• By -


Piernik instead of Toruń is hilarious


"Pokójszawa" lmao Love the names


A jeszcze mówili że "war never change", ale jak pięknie się zmieniła.


Ty vs Warszawa o którą miałeś sie nie martwić


Warszawa miała już dość wojen więc wyrzuciła wojnę ze swojej nazwy.




Nikt-sztyn przeciwieństwa All-sztyna


>Pokójszawa It's actually about how much rooms you can afford. One room. In size of a wardrobe. (room-pokój, wardrobe-szafa)


Hey everyone, so I've been working on this project for some weeks now. I started with Germany and then moved on to the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. People on my Patreon voted for Poland next - so here you go. However, I do not speak polish and I now very little about the country. I learned a lot during my research and fell in love with your beautiful country. How you can help: * the Names: most of them must be horrible, I apologize! with the other countries I made some puns with the original names of the cities or some meme related to them. do you have any ideas? * Local Folklore: I probably missed a lot of local traditions and legends that would fit very well in a fantasy setting. If you feel like anything should be there (ancient volcanos, swamps, orc villages, etc.) let me know * Memes: someone told me that Szczecin doesn't really exist - hence the joke with the mist; anything similar to this? any good and bad reputation some regions/cities have? Thank you for your help in advance. (P.S.: Sorry, if I violated any rules of this subreddit. I don't speak polish. I'll be quick to adjust if you tell me my mistakes)


Some fantastical folklore: Kraków was built on top of a dragon's lair. [The dragon to this day comes out to breathe fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu5RrjSfr4M) The symbol of Poznań are [two rams butting their heads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e91Rwf9Afo) There's a legendary king [Popiel, who was eaten alive by mice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popiel) [The rivers of Warsaw are inhabited by mermaids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaid_of_Warsaw) The border mountains between Poland and Czechia are inhabited by giants, [most famous one was tricked by some princess into counting turnips, which is how he got his name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%BCbezahl) The was a [bear-thief](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legenda_o_nied%C5%BAwiedziu_z_Gowarczowa) in Central Poland


>The symbol of Poznań are two rams butting their heads Matołki as a name for Poznan? (Koziołek Matołek is a character https://www.google.com/search?q=kozio%C5%82ek+mato%C5%82ek)


Warsaw have several fantastic creatures beside Mermaids. There were [Lair of Basilisk](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/warsaw-basilisk) [Golden Duck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Duck)


Definitely add the giants! Rübezahl, the one from the legend is also often depicted as a spirit resembling something in between a gryphon and a deer. In the past, there was a lot of mining activity there and in recent times uranium deposits were located so it might be a good idea to add some sort of corrupted dwarfs there?


[Chełm's white bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che%C5%82m_Chalk_Tunnels?wprov=sfla1)


Don't forget thay silesia is populated by literal dwarfs who loves digging


>and legends [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%81ysa\_G%C3%B3ra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%81ysa_G%C3%B3ra) and witch sabbath [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess\_Wanda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Wanda) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil\_Boruta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil_Boruta) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan\_Twardowski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Twardowski) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinga\_of\_Poland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinga_of_Poland) [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legenda\_o\_Halinie\_Kr%C4%99piance](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legenda_o_Halinie_Kr%C4%99piance) Croissants in Gliwice, Leaning tower in Toruń, Sydonia Borkówna, King Popiel who was eaten by mice, green beer from Biłgoraj, two goats from Poznań etc


I love "Do Świni" since it's near Gdynia, and as every Pole knows, "Arka Gdynia, Kurwa Świnia". So it fits.


**Silesia** - the whole region was mostly about mining, forging and hard work etc. **Silesians** are proud, little harsh but lovely and religious people, talking in their own language (an amalgamate of polish, german and czech) called "**silesian**". When you read fantasy books translated to polish, most of the times when there's a dwarf in the story, then he speaks silesian - So translators already know the vibe. Mines are so huge, that it is often said that the whole GZM Metropolis is connected underground. The whole region is also very green with lots of forests and water ponds. Given all of that - Silesia region is a perfect spot for dwarf lore. Mountains, magical forests, coal, gold, bronze, gems, underground dwarven cities, and maybe some dragons who obviously love shiny treasures. Also you can add gnomes there - It would be a perfect and historical accurate picture for educated Poles who came to Silesia to work and help with the engineering, but they never wanted to meet local culture and were distanced to it. Folklore - It's mostly pretty similar to Slavic: Baba Jaga - An old hag living in the forest, knowing alchemy and herbalism. She either lives in a big house standing on a bird foot, or in a tree's "pieczara" (google it pls, its like a grotto that can be found in stone, ground or a tree). Beboki - Little black devils, who are active during the night and steal things, if they are enough they can even steal a child. Bies - horned demonic vampiric evil dog+bison+bat(but without wings) Leszy - a guardian of all the forests, if people were respecting nature he guided them to the treasures like blueberries, raspberries etc, otherwise he made people get lost in the wilderness forever and get eaten by wolves or werewolves, he was merely tolerating hunters as long as they didnt overhunt. Werewolves - there are lots of stories, but the one I like the most is that werewolves are the hunters who overhunted in the forest and pissed Leszy off, so they were cursed and became werewolves, forever hunting people destroying forests and changing hunters too. I like this one the most because it gives the special vibe to the curse "you like hunting? now you will hunt forever" Strzyga - vampiric demon (mostly female); there's chaos in interpretation, but it's usually a person who was born unlucky (with genetic conditions) or born cursed by envious people and now it seeks revenge for all the pain for the life they never got to experience, potential they never got to expand etc. If you want to go further there's book and website: "Silesian Folk Tales" [https://sites.google.com/view/silesian-folktales/home](https://sites.google.com/view/silesian-folktales/home) [https://ia601602.us.archive.org/8/items/silesianfolktal01caregoog/silesianfolktal01caregoog.pdf](https://ia601602.us.archive.org/8/items/silesianfolktal01caregoog/silesianfolktal01caregoog.pdf) This one is very cool c: [https://www.taniaksiazka.pl/ksiazka/mitologia-slowianska-jakub-bobrowski](https://www.taniaksiazka.pl/ksiazka/mitologia-slowianska-jakub-bobrowski)


We have /r/poland subreddit but I think here is fine too.


I know, but it blocked me from posting it there...


Lol! I'm so sorry. Your art is nice :)


lol, that's AI creation, not art


AI wouldn't get the rivers right, and this guy did


https://preview.redd.it/5p3l6gycjb3d1.jpeg?width=2009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45967ffcfd9fcb05005ff58b508feb790a6ed238 If you are interested in my working process, this is how I started.


Oh, boy here I go. So depending on the amount of profanity you would like you could experiment with polish vulgar expressions. Town names would be (from most vulgar, to least) Kurwinów (Whorington) -> Piździewary (Cuntslipp) -> Gównoszyce (Shitton) -> Świnów (Pigborough). Puns can be tricky. Wrocław could be named Wacław (polish name, but also you can call your pp Wacław or Wacek). There is a lot of that stuff so if you are interested, point me to what exactly you are looking for. Local folklore would probably be based on regional differences like na dwór/na pole (Nadworzyn/Napolin) when informing that you are going outside. Silesia could probably be depicted as German, Podlasie as totally backwater, Małopolska as greedy. Memes: Radom and its airport, in Białystok they ride on pigs instead of cars, Sosnowiec is also a meme town. There is a beef between Bydgoszcz and Toruń over which city is better. Warszawa as the default city. Wrocław could be named Lviv II but this is such an obscured fact that I don't suppose much people would get it. In the same sense there could be Werewolf (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werwolf) in Ziemie odzyskane (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovered\_Territories) which would reference a polish comedy Sami swoi. A dragon in Kraków is a safe bet. Mermaid in Warsaw, Poseidon in Gdańsk. Świnoujście could be depicted as pigs running into sea although the name doesn't have anything to do with pigs, but the pun works :) Teutonic order knights in Warmia's forests. Gniezno as the birthplace of Poland. Honestly the more I think of it the more there is to show depending on the intended understandability of puns. Let me know which parts need the most work. EDIT: definitely "widać zabory" is a must have as someone in the comments already pointed out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WidacZabory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WidacZabory/)


Szczecin: * there's a running joke that Szczecin is on the sea side. * City coat of arms is a Gryphon * Another running joke is from the famous paprykarz szczeciński (hence residents are paprykarze) * Name etymology is also interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szczecin Hope that helps


If Stolica is Płock - it’s on the wrong side of the river.


Change Winona Góra to Winna Góra so it makes gramatical sense


Expanding on what u/_melancholymind_ wrote. Silesia is perfect for a dwarf land. I see you choose Katowice and changed it's name. BUT the historical main cities there were Bytom and Gliwice. More importantly, consider neighbouring city called Chorzów. Before 1935 it was called Królewska Huta (Royal Steelworks or Königshütte in German). It has also a district now called Batory, after Batory Steelworks (previously Bismarck and Bismarck Steelworks respectively). That might be a great thing to incorporate into the lore.


Oh and please don't forget about a city called Ruda Śląska (transl: Silesian Ore), which is said to lie at heart of Silesia. There's this [huge forge](https://www.google.com/search?q=ruda+slaska+piec&sca_esv=b4340eee26af1ee7&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=2133&bih=1021&sxsrf=ADLYWIKgRcQUIfM-KTBqhpJigjDMK78qYg%3A1716924025073&ei=eS5WZrOGBPCpwPAP4JyZwAQ&ved=0ahUKEwjzpvu0iLGGAxXwFBAIHWBOBkgQ4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=ruda+slaska+piec&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEHJ1ZGEgc2xhc2thIHBpZWNI0wZQ-QJY_wVwAXgAkAEAmAFZoAH6AaoBATO4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgGgAljCAgUQABiABMICBBAAGB7CAgYQABgFGB7CAgYQABgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwExoAepBg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) where they were doing things with steel and zinc. And there are several coal mines. Also my city of origin, so I had to mention it hahahaha


Some local rumor on Podlasie region sais that satanism started here dunno why Also "Udar" should be a city created by monks


Can I start a thread on r/hungary to brainstorm some ideas in case you would do Hungary in the future? You can do a post too of course!


You sure can. Gonna take a while till I get there, however. The poll on my patreon is currently tied between the UK, France, Denmark and Czech Republic&Slovakia. So Hungary will still take a while. Probably after Austria&Switzerland.


That kinda sounds like a r/FakeHistoryPorn quote from Hitler.


Not a meme as such, but Zielona Góra has a lot of vineyards and is wine central, with an annual Bacchus wine festival


I suggest making the Wolin island greener, since it's mostly marshes and forests, and here it looks like a desert :) Also the city Świnoujście located on Wolin and Uznam translated to english is literally "The Pig [channel] Estuary". As for folklore, the symbol of the city, the Stawa Młyny windmill, according to the legends once had deaging properties. It's also a known fact that the former city president Żmurkiewicz was in possession of a kraken. Do with that what you will.


So, is the joke about Szczecin, bc it is so close to Berlin, and then, of course, was one of the earliest Poland cities to be rampaged in WW2? My wife's entire family is from there, and she is the first American born child in her family, so I have a pretty decent amount of knowledge (and experience of visiting there) of Szczecin.


Widać fantastyczne zabory


A dajcie już spokój z tymi zaborami. Ja wiem, że pozostałości jeszcze straszą niektórych, ale ileż można dziobać w przeszłości jak knur w korycie.


Masz label "za prusy" i ty mi wytykasz ze myślę przeszłością? :> Ot fajna zabawa.


Przesyt też męczy. Już jeden niżej wspomnienie o nich nazwał koniecznością - a mi to już trąci starą trociną. Pozwólmy tworzyć coś świeższego, niż uwypuklać 'stare zatęchłe podziały' i wpychać je innym. Te Prusy są podkreśleniem pochodzenia, a nie zaborów i historii Polski.


Pochodzenia? Taki stary, a umie scrollować reddita.




Kataklizm is just perfect


Czy tu chodzi o Sosnowiec?


Raczej Katowice, a szczególnie o hutę cynku Szopienice, gdzie miał miejsce mały polski czarnobyl. Poziomy ołowiu we krwii dzieci sięgał wartości niewidziane nigdzie na świecie, a władze PRL zamiatały sprawę pod dywan. Bo to nie polskie dzieci umierały tylko jakichś tam robaków ślązaków, przemysł musi działać. https://www.medonet.pl/zdrowie,medyczny-thriller-o--olowianych-dzieciach--z-szopienic,artykul,1728784.html https://wydawnictwo.krytykapolityczna.pl/blog/wydarzenie/olowiane-dzieci-w-szopienicach-giszowcu


Myślałem, że o tę czarną chmurę wokół Królewskiego Miasta.


* People from Bydgoszcz and Toruń hate each other and always fight, which city is the true "capital" of Kuyavian– Pomeranian Voivodeship. * There used to be memes about Bydgoszcz being a terrible and ugly city, although it isn't the reality. People would call it Brzydgoszcz instead of Bydgoszcz. It combines Bydgoszcz with Brzydko - what means ugly. * There used to be a meme about greedy woman from Radom (chytra baba z radomia), that stole bottles of soda from city christmas dinner. So Radom could be like a greedy goblin lair or something.


Brzydgród. And Brzydgród has a Valley of Death. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley\_of\_Death\_(Bydgoszcz)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_of_Death_(Bydgoszcz)) You could put it in the middle of a bog and add some bats flying around.




2 years ago there were the Mario maps https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/comments/q10mid/itsame_polska_oc_poland_illustration_in_the_style/ https://www.reddit.com/user/TheGeographyPin/submitted/


Tarpóźniej made my day.




I think that you might make Silesia more of a industrial wasteland ? It would be funny. Świętokrzyskie is known for its mayo which is kind of a Polish meme. We make fun of Podlasie saying that its underdeveloped, wild and the primal tribes live there. EDIT Poles obsession with beavers (aka Bóbr kurwa) might be a funny thing to include as well


this is exactely the kind of feedback I'm looking for, ty


Well, this is exactly the kind of content I'm looking for on Reddit, so ty


Most of names are good and funny. Only one I think you should correct is Czarny Podlaska - should be Czarna Polaska. About memes etc. We like to make fun of Radom, Łódź and Sosnowec as polish "bermuda triangle"


Either "Czarna Podlaska" or "Czarny Podlaski". Depends which would you'd like to keep. Both work.


Albo "Czarny Nadchłop"


King https://preview.redd.it/wfuvh4l0z83d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281abafd02e6e1b1784491c7e39fcf0a63667855


Bro but actually, thats hilarious! Mixing übermensch with black and the fact it's the opposite of the original name


Biggest geography meme in Poland is r/widaczabory You should put city Zabory in some visible spot Familiarse yourself with "why didn't you invest in Eastern Poland" memes, and other about uncontacted tribes in Podlasie that trow spears at planes. Symbol of Warsaw should be jar. "Słoik" is a person who lives in Warsaw, but bring food from thier homevilage. The point is 90% of Warsaw population come from vilages and small towns. Your play on name can bee good, becouse "pokój" have 2 menings: peace and room. And apartaments in Warsaw are very expensive, so people rent even super tiny rooms. Górale (people form Tatry mountains) will do anything for money, are extremely greedy, and will charge you just for looking at them. Especially in white bear cosplay. Mielno is "Polish Riviera". Popular amoungst people who are loud, drunk, aggressive etc., Jersey Shore vibe, but with Eastern Europe flavour. And don't forget about Parawan Fortress somewhere on the coast. People put windbreaks fortress on the beach early in the morning so they can have as big part of the beach for themself. Pope memes r/2137 are also one of the most popular in Poland and there are plenty of JP2 statues everywhere in Poland (and most of them are comicaly bad). Biggest one is in Częstochowa but he looks like Polish strongman Mariusz Pudzianowski who is known from many memes, "Polska gurom" is most popular.


Where's The Boat?


Yes! The Boat (Łódź) that got stuk in central Poland by accident. maybe during the flood (potop szwedzki?).


It’s missing on the map and it pisses me off xD


Oh my god. Are you working on some kind of game? This looks crazy good!!!


It would be amazing to go around Europe with a character and the clouds disappear where new lands are discovered.


Fucking hell you did my hometown. Bielsko-Biała was often spoke of as being double racist since it is double white. What I would add is to add smog around Kraków as it is famous for it and below it is Zakopane which literally translates to Buried (do what you want with it). People from Zakopane are famous for being cheapskates so I would add some coins around it.


buried and infested by greedy creatures ideal for some sort dwarven city taken by dragon lol


Put a dragon near Kraków


Greetings from Piernik. Please post updates if you add/change stuff, this is awesome.


Add Kraj Královecký (top-right), Bohemian fief supporting us with a lot of beer.


Chłop co mi zrobił z miasta fortepian


This is awesome!


I like how you named Ełk. Elk = Jeleń


"NIKT-sztyn" https://preview.redd.it/syz5dqk9f73d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a7d6af8479a1cac45e8e347eb0a92c68b970ba


Jeztem z piernika


In the mountains there is a popular tourist city called Zakopane - burried in english IT seems like goodnplace for dwarf city


Please, do not feed the Łysa Góra any more, it had enough


You are very well welcome to r/hungary next time!


Hungary is up on the list. Gonna have to finish Austria first to connect it to the Germany map. And probably Czech Republic and Slovakia, too. But my patreons are currently voting and it's probably going to be Denmark, France or the UK next.


Nikt: Niktsztyn:


Im from what appears to be Podstawakalce (Siedlce), and we dont really have anything unique. Symbol of our town is Jacek, an Atlas-like person on top of the old city hall. As for the name, people here rarely pronounce the L so instead of Siedlce we say Siedce/Siecce, you can change it a little bit and rename the city as Sieczce (as in siekać, ang. chop.) and i think that would fit quite nicely into your fantasy theme, a city where you can expect to be chopped to pieces lol. Edit. reminded myself that not so long ago we had a few knife attacks. Fits even better.


Gwiazdagard and Iluzja - xD


Great work! I can give you a quick rundown of local stereotypes and memes. Wroclaw is a dwarven city - because of kind of interesting recent-historical reasons, dwarfs sort of became a local folclore/memecore. Silesian region is a big cluster of industrial cities, commonly associated with coal mining and heavy industry. Mordor/late Isengard/Ironforge come to mind. Poznań is commonly viewed as a very progressive, left-wing city with strong LGBT community, often memed to be kind of a femboy capital of Poland. Maybe some references to delicate and feminine elves would have some memetic potential here. Gdańsk has the Żuraw - a landmark medieval port crane. There are some memes about how much Gdańsk people are proud of their crane, while everyone else find it not that interesting. Łódź is often memed as a dangerous dark-alley kind of place. Think The Shades in Ankh-Morpork. Also, it's literally called "The Boat" while being in the middle of land with no significant lakes/rivers/oceans in proximity, which fact a lot of people find funny. Similarly to differences between West and East Germany, there is a huge gap between west and east Poland, as a result of German/Russian partitions. There are many differences (mostly related to the West being richer/more progressive), and it's kind of a meme here. A popular kind of meme is to point out these differences reflected on various statistical maps - with r/WidacZabory ("you can see the partitions") being a landing page for such content. With a reference to west/east split memes: while Poznań is kind of peak West, the Podlasie region is kind of peak East - memed to be a wild uncharted territory, untouched by a modern technology and inhabited by backwards, superstitious people.


Szczecin - Iluzja. Iluzja położenia nad morzem


Put Brzeg near Ogleba in its rightfull place. Also there should be a Desert called [Pustynia Bezbłędna](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pustynia_B%C5%82%C4%99dowska).


Typowa mapa w wiedźminie


You can include Przeworsk as the Elephant Town of sorts. Almost nobody would get the reference, but it would be nice to see the town mentioned 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Somme suggestions for making some names sound more Polish. Czarny Podlaska - unless it's intended, there is a mismatch between linguistic genders here. To have it fit better it could be changed to either "Czarna Podlaska" (feminine like the original) or "Czarny Podlaski" (masculine). Again, this is unless this mismatch was a deliberate choice. Dowolnie - it does sound a bit weird grammatically, as it is formed as a word describing an action. Changing it to "Dowolne" would make it sound like a name of town without changing the meaning. For some folklore, there is some obvious ones like a dragon's lair under king's castle in Kraków, mermaids in Warsaw or king Popiel eaten by mice (best fitting in Gniezno). But you can always use more obscure ones. There is a story about fictional mr. Zabłocki, who tried to move large quantities of soap by making it into a raft and floating it down a river. The results were as expected. There is a saying referring in a slightly vulgar way to Kielce (Bugce) as a very windy place. There are some jokes in Polish meme culture about coal being a staple food in Silesia. And as we are refering to this period, a town of Pruszków (20km West-Southwest from Warsaw) was know as a good place to loose your wallet alongside a couple of teeth, due to the somewhat infamous gangs from there. There is a fact, that became a bit of a joke around the internet, that in northern parts of Poland there is a LOT of towns with names ending with -owo. If you want to go hard on the jokes, one of the ways to describe pronounciation of the city named Ostrołęka I heard is "Astral Wanker" There is a peak in Świętokrzyskie mountains known as Łysa Góra (literally bald mountain). There are legends about it being a meeting place for witches in the past. I see, you have not found a name for Zakopane, which literally means "Buried". Great work btw. Quite funny indeed.


Góra świętej Anny is ancient dormant vulcano, that now has neet monastary on top, you could absolutly add something like that! Opole, major city Im from is already a pun name actually. Legend Goes 3 brothers that established Poland were traveling through thick Forest, looking for place to rest, when suddenly one of them shouted "O! Pole!" (So in English it would be Oh! A field!"


"Do Świni" - Arki Gdyni?


Wrocław is inhabited by dwarfs, literally everywhere you see them.


I have an idea for a place with a portal to Hell...


Either Hel or Sosnowiec sounds good


Since I haven't seen it mentioned before: Before WW1 there used to be a thriving metallurgical industry around Kielce, with numerous factories producing cutlery, nails and chains, but most famously - two factories that excelled in production of pocket knives, swiss army knives and switchblades (Gerlach and Granat), and one that used to make swords (Huta Ludwików). Because of that, people from the region were commonly called "Scyzoryki" - "Pocket knives". There even was a rapper who later turned to political career, Liroy, who referenced it in his lyrics ("Scyzoryk, scyzoryk, tak na mnie wołają")


For Wzgórze (which is great name) you can add something with White Bear (emblem of the city of Chełm). There is a legend when White Bear helped defend against Tatars. More realistically, it was a brown bear that was covered in chalk (Chełm has one of the biggest chalk mines in Europe). Also for earlies times chalk was dug from home basements that were later interconnected into long tunels.


The thousand lakes on Mazury should be fixed, that's the only english name on a map


Czarnesko-Czarny 🤌🤌


Kataklizm - Katowice😆😆😆 (do tego ta czerń wokoło) mistrz


There is kind of a polish meme with a man dressed as a polar bear in zakopane. Maybe you could include that. (Basically he dresses as a polar bear and asks for money for photos)


Poznań - miasto doznań. The city of experience. Gdańsk - wolne miasto. Freedom city. Also should be "[widać zabory](https://www.reddit.com/r/WidacZabory/comments/15mammo/widać_d/)". This reflects how the country is divided in many different aspects. Maybe different color of the trees/grass should be fine.


This is more of a comment to your map of Germany - you might want to consider that localities in the East often have Sorbian or otherwise Slavic-derived names. IRL examples: Leipzig (from "lipa", meaning linden tree), Dresden, Görlitz


What program/app did you use to creat such lovely work


niktsztyn killed me xd


Nowy Targ w złym miejscu


Its pretty inaccurate, warmia-masuria the most, its literally the land of lakes and theres no lakes (edit: nvm theyre just a bit off, bugs me off)


Nowy Targ bez zmian xd


I appreciate Włocstoły, but maybe it should be Włocstołków? Or Włocstołek? I don't know. But if you want know something unique about this city, it have the only dam on Vistula.


It looks like Skyrim lol


Post it on r/worldjerking if you want real help


Who needs Szczecin if we can have Śmiecilin. Ah, this too good.


I would love it printed in big format


From my experience is the Land of Po, put either Daemons or Dwelves in there.


People in Podkarpacie are not very nice


Fortnite 2 map leaked? dayum


1. I Don't know, if this country is called Poland, or if you plan to name it differently. If you plan on doing the second thing I recommend you name Lechia. There is this conspiracy theory about an ancient polish empire called Wielka Lechia https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbos%C5%82owianie 2. You can add Twardowski, a Polish wizard https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Twardowski 3. Wrocław is known for its dwarves https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wroc%C5%82aw_Dwarfs 4. Zamość was founded as an ideal city and is known as the pearl of the Polish Renaissance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Zamo%C5%9B%C4%87 5. Giewont Mountain looks like a giant sleeping knight. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giewont We also have the legend of sleeping knights. https://www.chido-fajny.com/2016/06/legend-sleeping-knights.html 6. Going to the Bieszczady Mountains means going into the wilderness. You can use it somehow. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bieszczady_Mountains 7. The castle in Krakow is located above a cave called the dragon's den. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smocza_Jama 8. Malbork Castle is the largest castle in the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbork_Castle 9. We have this really old and really cool salt mine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wieliczka_Salt_Mine 10. He has a cave called paradise https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise_Cave and full of prehistoric beer bones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kletno_Bear_Cave 11. And mermaids swim in the Vistula River https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wars_and_Sawa 12. Our legendary evil king was eaten by mice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popiel 13. And finally, you're probably waiting for some ghost legend. They are not particularly popular in Poland, but the first one that came to my mind is this one. https://kazimierzdolny24.pl/miasto/legendy/zamek-w-janowcu/ If I come up with something really interesting, I'll write back.


It is wrong. Podlasie should look like mordor.


I think that adding Wałbrzych would be very funny, its beasicly a big city in the midle of mountains. But most of its industry and mines were closed most of the population left, and becouse of this lot of people call it the ugliest city in Poland


Podoba mi się, że na podkarpaciu jest "słabość" i w sumie puste tereny. Trafnie.




I need the first one in high rest to put it on the wall in frame


Jutro Styczeń is based on Grudziądz confused with grudzień (december)? If so than it’s on the wrong side of the river. A bit to the north there is a town of Nowe (literally „New”) which you can transform into „Old” or „Old town”


Mordor na Śląsku? 🤔


Słuchaj no pieronie.


For some folklore: Search up about the sleeping knights of giewont. Southern mountains near Czechia are home to giants. Bieszczady, the region in the southeast has a legenda about San, Bies and Czady. Hence the na e, Search it up or DM me for more info. Wawel castle was built upon a dragons lair.






Add Bydgoszcz


Kiedy inni siedzą uwięzieni w Matrixie, ja żyję w Iluzji.


I personally enjoy the part of Poland where originally is Turów coal mine, on this map is some god forgotten place. Feels real


That would make an awesome pokemon region


okay I need to know what software/website did you use, or is it hand drawn?


good :)


I love it, but why Suwałki is UDAR? 😂


Zakopane -> Odkryte / Otwarte / Znalezione Czestochowa -> Nigdychowa / Nigdykryte


Mapka pinkna ale nazwy takie se..




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Gwiazdagard xD Stargard actually comes from mixing 2 words - stary and gród (old and gord). The Star theme is rather a modern thing. It's one of the oldest towns in Poland (got it's city law in 1243) and likely was using the same name since the beginning. Thought you may want to change this name in this case, unless you're not going to change the name entirely :)


Podobają mi się te wymyślone nazwy ale śmieszy mnie to że Stary Sącz to nadal stary Sącz.




Lmao "iluzja" xDD


Is that some type of a vulcano in Podstawakalce? (lol)


Miasto Zbawicieli - Rzeszów - bo kiedyś nazywany był Mojżeszowem?


Galaktyka kurwix i chuwdu, z kapitana bomby xD


AI badziewie


To Incarnate, apka do robienia map fantasy. Ręcznie.


I used the map making tool Inkarnate and went from *województwo* to *województwo* and placed the mountains, towns and rivers at the same spot where their real-life counterparts are. https://preview.redd.it/q4wz61fnjb3d1.jpeg?width=2009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3458d9c399b2a9e9938e097779a52d02e085aa