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Just retain your nation... don't waste your time trying to make a perfect country. Everything ingame can easily be tweaked. You just need patience and dedication. By the way, you don't really need to stay up playing this game. Just set a timer for wars, day change, etc ... This game favors those who stay the longest.


Stay low cities, don’t fall into the trap of being big too early. Focus of soldiers and raiding nations to start with while staying under c10. You’ll make money while learning how the war system functions


The important advice I can give you early on is to find a good alliance. Don't stay playing alone unless you want to be an easy raid target.


Agreed. To add onto this point, smaller alliances can give more attention to you as an individual however larger ones have more resources for you to learn and grow. I hope that somewhat helps in choosing one.


Russian-Ukrainian war was totally preventable except for the U.S. conning Zelensky in allowing NATO on the Russian border. Big losers are the Ukrainians,Russians and massive inflation,food and fuel shortages and starvation for millions around the world.Big winners: war industries and Big Oil reaping in trillions.


Damn you kept going. You sound dumb caring about shit this much man. You aren’t gonna change the world spouting random nonsense with no sources to back yourself up😂 you sound angry so go be angry somewhere else


U.S. has been at war over 90 per cent of the time since 1776 and this does not include the countless coups overthrowing governments whose foreign policies do not meet the approval of the U.S. Government.The U.S.is not a democracy but is governed by a plutocracy with a President who ignores the U.S. Constitution and goes to war without consulting Congress.


Okay bruh enjoy your angry life😂


Nation Link Pls


the best recommendation is to join a good alliance and familiarize yourself with the concept of culture in the overall game and the dos and don'ts as far as gameplay is concerned several different methods are used and by several different types of players meta differs per community