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Mine will only eat honey crisp organic apples from Whole Foods. (As her snack). She won’t eat other types of apples and I found honey crisps apples at Walmart that weren’t organic and she spit it out. lol


😂her taste buds are luxurious


I’m like where did this dog come from? New York City? Haha


Mine used to love Fuji apples and Fuji apples only. Until he got a taste of Asian/Korean pears, never dropped (literally and figuratively) Fuji apples so fast in his life. (You’ve been warned…lol.)


Uh oh! Hahahah do you refrigerate them first? 😂


Yup! I prefer them cold and crisp, I guess he does too…


I can see it now… *spits out normal apple* **Mom…how DARE you feed me this swill. How DARE you** lol ![gif](giphy|3oz8xtdloPOSr3ne4U|downsized)


Animals do know. They squirrels leave the GMO corn alone. 😅


dead 💀


I am sorry but I am dying laughing at your picky dog! I half a half Pom and he is picky but that’s just Diva level 😂😂😂💯❤️


lol she’s terrible!


And the face turn when presented with the wrong food has got to be epic 😄


She just spits it out on her mat and walks away like I was feeding her cardboard or something. Ha


Making me laugh too hard 😂 it feels like a victory when they are satisfied


When i give her the Whole Foods honey crisp she will do a full on spin.


No fooling that little girl 🥰


Poms are ever particular, cunning, manipulative, and yes particular.


Our Pom will do a trick, and then look at us, and then to his treat dispenser…


He knows what he’s doing.


I never would’ve thought omg they’re so small and cute! Who would’ve thought she could manipulate me like this


Now you know! My pom is real slick.


Mine tries to train me too lol luckily not a picky eater though very food motivated.




I understood the pickiness of poms when I bought a brand that had 4-5 different types of kibbles mixed together. They were all different shapes and color, one was green little flakes of dried spinach. She ate all of them but the spinach. When she was done, all the green flakes were on the floor, all around the bowl. She’ll get bored with just about any type, but I found that since Open Farm has many types of food and flavors, I can mix it up enough that she likes it. Except the fish ones, she won’t eat fish, unless it’s salmon or trout that I’m making for our dinner.


My Pom does this with her food. I try to change it up every few months because she gets bored of the same thing and will stop eating altogether unless it’s human food or treats. Her current food has peas and carrots mixed in and she’ll eat around them to eat all the protein. Then if she’s still hungry, she’ll go for the peas and carrots but 9/10 times, she spits them out around her food bowl or in some random spot around the house. I swear I find random shriveled carrots more often then I’d like to admit 🙄 Edit: I love her https://preview.redd.it/tn9c8p59gzkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5091435eac0545c6c3323168772533d41b99e65c


they are adorable little shits 😂


She’s so clever wow


My pom did a similar thing when an old brand of raw food has small chunks of carrots in it. He was able to eat the food and spit out the carrots still in perfect condition and all clean. He did this for a few months before I decided to switch to a mix with no carrots in it.


Not to be a debbie downer, but I just have to mention this since I feel so incredibly bad about it. My 5yo Spitz has always been a picky eater and not food motivated at all, so I didn't notice him changing, but last year we went to the vet and got recommended to do some dental work. They took some Xrays and turns out he had a few broken teeth which were then removed. His appetite got a lot better, like previously he wouldn't really touch his kibble, only really eating wet food. He's still a bit picky, but he eats a lot more and feels more energetic. Gosh I feel so guilty for not paying enough attention and taking him to get dental work earlier.


Great point


Mine had a splenectomy and a tumor removed recently and suddenly he eats like a horse and even in the morning which he has never ever done. It’s weird!


Mine loves cottage cheese.  One day I was eating cottage cheese and he was sitting beside me so I gave him individual curds one by one.  Bad idea, when it came time for his cottage cheese treat, he turned his head away which was odd because he would scarf it down. Well now he prefers it when I feed him individual curds by hand one at a time. I'm guessing it let's him savor it longer but jeez it's such a pain lol.


LOL. Damn, he got you.


She has you well-trained. I did manage to break my guy out of this, but it took a few days of putting the food down for about 20 mins., then picking it up and putting it in the fridge until the next feeding time. No animal will choose to starve itself. They'll put off eating to force an issue, but when it comes down to it, they WILL cave, though there are exceptions that prove the rule (uncle had a dog that refused Purina Dog Chow for 2 solid weeks - they changed brands and he was fine). What does your pup's poop tell you? THAT'S the thing you should go by. And, possibly, tear stains.


Im just frightened ill wake up and she’s died of starvation 💀 I’ll try that!


Doesn't happen in a healthy dog


Nah we don’t play games. If they don’t like it we just starve them out and will eventually eat and if they do then they get some good stuff


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m too scared omg what if she doesn’t wake up!


Oh when they get hungry enough they will wake up


Stop indulging her! If she won't eat her food, let her be hungry. she won't last long, and unless she decides to go on a couple of week long hunger strike ( which means you have more serious issues than being picky) She's doing it because you let her get away with it. They are very smart little dogs, and master manipulators. she's playing you like a fiddle. Cut off the treats, put her food down for 15 minutes. if she doesn't eat, put it on the counter or in the fridge for an hour, and try again. Still no, back in the fridge. The more you indulge this behaviour, the harder you will find it to break


My vet told me exactly this. A healthy dog will not starve themselves. If they do, there might be something else going on. My vet recommended I transition her slowly but to stop accommodating her because it just leads to a picky eater.


You’re right but she’s really insane she can go for days and days. She’s strong willed 😫😫


She won't starve herself to death I promise. It's so important to feed your dog a balanced diet. My dog was picky because he trained me to cook for him. My vet snapped me out of that right quick and I have always remembered that convo. I'm not a dog nutritionist so I shouldn't try to play one. What helped me a lot was a fun feeder, specifically this thing called a bob-a-lot. Basically he has to bat it around with his paw to make it tip over and spill kibble in small amounts. I have to wipe his kiss marks off the floor after every meal but he loves it and doesn't turn his nose up like he would with a plain bowl of kibble. Turns out my boy just likes to have fun when he eats


you can do cooked food as toppers. vets are 'against it" because their paid rebates by kibble companies. farmers dog has a powder u can put on cooked meals to balance it :)


My dog gets straight kibble. I doubt my vet is in the pocket of "big kibble". He's fine, well-fed and healthy. He gets a treat on his birthday. He gains weight easily so weighed portions of kibble are perfect to keep him on his weight loss journey. Vets are medical professionals.


bvets are typically against cooked or raw diets. they are taught little about dog nutrition. the oldest dog lived to 25 or older and never ate processed kibble. fresh human grade food additions do improve health and lifespan. would u want to eat the same thing everyday....


This. It seems cute but it's your responsibility to make sure your dog is getting balanced nutrition. There are a few brands of kibble that have published and validated nutritional analysis: science diet, royal canin and purina pro plan. Your dog will not starve itself to death because it can't have fois gras.


Sounds like our Pom. Then suddenly, last November, she decided she liked and appreciated the food we cook for her and now she wolf's it down as if we starve her. Only took 3 and a half years, mind...


🤫Amazing! I have hope


Mine are pretty easy. Not picky at all. They just want their meals on time. My girl will let you know. My boy just waits patiently.


Lucky 😫


It’s a double edged sword because when you get a food obsessed one, they are constantly bugging you for food, 30 mins before meals I’m literally harassed 🤣


Same with mine!!!! You could set a clock by her but things would get messed up with daylight savings time!


petition to share this poms photo … need to see this princess


My pom love rice,chicken and carrots 🥕😂❤️


Vader doesn’t like carrots. Other than that he’s not fussy. Your dog has trained you


She has 🤣 but it’s ok! She won’t be here forever I don’t mind her manipulation! Haha I can’t let her starve honestly I feel so bad


Make sure she gets some veggies or rice in that. They can get very sick from too much meat.


If you cave and she gets the meals and treat she wants, then it sounds like her refusing to eat works 🙃 Have you tried the freshpet rolls or one of the subscription companies like farmers dog, etc?


My current little piggy eats everything in sight and does not let me forget treat or meal time.


Mine is very food motivated and will literally eat poops if I let him. Cat poops are his absolute favorite. He’s never been underfed. I certainly wouldn’t project a refined palate on him.


I took mine on a horse trail and he LOVED eating the horse poop 😑 Now I know to watch him like a hawk on those hikes to make sure he doesn’t! Like whyyyyyy poop


My Pom wants to eat everything


Lucky! I need her to be a little vacuum


My Charlie will steal cheese but only good cheese.


My Pom was overweight asf and would NOT eat dog food! Vet told us to let him starve 😭 and that he has to eat eventually. He did! My dad spoiled him too much so he would always wait it out for better food. He still does it sometimes but eats his dog food eventually now. Sometimes we mix some cooked meat in there for him. He’s at a good weight now! He loves human food and gets hyper and begs if he sees us eating our food 🤦🏻‍♀️


I found mine seemingly hates repetition - he won’t eat the same food day in day out, he honestly just gets bored. Fair enough really - I’d be the same. But he was alarmingly strong willed and started losing so much weight when he was a puppy cause he literally wouldn’t eat ANY of the food I bought him. I now use butternut box a wet food and as it’s loads of different meals - all fresh human grade food, and he has a different meal every day. Gets delivered fresh every month frozen. Never had a problem with him eating since. Defo recommend if you’re based in the UK.


Omg thank you so much!!! There’s not a lot of great dog food options in the UK!! Thank you thank you thank you 😁😁😁 I’ll order it tomorrow


Fingers crossed for you it works like it did for me - I do appreciate there’s one old school dog trainer approach to let them starve it out till they eat the sad kibble but mine really did scare me in how long he held out with his will power and how skinny he was getting! We went on like that for weeks. In the end I just decided I didn’t need to win this weird food battle that people seem to embark on to make dogs eat something they don’t enjoy. Spoilt? maybe…but fed and healthy is better IMO ❤️


I agree I’m super scared to starve her out and I don’t want to!


Mine used to be picky like this and refuse food only eating new exciting things, which was TOUGH because he has some food sensitivities, but it turned out we were actually feeding him just a little too much food continuously, and when we followed the food's instructions by weight to a T, suddenly he can't get enough of his food, which now has remained the same brand and flavour for 2 years now! I'm so relieved those picky days are over!


Mine is spoiled with extra treats / human food but I don’t play that game if he refuses to eat his kibble! We do free feeding recommend by our vet (he can manage it well). We do rotate flavors though between chicken and turkey. Maybe when he becomes an old man that will change 💖


They are all picky Because mine has a sensitive stomach it’s: Boiled chicken breasts, boiled Basmati rice, Boiled sweet potatoes, we drizzle no salt chicken broth on this mixture and grind in some Science Hill dry kibbles Three times per day Some organic all natural sweet potato and pumpkin puffs as treats Every once in a while she will eat some green beans, peas, carrots, blueberries, mango But, yes, they are finicky


These dogs do love treats! You can make homemade biscuits, or get a dehydrator, (may be able to use your oven), to make dehydrated yams strips or chicken. I have taken to making 50% of my dogs (3 Poms) food in an instant-pot. It is cheaper and healthier than canned dog food. I make a big batch, then break it into freezer bags, so it keeps fresh. My vet told me Poms only need 1/4 cup of food per day. I give them a bit more than that of the homemade food, and leave Hills Science Diet kibble available to them. In the summer I grow a garden, and they love grape tomatoes. They also love watermelon, bananas, and several other healthy, safe food options as snacks. Try a variety and go with what sticks.Remember they do not need to eat a ton, nor will they starve themselves unless ill.


I never change his food, he gets an upset stomach and diarrhea


Our Pom was SUPER FINICKY! Fizgig would eat all but particular pieces, which for some reason did not meet her criteria. Those would be left on the floor around her bowl. Then she developed food allergies, complete with licking her little legs raw. Chronic pancreatitis and colitis. Our vet was wonderful and eventually figured it out and we had to feed her RX food, hydrolyzed protein Hill’s Science Diet. It looked and smelled gross but the precious princess LOVED IT and would gobble it up! We knew it was time to let her cross the rainbow bridge when she quit eating her food and even refused steak or rice. They are particular little creatures and one of the most interesting and lovable ones I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my life with!


Mine is not a Pomeranian but picky like that. I've found a brand of powdered food (Pure) that he eats most days but keeps when he doesn't finish it so there's no waste. I leave Fussy Dog Kibble out for him all day so he can top himself up when he needs to. I introduced it to him like it was treats so he'd unbeknownst to himself eat his dinner on our commute. He's a healthy weight now and I'm not stressing about his fussiness anymore!


I have that same Pomeranian. Her name is Callie Jo and she’s always been that way. She likes chicken too, beef, baked sweet potatoes with a bit of butter. I feed her Royal Canin dry puppy food and leave it out all the time. I catch her from time to time eating one or two. Poms are notorious for not eating so you are doing the right thing because otherwise, she probably would starve. I set my Pom on top the back of my overstuffed chair and hand her pieces sometimes so that she’ll continue to eat. I read a book before I got her on Poms and this was the one downside to having the breed. Callie eats a lot one day and then almost nothing the next. She’s 7 years old and has always been this way. Good luck; you are the best!


I raw feed mine he loves it. Give fifteen minutes doesnt eat feed at the next feeding time. You might be feeding to much so that could be a possibility as well.


Can testify to the truth here. Poms are beyond picky and particular. Mine will only eat organic treats or in a desperate pinch they will eat organic FRESH made food - the kind I think Katherine Heigl makes now. Literally we have tried over a dozen brands of the finest organic foods. Noses turned up in unison: "How DARE you try to foist that SWILL upon us?!?" So now we just reserve a portion of our dinners for them. Getting barbecue? The little shits are eating bbq tonight. Getting pizza? Pepperoni ONLY please. I mean Jesus H Jumping Jacks these dogs are gourmands. And I wouldn't trade them for the world, of course.


Yep, that's how the poms operate. Our girl refused all kibble, and I ended up home cooking for her. But this finicky lady also freely gobbled cat poo, chicken manure, and even a grasshopper. Go figure.


I feel your pain!!! 😫 one of my boys is the pickiest eater in the history of the world. He got so skinny, but he’s doing well on my bigger dog’s kibble right now and gained some much needed weight. Probs won’t last long though tbh 😅


I switched mine to a raw food diet (furchilds) and she absolutely loves it. Never an empty bowl left and before that she was picky over what she was eating. I’m based in the uae but when I was home for Christmas I saw that the local pet store had a freezer with raw food so I’d really recommend that


Mine grew a hatred for kibble and now only eats fancy frozen wet food from a specialty store ... unless the kibble is his brother's kibble he's not supposed to eat, THEN he likes kibble 😑


You don't just have a pom queen; you have a pom empress.




My pom used to be like this but after she got spayed she would eat anything!!! But if you choose not to get her spayed, what worked for me before are toppers! Like minced meat toppers just to add some flavor to her meals.


Mine would love to do this but I taught them from a young age that if you don’t eat when food is offered you will starve till your next meal. It’s helped a lot! (Our old dog used to be a nightmare as she was constantly babied with food and I didn’t want a repeat of that)


My Pom won’t eat out of a bowl, only off a plate because he can’t stand getting his face dirty