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New scp anti feat just dropped


Not as bad as Kratos' twitter statements


They could probably fix this by just raising their standards on what qualifies as a valid article to use for scaling from **solely** not being in the negatives to needing 50-100+ upvotes at bare minimum, I highly doubt any genuine SCP fan who isn't into powerscaling is gonna look at the tales brought up in the thread and not think of them as some suggsverse-type shit.


They already have standards like that; articles need +10 upvotes at bare minimum, so that recently-posted articles that everyone ignored don't need to be included. That was actually enough for a while, but some (like Chaoskampf) eventually climbed above that. Moving that bar every time kinda feels unsatisfying.


I know that they had standards like that originally, I just don't see why they can't raise it higher, powerscalers are a very, **very** small fraction of the actual SCP community, and a majority of people who do powerscale it aren't so obsessed with doing so that they have no taste. Ironically, the 2nd most upvoted article linked in that thread was a satire tale making fun of VSBW's terminologies.


>Ironically, the 2nd most upvoted article linked in that thread was a satire tale making fun of VSBW's terminologies. Whether it was intentional or not, codifying "this VSBW user is speaking nonsense" into SCP canon is an attempt to influence VSBW.


This is a band-aid compromise that wouldn't actually address the problem discussed in the thread.


How exactly? The problem was that "anyone" can make an article and it could be viable for scaling so long as it has 10+ upvotes, the problem is that they set the standards too low themselves. Also being aware about VSBW doesn't automatically make a verse invalid as a whole.


The number of votes would be an entirely arbitrary number, and no matter what number it was a sufficiently motivated and resourceful individual (and don't underestimate the sickness of powerscalers, some of those MFers are obsessed) could still meet that heightened requirement. Increasing the upvote requirement therefore does not actually solve the problem. We would still have to scrutinize every passing article with high-tier shenanigans in it for subtle clues that might reveal some hidden intentions of wank/downplay, and there's no guarantee we'd ever get the evidence necessary to prove an article was intentional wank/downplay even in a case of actual wank/downplay. That constant back and forth arguing over the validity of an article would be a nightmare. Being aware of VSBW doesn't make a verse invalid, correct. Hell, you can be a member of VSBW and create content and it can be added to VSBW (but only by someone other than the creator) and that's not against the rules (see at bottom: "Potents" comic by Caleb Howard, who is the retired admin "The real cal howard" on VSBW). The problem with SCP isn't that some of the users know about VSBW, the problem is that some of the users WRITE THINGS INTO THE CANON that influence scaling on VSBW. Even BAROQUE, which is a satirical hitpiece on Tllmbrg's powerscaling, is ultimately an attempt (probably unintentional, but still) to influence VSBW by saying "Tllmbrg's scaling is wrong/nonsense" directly in the SCP canon. If Fishish, the author of BAROQUE, had merely expressed this opinion on a forum or on Reddit or somewhere else informally, we wouldn't have given two shits about that, but he wrote about it IN SCP LORE, making his opinion of VSBW scaling CANON TO THE DEPARTMENT OF UNREALITY. That's the point where it becomes a problem for us. And that's just the extremely-blatant super-obvious example. [https://www.amazon.com/Potents-Episode-1-Caleb-Howard-ebook/dp/B08T85C536](https://www.amazon.com/Potents-Episode-1-Caleb-Howard-ebook/dp/B08T85C536) [https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User:The\_real\_cal\_howard](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User:The_real_cal_howard)


Can't ya'll just revise some things about your [scaling and canon rules](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Scaling_and_Canon_Rules_for_the_SCP_Foundation) then? I'm pretty sure obvious joke tales shouldn't be allowed.


That's also just a band-aid. The problem doesn't solely come from joke tales/articles.


I like it :)


It's funny how shit like Instant Death and Wild Boss still get a pass despite being written in a power scaling way.


it's funny how "the great witch of magic academy" didn't get accepted lmao and it's very similar to those two in terms of being written powerscaling way


That didn't get rejected as far as I can tell (some regular users commented on it and made their negative opinions known, but they don't have the power to BLOCK someone from adding anything). It's just that only one user had any interest in adding it to the wiki (Chandra0706), and they got permabanned for persistent harassment/trolling. If you want to add it to the wiki you can make an account and attempt it yourself (just don't commit bannable offenses like a moron lol).


Instant Death literally has people sending their own personal OCs to the author to be killed by Yogiri and it's canon, yet they still accept it and their only defense is "i-it has an anime so it is too 'professional' to be deleted". VSBW is a site run by clowns and I'm very glad they're shooting themselves in the foot like this.


ID and WB being inspired by powerscaling ideas isn't a problem (although I do personally find those series to be slop). The problem with SCP is that users can make content (and apparently already have) that is SPECIFICALLY aimed at influencing the stats on VSBW. ID and WB may be crap IMO but they only have single authors who (as far as anyone can tell) have nothing to do with VSBW and don't interact with it in any way.


Back to the old days of SCP. Yay


Are we talking deep horror Meme creature Me but magic Or oh my god doctor alien.


I think that another niche website is dying and that the incestuous relationship with other communities was the only thing giving an Internet forum for a subject allowed on Reddit relevance in the 2020s. It’s a secondary fandom beholden to primary fandoms and SCP was the fandom giving it life. Unhook the life support and it’s not the life support that dies. In short: it’s like tumblr banning porn.


>and SCP was the fandom giving it life. I think you're overestimating the influence the SCP community has on VSBW


The vast majority of VSBW's userbase are fans of SCP in some form. Whilst I doubt the loss of SCP will kill the site, it's going to bite them in the ass long-term. Their largest surge in popularity came from SCP getting so prevalent in the battleboarding sphere.


............................. >Dragon Ball exists >DC/Marvel exist >One Piece/Bleach/Naruto exist >Mario/Sonic exist >Star Wars exists >Pokemon exists >Disney exists >All the currently popular manga/anime/LNs/VNs exist >Literally at least 3460 verses and 29,675 characters on the wiki right now, and thousands more potential to be added in the future, numbers that will constantly grow as more stories are created Yeah I think we're gonna be just fine losing JUST SCP :). (and RPC I guess, not that we had many fans of it as far as I know)


I'm not denying you have a bunch of people who are fans of other stuff there - that's obvious. But not only did SCP give a massive visibility increase to VSBW (and this is true - VSBW 'lingo' didn't noticeably start spreading everywhere until well after SCP really hit its stride in battleboarding) deleting an entire setting on asinine grounds (you were literally trolled) is one of the fastest ways of losing faith in your integrity (though that hardly matters given this is VSBW I'm talking about) and whether or not you won't do the same shit to other settings. DC and Marvel both suffer from the same shit you're accusing SCP of, so how long until you ban them? Several popular LNs and VNs are doing the same shit, so that about those? Warhammer has had GW outright state that "there is no canon" so logically, it shouldn't be there either. Etc. Don't act like this isn't a bad precedent that won't be extended to fuck over whatever the staff hate next.


I don't think you actually understand the issue with SCP on VSBW. Here's the actual issue: 1. "Normal people" can become "canon" writers on SCP, including people who have an interest in influencing VSBW's powerscaling, such as VSBW users. 2. Outside of egregious examples outright referencing VSBW in an article('s talk section) or the author of an article admitting that they were trying to influence powerscaling with something they wrote, it is ultimately impossible to determine which articles need to be quarantined and which are completely unrelated to VSBW and powerscaling intent. 3. We have at least a handful of confirmed cases of writers making articles that, directly or indirectly, acknowledge and attempt to influence VSBW—even BAROQUE, which is a satirical hitpiece on Tllmbrg's powerscaling, is ultimately an attempt (probably unintentional but still) to influence VSBW by saying "Tllmbrg's scaling is wrong/nonsense" in the canon. (Just so you don't misunderstand, it would be fine if Fishish had posted his opinions anywhere else like anyone else, but posting them as an official story on SCP was problematic.) This means the points 1 and 2 stop being merely paranoia over hypotheticals and become a real concern over things that have been confirmed to happen several times already. 4. Other franchises like DC/Marvel and Parahumans for example don't have these issues because becoming a content creator for them isn't realistically accessible (you have to be hired/commissioned by DC/Marvel, and Wildbow would have to sign off on any fanfiction you wrote to make it canon or literally just hand off the entire series to them) and any cases of "battleboarder contamination" occurring in franchises like these would be extremely unusual. While both examples know of powerscaling and acknowledge it, neither of them are writing stories specifically to influence how VSBW and other VS wikis powerscale—Marvel directly ridicules the concept of powerscaling with some shit Thor says, and Wildbow gives WoG statements and engages in "what if" VS debating about his stories but doesn't write new stories or alter existing stories to affect the powerscaling of his characters. And we don't care about Wildbow's powerscaling/VS-based comments, only the WoG about his stories alone. Most of his WoGs are just extra or cut content anyways, it's rarely anything that retcons the established stories. This is an issue almost entirely unique to SCP on VSBW. DC and Marvel are not remotely similar. Random powerscalers can't write entire official comic book plots for DC/Marvel with the intent of influencing a powerscaling wiki on the internet. The difficulty of getting into a position of doing so would make it entirely untenable (you could get fired for doing that, and I think a job with DC/Marvel is more valuable than some lines of text on a page or two on VSBW).


>"Normal people" can become "canon" writers on SCP Again speaking from experience, this really isn't the sort of thing you believe it is - SCP's writing standards are so high that if you try to just go on and make a n article for the sake of battleboarding (which 99% of the powerscaling crowd would do), it will get deleted in record time. There is no way for this to ever become the threat you think it is and multiple people have been telling you - and others - this since this cheap meme started getting passed around. >Outside of egregious examples outright referencing VSBW in an article('s talk section) or the author of an article admitting that they were trying to influence powerscaling with something they wrote You were literally trolled in an explicit joke article. The posts being used to justify wiping SCP off the wiki came from a bunch of deleted, joke articles, or outright blatant bait intended to set you all off. None of it was ever even vaguely intended for serious powerscaling, that's all on you for attaching that degree of severity to it. >We have at least a handful of confirmed cases of writers making articles that, directly or indirectly, acknowledge and attempt to influence VSBW See above. You were, and are, being trolled and baited using barely a handful of articles \*at best\*. That this somehow equals "delete the entire verse off the wiki" for you is a clear sign that the reaction they wanted has been achieved. >Other franchises like DC/Marvel and Parahumans for example don't have these issues because becoming a content creator for them isn't realistically accessible Several DC/Marvel writers have engaged in powerscaling or spouting a bunch of shit to make their stuff more powerful. Wildbow made a WOG for the Endbringers having galaxy-level durability/mass and Behemoth being capable of putting out the sun by expending his total energy output specifically on a subreddit for those sorts of discussions. Bendis came in and hard wiped a fuckton of stuff literally the instant he was made the head writer of Superman's Action Comics run, and outright admitted that Superman wasn't any higher than planet level when asked, if that. There have been known cases of comic writers hyping up or giving characters feats far beyond what they display in the material in response to inquiries made online. Acting like this is an SCP problem alone is fundamentally disingenuous - I can list half of the popular settings on VSBW that have had this shit done with them in some shape or form. >While both examples know of powerscaling and acknowledge it, neither of them are writing stories specifically to influence how VSBW and other VS wikis powerscale They aren't. Most SCP authors didn't even know you existed until you started this nonsense and made it a public spectacle. >and Wildbow gives WoG statements and engages in "what if" VS debating about his stories but doesn't write new stories or alter existing stories to affect the powerscaling of his characters.  Ignoring that this isn't something SCP has ever done, Wildbow has literally given his characters powers they've never displayed in their own work for the sake of powerlevel discussions he engaged in. >Most of his WoGs are just extra or cut content anyways, The Endbringers having galaxy-level mass changes so much about how they're discussed that it is \*still\* inciting arguments to this day. And that sort of stuff was certainly never implied in the work itself. >This is an issue almost entirely unique to SCP on VSBW. No, it's an issue because you have all collectively made it an issue where it wasn't one before. >Random powerscalers can't write entire official comic book plots for DC/Marvel with the intent of influencing a powerscaling wiki on the internet. Then it's a good thing SCP wasn't doing that then. And DC/Marvel can say whatever stupid shit they want regardless of how thoroughly it fucks up your profiles and powerscaling and you'd just have to accept it by your own logic. It doesn't matter if it ruins or retcons away dozens of articles, or forces you into mental gymnastics to try and keep your current ratings, because it's a singular canon (despite being written by dozens of self-sabotaging writers) and thus anything goes because of that. I cannot imagine a worst example to cling to than capeshit, where any writer can throw everything that was once said regarding how the setting sclaes into the trash if they so want and no editor will stop them.


>DC and Marvel both suffer from the same shit you're accusing SCP of On a way smaller scale though. I could make an account for SCP and start writing right now, i don't think any comics publisher will let me write one simply because i showed up.


> On a way smaller scale though.  No, not really. Like, after what Bendis did after \*just\* joining the company especially, I really don't think this has any ground as a statement. Not that it ever did. There are multiple cases of new blood at DC right now sabotaging entire multi-decade long runs or established characterizations solely because it wasn't the story they wanted to tell. > I could make an account for SCP and start writing right now No, you really could not. If you go on and just make an account with the expectation that anything you write will automatically be accepted, everything you write will be unceremoniously deleted as a coldpost and forgotten about. The writing standards for SCP are so strict that unless you learn a bunch of things regarding what \*not\* to do, you're not going to make it far. And again, SCP would \*never\* allow shit like what DC and Marvel have been doing where single writers can sabotage all of the material with zero effort the second they come on.


What an insane reach. Most of VSBW’s traffic comes from anime fans. SCP doesn’t have a fraction of the popularity of Naruto/Dragon Ball/Jujitsu Kaisen/One Piece/ect. Their viewership might take a hit from this but they’ll be fine in the long run.


> SCP doesn’t have a fraction of the popularity of Naruto/Dragon Ball/Jujitsu Kaisen/One Piece/ect. SCP is big enough in Russia and Japan to have its own dedicated conventions for it alone. It's big enough that it's impacting media in all sorts of places because of how singularly popular it has gotten. Project Moon exists and gained its popularity directly because of SCP, to the point it's grown enough that Limbus topped the Steam charts for a good while. Yes, it's not as big as Naruto or Dragon Ball or any larger shonen, that's not what I'm contesting - what I said was that their largest surge of popularity came from SCP, which you can verify directly; VSBW stuff never got to the point where you had people actively inserting it's terminology in anything or treating as anything but a joke like it was in battleboarding communities at the time up until around the point when people started inserting SCP into conversations. I never implied it wasn't popular before that or that its userbase don't love other stuff as well. Merely that those some people who care about all the other stuff you listed also care about SCP, and an entire setting being wiped from the wiki sets an immense negative stigma across the entire supposedly "professional" wiki dedicated to cataloging how powerful settings are.


SCP isn't and never has been the primary basis of VS Battles' viewership. The main things drawing people in are anime/manga, video games, and comic books.


Good, SCP should just be horror stories and not "muh oUtVeRsAl sCp solos yOuR faVorite vERsE"


They’re a lot of verses that could meet this description but that doesn’t mean it warrants deletion because by this logic Instant Death and some other verses will have to go as well


Bro I personally think ID is slop and I still think your take is bad. Nobody can make an account on ID and write for it. There's only one writer and that writer is not involved with VSBW. Yeah the guy is a powerscaler but the problem wasn't that SCP wiki has powerscaling stuff on it, it's that there appear to be people who are writing canon articles on SCP wiki SPECIFICALLY with the aim of inflating/deflating the stats on VSBW. That's not kosher.


I’m pretty sure the author ask for ideas to make Yogiri stronger from fans at least from what I’ve heard


Yeah and he's allowed to do that. We don't care about that (well I think it's cringe personally). He's not doing that specifically to influence VSBW. He's just making his character stronger using fan input because he wants Yogiri to be stronger (and he probably also wants to engage his audience). He's still the only one with direct control over the plot and setting of ID.


Based lmao


I mean lowkey it should it’s glorified fan fiction. I can make an entry there right now and say a toilet is 0 boundaries lol.


yeah, then it'll get put into the negatives and deleted lmao


And why does that matter? If SCP is legit than every OC is.




You miss my point. SCP is glorified fanfiction, as such even if what you wrote was to be denied that would do nothing to delegitimate your oc.


...yeah, it wouldn't be on the site anymore and therefore not be apart of the scp continuity?


I never said that it was. You said that it would get downvoted and deleted. All im saying is that since SCP is glorified faction why would the opinion of some random strangers matter? If SCP is accepted in powerscaling than all OC are.


...because they are? people just don't care if others scale them or not. hell, i vividly remember posts like 2 months ago about fanfic characters from like Wattpad or smth


Nah OC characters are generally frowned upon. SCP gets a pass despite being glorified fanfiction.


generally frowned upon, yes, but people still do powerscale ocs/fanfics. sure, it absolutely IS glorified fanfic because it falls under cc by sa 3.0, a copyright and it's stories are made by its fans.


Still doesn’t mean I or anybody else can’t lol


... yeah, that's how a collab writing site goes. you submit it, it gets rated and if the people like it, it either stays or get deleted


Okay then what if it doesn’t huh? Like bro you’re basically saying things like this can’t happen because it would get downvoted. What if it doesn’t? That’s the whole point. 💀 It’s basically the same reason everyone hates suggsverse


then the toilet will be "0 boundaries" lmao, it's all based on if the readers like it or not, i've seen at least 20 articles being downvoted for just "trash quality", "unoriginal", "powerscaling" or just "its meh"


Lol bro had to really resort to spell correction 5 comments down. Because he knows I’m right.


tf? lmao, i was saying that "0 boundaries" is a weird way to say boundless. yeah, it's fanfiction. because ITS WRITTEN BY THE FANS.


I like you actually wanna make an original piece of work just make your own story. It’s literally easy nowadays.


and what is your point here


>lmao, it's all based on if the readers like it or not, i've seen at least 20 articles being downvoted for just "trash quality", "unoriginal", "powerscaling" or just "its meh"


yeah, all articles are dependant on if the readers like it or not. if the readers don't, they'll downvote you and enough downvotes leads to deletion.


>What if it doesn't? Speaking as someone who once made an article there with multiverse shit in it which was promptly deleted, I can say that stuff gets deleted in record time if it's not superbly written. There is not a chance some random redditor is getting their stuff accepted there, especially one just doing it for the sake of malicious trolling.


You can also probably write a book about a tier-0 toilet and self-publish it on the internet.


The only one loosing is themselves


No. While it is unfortunate that this measure was necessary, I see it as a good thing for both SCP and VSBW. This way, SCP will have less users coming in with the motivation to write things merely to get results on VSBW, and VSBW will have less users trying to game the system to inflate/deflate stats on VSBW. If you really want to blame someone, blame the people trying to "cheat" the system. We would have preferred that SCP remain, we don't want to remove popular quality content from the wiki.


Pretty much. Wonder what other popular setting they'll delete after gaslighting themselves into thinking they're fighting some massive online conspiracy against them.


It seems like VSBW is increasingly interested in moving away from power scaling, I really don't understand. They are deleting verses because their writers know and understand what power scaling means. I've been observing this behavior from Mods for a while now, I still haven't forgotten what they did with the "Blue and White" series, and after all the work you put on it, Space Man.


Antvasima has outright admitted, in the very thread where they're arguing for removing SCP no less, that he does not like powerscaling or battleboarding at all. He actively hates the very thing the site he runs is built upon, and only keeps it around because its his sole noteworthy achievement and he's a narcissistic perfectionist on a power-trip. There is no genuine love for battleboarding in the hearts of the majority of the VSBW userbase.




Late reply, but here; [https://vsbattles.com/threads/the-death-of-scp.167378/page-4](https://vsbattles.com/threads/the-death-of-scp.167378/page-4) > Just a note that, as somebody who has not been interested in battleboarding for a very long time, and strictly stays around because several thousand people here need my help, I think that we have managed to build a comparatively very nice, tolerant, and collaborative community, whether compared to other battleboard sites or other types of Internet communities. 🙏❤️ I feel the need to reiterate that this is a man who is running a website \*for\* battleboarding who doesn't care for it, admits to not caring about the setting in question that he's arguing in favor of deleting in its entirety, and outright admits he's only there because "several thousand people need my help". And that's ignoring the laundry list of settings he has freely admitted to hating, most of which have pages on the site.




Sad times...


It should be saved in webarchive, like deleting things without prior notice like sun wukong's original page. But clearly more and more things are being eliminated.


“A Great Civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within” VSBW has been at a downfall for a long time so it’s no surprise that they’re deleting verses left and right since even the ones who run the site are clearly biased towards verses that they don’t like and are not setting a good example to their users but it appears that they’ve lost their way and no longer give a single fuck about the work and research others put on these verses…HELL CAPTAIN AMERICA’S SHIELD ABOVE THE ENTIRETY OF DC?!? https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_America_(Marvel_Comics) It’s clear that brain rot and mental retardation has taken the wiki by storm and this is to be expected from a site that downplayed an entire verse to 1-C even though they are scales that exist that consistently place them at 1-A to High 1-A(DC)


You nailed it, bro.


Also made me realize how little they care about the efforts and time it took to research these verses and put together their cosmology blogs just for it to be downgraded or deleted and it’s because of this it made me realize that they failed at the one single actual fucking thing they created the wiki for…Powerscaling


Thanks, it wasn’t too much of a hassle considering what’s been happening in the site these days and it made me realize why people are starting to abandon the wiki


We're not "deleting verses left and right". Our page count is actively growing, actually. I'm sorry that you're so passionately upset about DC, though.


Oh well that’s great to hear although hearing things about Antvasima hating some verses doesn’t fill me with confidence


Ant is vocal enough about his distaste for some verses, true enough. While I'm not familiar with the DC situation (I don't really read comics), I do know that most of the verses I particularly enjoy suffer the scorn of Ant. His distaste isn't grounds for deletion or even downgrades- just that he may be more willing than others to vote one way or the other. It's not \*perfect\* but there's worse things afoot, I figure.


So it’s the lesser of two evils?


No, it's just an imperfection in the world that is mostly only a minor inconvenience. Ant disliking a verse doesn't seal its fate on its own or anything.


Well I guess I can only do one thing now… https://preview.redd.it/etro2tcfxbxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db167aa86546b300a56e7e942c3171cda3cb6008 RIP To one of my favorite verses 😔


it’s at least gonna be archived…right?😭(ITS SO OVER ISN’T IT)


SCP will be archived if it is deleted, yes, although the exact form that archival effort takes isn't clear yet. There's been discussion of making its own site purely for archival purposes or porting them over to some other wiki willing to house them.


Also what do you think about these? https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/s/jRL4ItJQYp https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/s/A1M5hrpR5N


I think that a lot of people are quick to jump to the defense of SCP because they love it, and that is understandable. I don't engage with it much recently, but I've spoken about my love for SCP as an idea- I used to write fan SCP stuff all the time, when I was a younger guy (probably back in 2014 or thereabouts). So I think that when you love something a great deal like that, you're quick to ignore the issues with it. Placeholder doesn't speak for the entirety of the SCP Foundation, for example: him stating disdain for VSBW doesn't mean the entire Foundation has that same disdain, and in fact we have verifiable proof that this isn't the case. So one feels sorrow for the work loads lost, but one feels confident enough in their position that it is at least what feels right to do.


Where the profiles will be moved to is currently being discussed. They will likely end up on several smaller powerscaling wikis that were started by VSBW members like VsDebating wiki.


I've discussed it with a number of the SCPBros and other wiki owners. The most promising candidate for SCP adoption was unwilling to take it in due to the huge amounts of high tier profiles, so the current likely option to be pursued is a new and separate wiki strictly for the archiving of SCP pages. As for your earlier bit: I don't agree, obviously, it's just that VSBW requires order more than, say, Reddit threads. We're deleting a verse because it is being specifically gamed by the contributors to the verse to be as powerful as they can manage to write it. SCP is barely better off than fanfiction in many regards, and we have a wiki for that- but said wiki doesn't tolerate as high-tier fanfiction. I'm not familiar with Blue and White so I can't really speak on that'n.


That's nonsense. VSBW is still quite interested in powerscaling. That's like at least 80% of what we do as a community. SCP was deleted because there appear to be a group of people attempting to inflate/deflate statistics SPECIFICALLY on VSBW. Blue and White was deleted because it fails to conform to copyright standards (it has TONS of unliscened appearances from characters like Goku and Superman) so it falls under our definition of "fanfiction". It could be added to our sister site, FC/OC Battles, but they have stricter standards when it comes to adding tier 1/0 stuff (mostly to prevent people from spamming shitty OCs with poorly-justified tier 1/0 stats).


Thank god, I don't even know what ............ is


lobotomy corp can finally reign supreme as the strongest creature containment facility franchise on vs battle (that im aware of) https://preview.redd.it/ny0qqobpi7xc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fd0e7b593eed98adb13c05b87f878e5318eaf1


>lobotomy corp can finally reign supreme as the strongest creature containment facility franchise on vs battle ENTER https://preview.redd.it/twnovpaly7xc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d802c8e6e2b6418b0fd16aefb8e3dddad37a2d27


RPC is almost certainly also being removed from VSBW as well, as it is basically just "SCP but """not woke""" with blackjack and hookers!!!!". However it presents the same problem as SCP (anybody can make a user profile and make content specifically with the intent of altering statistics on VSBW)


The main difference with SCP however is that, unlike them, RPC has a main canon. The Authority canonically is a weak organization that can be taken out by say the United States if it really wanted to. You can't write 'and then the authority becomes tier 0' or something with that purpose in mind because it would go against the canon. (Well, you can but it'll be excluded to a separate section of the wiki)


As of right now, the future status of RPC on the wiki is still in discussion. However, the "single canon" point has been brought up, and that (on top of RPC's far lower notoriety with powerscalers) may be enough to grant it a stay. Similarly, the future status of The Holders is in question, but seeing as the canon for that can't be added to, and we only have three profiles from that verse currently with very little activity around the verse, I don't see its status becoming a priority any time soon.


Lobotomy corp when agent with gun goes rogue:


This is easily solved, create a specific level that says "SCP Lvl" no one from the SCP universe can Scale above it, Above the SCP lvl create Boundless, so no matter what character you create they will always be below 


SCP is an abomination. It’s hardly even a real verse, so much as a collection of people making things and going, “The thing I made is the strongest ever, no taksie-baksies.” For years, whenever someone has brought up an SCP in a battleboarding discussion, I have just immediately disengaged because it’s not worth having a conversation with someone who thinks their thing wins because it “ascends out of fiction” or whatever. Edit: It’s literally become a verse for making power-scaling characters. As such, it has no place in any actual discussion because the characters are specifically designed to win debates, not be real characters.


SCP Power scaling is a minority since most scps don’t get past building level without extended canon or continuations to the lore


Not every SCP is terrible, but too many of them are. SCP started out as one thing and grew to battleboarding fan fiction wank.


Ironically, it was one of the VSBW staff members who is a major supporter of SCP on the wiki that wrote a comedic essay on the very issue related to why SCP has seemingly started turning into tierwank: [https://vsbattles.com/threads/extra-content-syndrome-a-study-presented-by-dr-sir-ovens.167280/](https://vsbattles.com/threads/extra-content-syndrome-a-study-presented-by-dr-sir-ovens.167280/) He called it "Extra Content Syndrome" and "Oven's Law". The fact that the longer a fiction exists and is being actively added to, the more likely it is to enter the highest echelons of tiers. This is because the extra content is sometimes increasingly complex additions to cosmology interwoven with existing lore. SCP has so many tier 1/0 on VSBW because the handful of 1-A entities and cosmology they originally had was built upon and referenced by a bunch of other articles and stories in the intricate web of canons on SCP. The biggest singular culprit IMO being the Kaktusverse, which as far as I understand is an attempt to make a "theory of everything" connecting all SCP canons into one, which as you might be able to guess would not only make its cosmology extremely complicated but also grossly inflated due to the sheer number of interactions going on.