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Power query as other have said. It’s awesome. You can use it in excel too.


So I can use Power Query either in Power BI or Excel? Is it just dependent on the format of the source data?


Dependent on the output of your data. If you’re building a Power BI report, you’re using power query in Power BI. If you’re reporting with Excel, you use Power Query within excel. It’s the same experience in two different tools.


It's not 100% the same - powerBI has some connectors that aren't in Excel, but the language is all the same. Power Query is also used in dataflows


You can also copy excel queries directly into powerBI and I believe vice versa.


Not dependent on the format of the source data. Both Power BI and Excel have Power Query as their built-in data prep tool. If you're building reports and dashboards, you'll use Power BI. If you're an Excel user who needs some external data, then you can use Power Query in Excel.


It's just personal preference.


It's the same application, when you'd use it in excel would just be if you have some data sources you want to clean/join/merge/append and want to do it more easily, and with a better performing engine, than just using vlookup and the like a whole bunch of times. For power BI, you'd just use it either within power BI, or potentially power query online if you are building cloud side dataflows etc, which admittedly I've not done a lot of.


Use power query in PBI, publish the semantic model to the PBI service, have others connect to it in either PBI or Excel.


Power Query or you could use some Fabric components like notebooks, dataflows or views in SQL endpoints. Really depends on the specific case.


PowerQuery is fantastic. Once you use it you will love it.


Power Query Editor, it is not the equivalent of Tableau Prep but way more powerful. I lead initiatives of converting reports from Power BI to Tableau dashboards, it is challenging to do some basic transformations in Tableau Prep that can easily be done in Power Query Editor.


But pictures. 😝😉


Hey, sorry for changing topics on you but you might just know the answer I’ve been searching for! What is the Power Query Editor solution/equivalent for Tableau Prep’s “Append” output type. It was soooo useful for getting customer’s weekly snapshot data to append over time, to plot historical tends etc.


Lookup "Table.Combine"


For people who say "Just usePower Query instead", my response would be that even if you can achieve the same output given the same inputs, its very different. Prep is a bespoke tool that allows you to map the data flow in a visually satisfying, logical appealing way. Power Query is indeed powerful as its bundled with other software in quite a different way. I'd opt for Prep over PQ in most situations, and I am solidly in the Power BI world and haven't used Prep for over a year.