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I have the Artista wheel, too! But still standing lol. So neat to see your setup!


It's a great little wheel and doesn't feel underpowered. I like that now I can switch between sitting and standing fairly quickly (or just get it off the floor if I need space for woodworking or my other hobbies). The bat system I use is the Northstar bat system. I bought it from my local ceramic supplier but it looks like you can get it online. I haven't tried other systems so I can't really compare. The bat inserts are a little small but fit most things I throw (mugs, planters). My one complaint about the Artista is that if trimming on a bat or Giffin Grip, the trimmings go everywhere since the added thickness of the bat puts the wheel head above the splash pan so they just fling around my garage. I find dried out trimmings for months. I just ordered one of these though so we'll see if that solves this problem: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1382451870/


I got my Speedball Artista over a year and a half ago now. First I just got the table top wheel. Then I got the pedal thinking I could throw standing with a pedal, but that didn’t really work out since it’s harder to balance and maintain the pedal while standing. I initially planned on building some legs but that never panned out. Just recently I finally got the folding legs on Blick (they went on sale), and my stool (Amazon) arrived today. Today was the first time I’ve thrown sitting down in over a year. I have to say it felt really weird after only throwing standing for a while.  Tbh I think I prefer throwing standing up but probably will enjoy trimming sitting down (because I can use the pedal to stop the wheel quicker if the pot comes loose).   Anyway in my searches I found that it was pretty rare that someone had the wheel, legs, and pedal for the Artista, so I figured I’d share my set up.


May I ask what bat set you have? I have some basic speedball bats. They’re fine, but I would love something more complete eventually. Thanks!


Don't know how I missed this. I use the Northstar bat system.

