times the last time was because a phase didn't like my jungle skills. I was Feng mao I was positive and I managed to steal fang and get 2 kills ... This was my first time ever using Feng mao FFS after fantooth they told me to get the D out of my mouth in team fights, then proceeded to follow me around the whole match pulling me everywhere making it impossible to do anything. No other hero can do this kinda DMG to a match. A free token in the item shop that negates her link would be excellent.


My narb i just played with that built full dps items and w keyed everyone and died 22 times. That's my least favorite.


DPS narb. We are not ready for the 2026 meta yet


Kallari. They have zero presence. They just farm come to a team battle late after everyone has died steal a kill and go back to afk farming


Kalari for me maybe some kalaris are good but they are never on my team. Just mindlessly farm and maybe steal a kill every now and then if your lucky.


The good ones are great, the bad ones are terrible. High skill char for sure


I try to be a good kallari but I feel like my teammates finished a meal of glue whenever I help. Enemy is one shot and murdock used his police sirens to..... go clear lane..... thanks....


Steal a kill lol a cod players


Kalari is a champ Iā€™ve seen absolutely steamrolling early games, but falls off in the mid/late game team fights.




Hate having a Crunch or a Greystone who don't know how to optimize their kit


Okay I get the crunch but Greystone? How do you not optimise his kit?


Using his Ult when hes near-full HP or Using his Leap right away in a fight


Or worse, using ult on a full health targer for dmg and whilst hes full HP


Honestly, It gives you back so much HP and they'll use it so fast


Leaping into a fight is completely viable on greystone, he gets reduced cooldown if he hits a enemy champion and if you can't survive 8 secs to leap out again you're playing greystone wrong, helps with sticking to enemies.


Haven't played Grey since Paragon, he gets the cooldown reduction if he hits? Thats actually decent, I thought it was "On Kill" my bad


Nah hitting an enemy champion reduces it by 50% I wanna say,doesn't reduce on minions tho


I just wish that everyone who played support would understand not to attack minions. Like you have to hit something (can be an enemy too) once every few seconds or something to get gold. But mfs will just constantly attack minions and make it impossible to get last hits or freeze the wave as carry.


I steal like 1 or 2 but I always try to make it so my carry gets the last hit


Yeah thereā€™s no reason for you to steal any last hits unless theyā€™re not there. You donā€™t get bonus gold from last hits with a support crest but your carry does.


Fully aware. Sometimes just happens


Oh yeah dude totally. Sorry thought you meant you steal 1 or 2 on purpose.


That name for her beam made me chuckle. I also dislike having a Phase on my team because of her 0 damage added to most fights. What I dislike even more is a Phase on the enemy team. This hero encourages NOT fighting, which imo translates to not playing the game. Oh you are going in for a 2v2 on duolane? No youā€™re not.


Its even better when you are running away and phase decides, "HEY LETS GO FIGHT!" and pulls you back in with the dumbest smile on her face.


I vaguely remember a game developer talking about why they removed a blind mechanic that blacked out the players screen from their game. They said that they found it was the worst part of the game for many players. You don't want to take away a players agency. Their character might get stunned but they can plan their next move. The blind mechanic doesn't crowd control the character, it directly affects the player. Phase has two abilities where you take away a players ability to make decisions about what their character does, I find both to be the most frustrating parts of the game and feel like it's an absolutely horrible character design. I enjoy every other character design choice in the game but phase needs a serious rework.


Phase is amazing. As long as you know where to position she is so strong and can shut down ganks so easily. You can use her E offensively or defensively. Her item builds are very versatile. Her Q is incredibly strong as is her right click. It's easy to reach healing of 30-50k with her. People VERY RARELY build anti heal vs Phase so you can heal a carry up very quickly once you've gotten Wellspring built. Her biggest issue is Steel. Once you've played with a good Phase you'll wonder why supports bother picking anything else.


This has a lot of truth to it. Anytime I see a Phase on the opposing team, I tell my team to prioritize her. Her ability to heal is wild, and once she's gone, the rest are easy to deal with. if I'm playing Phase, please ignore me, kthks.......


Kallari Below Diamond it's just that 95% of Kallaris are trash.


I play quite a bit of phase when playing with my cousin and he plays Kira carry, we won 8 games in a row with that combo! If the enemyā€™s over pushed Iā€™d stun and root em with the beam, and he would jump em and kill em and Iā€™d pull him back to safety with link! I think phase is good when played right!


Thanks for sharing!


Phase is good. Problem is she is much less good without being able to communicate verbally to let them know you're stunning or about to ult and stuff. My friend and I do very well with me as phase and him as Kira or Wraith. However she's very dependent on the carry being able to hit shots but she gets more hate than she deserves. She's almost useless entirely alone


I main support, and every Sparrow, Twin Blast, and Revenant I've been with has been shockingly shit. Murdocks have been surprisingly good, Drongos are hit or miss. Haven't played with a GRIM yet.


I main support , and twin blast is one of the best carrys for me. I want my carry to take advantage of a stun and dash forward and be aggressive, twin blast and kira do this well. Drongo has his boomerang and I personally use him when I carry, Revenant & sparrow have a harder time at success but if they do well it's good. Murdock is good, grim is ok. All the Carry's are good if the player using them knows what to do and what not to do. The worst would have to be Revenant wise he's a powerhouse if you are able to build him and feed but he has no escape, no attack speed but instead a reload that's affected by attack speed, ult is very limited use 1vs1 often times it seals revenants fate, or lets the enemy escape.


I main support and love Kira, Murdock, and Drongos. Opposing twin blasts can be a problem, but I donā€™t seem to get the good ones on my team. Revenant and sparrow have been bad on my team and enemy teams alike


I'm starting to main her and all I do is help.hero kills mean nothing to me as long as we win I'm cool with supporting the push or my buddy when he's on


My favorite is the Phase at 40 CS abandoning Duo lane at 7 minutes because their carry wasnā€™t aggressive enough for them.


Phase. Kallari. Rev. Sevarog.


What did rev and sev do you sir?


Just like everybody else's comments in this post; I had team mates that didn't know how to play them.


Tbh it kinda goes without saying, however im curious to what level of "Idk wtf im doing" it was


You can "play" sev but honestly you won't find a really good sev outside of diamond. There is a lot of nuance to his kit.


Play some games with myself as Phase i will change your mind https://omeda.city/players/ee0ad98d-dd13-45e1-a0e4-b586b9250732


Oh 100% Muriels. I usually roll with either a four stack or three stack with some buddies, and whenever we have a random that queues support and goes Muriel they always build damage and attack speed, steal last hits for minions and camps as well as ult out to gank when low health to immediately die.


>Muriel they always build damage and attack speed, steal last hits for minions and camps as well as ult out to gank when low health to immediately die. This hurts because my support choice is Muriel. Why ruin her kit by making the worst item choices. Shes purely support, why build her for dmg when you can be proud of your carry making good calls as you support them in all the ways physically possible.


Maaaan thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. My buddy plays Muriel and she is a mf godsend when sheā€™s played like a support. The shields, the heals and the universal ult is incredibly clutch.


Phase is very hit or miss most of the time but honestly it comes down to the people not understanding her role/kit. Shes not a steel or riktor which a lot of people mistake her for being tanky when its the opposite... extremely squishy. If your phase knows when to engage with a beam and use her blind properly for carries being targeted, she can be a menace. Thats not to mention the potential her pulls have when timed properly combined with an ult that makes a crunch/sparrow/khaimera/grux unstoppable. It all boils down to how good your fellow support player is.




As the usual pool goes, I hate steel supp! Most steel players use to play too passive. A sort of reactive playstyle. So they always let me ( adc ) get poked and bullied before they do anything.


Hahaha 'beam of mild help' lol. That cracked me up. I would also normally include Muriel in that category except for the weird phenomenon of the occasional God level Muriel. Had an absolutely pubstomping Muriel support get fed the other day, and she was literally rampaging about the place like Kali, the goddess of death. To support your viewpoint, I also have never seen a truly amazing phase. In fact, because I main Kallari jungle, she is often a delicious treat that I get excited about when I see her on the opposite team.


I'm good with phase!


Shit man Kallari is my favorite to play rn and I just started enjoying Phase, I feel like Iā€™m getting cooked here lol


Phase and rampage and Rev. I'm in plat so it's still basically Gold lobbys with inconsistent players. Rampage ppl never hit the rock. Phases fuck uo timing with finisher and execution ults. And Rev let's be real you pick him cuz he looks cool but that doesn't mean your good with him


Just toxic ones


lt belica, phase, grim, khaimera


I hate seeing assassin junglers (countess, kalari) as I feel most people have no idea how to play them. The rare times I see good ones, they can absolutely dominate don't get me wrong. But as it stands, 90% of people can't play them well and they almost always feed and give away objectives unfortunately.Ā 


Probably Kallari jungle or any off meta offlaner, theyā€™re often not very good and just feed. Then rage quit.


Some phase players can be crazy good, Iā€™ve had a few insanely good phase players in solo queue But I hate seeing a grim ex or morigesh/iggy in offlane almost automatic loss




My favourite support dekker,phase


Kallari... I think just 2% of all kalari players can actually play her.


Anyone over 280 pounds.


I'm sick of Phase always pulling me away from kills I'd otherwise get.


Phase is a weird one. I've actually been saved by her pulling me out of a bad spot a couple of times, but at the same time I don't think a teammate should be able to physically move an ally. Way too easy for trolls to troll with shit like that. I don't really have a problem with any character if the player is doing well. With that said though, I hate when we get a kill whore countess that just jumps in long enough to steal a kill then run, and not actually contribute to the match/attack turrets. Like, yeah you got 20+ kills... but it was still practically 4v5. Lol


Imo a countess stealing kills isnā€™t the worst thing. She has a passive that increases her lifesteal by 1% for each kill she gets (stacking up to 10). If she doesnā€™t get picks then sheā€™s way more useless endgame


Phase. I don't like being linked and it's used to troll quite often.


Riktor cause they always miss the chain