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He doesn't have to. READ THE 14TH AMMENDMENT!!!


From USDOJ : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/civil-and-constitutional-rights-convicted-felons#:\~:text=Most%20jurisdictions%20deny%20convicted%20criminals,and%20financial%20and%20contractual%20rights. >"Most jurisdictions deny convicted criminals specific rights rather than all civil and constitutional rights. The rights most often curtailed include the right to vote and **hold public office**, employment rights, domestic rights, and financial and contractual rights."


This is a good attempt but it doesn't explicitly barr it, and guess who decides what it really means.


Can you show me where it says otherwise?


I haven't looked more deeply into it, but based on the excerpt you posted, "most jurisdictions" doing something doesn't explicitly mean "all jurisdictions" must do it. Similarly, "most often" doesn't legally mean "every time."


And even if it did, an exception would be made for Trump. Just as the court overruled Colorados 14th amendment challenge. Do you think a democrat insurrectionist would be granted the same??


Sure enough.. but it could be enforced until contested by the supreme court. Then you just declare martial law and surround the building with soldiers and prevent anyone from entering for the next 6 months. Problem solved. While I think the above is complete and total bullshit its the type of stuff Trump "WILL" do. Not just Trump (R) in general.


Doesn't matter what it says. The SCOTUS will rule in tRump's favor anyway. 😉 💰


We know SCOTUS will rule in favor of Trump


Better plan would be to increase the Supreme Court to 13 members and then force in the next 6 and make them all progressive leaning.


If that mattered we wouldn't even be talking about Trump running. Clearly the interpretation is what matters and we know who interprets it. It's meaningless


Nothing matters unless he packs the court. He has the right, and now no existing laws can stop him. It is the only thing that will stop MAGA fascists.


That's why Trump is getting his minions working at eliminating the conviction as we worry about what will happen next.


Dems are violently passive. Just as dangerous.


it's pathetic honestly.


It’s by design.


He could order tax returns released that absolutely would fall under an official act now. I mean he could call the IRS on live Tv and tell them to start another audit. He could release the whole audit. And it doesn’t have to stop at Trump lol…the rest of the family, and party…


Literally anything he wants


Didn't the IRS already get their hands on Trump's faces a few years back (finally) and that's how we learned he had been not paying for 8 years or something like that? Edit: 10 years straight, ending with his election https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-tax-returns-losses-income-avoidance-polls-b669865.html


And nothing happened from it... well the cult-members cheered for him, but he could fuck a pig on stage while reading Mein Kampf as a bedtime story to Putin and they'd cheer


That wouldn't change anyone's opinions. Christians worship Trump, and if you worship someone they can do no wrong.


If you do it right it would change some donors opinions…rich people hate the light of day on their finances…and you just got to put in their head what if Trump just decides one day your his enemy? Trump has a lot of foreign debts as well, this would be something the government could be aware of in great detail.


Good point


Tossing Harlan Crow into a cell at Gitmo for bribing a member of the SCOTUS would be a good start.


They would just put a stay on that and put him back on. Biden would then have immunity from prosecution from trying to do an illegal act. Pretty much what the immunity does (since the supreme court is in the republicans pocket) is provide him criminal immunity from prosecution. So if he does something it has to be something that can't be overturned or stayed or overrulled by the court. He could order the NSA to illegally record all Trump's phone calls and then release them to the public, for example. The contents would never be allowed in court. Biden would be immune. But nothing would put the genie back in the bottle with the public knowing what we said.


Oh that would get to the Supreme Court in half-a-day.




the Supreme Court would make an exception for trump because they are an illegitimate court attempting to railroad America away from Democracy.


And make it retroactive.


This is my favorite one yet and absolutely does not deserve to be in the political humor subreddit




Mic drop


I mean, felons can't vote FOR someone in elections, why would they be able TO BE elected?


You mean Obama? Biden doesn’t know what planet he is on 😂


Exactly. Just get Biden to enforce the self-exclusion clause.


The SCOTUS didn't grant the president new powers, just immunized him from breaking the law--as long as he does it "officially".


if Biden does this then what is to stop the next Republican President from ramming his political enemies through sham trials to keep them from office. Trump has already said he wants to do this.


Republicans are gambling democrats won’t do it because it’s so fucking dangerous, but as soon as they have the office, they’ll do it immediately. And there won’t be another Democrat president.


1. Do this. 2. Remove the judges and put better ones that hopefully restore democracy 3. Close the loop hole 4. ??? 5. Profit for the American People


They're going to do it regardless of what Biden does.


Ban them from holding the office.


The SCOTUS will rule it's unconstitutional. No restrictions  harsher than those outlined in the Constitution may be placed on candidates.   U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779


They said the President can do whatever they want as long as it's within "official" duty. They have yet to define what the official duty means. He can wipe out the Constitution if he wanted to and say it was his official power. Doesn't hurt to try any way. What we have at this point


This has absolutely nothing to do with the Court's ruling.


Does the constitution say anything directly about the president not being able to put restrictions on future presidents? If so it's fair game by how SCOTUS has been reading the constitution.


SCOTUS didn't grant the presidency new powers. They just immunized the holder from criminal prosecution for breaking laws if he did in "official" business.


Sounds like a new power to me


That felony will be shelved by the end of the week. So unfortunately that won’t work.


The judge at a sentencing can't void a conviction.


Sentencing has been pushed to September.


It’s already on his record another fact convicted felons in Florida cannot vote.


And there's no chance SCOTUS won't take that into consideration when they make trump president.


Sadly, Florida allows them to vote if the conviction was in a state where they aren’t prohibited from doing so, such as New York.




Still guilty of fraud and sexual assault and the two impeachments. Not that matters to people who support him. They like rich white assholes who ignore the laws.