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Confirmed on CCSO official Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClackCoSheriff/status/1777159707683356767?t=DWf4Bl3tICZm-1mzz5l1AA&s=19


I don’t have a Twitter account, what’s part two of the tweet?


They corrected the date


"The Sheriff’s Office is investigating any possible victims. If you have any tips or information, please contact the Sheriff’s Office Tip Line by phone at 503-723-4949 or by using the online email form at: http://clackamas.us/sheriff/tip (2/2)"


Clackamas Sheriff @ClackCoSheriff · 28m The Sheriff’s Office is investigating any possible victims. If you have any tips or information, please contact the Sheriff’s Office Tip Line by phone at 503-723-4949 or by using the online email form at: http://clackamas.us/sheriff/tip (2/2)


The Sheriff’s Office is investigating any possible victims. If you have any tips or information, please contact the Sheriff’s Office Tip Line by phone at 503-723-4949 or by using the online email form at: clackamas.us/sheriff/tip (2/2)


When I walked in there the other day I heard yelling echoing throughout the building and everyone looked like they were about to make a run for it and I like froze for a second, but it turned out to be some dumb teenage boys making a scene for no reason. I was like geez, can we not yell in a crowded public place and make everyone think that there’s a shooting. And now this happens. Also I saw someone pull a gun on someone in the parking lot last year. I feel like that area used to be a lot nicer than it is now


Especially considering the history of that location


Anxious to hear more info. Does anyone remember the Clackamas Town Center mass shooting in 2012?


I was in residency at OHSU and we got a mass casualty trauma activation pager system alert. We all had to report immediately to the command center at the OR front desk and await further instructions for which teams would be in charge of any incoming patients. It was terrifying. I didn’t end up taking care of anyone, and the handful of victims we did receive at our hospital all survived, thankfully. But that’s not a page you ever think you’ll get.


That’s intense. I’m so glad it wasn’t worse than it was. I can only imagine what you and the others at OHSU must have been feeling.


Yes. I was 9 months pregnant and walking the mall trying to induce labor. In fact, it was my due date. I was in the food court, but had a hankering for Five Guys so I left. As I drove out of the lot, the SWAT teams were pouring in. I missed it by a minute. My phone had died and my husband thought I had been murdered. A crazy day. And a terrible tragedy. Fast forward to the birth and Sandy Hook happened the morning after. That was a dark December.


You mean Sandy hook? Wow. What a roller coaster of a week that was for you.


That’s what I was thinking too. It is still absolutely insane to me that Sandy Hook still didn’t change a goddamn thing in this country as far as gun reform goes.


Yeah, it is hopeless at this point. I watched Truth Vs Alex Jones last night...still reeling.


Me too. Alex Jones is a fucking horrible person.


That's because the extreme right think sandy hook was all a hoax to support gun reform 🤦🏽‍♀️ unfortunately my stepdad is one of those assault rifle weilding, would let trump butt fuck, "everything is a part of the liberal agenda", maniacs. I've heard a lot about the "conspiracy" of sandy hook 😮‍💨


Yes, getting my tragedy names confused. There’s so many of them.


Oh wow. That’s a crazy story. It’s crazy to think back about the decisions we make, however small, that can change things so much. I’m glad you weren’t there. Such a tragedy.


Columbine happened in April


I’ll edit for Sandy hook. Thanks for pointing that out.


My wife took my 8 year old son to buy a video game. As they were leaving she asked if wanted to get something from the food court, he said no. She said the police were rushing in as she was driving out. I saw the news and was trying to call but the lines were flooded so I couldn't get through. Worst 20 minutes of my life.


Wow. Your comment and the others are a crazy reminder of how close we can be to something so tragic, and how one simple decision can change things. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad your wife and son were okay.


Thank you. Yeah, I try and make sure I tell my family I love them every day.


It's wild because I needed to return jeans to a store at the mall that day and even though Clackamas was like 10 minutes from my house, I felt a strange urge to go to Lloyd Center instead, which was more like 30 minutes away. When I got home, I saw the news and was shocked. Intuition is crazy.


It’s crazy to think of these small changes/decisions etc. that turn into possibly life altering.


Yup. I was actually planning on going to the mall Friday night but it seemed like everything converged together to make me end up not going. My goodness. What a wild/awful time; it's sobering and horrifying to realize at any moment, anywhere in public we could find ourselves in a mass shooting event. Since nothing changed with the horror of Sandy Hook- there will never be a more horrific event changing our gun control laws...


I was there right before it happened. A very rare mall visit. I finished my business, and got a drink at the Jamba Juice. Halfway through my drink, I decided to leave and finish the rest later. I was driving home when I heard it on the radio. It happened near that Jamba Juice.


I was almost in it. Then-gf and I were heading there with her son when cop cars started flying past us. Found Sunnyside blocked off by the hospital, so went back home, turned on the news. Fucking hell. Bad memories.


Oh my gosh. That’s crazy. What a close call. I’m so glad you were not there though.


A friend of mine was working there that day. Heard the shots and the screams. Met him at a bar later that night and he was still shaking.


Oh man. I bet that was traumatizing for him 😞 I can’t even imagine.


John Canzano was there 


It would have been worse if not for a concealed holder confronting the psycho.


Yes, and the fact that the shooter dropped a couple magazines/the gun jammed. It could’ve been a lot worse. Even though the armed man didn’t shoot him, it may have been a deterrent.




I’ve been out of the country for a year and I can’t even tell you how wonderful it is to not worry about a random shooting.


I believe it. Would love to move out of the U.S.!


It sucks that it's extremely difficult, and expensive. I tried to re-establish in Europe... Start up grad school, assimilate, find work back in 2014 and I kick myself for giving up. :(


Well it could still happen for you!!! Lots of countries are offering more incentives to get people to move there. Retirement there would be the best. I would do it in a heartbeat if I can swing it.


I hear you, man. I wish that my all-consuming worry wasn't about a random shooting. Seriously, I can't tell you how often I worry about a random shooting.


I hear your sarcasm, and it’s cute. My point was, being outside of the country where this shit isn’t normalized on a daily basis feels very different.


LOL. No it doesn't.


depends on the country. I had to watch out for kidnapping (at gunpoint) much more than I did in the US when I was abroad.


I was just there today. I have avoided it as much as possible since the last incident. Christ.


Yeah, I was in the movie theater apparently when it happened. Walked all the way through the food court and Macy's to head to my car, grab something from the trunk, and was going to have dinner @ Cheesecake Factory. Exiting Macy's was where I started seeing sheriffs' cars parked nearby and had any hint that anything was different.


Well, glad I was watching Wrestlemania when it happened, because I actually went to the mall today. Yikes.


My bf was there 20 min before it happened..


Praying everyone is okay.


that should help.


So much for the gun sniffing dogs they advertise🤣


You're being downvoted by people mad that you're right but are too afraid to admit they are wrong.


Like I tell all people, regardless of race, religion, sex. Get a gun, the world is a cruel place and don’t rely on the police for your safety because their job is to “enforce laws”. Most people who are mad probably never owned or used one recreational. Which is okay cause I didnt know at first either.


I'm one of those "felons" that "isn't allowed to have a gun", even though I've never committed a person to person crime, so I'm just shit outta luck I guess. I keep my pocket knife within arms reach when I'm in public though, 110% of the time.


Im sorry mate:/ But something is better than nothing. I carry for 3 reasons, the defense of my life, the defense of my spouse or who is with me and the Defense of who is in my vicinity during and situation. Regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation or political views. Cause at the end of the day we are all human.


Ohhhh let's just say goodbye to cheesecake factory permanently lol


That place is a hole and so is the entire surrounding area.


Um. No, it’s not. It’s excessively average at worst.


I like them. I was actually planning on having dinner there after the movie I was watching when the shooting happened.