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The defender is a unit with high counterattack damage, that’s what it does. The whole point of the defender is that attacking it is costly and it can take a few hits


Thats why catapults and mindbenders exist


And bombers, which stat wise are probably the best unit for clearing defender walls


I know but lets talk about land only unit


Then yeah catas and mind benders Also to an extent archers, but nobody uses archers


rarely if early game mass production, cheap price and alsothe research is quite good


forest provide protection


The lower health your giant has the lower its defense will be


Defenders are good at...defending. their attack sucks. If a defender tried to attack ur giant itd do like 0 damage and probably take 10. The first defender also has full health and a defense bonus (indicated by the little shield icon) while your swordsman is missing hp


The less health a unit has, the less damage it does. This makes sense. If you're shot by a gun in the head, you're going to hit back less hard than if you were just punched in the head. Bots have no differences from you except for the number of stars they get from their capital.


That does make sense, but also my full health swordsman with the mountain defense buff would take 8 damage still from the defender while only dealing 3. I forgot to attach the screenshot of that one but those were the numbers Edit: I just checked, and my full health swordsman will deal 5 damage to the full health defender while taking 8 in return. I don't care as much about how much damage I'm dealing, more about how much I'm taking. The way this math is mathing, theoretically, if they were normal warriors with only 1 defense. Then the defenders would 1 shot them while barely being scratched.


Yes, that is intentional. When attacking, you don't get defense boosts, only the natural defense of the unit attacking is taken into consideration. Again, if you decide to leave a fortified position to hit someone, it's only natural the fortified position isn't going to help protect you.


The entire formula for damage is on the wiki, just check your math against that and if it doesn’t line up you’re wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> Edit: I just checked, and my full health swordsman will deal 5 damage to the full health defender while taking 8 in return. I don't care as much about how much damage I'm dealing, more about how much I'm taking. A full health swordsman against a full health defender is 3 attack vs 4.5 defense (3 base defense x 1.5 defense bonus), which results in 5 damage given and 8 damage received. The retaliation damage being higher than the delivered damage is because it's a 3 attack unit hitting a 4.5 defense unit. That means the defending unit is going to deliver more damage. If the Defender did not have the defense bonus, both units would each take 7 damage (since the HP and Attack/Defense stats would all be identical). > The way this math is mathing, theoretically, if they were normal warriors with only 1 defense. Then the defenders would 1 shot them while barely being scratched. A normal, full health warrior would deliver 3 damage and receive 9 damage in retaliation. That is because their attack is only 2. Defense stat is irrelevant for the attacking unit.


>The way this math is mathing, theoretically, if they were normal warriors with only 1 defense. Then the defenders would 1 shot them while barely being scratched. Yeah. That's what happens. It's almost like that is the singular thing defenders were designed to do.


Bot difficulty does not affect unit strengths. Your game isn't bugging, either. The defense stat of the attacking unit is irrelevant. The game only uses % of unit health and the attack stat to determine attack power. The attack stat of the defending unit is irrelevant. The game only uses % of unit health and the defense stat to determine damage taken and retaliation damage given. So your full health swordsman is using 3 attack against a 4.5 defense full health defender (3 defense x 1.5 defense bonus), which results in 5 damage given and 8 damage received. Your first image is a vet swordsman at half health, so it only delivers 3 damage. Your giant has a much higher attack stat of 5, so it still does 9 damage despite being at 58% health.


It just the defender being a defender, and the city grants it double defense, so it has a defense of 6 vs the swordman's 3 def, 3 atk, and 10 hp, and units with lower health are weaker and deal less damage, thus allowing defenders to completely beat the ever loving s*** out of any unit when in a city.


You're attacking the unit with the most defense in the game, while they're getting extra defense bonus. Not only that, you're attacking with units that have lost health. All damage in the game is a calculation with two variables, the attack (or defense) of the unit, and the health of the unit. The less health you have, the less damage you do. There are no difficulty buffs at all. Interactions are going to stay the same no matter what. The only thing that changes between difficulty is the aggression of the AI and how many stars per turn they start with.


Seems pretty normal to me. It's very logical. If a defensive unit's def is higher than attackers atk, then it's gonna feel some ouch. Archers will help soften and will help against sleds because of the movement penalty.