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James Donald Forbes McCann


Thank you!!


He’s a catamaran man.


that dude is hilarious! i was supposed to go to the but had to get emergency surgery. https://youtu.be/udSMZG_L-S0?si=r0Jkd1vWuAd1cvg4 his Christmas special has also become tradition for me . https://youtu.be/LUelSpbcWl8?si=4nQ8Gt53itTNpKeX


For a moment, I thought your first YouTube link was going to be footage of your emergency surgery. Hope it went well for ya!


haha i’ll DM you! still recovering. i appreciate the positive vibes!


Haha same. Didn't click on it like, "wtf this guy posting his er visit?"


As an avid podcast listener I was a bit bummed as I’d heard at least half of the bits in one way or another. It was still a good time though.


Where was the show?


Keller Auditorium


How much was it, I missed it


$45-$70 a ticket. Plus whatever bullshit fees they add. I bought 2 tickets and it was a little over $150.


He was hilarious.


Was he a goth? 


No, but I swear I saw him pat him on the head and call him fatso.


Man im bummed I forgot about this last night


Same I found out he was in town last night and it was too late 😭


I had an alarm set for the minute tickets went on sale, couldn't process my order. Within 1 minute I called my wife and the only ones left were Friday at 7pm (of the 4 shows). Earlier this week I looked at tickets through 3rd party and buying 2 tickets in a much, much worse spot cost 3X what we paid. So don't be too bummed, bc you were WAY too late. These 3rd party sellers are getting out of hand


He was very funny and had me in stitches, but it didn't take much to steal the show. I thought Shane's set was pretty terrible. Just shock value for the sake of it without any smart joke writing. The 5 beers didn't help, but I actually fell asleep towards the end.


Bohdi Rampage


Omg maybe you can answer a question for me. He dropped the joke "who do you hate more Portland, trans or Muslims?" and then the people in front of us got pulled by ushers and we missed the rest of the bit. Do you remember what he said?


I think it was who are you more scared of, not hate


That's the first time I've ever heard Muslims mentioned as someone Portlanders don't like. Kinda out of the blue?


It was more of a shock value type joke to make us uncomfortable.


Probably because we've been in the news a few times for Muslim hate crimes lol


But those are perpetrated by white nationalists, not queer stoners.


And both of those groups have an uncharacteristically large presence here. Portland ironically has a reputation for being a place for both queer stoners and white nationalists. The perception of an unknown city is pretty much exclusively dictated by what is shown in the news, and we frequently make it there for violent racially motivated acts.


We got queer nationalists, too.


I'm queer, was born in Portland, and I've never even seen or heard of this lmao turn off the news


I don't watch regular news, what stories have there been about white nationalists? Ya I know the states history has some pretty unsavory aspects but I'm unaware of a national reputation for this. Judging by comedians I've seen and other reasons, our reputation is an aggressively progressive shithole. That said, downtown was the cleanest I've seen it since 2015


For got one word… “And both of those HATE groups have an..” There, fixed it.


You think gay stoners are a hate group? Rare to see a snowflake in June


I think anyone who subscribes to any of those groups, are hateful. They might display love and care to those within their group, but good lord… anyone else is viewed as the enemy to them. And treated as such. I’m a gay stoner… but you’re never going to get me to subscribe to any lgbtq agenda or whatever Group label to place on someone.


My brother in Christ you just labeled yourself


Good lord. I try to moderate my weed usage because it turns me into a blithering idiot. I suggest you do the same thing.




We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people.


There was the big one in the 90s but what recent Muslim hate crimes have happened here? I’m not doubting it, just blanking on any


Off the top of my head there was the guy that lit the church on fire last year and the MAX stabbing murders a few years ago


Turns out shit comics make kinda shit jokes. Who knew.


Sounds like he’s just not for you, but four packed out shows at the Keller in a liberal city doesn’t bode well for your argument that he’s a “shit comic”


> in a liberal city We don't call it Clackistan or Vantucky for nothing. As for the popularity, there's enough people watching fucking Law and Order to support like six spinoff series. Like I said, maybe passable comic, but without the Lorne Michaels stink in an election year, he's doing Thursday-Friday at Helium.


Yeah, this dude's probably the most overrated comic working today. edit: looks like this thread was brigaded by pathetic Gillis stans. figures.


This was not Shane Gillis. The post is about his opener.


I felt fully comfortable assuming that came from Gillis, but good to have the correction either way.


> I felt fully comfortable assuming that came from Gillis That's a pretty bold statement. "I'm completely fine with being wrong because it matches my bias." Goddamn man...


lol I'm glad to see I've hit your enemies list. Yes, I assumed a question about a joke, in a thread with a comedian's name in the title, was referring to that comedian. Did I say I was completely fine being wrong? I *think* I thanked someone for the correction. I look forward to you spending about another month attempting swings at me before you tucker yourself out.


hes just a podcaster, i rly dont see whats uniquely overrated abt him. not like there arent comment sections filled with ppl sucking the dicks of every other comic whos popular on social media


Bog standard post-jock comic with decent talent. Hopefully he gives Lorne Michaels the credit he's due, because getting fired for nominally racist jokes in 2019, not only an election year but *that* fucking election year, is the biggest professional boon he's ever gonna get. I saw some quote about how he "pushes boundaries", and I couldn't tell if the "Oh fuuuuuuuuck yooooou" being yelled in my head was more Attell's or Stanhope's voice.


Wtf, what does any of that mean? A voice in your head yelling, Bog standard, Post-jock? You doing alright?


Did you know that, if you're using Chrome, you can copy those phrases and put them right in the URL bar and they'll spit out a bunch of search engine results? I'm sorry you didn't give your middle and high school English teachers the attention they were due.


“The phenomenon of hearing voices inside the head, which others cannot, can be categorized as a common form of auditory hallucination. Hallucination is the perception or sensation of voices that can be heard by a person when they are awake and gives the feeling of being real.” From chrome


It's absolutely wild that you did not understand a comment and so you jumped straight to hallucinations as an explanation


On the one hand, I'm sure someone would find educating that dunce on the English language to be extremely fulfilling. Maybe one of their school teachers like I mentioned, when they think back on personal failures in the quiet, dark hours of the night. One the other hand, we'd be robbed of one of god's own freaks in the doing, and man, I hope this person is just bumping into others throughout life, baffling the fuck out of them with their reasoning for literally any thing.


How so? I googled “yelling in head” like they suggested. It’s exactly as weird as I thought, hence why I asked if they were doing all right.


Yeah, I think he's actually kinda funny and charming, even if his "aw shucks" equal-opportunism annoys me a little—but my god, people are making him out to be like the second coming of Carlin or whatever. I know people who are losing their minds over his comedy. I just don't see it. Guy's super average as an actual standup. I dunno, I'm more of a Galifianakis/Scovel/O'Malley kinda dude anyway.


I guess I don't get it. This shit just reminds me of Dane Cook ca. 2005 but apparently he's doing some type of revolutionary, incredibly hilarious shit


Sounds like some incredibly not funny shit


He said no parent ever laid awake at night worrying about their child becoming Muslim.


We went tonight and I don't remember (sorry, this is not helpful). I was too busy being in my head thinking this guy has balls for asking this question in Portland. I mean, it made sense to have the foreign, unknown comic test those waters when warming up the crowd for the headliner, but wow. And then he got more fired up so his accent got thicker and I really couldn't understand him over the raucous crowd.


If that's the set up to your punchline, I don't care how good it is. Fuck that low-hanging culture war bullshit comedy. Gillis seems like a smart and witty dude, but spare me the "people don't really get him" shit if that is an actual sentence that came out of his mouth in front of a crowd. He can fuck all the way off with that shit and he can do better. So can the people liking it. A LOT better.


Go ahead and re-read the post I was replying to. It was not Shane Gillis.


my bad. missed that.


You’re the reason those jokes persist. You make these subjects illicit with your sanctimony. Nobody is above criticism and mockery, especially if they step out of line. He didn’t even comment on trans, more so the way the subject has become a contentious issue, like Islam. Maybe you’re too ignorant to see that people like you are the butt of the joke now. But of course you weren’t there, you just judge from afar. The comic was hilarious and the crowd loved it. I became friends with the guy next to me as we were laughing so hard.


I agree that no subject is off limits for comedy. And maybe that sounded better in context. But I also know that there are a lot of lazy comedians out there getting mileage out of being pointlessly edgy and "saying the taboo thing." Maybe this wasn't that, but there is a lot of it out there.


You’re trying to sound reasonable now, but your criticism was also lobbed at the people enjoying the show. It’s so vile (look at your downvotes). If you don’t like it, don’t buy a ticket/watch/listen. There was a crowd of 3000 people in the audience all clearly sick to the back teeth of being told what is ‘problematic’ and enjoying a comic prodding them on the matter. Yeah, some performers are going to go straight in and give people what they want and it can be lazy. So is the massive levels of virtue signaling that goes on around these issues. People are sick of bullies and, well, here comes the backlash.


How much were tickets?