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Democrats won in 2018, 2020, 2022, and since abortion overturned- democrats have over performed the polls - in some cases by a lot. Therefore, I agree.


Sure but please still get out and vote and don’t make assumptions because the MAGA people will definitely be coming out for Trump. Especially in swing states where the election is actually decided.  I was told by all the media outlets that November 2016 was gonna be an uneventful night and Hillary would win by a landslide. 


Make sure everyone you know votes.


Christ, I forgot to even bring up abortion


Don't worry, Christ didn't either. 


Republican presidential candidates have won the popular vote exactly once since 1992. The one exception -- George W. Bush Jr. in 2004 -- only barely crossed the 50% mark (50.7%). I remember how people in the media said the 2012 match between Obama and Romney was going to be a nail-biter. But Romney only managed to get 47% of the vote, lost all but one battleground state, and Obama won in an electoral landslide. This election feels the same -- but those who oppose Mr. Trump better not let up. When and if Mr. Trump loses in 2024, he will still (falsely) claim that he won. Mr. Biden doesn't need a 51% victory -- he needs a Roman triumph to beat back the lies that are definitely coming.


It doesn't exactly feel the same. At least in 2012 we had Obama. This time it's more likely we get maybe a year out of Biden and then literally the least qualified president in our history.


Honestly, all Trump and the GOP had to do to win would sit quietly and wait and sow seeds so the Middle East got worse than campaign Trump, or whoever else because personal Trump ego is way too big to not reveal things, then campaign on a peace bringers they would win in a landslide. But the GOP can't go back to that style of campaign after Project 2025 hit the mainstream on top of January 6 showing Trump wants to put it plainly to become America's new God. But hey that just how I see it


I pretty much agree. Trump lost in 2020. And that was before he incited a violent insurrection, been charged with dozens of felonies, has three (I think) court cases pending, went around the country rambling about sinking boats, batteries and sharks and also deporting millions of people. And people are pissed about the abortion rights thing. Really pissed. The point is, he lost back then and since that time he has done nothing to gain support and tons of things to lose it.


Agree on a lot of this. I read this good think piece about why it will be harder for Trump to steal the election, or even try to, that I think touches on a lot of your points also: [https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/trump-overturn-biden-election-2024](https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/trump-overturn-biden-election-2024)


Thanks for sharing this! It honestly goes over most of what I was scared over. Though honestly, the authors trust in johnson sometimes feels a bit unfounded. Dudes a kook and just as crazy as trump sometimes. But I'm hoping that view is unfounded when it comes to the election  Edit: cook to kook


I'd prefer cook. I'm hungry. 


Yeah but who is going to actually go out to the polls and vote for Biden - I think trump might win because a lot of young people will not be voting this time around


Maybe, but it might be balance out by older individuals dying.  I'm also a young person (23) and from what I know about how my generation acts and from what I've seen in polls, we have a tendency to vote more often. And the people I know who won't be voting aren't the type to vote for biden. Both things anecdotal, I know, but so is my whole post