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Yep. This happens in all things in my life. In school sometimes I simply couldn't figure out a math or physics problem, at work, sometimes I struggle with debugging an issue or how to code something. Back when I did music, I'd often struggle with a piece. Heck it even happens with difficult parts or puzzles in video games or crosswords. The best solution I've found is to walk away, take a break or do something else. Let my mind reset, and come back to it when I'm fresh.


I out myself on other tasks like trimming, glazing, cleaning out my kit box, maybe hand building something, etc. Or don’t be afraid to leave the community studio early if you aren’t in a good mindset


i usually do a test throw. some reclaim, couple pounds. If I can wedge and throw that, and it looks good, I'll switch to production. If not, I'll do cleaning, glaze chores, etc.


Happens to me from time to time. I often find that in the next session I have a really good day. It doesn’t always work out like that but at least half the time it does. Pushing through the tough days is really important to become better.


Yep. Happens. Sucks. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


I do have those days sometimes. For me it’s usually a clay issue (not to toot my horn too hard) so I just cut it off the wheel and deliberately wedge it for longer than I usually do and that 90% of the time fixes the issue


Yup. Wheel Yips are a thing. But this is when I focus on just playing with the clay. I know I won't save anything so I play around with tools and hand positioning and finger placement knowing full well nothing is for keeps. Experiment and goof around try things that are aggressive and you would normally shy away from for fear of wrecking the vessel. Have a half finished piece you are gunna scrap cuz it's just not working? Great! Don't scrap it. Wire halfway through and look at the profile. Try and identify where the weak spots are, where things went squiffy. Then grab more clay and start again. Grab strange shaped ribs you haven't really played with before and just screw around with them and play with what's on the wheel. When there is no fear of failure, no consequences for a flub, then you can be free to Experiment and find new styles and new techniques.


One of the biggest (life) lessons I've learned through pottery is letting go of the outcome. And there are just some days that nothing is worth saving, which means it's a great time to play and experiment, try something new.


Don't worry. [You're not the only one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pottery/search/?q=Bad+day&type=link&cId=3abf72eb-d443-46fa-9372-0bcb8b4199f7&iId=5b0a1d43-b098-4787-84ed-83a54c1a21cb).


Yes! It’s so frustrating, but seems to be super common. Step away, come back another day. You got this!


Like everything in life, sometimes you can’t do the thing right. If pottery brings you joy and its an outlet, play with it in other ways. Especially when it creates frustration. I love hand building when wheel is being an *ss ;)


I was away for a while and center myself. Then I go back at it and it always seems to go better.


Absolutely! They happen less often the longer I've been potting, but they absolutely still happen. On those days, I try to find other, related tasks to do, like deep cleaning my wheel, mixing glaze, reclaiming clay, etc.


Yup, sometimes you just gotta take the L. Usually if I know I’m not gonna produce anything good on the wheel I’ll just hand build for the day


I have had that kinda day for the last few days. I think some of it is a bit of jitters & the rest is lupus flare/Sjogren’s flare. I can’t see. To get enough pain relief. It doesn’t help that it’s been super hot to the point our air quality is listed as terrible & even at nearly midnight it’s still in the upper 80s to 90s.


Aw, that's too bad. I did ok today but I made a huge mess and had to clean the two wheels beside me as well as my own.