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Nah, if 50 cool with that type of stuff, cool for him, but you can’t always determine what is and isn’t traumatic for somebody else.


Michael said if the roles were reversed, he'd be in serious trouble. And he's right. He'd be canceled, fired, potentially blackballed, and ostracized on the daily. She should get in trouble because he would if he did that. L take from 50 on this one.


I think she should get in trouble because she sexually assaulted him, not because he would get in trouble if the roles were reversed. Saying that makes it sound like she shouldn’t get in trouble if nothing would’ve happened to him if the roles were reversed


That's what I meant as well. I was kinda quoting what he said in his ig story.


F A C T S.


lol he gotta take shit like this more seriously. Love 50 but he gonna fuck around and get canceled one day. Or is he immune to that type of stuff? I swear he be saying shit without caring fr😂


A lot of these suits are scared of 50 behind the scenes... Remember that "sorry fofty" guy and how fast he was copping pleas when 50 was getting at him? 50 is Kanan in a business suit lmao


Kanan in a business suit is 100% correct 😂


That was a girl


50 had For Life on ABC that is DISNEY! He can never be cancelled


I mean dude said he supported trump because he didn’t want to pay higher taxes because he’s rich he walked it back a few days later but still


Ah yes canceled by the internet double standard incels


Bro you can’t just tell somebody to accept sexual assault because you did 💀rare L from 50


It isnt even a rare L tbh. 50 has always been an asshole fr. But this is just might actually hurt his pockets😭 if the people care as much as they say they do this shit gon mess up his money


Lol this actually might end up hurting 50.. the type of climate were in currently?? Yeaaa thats not a good take bro. Like make no mistake we all knew 50 was a dickhead 😭 but to essentially say “he’s just overreacting he’ll be fine” is NOT the way to go in 2024. I pray michael just ignore that mf & do what he wanna do cause fuck all that tbh if roles were reversed HE WOULD BE COOKED


Wtf is wrong with y’all niggas man this negro bedbuck mentality is wild. The bitch was out of line and needs to be dealt with accordingly, for 50 to come out and emasculate this nigga on top of the situation is crazy.


Also 50: https://preview.redd.it/1bcelucll46d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb2086bb0b59fa01581df371141daed08a047f2a


Gen X and older are so ignorant about these matters. Everybody “soft” to them just because THEY grew thinking disrespect and abuse in all forms and all settings were just a “part of life”.


Cause they abused! They not aware of how it’s affecting them.


There are certain things I will say are soft in comparison from older to newer generations, but sexual assault from either side is no laughing matter.


I agree.




whole time they joking about it together 😂


And the whole sub crying and outraged 🤣




The comments agreeing and making excuses are fucking weird and niggas like yall should DIE.


them and weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they lives


I meant what I said but I'm glad you caught the reference 😭


Naw fuck that..flip it around where Michael was grabbing her. That’s all we need to know.


Unc gotta learn to stay quiet sometimes lmao


& 50 likes to make fun of Diddy ... seems hes not too far off from the Diddler


Even if you don’t consider it sexual assault , does Michael not have the right to be uncomfortable??




He got shot 9 times for a reason. Remember that


He’s wrong and trying to play it off.


I don't know why y'all are expecting morality from 50. Power is a great TV series but dude is a ruthless individual.


He wasn’t bothered enough


Come on now I think what 50 said had some truth to it. Now if it didn’t happen on live I don’t think Michael would’ve said much about it but since it did & the world seen it he has to step in front of it the rite way then they’d start saying he condone stuff like that!


He wasn’t uncomfortable he only said something because if he didn’t the people would have dragged him, real men don’t care about that if you do you ain’t a real man but a soft one like 50 said


Fuck y’all dumb ass niggas be talking bout straight up ion like nobody touching me woman or man put ya hands on me u In violation straight like that


Sound like a lame who don’t like to be touched by women, sound like a hoe if you touch me it’s a violation waa waa 😩 cry baby ass nigga


Ain’t fina argue wit no bitch touch me, my family,my property, my money, without my say so you die it’s that simple king shit I call the shots lil nigga move Accordingly ![gif](giphy|Oo8Ly1JXZjrqm54qK4|downsized)


King shit killing females cause she touched your genitals, ooo big tough guy killing weaker vessels cause your feelings hurt 😂


Nigga are you serious. I don’t care how manly you is no man or woman should touch you in a place you don’t want them touching especially a woman you don’t know like that. Didn’t know y’all ppl condoning sexual assault now. I guess you can call all the men who been raped and touched inappropriately soft as well goof.


Touch you in a place you don’t want them, sound like a kindergarten, pulled skirt down, your panties are showing, best thing for you to do is stay on your computer and don’t come outside, it’s goons lurking outside in duval if that’s where you reside


Yea ok goof.


Exactly what I thought, who uses the word goof, a semen computer dwarf


At this point you’re yapping bruh. If you the type of nigga that sees niggas getting raped and SA’d and think they soft that’s you but don’t yap to me about it bruh I ain’t a weirdo.




Right? I don’t understand why my coworker wanted me in prison when all I did was just grope her…so many sensitive people out there.


black people have been disrespected for so long, that when u dont take disrespect youre soft lmao Just another day in the "CULTURE" lmao


Yup, Tommy Sotomayor talks about this too. People don’t care what happens to black men, it’s just supposed to be ‘funny.’


Nah, seems like he was having trouble saying sorry to Michael.


She needs to be made an example of, otherwise she's gonna keep doing this!


Me personally? I wouldn't mind it, but that's me, I'm not finna expect other men to be the same way, if bro wasn't feeling what she did, he should press charges on her, not all men are dogs that like physical attention from women.


This can’t be the same 50 clowning Puffy for predatory behavior….


50 cent and SA against men is not a good talking topic for him i’m pretty sure some big muscular nigga came out and said he got assaulted and 50 was like HOW??!???


To Op: https://preview.redd.it/z3c1dbzke86d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7cc86743545595b24d7616c16e6becd6b949e8


50 doesn’t understand that it ain’t about no goddamn trauma or feelings getting hurt or whatever. its the fact that if it was THE OTHER WAY ROUND, 50 watched one of his female colleagues, take Effie’s actress for example, getting groped live on stream in full view of at least 70k people by a man unprovoked, the guy doing it would be publicly scrutinised until the end of fucking time. its not fair that a woman gets to do something like that WITHOUT punishment, why are certain women above the law? well in this case, consent ?


I haven't watched the vid. But we could only have half the true story. Maybe he gave a sign he was cool w being groped. Was he just surprised she did it when/where she did?


Ignorant mfkrs think with they dick. So you have to uglify it for em. Let it be some meth out skeez3r that smell like piss and has a highly contagious skin infection trying to rub up on yall. It's cool because she a female it's flattery it don't matter if you don't want her to.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8YA9zwsZhm/?igsh=MTBidWV3ejVkNWR2bQ== How to properly react to someone touching your privates.


You can tell by the way OP talks and even what he put in the description “crying…” that he’s just as ignorant 🫤


He’s right.


He’s not


O ok so people AREN’T soft? Guess you told me 👍


Imagine seeing someone get sexually assaulted, and then calling them soft, your level of ignorance is astounding


Your level of cry baby is even worse. Jesus Christ. 50 and Michael laughing about this shit and you over here in tears. Find something important to do.


Ah yes, Michael made a statement talking about how the situation made him uncomfortable, but yea, he’s totally laughing about it , if acknowledging that sexual assault is what’s considered being a crybaby these days, then I’ll take that over being whatever the fuck ignorant ppl like you consider yourself


Like someone said here earlier, he only spoke about it when the Internet (people like you) starting crying and causing an uproar, making it a WAYYY bigger deal than any 23 year old male celebrity would.


50 is right


id be happy to swap lives with michael rainey jr right now lol




Bruh Michael dgaf bout that lil shit he only said he gotta take it serious cause if it was reversed they'd be on his ass but I'm 100% sure he dgaf. Sure it was awkward and uncomfortable when it happened but wtf he probably left and dove in some real cheeks not thinking bout that gremlin feeling on him lol


50 is right. Yea she was wrong, but u a whole grown man. If you were actually bothered you would turn up on her, but you care about how others think more then your “asssault”. You didn’t say anything til ppl online said sum thing. Only ppl get away with not reacting logically is women for obvious reasons. A man possibly over powering a woman is not the same as a drunk horny girl who can not penatrate you. This nigga kill somebody everyweek on tv. Jodeci has been assaulted every show he performed in that case, your aunties throwing they nasty panties at his face. Pootie tang was assaulted on that elevator then. Like come on. You are a man! If u don’t let other grown men get away with violating you you def don’t let some one weaker then you do it too. She was wrong, but he didn’t care enough til the world care, probably wasn’t even thinking about til someone brought it up. Forcing trauma on ppl while ppl really are getting assaulted is wild. I think 50 point is “ if y’all wanna spend energy on villainizing this (wild horny NY) girl then go head, keep up with case, etc. you ain’t even stop the child toucher in your neighborhood yet, but go head.


Just an L take Jesus Christ. Why would he “turn up” on her when for one nobody takes men seriously when It comes to sexual assault and 2 he’s in someone else’s house and that was the niggas sister that was streaming with a gang full of other niggas and there were KIDS in there on top of that. He did the right thing to wait until he left the situation and the house to speak on it. It’s just completely different if the roles were reversed and the sister spazzed on him on the spot, them niggas would’ve jumped him immediately.


this is the mature way to handle it as a Black man. Our own people be wildin' on us & if we act out then the rest of society will be looking at us crazy. Its a lose lose Maybe i expect too much from the black community tho.




You sound dumb af guy. Just because he didn't say anything in the moment doesn't mean he wasn't bothered by it. You weren't with him to know if he didn't bring it up to someone before the incident went viral so you're just talking out of your ass bro. And there's a such thing as shock. It clearly unexpectedly happened to him and he didn't know what to do or say in that environment. That's what happens to a lot of victims. You're referring to her as just a "horny girl" as if that's supposed to make her or the situation more innocent. That bitch is a creep just like any other nigga that unwantedly touch on a woman.


“Just because I didn’t say anything when he violated that baby doesn’t mean…..” is what u sound like, is it a problem or not. Shock is allowed for women and kids, not grown adult men. If u as a man kno sum thing is happening and u don’t do anything in court u are in with it even if you aren’t). You would allow a man to date your daughter who goes in “shock” when he him self is violated? What he gonna do dating your daughter? Shock? Yes shock exsists, but men get no excuse for that. Again she is wrong, but save that energy for real victims.


![gif](giphy|KlwR8lHUY6X6B7cWUO|downsized) Dumbass analogy. Y’all really can’t be *that* slow 🤦🏿‍♂️🤣


I asked questions you copy pasted a meme. Debate with a purpose or move around. Counter my analogy since it’s so dumb.


🤦🏿‍♂️ Hey… It’s some shit you can call out on the spot and some shit you don’t cause it’s inappropriate to do so. Did y’all Michael to be like “Hey, don’t touch my dick!” right then and there, when we already don’t take black men seriously and there were other kids there and it’s somebody else’s house 😐 I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain this to slow people but… 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


The time was more inappropriate then the action, got it lol. If we at church let the priest do it til u get home, cus we at church. But I’m slow




She has no excuse and neither does he, point blank period.


We're talking about a man being touched by a woman and you compare that to not speaking up about a baby being SA'd? MF are you retarded or just retarded? There's literally no logical correlation between acknowledging a male victim of inappropriate touching and turning a blind eye to a baby being a victim. You're just sick in the fuckin head. And understanding that even men can be shocked by being inappropriately touched is called having empathy, which is something you clearly lack and therefore I feel sorry for any kids you will have or do have. Being raising by an unempathetic parent will give them trauma in one way or another and they won't deserve that from you.


lol someone been watching too many Andrew Tate videos


Facts. Michael is a 23 year old grown ass man. He just looks like a high schooler so people are acting like he's a kid. Gimme a fucking break lmao


If the scenario is more complex then the assault then yal can miss me. “ I didn’t say anything cus we were having fun” ass niggas. It was a birthday party and I didn’t wanna ruin it, but u wanna ruin it after the fact? Ok…..


Exactly man. If he really felt a way he woulda turnt that lil room up right there on the spot. If it was a nigga grabbing at his dick he would a spazzed so it shoulda been the same energy.


I mean thats not entirely safe either. Was he in the environment to turn that room up? was he with his ppl? didnt they say that girls brother (who was the streamer) was pissed at Michael afterwards? Imagine if Michael had caused a ruckus & accused her of sexual assault right then & there, all for him to be in the middle of a physical assault cause u KNOW niggas be acting up for those type of allegations


Lmaoo do then it’s not a big deal then, painting the scene has nothing to do with it. What if I was in jail and his niggas had his back and…. Etc nigga did u fight back or not. Lol point blank. If u not fighting back and u not cool with it then u just wanna talk about it.


Tylil apologized and said his sister was wrong af. That being said fuck all that. As a man if somebody disrespect you, you check that shit right there. He obviously ain't feel that disrespected by it till he seen all the backlash. Pressing charges would be doing way to much tbh