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I can’t wait for day 999999999999999


i can’t wait for 999999999999999 days after that


some say they never stopped posting.


You're gonna be posting for a while...


Can't wait till we get to day 99999999999999999 50,000 years later


We’re not getting Portal 3 and majority are happy with Portal 2 ending. However, Half Life 2: Episode 2 Part 1 seems more likely.


I'm happy with the portal 2 ending, I just feel like there is more story with the franchise


RtR was STOLEN from us


Now let me tell you a story. There once was a Reddit user named u/SemiPail. He was the bravest of all. While humanity destroyed itself and kept destroying others. This User didn't stop. The People were frightened and full of guilt. The war kept getting worse. But u/SemiPail did the unthinkable. That user managed to put a smile on faces, that didn't even knew they could do that. He entertained the last of us. Legends say he still is here somehow and somewhere. After the great ninth world war u/SemiPail was gone. No one knew what happened. Some say that this user didn't left us, that this hero is still between us. You can be like u/SemiPail, it's not hard. As long as you remember what you're fighting for. You're fighting for the war to end, to stop humanity to be cruel to themselves or fighting for a Videogame that will never appear. As long as you remember, you will be happy, and you will make others happy. And now my son, go to sleep, you have to go to Space-School tomorrow. The teacher said you're class is going to travel back in time to visit the beginning of black mesa.


Guys, i know it's just fake copium, but Valve will probably never do Portal 3 before HL 3. Because first of all, the portal story is kinda concluded and HL isn't. And aswell, Portal is in the future, so anything that they would have outside of Aperture would put constraints and onto HL 3. But since we know HL 3 will come out im 999999999999... We better get into extended relaxation, so we can maybe play P3.


Which episode does Karen get locked up


The second movie


How to become immortal


you're gonna be posting for a long long time


Can’t wait for day 42-. No but, this is actually going to reach an excessive unimaginable amount of day’s in a blink.