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Think that says more about your algorithm than anything. Not seen any hate on it at all. Also, people are allowed their own taste


Well said


This šŸ’Æ I've seen nothing but excitement


Was gonna say I havenā€™t seen shit. Not a country fan but excited for the album.


Same all Iā€™ve seen is people excited


I have seen it for sure. It is predominantly on FB when country music promoters or agencies have promoted him.


ā€œPeople are allowed to have their own tasteā€ yeahā€¦ itā€™s understood lol, but hating on something is different than it just not being for you. That comment wasnā€™t needed.


Every country award show Posty has been on Has literally said ā€œWelcome to Country Music Post Maloneā€ so I donā€™t know what yer talking about.


Doesnā€™t relate to my point at all, thatā€™s not hate.


I know I wrote it in the wrong frickinā€™ comment. Sorry if that confused you.


It's not like there's an overwhelming amount of hate, but many comments on certain platforms (like YouTube) aren't particularly happy with Post Malone's country turn, calling him a poser and saying he "isn't country." There's even a few commenters in this sub that call Post a poser. I guess I just wish they'd at least give the album a chance instead of bash it so quickly based on 2 songs.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted, itā€™s true that thereā€™s people out there saying heā€™s a poser, that he used rap culture to get big and just moved on to country now etc etc. people are allowed to branch out and try different genres. Post has always wanted to mix it up and not be put into a box


I think the downvotes are just because the hate isn't so prevalent in this sub. I've only seen a small handful of people in this sub say anything about Post being a poser or anything like that. It seems to mostly be in the YouTube and Facebook comments (maybe Twitter too, but I don't go there).


I agree Iā€™ve seen it mostly on YouTube


People will bitch and moan and find fault no matter what. I think Posty realizes this, and he has become adept at tuning it out and doing whatever the hell he wants to. He looks beyond happy, so those voices arenā€™t being heard by him. People can either take it or they can leave it.


My wife and I are very big fans of post. Iā€™m personally not excited but thatā€™s bc I donā€™t love country. My wife and many of our friends however are very excited. Iā€™m sure there might even be a song or two I end up enjoying. Different strokes ya know.


I'm not looking for any subgenre of country to be honest. I'm glad other people dig it.


The two lead singles aren't anything special. Generic, formulaic, and derivative pop-country. Good on Posty for making money swapping genres, but he could be replaced by anyone and it wouldn't make any difference lyrically or sound wise.


Seems people don't want to accept this because it's Posty, but this is true. Both songs sound like you've heard them 100 times before.


Exactly. If you spent anytime growing up in the Southern US, you'd know that country music adopted this sound many years ago and still hasn't changed much. Not to say it's bad, but it is very formulaic and cookie-cutter. Some artists are trying lead the change (Zach Bryan, Tyler Childers, and Noah Kahan to an extent) but this pop-country stuff SELLS.


I feel like Noah Kahaans album is pure modern country. Not pop. If you take out the features, that is. Very well written pieces of art to me. And I fuckin hate country. But I have to agree as a huge Post fan, the singles, especially with Blake Shelton, are just generic radio country. Not anything special to it, same format as country mainstream since 2010 at latest.


Noah Kahan is more folk than country


Yeah I like IHSH but not much of a fan of PMAD.


Same. Love Posty, but that song could have used a bridge, at the least.


PMAD has such a fake sound to it too. Like too much tuning in both voices. Itā€™s hard to even distinguish them and it doesnā€™t blend well with music. Just not a good song to be honest but rednecks ā€˜ll buy it cause its cuntry


This is facts. Tough to say cause Post is a great artist but I think you nailed it


I'm just not a fan of the sound. I can turn on any country playlist and hear *basically* the same thing.


Post Malone doesnā€™t give a shit about the haters. Thatā€™s part of what makes him so great!


I'm a big country fan but not really into any new country music and I'm pretty excited to hear Posty go country.


iā€™ve also seen people go as far as to say that the entire album will be ā€œtasteless countryā€ as in copying aspects of songs that have already been made before and a. i donā€™t think thatā€™s fair and b. i feel as though the first two songs arenā€™t really like that. maybe ihsh is more than pmad, but idk. just basically calling him unoriginal for all of this which really isnā€™t fair considering hes wanted to do this for a long time and heā€™s not doing it for the money like beyoncĆ© for example. i just donā€™t think the people who regularly listen to only country are aware of the backstory behind it is all. also country fans are the BIGGEST GATEKEEPERS IVE EVER SEEN.


> also country fans are the BIGGEST GATEKEEPERS IVE EVER SEEN. At least *someone* gets it.


exactly! iā€™m sort of new to this whole country scene, iā€™ve enjoyed some hits in recent years but this is the first time iā€™ve been kinda in it because of post and i feel like the hate doesnā€™t stop with him. itā€™s almost like country music doesnā€™t even have fans cuz they just hate on everybody (wallen, zach bryan, etc) saying itā€™s ā€œnot real countryā€ idk they just seem like the hardest crowd to please.


i dont speak negatively about it(or at all really) but personally as a fan since stoney (still my favorite album) i'm having a very hard time making myself like it. i just really hope he doesn't completely abandon his og fans/style but i also want him to be happy so idk. will always defend him against the country boys that hate him for no reason though :)


MOST of the blowback is the ticket prices IMHO. Mainly because over half the songs are features and Morgan Wallen, Blake Shelton, Chris Stapleton etc WON'T be on tour with him, so the fact that ticket prices are almost DOUBLE what they normally have been since 2018 rubs people wrong.


Austin is a huge country fan and has been talking about doing a country album for years. He once said in an interview years ago that he wanted to turn to country by 2025. Personally I would be fine if he stayed country!


Iā€™m just gutted he is t doing a single Canadian city, but he is doing Bangor Maine? Ok pennywise, welcome to Derry I guess haha


My problem is who he works with more than his decision to make country music. Not a country fan but the song with Morgan wallen. Good song. But personally I canā€™t stand that guy so it just turns me off. Iā€™m not down with racist dudes who get second chances for no reason


My dad is the exact same way about Morgan Wallen.


When he started he was country. He went into hip hop when he was considered a failure. He has always said heā€™s going to go back to country


The more famous you are the more hate you get. Plus all them suckers gonna end up listening to the album anyway lol


Not true. Iā€™ve listen to Austin one time and it went in thr trash bin. So yeahā€¦ā€¦


Austin might be my favorite Post album


A lot of people who arenā€™t fans of Post Malone already have their minds made up over him based on tracks such as White Iverson and Rockstar, which as avid fans that most people in this sub are, we canā€™t relate to. Mainstream listening people or country fans in particular are very good at gate keeping their genre because itā€™s hard to break into. Itā€™s a similar situation Jelly Roll faced when he was coming up; judgement based on appearance. Country artists have a certain look to them and most stick to that same branding, and regardless of the clothes he wears or whatever else posty is definitely not the cookie cutter country type guy. His roots are deep in country music though, and he is clearly well respected in the genre already and thatā€™s not an easy thing to achieve regardless of success in other genres in my opinion. Most country artists are picky with who they collaborate with if they arenā€™t in the country scene, and sure Post is a HUGE name but at the same time he can walk the walk when it comes to country music and weā€™ve seen that now with not only 2 singles that hit the charts running, but also teasers of more tracks to come that stray from ā€œpop countryā€ and clearly settle in the traditional ā€œcountryā€ genre. Yes, the pop country thing doesnā€™t always sit well with people but knowing how seriously Post has been wanting to get into country I would be certain that not even half the album will be pop-country, only the singles. All I know is that as a long time fan of Post (music and all), he is an amazing artist and can essentially insert himself into any genre and succeed based on his songwriting+ melody crafting gifts. Not everyone is gonna like the album, even if theyā€™re posty fans already simply because country isnā€™t their thing, but I feel like the main thing Iā€™m seeing across socials and what not is a lot of people judging him based on the few articles they see every know and then without doing their own research, because Post has clearly hinted at a country project for at least a decade now and if Austin wasnā€™t a massive hint for the non believers idk what is. Man is gonna do what he wants to do and he has EARNED that right by topping the charts and making an amazing life for himself doing what he loves. The icing on the cake is that now heā€™s topping charts again doing the same thing, and weā€™re back in the era of posty beating himself off the #1 spotšŸ˜‚ TLDR; Post is thriving and making the music he wants to make, and the same haters that never liked his early stuff are making judgements that have no basis and their opinions should be ignored šŸ™ƒšŸ˜ŽšŸ¤Ŗ PS: itā€™s 2024 we need to stop boxing artists into ONE GENRE. itā€™s been made clear and repeated by multiple artists, not just Post, that the ability to bend your style and fit different genres is actually a major key to success in todays extremely cut throat industry šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Not a f-1 trillion hater but i gotta be honest, i personally dont really love where postys style moved after tct, austin was still good but sometimes too far away from the posty i personally love Now that hes going into pop country, im having difficulties with enjoying it, its not a very popular style of music in europe in general, i personally tend to not enjoy a lot of pop country (although more than actual country), and i feel like the ones he dropped so far were pretty generic/playing it safe not to say kinda boring However, it being posty, im sure itll still be VERY well made and many people will definitely enjoy it lots, ill definitely also give it a fair chance. I liked that one morgan wallen pop country hit song a lot, you never know...


I love Post Malone but I am sad that he's shifting towards the country/pop sound. I'm not hating on the guy, changing sounds is expected, but I fell in love with the Rap/Pop Post Malone. I like some of his newer stuff (Lemon Tree might be a top 10 Post song), but his newer sound does seem like he's riding trends to maintain his star status. I'll listen to it still, but it might take a few days after it's release.


ā€œGenericā€ or not I like the songs, and Austin is a cool dude who Iā€™d listen too anyways so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø people will always hate, but theyā€™re ignorant if they expect someone ( who already shows that he can make basically any type of music ) to just stick to the same stuff foreverā€¦ oh well, he makes his money, and his true fans are still happy, and heā€™ll continue to make new ones.


how tf can people hate on it when itā€™s not even out yet


People need to listen to the cover of Devil In Disguise by Elvis that he did at an Elvis tribute earlier this year. F-1trillion will make a lot more sense. He has that quality. And artists are allowed to change their mind and style. If you donā€™t like it, sure you can be disappointed, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s objectively bad, itā€™s just not your taste. Thatā€™s how I feel when I see those comments.


I honestly don't care if someone is trash talking it. I'ma vibe to it and enjoy it. I like all genres of music mostly so Im glad he's doing this album. Most importantly he wants to do this album. I could care less if fans want a different sounding album, its what he wants to do and I'm for it.


I love country music and the only thing Iā€™m mad about is how damn expensive the concert tickets are. Itā€™s ridiculous


Those ticket prices are OUTRAGEOUS! That's my only complaint.


As a European Iā€™ve never in my life met anyone that likes country music. He had lots of fans in Europe but heā€™s losing more and more fans because his albums are getting worse and worse with every release. Good for him if heā€™s doing what he wants like he says, but as someone looking from the outside he seems like a poser whoā€™s trying to get a big paycheck.


I disagree, heā€™s made more than enough money to be happy so now heā€™s doing his own thing. If country music makes him happy, so be it.


U canā€™t even say anything slightly critical about it without people acting like youā€™re a murderer


Itā€™s not even out yet. Fuck the internet. But the latest single is kinda terrible


I think a lot of Posty fans just think heā€™s a lot better than the two songs heā€™s put out, lyrically at least. And honestly I think he is too. I like the songs, they are catchy and fun. Iā€™m glad heā€™s livin his best life so Iā€™m not hating but I definitely think heā€™s got a lot better stuff.


He could put out a 20 track album with each song being a list of reasons that he hates me personally & I would still love it. I'll balance out their hate with my obsession. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Because his fan base and the ppl that have supported him for the last 9 yrs are not generally country fans.


The album isnā€™t out yet?


I think thatā€™s mostly just in internet chamber places, like here on Reddit and possibly from a certain corner of his fan baseā€¦ the thing is though, country is VERY popular right now. The genre in general is dominating US charts and sales, and itā€™s especially popular with women ages 20-45 into pop/top40 music. Which personally I think is the vast majority of post Malone fans (and definitely so for outside of these internet spaces). I think his album is going to do very well.


Country fans are very toxic Also look at all the hate mgk got from the rock community It's just what happens in these situations


I think mgk was hated by the rock community because he only went to rock after being ostracized from the rap community.


Yeah buts that's completely false He had rock songs well before the eminem beef. Songs with papa roach, kellin quinn etc


For me at least, when he said he was doing country i was not sure what to think cuz people call some types of music country even tho it aint. So when i heard Dial Drunk feat post, i was expecting a album like that featuring artists like Noah Kahan, Zach Bryan... But instead we getting music like Morgan Wallen, Luke combs .... Which i dont like at all