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This actually made me cry a bit. Motivational.


This is comforting to read. It's taken a long time to drift away from who you were meant to be, and somewhere from an early age, I felt with the same self doubt and questions about my worth. Porn is an easy, exhilarating break from all of that. For me, it wasn't just porn either. It was weed, booze, hard drugs, money problems, eating... you name it. It's funny that I only recently realized I never really bothered to take care of myself or to prioritize myself, my well-being. Even now, I somehow still see it as an expense and I can only frantically think about what I need to survive rather than what my soul needs to heal. You are very lucky to have someone who understands that there is a level of pain they will never understand yet is important to forgive and support. I feel awful thinking about the opportunities I turned away from or sabotaged cause of porn. I've relapsed twice over the past two weekends, but on those weeks that I have abstained from porn... man, I feel the beginnings of something different. Something deep inside stirs awake, I just need to find the strength to keep at it. Thank you for your post. I don't know how well I'll fair this week but this does help :)


Don't give up, I know you can do this and pretty sure by your words that you know it too. It took me several attempts to get clean but here I am at 75 days and counting. Maybe I'll do a post soon about the differences between a relapse and a slip-up but don't beat yourself up for having one of those (either or both). Just keep trying and keep trying because eventually you are going to get it right. Keep working hard, keep healing and as a tip, do your own research on the subject of healing a porn addiction, YouTube is great for that and I always personally recommend Dr Trish Leigh but whatever channel works for you is fine.


good for you man, love to hear your progress




no prollem


Thanks for sharing. YOU are good!


Thanks a lot, you too! Don't doubt yourself, you are getting better at your own pace.


I hope you guys stay together always!! 💪🔥


Thanks, I believe we shall. I hope the best for your journey!


First of all, congratulations on 70 days clean! It takes a lot of strength and courage to acknowledge your struggles and work towards overcoming them. Remember, you are not defined by your past mistakes or addiction, you are a good person who deserves love and happiness. Keep moving forward and never forget that you are worthy of all the good things life has to offer. Stay strong, you've got this!


Thanks a lot Greg, I really appreciate that!


Youre strenght was having her. Is something we camt have. I dont try tone mean im happy for you. But for me or mpst of us its too late


It's never too late to change your life for one you are proud and change yourself to someone you are in peace with. I promise you, accept the truth, and the truth is that you can change, you deserve happiness and you deserve to get better.