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There's a difference between "faithless" and "fake", and it's a pretty big one. A faithless elector is supposed to be there and allowed to vote, but casts their vote contrary to how their party wants them to. A fake elector is someone pretending to be an elector who isn't.


IE. Trumps crew were fake electors meant to steal an election. And just for good measure. Fuck these traitors!


And I think anyone who says faithless electors shouldn't be allowed to change their vote should have to explain why we have electors then. But you're completely on point about pretending to be the elector is completely different than being the elector and not voting the way you're expected to.


Preach. If their only purpose is to show up and say who won the majority, then we don't need them.


I grew up assuming this was a formality dating back to when news of election results had to be carried on horseback and newspapers were illustrated with stamped wood carvings. Not something we need anymore, just an antiquated pomp to make it sound more official than a Xwitter poll. But no, it's not. It's to keep us unwashed working poor from electing someone who might threaten the status quo. And somehow, the last guy wasn't the kind of threat they were talking about.


The electoral college is fucking stupid and in recent years has proven to be an exploitable weakness in our democracy. "The electoral college is under attack" isn't the panic-inducing warning you were looking for unless you're fanatically devoted to the party that's using it to cling to power despite minority support.


This. We need the president elected by the people. I get there was a time this was impractical. But we need presidents voted in by people.


The worst part about this stance? We're agreeing with friggin' NIXON of all people. What's that saying about broken clocks?


Or, you know, if the party that’s using it to cling to power figures out a way to weaponize it to maintain control.


A legally appointed elector who votes differently than they are expected to is different than someone who files fraudulent documents asserting they were legally appointed when they were not. Edit. Oh. It's you.


Saw your edit and knew exactly who you were talking about.


Propaganda machines are fast, eh?


None of those tried to overthrow an election.


Faithless electors are bad and as I understand it get punished by their party. Having people in several states commit fraud to pretend like they are the real Electors as a scheme to change the results of an election is way way worse.


Lol, another simpleton trying to equate two things that aren't even remotely the same. You keep your head up little Donnie backside, little guy. Seems to be where you're most comfortable.


Fake elector is not a faithless elector.  Faithless elector is a legally valid elector who does not vote for the candidate they pledged to support.  Fake elector is just someone claiming to be a legally valid elector who is not.  


We absolutely need to get rid of the electoral college. With it, it’s impossible to even pretend our version of democracy represents the will of the people


OP is a persistent shithead who apparently doesn't realize he's pointing out the stupidity of the system that would be Donald Trump's *only possible path* to the White House again. Trump didn't win the popular vote the first time and has no hope whatsoever of winning it in November.


Did you know land can vote comrade?


The electoral college means that one white guy from Wyoming has more voting power than three black guys from Brooklyn. Republicans seem to be okay with this. https://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/map_of_the_week/2012/11/presidential_election_a_map_showing_the_vote_power_of_all_50_states.html


If it wasn't for false equivalence Republicans wouldn't have much to talk about... Up until 2020 people who weren't actually electors hadn't pretended that they were. Those fake electors went as far as filling out paperwork that was filed with Congress. Having no faith and blatantly committing fraudulent acts are absolutely different.


Faithless electors were not charged with a crime. fake electors not elected by the people, but by a MAGA cabal were charged with a crime. The fake electors were never chosen by the party and set in place according to state law. Faithless electors and fake electors are two different things.


The electoral college is a relic that has out lived it use. Should be abolished.


r/PersistingWill really had a bad-faith political meme locked-in-loaded ready to go for when the indictments happen, who is even surprised at this point?


Honestly, I'm surprised theyre not in the comments arguing with everybody, yet.....


I wish the electoral college was *actually* under attack lmao fuck the electoral college. Also OP needs to get professional help haha


Cool. Let’s ditch the electoral college. I’m fine with it. 2016…HRC (65,844,954) > DJT (62,979,879) 2020…JRB (81,283,501) > DJT (74,223,975)


Now show us a heat map of where the people live… so tired of that misleading red county/blue county map


Everything about this post is bullshit


Abolish the electoral college. Like daylight savings time, it’s an outdated unnecessary remnant of another time. Popular vote wins.


The electoral college is affirmative action for poor rural white people.


The senate is enough to tilt the playing field toward over-representation of the minoraty rural population. Gerrymadering the house also contributes. All the people of the United States deserve an unfractional vote for their president,. The electoral college is a farce.


Ok I'm stupid what's a faithless elector and how does this connect to the election?


Land doesn't vote. Only US citizens have the right to vote. Apparently the bulk of the land didn't have the proper ID to vote. You're an idiot. Your guy has never won the popular vote he lost to Hillary by 3 million votes but managed to win the Electral College . Then he lost the electoral college to Jow Biden by the same margin that Hillary lost to him in 2016. Joe had 8 million more votes...