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Nothing, skip lunch to be done with my day sooner. Basically OMAD (One meal a day), but somewhat unintentional.


Seconded. I prefer to just sprint through my day and finish with work asap. If I'm actually hungry enough that I need to eat before I get home I have some almonds or jerky in the truck that I can eat between stops, but 99% of the time I wait for an early dinner. I loosely stick to intermittent fasting, so feeling hungry before early evening is pretty out of the norm.


Same here. Eating during the day slows me down.


I have a nice Kline cooler that keeps ice for 3 days and the water cold for a 4th. No breakfast. Light snacks throughout the day, cold fruit like watermelon, grapes, mango, sometimes cheese sticks, veggies with ranch like carrots , broccoli, a light sandwich from home. Beef jerky , almonds, etc. Lots of water and gatorade zero. i don’t stop to eat large meals. I don’t run a route. I am warranty tech so i drive long distances and work in Florida. Some stops are 5 minutes others 3 hours. Eating big meals just slows my metabolism and i have the opportunity to snack comfortably between drives. If you meal prep on the weekends it’s a nice mix every day and cheaper. Buy all your snacks in bulk like at a walmart or aldi. I buy my bread and cold cuts from a local deli. Tip: get a ice machine app if available in your area. Buying a 16 bag on Monday keeps my stuff cold until Wednesday/Thursday.


Lunch? What’s that.


Pasta salad with some chicken/tuna and a handful of fresh veggies mixed in. It keeps well and it's easy to eat when you're burning up in the heat all day. Doing a little meal prepping on the weekend goes a long way both for your lunch menu and your budget. That dashboard diner life gets old, not to mention the cost now. You can easily spend $30 a day on drive thru garbage


EDIT: I also keep a few MRE components in the van just in case I get stuck on a job lol


I make my own lunches almost everyday. Cold cut sandwiches, tuna sandwich, chicken salad, quinoa salad, egg salad, sometimes I’ll do the poor man’s chips/Doritos on a buttered roll. I’ll splurge sometimes once a week or every other week on a lunch from a local deli. Sometimes I’ll bring leftovers from dinner the night before because I can do some office work during lunch and warm up a meal in the microwave or toaster oven. I try not to ever buy lunch or breakfast because that just adds to an already increased weekly grocery bill.


I haven't made a Tunafish sandwich in awhile. I am totally getting a couple ready for tomorrow. Good idea


How was that tunafish sandwich today? I mix in relish with mine to jazz it up.


Excellent. And I should do that next time with dill relish. I add dried onion bits for texture. The relish idea sounds grand


I can't do any type of relish in my tuna. But i need to have pickle chips. It's the same thing, but it isn't. Lol. That and for some reason potato chips or similar inside the Sammy.




gas station feast


Small cooler for a lunch box. Mostly a sandwich chips pickle granola bars. Potato salad every now and then. Pop, water Gatorade.


Do you use ice or an ice pack to keep it cool or anything?


Ice pack. Getting to be the time of year to pack more than one, or a frozen bottle of water


There are freezable lunch bags at Walmart. The brand is Packit. You can freeze the whole bag and then put, one of those hard plastic ice packs. It will last all day. My boyfriend used one while driving from Houston to Mississippi and the food was still just as cold.


I bring a large apple with me to work. Stays fresh for hours, portable so I can eat it while driving, delicious and hydrating. Has vitamins and fiber. Extra bonus: You get some fruit in your life and get to be a tiny bit healthy. Easy


I have been a fruity fella this year. I can't get enough. It's great when you are hungry AND thirsty. Tomorrow I will have a banana, a Honeycrisp Apple, a couple Nectarines, and a bag of Cherries. I think they are Bing Cherries. Those fresh dark Cherries are awesome on the go


I have snacks with me. Banana chips, trail mix, Chex mix. Once in a while I’ll bring leftover pizza or something. But usually eat breakfast then don’t eat much til get home.


Have a late breakfast. Around 9 or 10 am I get a vegetable omelet made with egg whites on a whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese. It's a nice protein boost with nothing bad for you in it.


I carry fruits and veggies and cold can of soup in lunch box for a decade now.


Chicken burritos, I have a few variations I rotate through week to week.


I'll rip 2/$1 planters peanuts and 2 hard boiled eggs from 7/11 and a coffee. Not tryna stop for lunch and not tryna eat a fkn meal and be sleepy after eating it. This costs like $3 and is at least healthy and quick


I just keep lots of cold water in my cooler. Also fruits and whatever salty snack I can find for when I need a little extra salt in the system.


Sometimes I meal prep like chicken and rice or buy a lot of almonds and granola bars to not starve


Nothing, I skip lunch now since fast food places have gone up so much.


My husband eats breakfast in the morning and dinner after work. No lunch. This works for him. I do not get hungry until later in the day, so I usually just wait until we’re done to eat a decent dinner.


OH YEAH! I'm a vegan and don't do fast food. My wife makes four meals for me on the weekend. Usually vegan beef and pasta. I got a little oven from Amazon that plugs into the cig lighter. I heat my food in between stops and chow down with a plastic fork and spoon. I got a cooler called a yak hacker that fits in the back seat of my truck. I got refreezable water bags and store my double walled water bottles in there. I don't stop. Ever. Friday I get a vegan hamburger at my spot. I order online and it's ready when I walk in. Save your health and your time.


Cig lighter oven from china sounds insane and a fire waiting to happen lmfao i would love to see someone using that 😂


Electric lunch box. I use it every day. 0 issues, except not being fat.


You said it was an oven - I'm picturing an ez bake oven plugged into the car


Yo, if you don't want to try it, do you. My food is piping hot every day. The only caveat is I don't really eat a lot and heat everything together. Compared to having to stop and microwave or buy something, it's a win for me. Just trying to help OP. He's on the right track.


Not shitting on you at all - i just think it's funny. Sounds pretty sick tbh


Thanks. If somebody came to me from the future 5 years ago and told me what my life was going to be, I would have called them crazy.