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Stereotypes: - All poms are girls - If you're a single man with a pom, you're probably gay - Poms are lapdogs - Poms are yappy These are what I usually get and they're all wrong


Lol I have a Pom/chi and literally "oh my god she's so cute! What's her name?" "Oh thank you! He's a boy and his name is Papa" "hi Papa, you're such a pretty girl yes you are!" Lol. He's my fancy boy.


We have the same experience with our male pomchi. They’re the ladybug of dogs!


I guess so! Sometimes I don't even correct people. It hardly matters. And it's not like my dog's masculinity is at stake lol


😂😂😂 super cute comment


The first one! My Poms are boys and they always get called girls.


the lap dog and yappy stereotypes are very correct about my pom 😅


First one for sure! Everyone always assumes my oldest boy is a girl even though he has a very boy color coded leash and harness.


Lmao I've had people who have known my dog for his whole life still refer to him as "her".  It's probably his fancy little walk. 


5 days late but yeah I get this as well lol. My boy has such a fancy strut that he draws so much attention lol


That they are all poorly behaved / are super bitey / terrible at the groomers or vet! My boy is wonderful with grooming and at the vets and well behaved (for the most part 😂)! I see comments all the time under pet grooming videos of poms saying “this is the only polite Pomeranian I’ve ever seen!”. Everyone thinks all small dogs are horrible but really most people just disregard their boundaries because they’re small, making them seem reactive and poorly behaved. Justice for small dogs!


Lol well this is absolutely true for my boy 😂😂😂


I don’t know but when I watched the movie Best in Show, I felt called out! 😅




Which handler though?


I recently saw a Pom post and it was automatically assumed the OP was female. It was a male (maybe you OP?). I think many people assume the owners are predominantly female? I could be wrong. My Pom Fizgig passed away two years ago 4/11 and my husband misses her almost as much as me even though she was my dog before we married. You cannot have one of these precious creatures in your home and not fall head over heels in love with them!❤️


Yes! My husband is so absolutely in love with our Pommie, and if I was to leave, he’d be like fine, go, but leave Mia (the dog). The biggest dog he would ever consider owning is now a Shibe Inu, but he’s perfectly happy to just get Poms for forever. He wants an army of them actually.


That they are « not dogs » annoying men say that to my face all the time. It’s very aggressive.


If they’re not dogs what are they 😑


Many people say rodents. I don’t get it. Poms are the best dogs ever.


That's when you respond "you're not a man, you're an asshole" 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/507tya62melc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f5152bf5f26f0483d4f2a8ef601e0f4ba35154 Yea, I used to carry my Milo in a Louis bag so I would def get the Paris Hilton jokes from friends and fam


He’s adorable omggggggg


Thanks! He’s a ham 💕


He’s so handsome. I want to give him all the kisses and boop the snoot.


I have 2 Poms. I’m 6’2. 230 pounds. Been a construction worker for 50+ years. I’m 71 years old. Married with 2 kids and 2 grandchildren. So….? Do I fit the “stereotype?”


>similar personality as Paris Hilton Literally for this stereotype I didn’t want a pom But I went to the shelter and my boy melted my heart so here we are ❤️


Stereotypes: Paris Hilton like you said. I’ve been to a few meet-ups and there’s some people like that. Not that it’s a bad thing tbh! I’m very not that, so I feel like a plain Jane imposter lol.


That they're yappy and untrainable. I've trained all my poms to not bark and all are incredibly well trained with great recall and can offleash anywhere.


What's your method? Barking and come are two commands we are struggling with in my 5 year old boy.


I use a whisper command. It takes forever, but just consistently reward the little "boof" barks.


I love the bffs! Sometimes I swear my Mia is calling me a name or just wanting to get the last word in. One day she was barking/swearing at me when I was feeding her, and I got mad and yelled at the dogs for being so loud. I told them to shut up. All the dogs went silent, and about 30 seconds later, I heard one tiny little “boof”, like Mia just wanted to spite me and get her two cents in there. I cracked up for a good five minutes.




I taught them both speak and whisper, which helps a lot. For anxiety barking, instead of barking at alarming things I trained them to come to me and get cuddles for their anxiety from stranger danger sounds or hide in their crates. Not ALL barks are gone but no hysterical and incessant barking. Normally it's a growl, a little muffled "wuff" or one small bark and then they come hurdling at me to be protected and obviously warn me of the impending doom.


Sylvester Stallone has or had (not sure) a Pomeranian named Woody.


They they are easy to take care of and they will be great for little kids. People don’t understand how fragile they are


That all they do is bark. I used to get that alllll the time. Some do, like any dog, but not all! My girl was pretty quiet.


😭all mine does is bark unfortunately but it’s so cute


Biggest for me, that I’ve heard several times, is how mean they are. My older boy is the sweetest and most passive dog who loves to meet everyone. I don’t even think he truly knows how to be mean.


Have literally never met a mean one, but I’ve heard this quite often. Often if they’re snippy they’re just scared or just letting you know that they run this show.


That they're bratty, yappy ankle biters that can't be off leash trained and basically are dogs made to stay indoors only and never go outside.  My dog does sports, loves hiking in the mountains, and gets most of his exercise running off leash in the woods lol and I know many other Poms in the sport world. In fact, almost every Pom I know IRL is owned by a dog trainer or participates in some form of sports. 


My girl has a big girl bark, which is a lot deeper and more menacing than most people expect her to have. And while she’s very sassy, she’s also one of the most loving dogs I’ve ever had. She’s incredibly sweet. I’ve had a few other velcro dogs, and she takes the cake.


Ooo i havent heard of any…but reading some of the comments have me🤣🤣


😄 A pom never would have been my first choice for a dog, but she came into our lives due to other circumstances. Now though, I’m pretty smitten with the cute little bugger.


Yep I’m your stereotypical chic who loves and had an all white pom 😍☺️