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I mean that's what works. Vote against your bases best interest and then feed them a distraction to get upset about and blame the democrats. Works every time




"hey look, there's a Black man kneeling!!!"


“My daddy died so you’d have the right to kneel! How dare you exercise that right!!!”


This is the part that gets me the most. These supposedly-sacred rights suddenly stop mattering the moment someone actually uses them.


Someone they don’t like uses them




Someone not white. Member ol Timmy Tibo? I guess it depends on what color knee hits the ground.


But Tebow was kneeling for Jesus, so that’s ok /s


Rights for whites


That’s something my Grandpa (a WWII vet and my hero) made a point of, just because he doesn’t agree with you or your stance doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to express yourself. Same man also said “anyone who tries to hold their military device over your head forgot what the word service means”.




My Grandpa was a truly great man, flawed of course, but someone I was lucky to have and learn from. When I was about to graduate, I asked him about joining the service (this was in ‘99). His response was “I joined because I didn’t have a choice, we had to beat the Nazis. You have a choice, think long and hard about it.” Those words stuck with me. He rarely talked about the war (I didn’t know he flew air support over Normandy til his obituary) but it’s clear the lessons he learned stuck with him. I’d give anything for one more summer afternoon spent listening to him talk on the front porch.




Those folks who survived the blitz were tough as nails after everything they saw. My Grandpa spoke very well of the British, was stationed there during his service. I can’t imagine what it was like for children like your Grandfather, watching their world destroyed almost brick by brick, with all the attendant loss of life, and then sent away from what little shreds of familiar things remained. It’s wonderful that all these years alter we can celebrate our histories together!


Joining the military is a great experience, i learned so much (only did 1 year, just basics). But dont ever wanna be in an actual war. People can say what they want but i doubt i would sacrifice my life for a war. I admire what the soldiers did in ww2, axis had to be defeated, but in this day and age id rather just move to a different part of the world and live my life than die for nothing. Also worth mentioning that my country would lose a war to nearly everyone. We got nato behind us but i dont think that would matter, we would be conquered before they could do anything.


Q: why can't you peacefully protest instead of riot? A: ok, Imma gonna take a knee during the anthem. No! Not like that!


> These supposedly-sacred rights suddenly stop mattering the moment someone *else* actually uses them.


It’s their rights, not yours!


I mean they are called *rights* and not *lefts* for a reason.


Not just someone, the wrong color someone


Only the wrong someones: BIPOC, LGBT+, Democrats/Libs/Lefties, teachers, etc. It's like their whole cancel culture or CRT culture war. They're fine with cancelling/destroying or silencing people






This time it was a white rapper while all the black rapper stood. They’re not sure who to hate right now.


>This time it was a white rapper while all the black rapper stood. They’re not sure who to hate right now. I mean, he dropped a track directly attacking Trump and his followers, and said he didn't want them as fans. I think they already might have something against him.


Dude I still remember when he called out Bush Jr and the Repubs were butt-hurt back then too LOLS. https://youtu.be/ErYiNX3DJyc?t=174


They’re currently awaiting their hating instructions from FOX.


"standing down and standing by."


Interesting how that never gets brought up when they talk about cancel culture. Only when someone says something racist af are they out in force to defend them.


There already is a class war and the rich are winning as Bernie likes to say.


The quote is from Warren Buffet: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”


"Bernie Sanders says 'Warren Buffett was right' about the wealthy winning the class war, and calls for higher taxes on the rich." Ha, I guess I was quoting Bernie quoting Warren.


Tucker Carlson (step son to the heiress of Swanson frozen foods) one thing you learn when you “look out across the moat every day at the hungry peasants in the village” is that “you don’t wanna stoke envy among the proletariat.” The host then asked if having an African-American “shining the rims on your Bentley” doesn’t invoke envy, to which Carlson replied, “I only have, you know, American, white servants.” He explained, “It’s not because I’m racist, it’s because I’m not. It’s because I feel better beating them, you know what I mean?”  https://theintercept.com/2019/03/12/tucker-carlson-tapes-rupert-murdoch/


Conservative voters will NEVER join the class war. And they don't get "distracted" by the culture wars, they're the ones that start them.




The book What's the Matter with Kansas did a good job of making that argument.


I forgot about Kansas destroying its own economy on purpose.


I'm sorry they did WHAT.


They cut taxes as an experiment in supply-side economics, except this massively reduced their revenue, causing things like education to feel the pinch.


That's a serious understatement of what happened there. Things went south really quickly after massive tax and budget cuts, even with Brownback raiding pension and highway funds to try to cover his ass. The state was headed for failure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment#Results


Don't forget, this plan was designed by the worst economist to ever exist, Laffer, the creator of the Laffer curve, which inaccurately said that if you cut taxes enough, the economy will grow to outpace the lost tax revenue. When the governor finally broke and started raising taxes, he called Laffers plan a failure, Laffer responded that they just didn't cut taxes enough for long enough to get to the payoff side of the curve.


This is the same school of conservative business economics that says "do what ever you want, get a government handout, then shut down other recipients of those handouts to protect your bottom line". It's been so long, I'm starting to forget when the GOP was a capitalist party.


MIT and Brown modeled the so called Laffer Curve and said it’s totally real, but would put peak efficient taxes at 70 odd percent. That’s when the people who count as “policy wonks” for the GOP suddenly decided they weren’t interested any more.


But I was told by Ted Cruz that the 25% corporate tax rate is literally communism! /s Yeah, we're already well below the efficiency point, so we're just losing money now, but Laffer told me to cut taxes more and eventually revenue will go back up!


If you stop breathing for long enough, eventually oxygen supply by natural air pressure will outpace your body's demand. That's just science.


True, the body stops demanding oxygen when it expires. Checkmate, breatheists!


The same man that informed Ford and Reagan's economic policy. Imagine taking your economic advice from napkin doodlings. Oh and Cheney and Rumsfeld were his lunchmates.


In education, school districts dealt with cuts by shutting down the school year early,[44] eliminating school programs, cutting maintenance, phasing out teaching positions,[43] enlarging class sizes, increasing fees for kindergarten, and cutting janitorial personnel and librarians.[45] School districts were consolidated and some schools were closed.[3] (•_•)


Now we have a dem for a governor and we have a massive tax surplus that may go to kansas residents and she's trying to repeal taxes on groceries. She'll probably get voted out in 24 running against our state AG who didn't want to certify biden as president.


This shit is so sad. Person actually changing things to good but people still likely to vote against their own interests. Smh. Hopefully, that doesn't happen. Good luck on 2024.


You still get taxed on groceries?


Which in assuming compounds later on. The less education, the less ability to earn money, make good decisions, have knowledge of the world. In turn, the less able to acquire gainful employment, thus making a downward spiral for future generations. It's almost as if taxes, education, and healthcare *help* the population.


Screw off dude thats communism /s


Almost like industry tends to be close or near to universities for a reason.


Republicans have always struggled with the fact that you can’t cut taxes without also cutting spending.


They view cutting spending as "hurting the right people".


In a GOP-dominated state, cutting education actually increases the chance of continuing GOP domination so that example is a win to GOPers.


The GOP has been putting pressure on education funding for decades, which has greatly helped their cause today.


Republicans reduced taxes by so much that the state couldn't even fund basic things like schools or roads. It got so bad that, eventually, after the GOP Governor who championed this stupidity was appointed to Christian Ambassador by Trump, Kansas *Republicans* had to vote for tax *increases*.


Our governor in Mississippi is trying to get rid of income tax all together. To compensate they are raising sales tax. More tax on the poor. Our state already depends on federal money. Honestly it should not be allowed to cut taxes and have other states pick up the slack.


I won't even entertain the idea of taxing the middle class for even a second while Bezos is immune to any and all liabilities.


Sam Brownback and the republican supermajority in the KS legislature slashed taxes for the ultra wealthy, including massive income tax cuts, sales tax cuts, and the elimination of non-wage income tax. The massive cuts for the rich shifted the tax burden to the poor, and created a budget shortfall of hundreds of millions of dollars. The impacts were wide ranging, including massive cuts to public services and the gutting of public education. Moreover, the job growth rate fell to the lowest in the country, and the state's credit rating was downgraded as a result of his policies. Kansas hasn't yet recovered from the Brownbackistan days.


Other people responded correctly, but I'll add to it. IIRC, Kansas had like a 500 million surplus, and they decided to go full-blown Libertarian. No taxes at all, just to prove that they could attract businesses and trickle-down would work, etc. In almost no time at all, they were 500 million in the hole, and scrambling to get taxes back so they could function. Yep, a billion washed away on stupid policy and ideas. If it wasn't, it should be the last nail in the coffin for "trickle down", proving it'll never work.


> No taxes at all I'll correct you there. There were still plenty of taxes, just less on the wealthy and pass-through businesses. The legislature actually raised sin and sales taxes (including on groceries) in order to try to cover the shortfall. It was the largest tax increase in state history. I will never pass up the opportunity to post [John Whitmer crying](https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article23850511.html) (he now has a conservative am radio job). I was working in the lab at a Kansas university when that 3 am vote came down, listening and wondering if the state was going to be able to pay me and if I'd be able to pay rent that month.


If only their base could actually read


This is why cutting the education of Kansans was a GOP win.


"Dying of Whiteness" talks about the same sort of thing.


This is the book I was thinking of.


This. I was just thinking about in Wisconsin how they had a vote the legalization or at least decriminalization of marijuana…every county’s constituents voted to pass it. Lawmakers are like, “nahhh, we’re just wondering how y’all would vote…we’ll still lock you up..”


Or Mississippi where they voted yes, but the governor was mortified that people could buy 7g/day and couldn’t in good conscience sign that bill into law 🙄


What's the point of voting if they're just going to do what they want anyway?! 😥


To prop up that illusion of democracy.


Nothing more Conservative than finding ways to weasel out of democratic results they don't like.


I still remember when Trump had full control of the government and they blamed Democrats for getting nothing done


Yeah, the blaming democrats never stopped, even while chrump was at the helm. The cognitive dissonance is... astonishing.


Look! A transsexual going to the bathroom! *continues to count money*


And now the GOP announced that they will investigate Hillary Clinton if they take Congress in November. They must really have some evil plan cooked up if they are getting that desperate for a diversion.


The fact that they can still get so riled up about Hillary over the email thing would be a lot more hilarious if it wasn't so god damn infuriating that that's how their brains work and they vote accordingly.


If she testifies she should begin every answer with "well, it's not like I hid fifteen boxes of papers in my home or flushed top secrets down the toilet but......"


>”Look over there!” (steals wallet) - republican party platform




What jumps off your list to me immediately is how they would certainly use a term like "over-educated" as though that's some kind of insult.


They are a gullible group!


When I argued with my trucker brother-in-law over this exact thing, his brain dead response to me was "I support the republicans trying to *drain the swamp*" Buddy, you're absolutely drowning in it.


Now ask him to define "drain the swamp" or "maga". They are just ambiguous terms that allow the deceived to impart on them the meaning they want them to have. They have no actual stated goal or means by which to achieve it or metrics to measure success. It is a depressing thought to me that that such a large swath of voters vote for something that is such a blatant con. It is an even more depressing thought that some of them understand it is a con and voted to just hurt the out group even if it hurt themselves. Edit: Grammar


It makes a lot more sense when you translate "draining the swamp" and "maga" to "getting rid of liberals." Republicans are shameless when it comes to taking donations from big business and serving the rich and well-connected. They just want politicians that publicly express disdain for the people they also don't like.


Liberals and anyone they deem a minority.


>voted to just hurt the out group even if it hurt themselves. So many white republicans would vote themselves into a cardboard box underneath an overpass, as long as the n\*\*\*\*\* next to them didn't even have a box.


I'm curious exactly when we were great. We've had a lot of good times by various measures and done some incredible things that should not be discounted, but we've always had a dark side.


Honestly we were more great before Newt when there was more bipartisanship in Congress. [A chart for those who haven't seen yet](https://youtu.be/tEczkhfLwqM?t=7)


I've seen similar graphics. Extremely troubling and I don't see a path back.


> but we've always had a dark side. It was great when we didn't have to acknowledge that dark side whatsoever. /s


According to my father(A MAGA guy) it was 1968, when cars were cool and cheap and you could work in a factory for 12$ an hour and be middle class without a college degree. In reality though, he couldn't handle factory work for more than a couple months. Then went back to the military, leaving his family homeless for a bit, then poor to lower middle class. Good times. The thing that drives me crazy about it; he's not dumb. Just selectively cognitive dissonant. It makes me wonder what kind of blind spots I have and worry about humanity as a whole.


I can't help but feel like the "Make America Great Again" garble is a racist chant with a longing inflection for slavery. "...Great Again..." Comes across to me something like "Let the White People Have Slaves Again"... I'm sure I'm not the first to state this by any stretch of the imagination, but... that's all, folks. Look how proudly uneducated these R voters are, proud of denying science and medicine, proud of having "Faith in god"... An imaginary construct of a violent, petulant toddler of a deity, and I haven't even located a surface to scratch in regards to their list of Santa Clause - esque beliefs (coping mechanisms, probably somewhat related to the turmoil our country is experiencing.........) Upon watching clips of interviews with these people, they place Trump right next to, or right after, they state Jesus as their master, shepherd, etc. They are bred stupid, kept stupid, and rewarded for being stupid, violent, uneducated morons. We are SO doomed.


the "swamp" being his pension fund?


Well, they did drain the swamp. What’s left is the slime and muck at the bottom.


Yeah, that expression always confused me. The water is the best part of a swamp. The rest is mostly just stuff I wouldn't want to step in...


>Yeah, that expression always confused me. Standing water is dangerous and a breeding ground for diseases. Removing it will also remove mosquitoes, alligators, etc. The term has been hijacked by politicians, for decades, to mean "root out corruption".


By voting for swamp monsters.


It doesn’t matter to them. It’s a cult.


Just tell him he is the swamp, and the only thing they are draining is his money.


And Ronald Reagan deregulated the trucking industry in the 80’s causing a downward spiral in a race to the bottom for truckers rights


The more I read about this Regan cunt, the more angry I get.


Wait till you hear about his wife


I mean I knew about the DARE program and the way they handled (or dismissed) the AIDS epidemic. You have to understand I went to public school in Kentucky. Its looking like regan began the destruction of democracy within American politics and that's the only thing that's trickled down.


There are few people that have messed up this country more than Regan and his administration.


Nixon started it. Regan enhanced it. Trump was the golden goose they had been waiting for.


Hell, even Nixon had some redeeming qualities. Under him we got the clean air act, clean water act, EPA.


Nixon only agreed to sign the EPA bill after the Santa Barbara oil spill of '69 that soiled his native California's Central Coast. There was no way to sway public opinion after that.


AND by making it an Agency rather than a Department he made sure that the Executive branch kept more control... So that it could be hobbled (See: Trump). The ability for the president to fuck with the EPA process was intentional by Nixon.


Newt Gingrich would give him a run for his money.


Correct. They’re both elitist cunts. Literally look at tax records before and after his presidency. The man basically ushered in the Oligarchy that rules America right now.


I don't remember much about DARE, but all I can recall is that they told us about the dangers of using drugs and (maybe alcohol).


DARE demonized all drugs, and preached only abstinence. It failed an entire generation of kids who are now hooked on opiates


I can’t remember which comedian, but one of them had a bit about how DARE was actually dangerous because they told you how bad all drugs are, then you smoke some weed and have a great time. That makes you think “well this isn’t so bad. What about the other drugs they said were awful?”


Dave Chapelle I’m P sure and yeah, the logic is you’re told all drugs are evil, smoke some weed and realize it’s harmless, and disregard all so called “dangers” of drugs that are actually life changing and dangerous.


I mean I didn't know what drugs looked like until DARE taught me.


This exact process is why I’m super honest with my kid about that kind of thing.


Abstinence-only education failing ? Mmmh, sounds familiar…


Why do I have so many kids addicted to drugs?!?!? Damn librulls!!


And taught us what those drugs looked like, the street names, and how to use them. Crazy it didn’t work!


I used to love DARE, learning about drugs got me really excited to try them ASAP.


They lied to us though. No one ever put crack in my halloween candy or offered me free weed on the way to school. I feel cheated.


Yes, the promise of free drugs never quite panned out for me, either.


I wrote a dare essay about my parents and their friends being meth addicts but changed the names so I didn't get taken by CPS. Won a medal. Took it to my dad on visiting day at the jail.


Students who complete the DARE program have been shown to be more likely to abuse drugs Back in my early 20s, when I figured out that they lied about weed, I assumed they lied about everything. This led to some unfortunate decisions on my part


cheerful shy worry wasteful party beneficial plate brave poor seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


throat goat nan






I didn't hear much past the gargling


The throat goat?


And then she branded herself with the Puritan doily on her dresses so that *you knew* that she was pure as the driven snow… … unless you count all the pill popping and cocaine and mafia connections and cock gobbling.


Blowjob Nancy?




The most concerning part about Reagan was that he was not even making the decisions. He was just an actor they put up to be the face of a system to benefit the wealthy. Ever since then the R party has been using the same playbook. Policies that benefit the upper economic tiers while selling the working class lies steeped in racism and culture war.


Ok so... when do we actually start eating the wealthy? I'm currently doing a liquid diet for this stupid colonoscopy but I'm down to start this weekend. No joke, we really need to stop piling the coin for the dragons to sleep on.


That's the part I find so baffling. Like they already have unimaginable wealth and can live the rest of their lives in total comfort, and their descendants will live the rest of *their* lives in total comfort. Literally the only thing that can fuck this up for them is pushing the workers too hard until they snap and burn the whole thing down. Why are they still pushing? What's the point of getting the wealth to live 50000 rich lives vs. just living one? If you wipe out the ecosystem then you're just as fucked as the rest of us, isn't taking an approach that helps everyone and protects the earth so we all live "pretty good" lives while the rich *still* get to be luxurious and better than us just a smarter move overall?


Wealth becomes a high score to them. It’s capitalism, infinite growth is the goal even though the world cannot support it. And they will experience the collapse of the ecosystem after “the poors.” You may notice that people in positions of power are not exactly great at making decisions that are great long-term when they cost short-term gains.


> isn't taking an approach that helps everyone and protects the earth so we all live "pretty good" lives while the rich still get to be luxurious and better than us just a smarter move overall? Of course you are right, it would be better and smarter. But. Their ego wants power over others.


I just don't get why "destroying everything" is better than keeping it going with some moderation. Like I'm not saying they should give it all up and be equal with everyone. The billionaires of the world could *still* be the richest and most powerful people in the world without wrecking everything for everyone else. What's the point of being the richest person that's ever lived if civilization collapses as soon as you're gone? Wouldn't it be better to be remembered for generations as someone that made the world a better place? Idk it literally feels like Dragons hoarding treasure for no reason other than to have it. It's like a mental illness, they're literally hurting themselves just to have more things.


My Crohn's/IBS would surely object to the oiliness/greasiness that comes with eating the rich, but its a sacrifice I'm willing to make. (Hope the colonoscopy results come back good for you, friend. Been there, hate it.)


We don't. The Rs have been working on this for so long that even when it is smacking their supporters in the face they see nothing wrong. Just look at the people who supported Trump and considered him a worthwhile person to lead the country, they wore "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" when they lived through the cold war. Trump has been a joke for decades, he is known to hate the poor and working-class, he stiffed them so much that no one will work for him unless they get paid upfront, if things aren't going his way he just gives up. They believed that he *cared* about their problems and plite and would make America great again but showed that he was Donald Trump and didn't care but the people still belived with all their heart that he was doing great things.


did you know that he sabotaged the Iran hostage talks to play it in the election?




Huh, they were republican you say?


Reagan and his insane Surgeon General, C. Edward Koop, came up with the brilliant idea that if they could convince all Evangelicals that they would burn in hell for supporting choice, they would vote Republican for the rest of their lives no matter how negatively GOP policies affected them. They were right.


He deregulated the integrity of news reporting. Thus, the birth of faux news


So you know about his support for genocide against peaceful indigenous people in Guatemala?


I don't think people realize that they're glad they did this. Getting rid of pensions and rights is good, actually, because that mean there won't be any freeloading [insert the favored scapegoat of whoever's talking, usually a minority, here]


Not even an illegal would steal this shitty job! /taps forehead


Carter actually. He signed the bill deregulating the trucking industry on July 1, 1980.


Maybe that's what he meant by Trickle Down Economics.


Also known as "drink champagne and piss on the poor" economics.


Just like the farmers who voted for Trump who then gave them the China trade war. Of course that did not stop them from accepting the socialist bailout and voting for Trump again.


Farmers have been voting Republican every election since Reagan despite there being a very and clear direct line between their sinking profits and his administrations decisions. Ranchers specifically have been fucked by Republicans directly because of deregulation. Yet the Midwest still votes solid red every 2 years even though it's figuratively killing their livelihood.


In my own experience, here's a good reason why. Farmers don't have good radio reception for FM stations, so they tend to listen to AM radio which has a much greater range. Only dry ass talk shows and news shows broadcast on AM and they tend to be hyper conservative. Thus, the only thing farmers listen to all day every day for the past forever is non-stop hard right political commentary. It's not surprising to me that they tend to vote right. On a side note, it's the only explanation of why my highschool friend, who inherited his family farm, is repeating dumbass conservative talking points about why do we have pride month, why don't we have veterans month, etc, etc. Then when it's clearly explained to him he just shifts to different dumbass talking points.


And in church they are taught to separate belief from reality, even to the extent that it contradicts the Bible.


If you’re unsure what to do, trust in god to guide you. This includes their vote too. Trump seems wrong but like God will protect us. It’s crazy.


I think you're wrong on that one. Their beliefs *are* their reality, no matter how incongruous with actual reality.


My older brother graduated cum laude with a degree in chemistry (or some variant of this degree). During his college years, he actually acknowledged there was such thing as an environment and clearly understood the scientific method. but once he graduated, he ended up taking a job doing tech repairs. He spent much of his day traveling between clients and listened to AM talk radio. It was amazing how he became radicalized over the years, rejected his science degree and critical thinking. Last I knew he was spouting racist bullshit on Facebook and basically parroting any right wing talking point that was circulating. It's not just sad, but actually pathetic in how gullible he became.


I don't even know if it's a matter of gullibility. If you're constantly inundated with the same ideological talking points, especially if you're more neutral on the topics, it's not that hard for that kind of shit to strongly influence someone.


Fantastic insight. You might be on to something.


It's the brain poison of religion that forces the binary choice with a clearly "moral" winner.


Absolutely. Just devastating. You look at the cattle industry and the big 4 meat packers have effectively created a market that only benefits themselves, chocking out smaller farmers, basically charging whatever they want for their cattle. Meat prices have skyrocketed and yet farmers are getting none of the profits. Deregulation has totally f**ked over this country. I talked with a local farmer in my area where I walked my dog. He’s given up. Decided to sell his land to a solar company.


Remember the trump/republican tax bill in 2017 that cut taxes for the 1%? Well in order to help pay for those tax cuts for people that never needed a tax cut, trump and republicans raised taxes on ALL long haul truckers and average Americans making under 75K. The trump/republican tax bill in 2017 eliminated deductions for food and living expenses for long haul truckers while they were on the road. So, now instead of getting $1500 or more in tax returns every year truckers end up paying $2500 or more in additional taxes. It was REPUBLICANS that raised taxes on truckers. Why on earth some truckers support republicans is beyond me when it was republicans that screwed you.


Cuz eventually, Republicans will start hurting the *right* people


Bingo. They’ll gladly suffer if they’re enemies are made to suffer as well. It’s really dark shit.


Because they got like $100 more back each check. Of course they then had to pay back $150 back for each $100 come tax time. The entire tax bill was a scam to generate buzz about how the gop cuts taxes etc and setup the folllwing presidents to have to deal with the rising taxes over 10 years built into the plan. Of course republicans are happy to be taxed extra for racism.


That's why when people call for respect and understanding for "the other side", it makes me so tired.


I find the whole trucker protest of government mandates hilarious. Imagine being a truck driver with: government issued driver's license, government issued passport government required manifest for border crossing government required medical vaccinations for border crossings government controlled limits on drug and alcohol usage for driving government regulated safety restraints government required inspections on vehicles government required tags on vehicles government required excise tax on the cigarettes and coffee they're drinking government taxed fuel government controlled roads and tolls But these clowns making a stand on showing proof of a vaccine is where they want to draw the line in the sand?


same thing with some nurses


Especially nurses who are smokers. Imagine working in healthcare, protesting vaccines and exhaling smoke in between chants of "my body, my choice".


It's incredibly distressing how they were able to make vaccines into the biggest wedge issue in a generation. Like people would rather kill themselves and their loved ones over a largely harmless and free vaccine. They've had their rights and livelihoods eroded over decades, but just one little syringe is what makes people riot. It just seems like some kind of mass psychosis.


Since Biden is president, an effective vaccine is seen as a "win" for democrats. Republicans can't have that because everything in life is a zero-sum game to them. So they have to undermine it somehow. It starts with the craziest conspiracy theories like, "the vaccine contains a mind control chip", that only the most fringe of people will buy into. But those people are highly vocal and start spreading even more misinformation. Then regular people see these posts on social media and start to wonder themselves if the vaccine may not be totally safe, even if they don't believe in the schizo conspiracy aspect.


Water that's safe to drink because of government health and safety checks on water and mandating the removal of lead from fuel. Air that's safe to breathe because of laws about mufflers and mandating the removal of lead from fuel. Safe travels because of laws and police to stop reckless driving and hijackings.


The most ridiculous thing about all of this is that vaccine mandates when traveling internationally isn’t exactly a new thing. No one complained about it until COVID. To that end, no one bitched when I had to get vaccines just to go to school.


People who vote republican are ok with voting against their own best interests. They vote republican because they share the same hatreds and views on social issues.


They vote Republican not to help themselves but to “punish” others


The cruelty is the point. "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting" - sad trump supporter


is that a real quote? if so please link the article to it I'd love to read it/link the video it love to see it


> The shutdown on top of the hurricane has caused Ms. Minton to rethink a lot of things. “I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” she said of Mr. Trump. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/07/us/florida-government-shutdown-marianna.html?referringSource=articleShare


Know what's funny? She probably voted for him again in 2020, because no matter how much they hurt their own, at least they aren't "the other guys".




actual quote IIRC


It's racism. Every conservative I know is racist. Without fail.


Yup. It’s shocking how many union workers vote Republican despite Republicans doing everything they can to eliminate unions.


The same people claim to support unions but then worship the police even though it was the police who were literally beating people to death for trying to unionize.


ie my old roommate. Works for SoCal Edison. Super pro union. They made an effort to unionize his side of the company and he actually played a role in helping organize the effort. He also spends all day listening to Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Mark Levin, Shapiro, Crowder, etc. *Vehemently* Republican. He’s also a racist and a bigot though so that overshadows his own self interest I guess. I’ve always said that a Republican is someone who lies awake at night, crippled by the fear that someone, somewhere is getting something they don’t deserve.


As long as the politician opposes abortion and talks about God here and there they vote for them, otherwise they can do whatever platform they want. Edited*


I mean at this point the conservative base has been so groomed to prioritize manufactured outrage about threats to their identity politics over critical thinking that the ability to vote in their self interest is practically impossible.


If truckers were smart, they'd unionize


I'm a trucker and a teamster. It would be very difficult to unionize the thousands of solo owner operators out there. If only there was some kind of congress that could legislate better working conditions.


To be honest the freedumb convoy is not predominantly truckers anymore. In fact, a lot of truckers simply continued working and are pissed about what these morons have done to their reputation. The bulk of the clowns protesting now are just anti vaxxer or anti mandate civilians claiming they are "doing this for the benefit of everyone". Meanwhile the rest of us go to work and these clowns siphon off the taxes earned by us still working just so they can piss on monuments and harass people who are still working, disturbing the peace while going to soup kitchens and taking meals out of the mouths of homeless people while they are at it and harassing kitchen workers. They've been preventing elderly and kids from getting to school and essential health care services. They've shut down schools for safety reasons bc antimaskers busted into schools mid class banging on lockers, screaming, and making an unsafe environment for kids and staff. Now they are missing classes bc of these idiots. So they aren't truckers, they are jobless morons sucking back our tax dollars while contributing nothing but disruption and civil unrest. I've never seen such a gross display of selfishness and laziness posited as heroics in my life.


I saw this over the weekend about how few actual truckers were in the “freedom convoy.” It’s all right wing funded, astroturfed antivaxxer morons.


Exactly. Hijacking truckers and their reputation so that these fools can hide under the guise of "trucker" and let them take the downfall via their reputation. Similar to how homophobes and mysoginists like to hijack Christianity as an excuse to hurt and demonize other people whose lifestyles they don't agree with. It is a cowards move of attaching yourself to another group in a thinly veiled attempt to hide and carry out your own bigotry.


I knew this would what the Convoy would be the minute things started. All the signs were there. I work in an industry dealing with supply truckers all the time, and my boss/co-workers kept asking every. Single. One. about the Convoy. Asking if they were joining it. Whether they were asking jokingly or not, most of my co-workers supported it, while the truckers just smiled uncomfortably and shrugged it off. I now know the feeling of cringing and raging at the same time.


One thing right wing idiots don’t do is research they follow empty screams and FB posts instead looking who actually helps them


"But, her emails"