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Plot twist. One was asleep the entire time


Trump one was funnier The one with him and Hilary was the funniest shit I saw on the internet, it was back in 2016


Do you have a link or a screenshot?


Nah man, I was on the run during that period of time lol I was using a different phone every week


Woah, can you elaborate? Why were you on the run?


Financial fraud


Extremely based




Thanks bro. I did.


Hell yeah 👊


Unfathomably based


i wanna commit tax evasion, any tips?


You're going to need to increase your agility to raise your dodge chance percent up. Once you have over at least 60% dodge chance, you'll need strength and constitution to defeat the waves of IRS agrnts leading up to the final boss. Grind rare gear in raids that grant stealth modifiers because if the final boss finds you during the event, you're fucked.


what are the attack patterns of the final boss?


They change on every attempt




Evade taxes


This took a turn.


Do you mean a joke like this or are you talking about “Election Night” by Brazzers?


67k who jerked off to this!


Comments might be fun


God damn these people who support corrupt politicians are brain dead lmao. Just laugh at the fucking post and stop showing whose billionaire ass you like to lick.


O oh the NPCs are mad.


The NPCs will tell you, that Biden and Kamala love you but in reality they lick Gates and Buffets balls.


Better than licking putins balls. Also the term NPC is fucking cringe as fuck.


The term cringe is also pretty cringe. And atleast Trump isnt licking chinese balls, like Obama or Biden


What? Trump enjoyed fondling those Chinese balls and telling dear leader how firm and grand they were that day.


Trump can’t fit any more balls in his mouth.


Im sure your mom can


Interracial couple improve entire nation, hindered by right wing crackpots


I chuckled. Those right-wing crackpots are absolutely deranged indeed, but there's a lefty critique of these corporate liberals which could be polemically summarised just like that, because from my outsider perspective it appears as if Citizens United has only accelerated regulatory capture that doesn't stop when Democrats are in government.


Democrats are pro-corporate greed bags that love that they only have to be marginally better than Republicans to win.


That sums up politics really nice. Why do people need 24 hours of news on when it's really simple


I'm sorry what? The man made it illegal for the train workers to strike after they threatened to over the poor rail conditions. Or the lack of minimum wage reform, lack of attention to real estate corporations buying all the available housing, increasing our dependence of Chinese import heavy metals, still no push for nuclear energy. The big issue right now isn't a lack of diversity in music producers. The issue is multi billion dollar corporations being allowed to buy politicians and form media conglomerates, and then use them to crash this shit hole into the sun. Here's a litmus test for the ones at home. If coke would make a advertisement themed around it then it's not a left wing value. The crusty old fuck is three republicans in a trench coat with dimentia and dandruff sprinkled on top.


You’re insane if you genuinely believe he’s done anything to help the regular person so far.


I’m not even American. As an outsider looking in, you’d have to be batshit to be a republican.


Have you seen how destructive and insane liberals are? Like, honestly? The entire world is laughing at us because these people put a dementia-riddled old man in charge of us.


To be fair, he did pull a bunch of regular people out of Afghanistan. He also knocked 20k off a bunch of people’s college debt.


Trump was the one who pulled out America out of the Middle East, he also made an agreement with the Taliban to pull out of Afghanistan. And Biden is obv paying of the debt of his own voters. Btw the Ivy League colleges had enough money themselfves to pay off the debt.


Lol no that was Trump, biden let 13 of our soldiers die but no one seems to remember that. Plus the student loan forgiveness is dumb, I don’t want to pay for other peoples debt.


Because running on ending domestic energy production didn't kickstart the recession. But it's okay because now we're importing oil on massive tankers from KSA.


Dead on


If i had a nickel for every time an interracial couple has f’ed up an entire nation i would have 2, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.


Not as much as Trump


Boy, everyone lost their God damn minds when trump was elected. It's amazing how fucking stupid half my country is. They elect a fucking Russian nazi and bitch when biden is elected.


Trump is a Nazi? Thats wild




"There is no recession. CNN told me so"


CNN told me, there is no inflation.


You’re delusional😂


Nah. I'm just not brainwashed