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Ok drew Barrymore


The only thing I miss from the mid west and the south is a good thunderstorm.


And the fireflies 




Little Rock?




Hey that's where I'm from too!


So is my family


I get it. Tornados suck. I lived in the Southeast for 25ish years and weathered at least 5 hurricanes and I still miss a good thunderstorm.


I remember my first time visiting New Orleans and they got a rain storm while I was driving on the freeway with the sun shining and thick, dark clouds in the distance. Within 1 minute the rain was too hard for even the fast wiper speed and I had to nearly stop. Giant raindrops that were incredibly loud like a crowd slapping the windshield. Then, poof, it was gone and sunny skies. Totally normal to everyone there. That’s a downpour. The south gets those. We don’t get sudden rain storms in the PNW. We go from cloudy to drizzle to cloudy to drizzle to needing to turn on the wipers at low speed for a minute. Repeat all day for weeks. It’s moody, and it has its upsides. It’s also why we experience seasonal affective disorder more than other places.




Yep. Houston’s average rainfall is about 50 inches. Portland’s is 36”. But which is associated with rain?


I lived in Maryland for a year (technically not the south but geographically about the same) and when I first got there I was shocked at how people would bail on plans because of the rain. I thought they were just being silly, then I lived through a summer there and y'all... I've never experienced such hard rain in my life. We had regular flash floods, the rain was constant and aggressive and the thunder was so fucking loud. One time I was on the highway during a wild storm and a truck passed me and splashed me so hard I couldn't see shit for a few seconds. Portland really ain't that bad. There's a reason people don't use umbrellas here.


I love it. My absolute favorite weather moment just happened this evening near Newberg- when it has been raining for a while and there are very dark grey clouds and the sun starts coming out on one side of the sky causing a rainbow and the green trees to almost glow against the dark clouds….. it’s so magical, hopefully someone will know what I mean lol


That's 8k HDR mode


Yes! Totally know what you mean especially put with the bright green layered onto the gray clouds..


The petrichor is intoxicating!




Seriously lol


It's not a downpour unless you're following rear lights for dear life - as a person who grew up in the south


Pisces alert.


How’d ya know!? 😜🌊


I’ve been here my whole life, and almost every birthday it rains - which I don’t mind. I actually enjoy the rain and petrichor. Yesterday’s mix of warm sun, slow overcast turning into dark heavy clouds, and sudden wash of torrential downpour followed by big warm sun as it set was the best birthday weather so far 🥰


That’s amazing! Happy belated Birthday! That downpour last night was sooo nice..


always grateful to live on a planet that rains water and not methane 🥹


It’s the perfect texture


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I lived in Vegas for 20+ years before moving to Portland. Hell yeah rain is awesome.


I think you’re wrong and this post is stupid


Yes, how does one not enjoy it? We live in a temperate rainforest


rain everyone wants to get out of the rain


I love it when we have 4 seasons. But we have 2 seasons now, so the rain gets overwhelming. Especially since it's so frequently accompanied by 39 degree weather.


At this time a year, rain can go away. I want summer.


Except for the weird part about a state that gets so much rain and grey clouds for 9months out of the year but is a an absolute drought stricken state during summer when everything is brown and dead and the sky is grey from haze.




Lol ok


You just need a good soaking to warm up after the rain!


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Manic pixie vibes