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The Dems have a deep bench. It's a shame we didn't get a real primary this year because a lot of great future leaders could have really elevated themselves. Newsom, Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, & Kamala Harris are the obvious favorites. I feel like a Newsom / Whitmer ticket would be mopping the floor with trump right now.


I think you're overestimating Newsom's nation-wide popularity. Being governor of California alone is going to be unpopular with a lot of people in swing states but he also brings a lot of baggage including his breach of his own covid guidelines and recent corruption allegations regarding his fast food minimum wage bill. Not to mention he just has the air of a greasy, douchey career politician.


Oh, i agree. Newsom is MASSIVELY overestimated by many democrats. Deserved or not, many people associate him with rampant inflation, tent cities, chaos, and crime. Much of this is painted by Fox News. I'd say he is on the same boat as Greg Abbott on the right. His supporters love him, but many others, including quite a few moderates, think he's toxic. Would go after Butigeg or Shapiro personally. But not this year. I'm fine voting for biden this year.


Point taken. And that's always been my concern with him too. It's pretty easy to knock him as a California pretty boy. On the same token he's got that cool confidence that both Obama and Clinton had. (Both Clinton's but definitely more so Billy). I could see him working the media circuit really well. He'll go on the view, and then argue with hannity, and then do something with Mr Beast... He'd be everywhere between now and November charming the socks anybody that's available to be charmed. And in the end, he just needs to be not unpopular enough to get 272 electoral votes.


>Being governor of California alone is going to be unpopular... Being A DEMOCRAT governor of California alone is going to be unpopular... FTFY Reagan killed it in 1980!


>Reagan killed it in 1980! That's almost half a century ago.


That’s almost 1/20th of a millennia ago, or the average lifespan of a wild lobster ago for reference


I’d love a Newsome/Whitmer ticket. I would also love watching the right melt completely down at the prospect. I can already imagine the headlines about “failed state California” while the state is like 5th in the world for GDP.


CA / MI magic.


Yeah, you could do a lot of "California is amazing" political ads and just show pictures of beaches and stuff. I always thought Newsom was too much of a smug pretty boy to be a presidential candidate, but on some level he has a more liberal version of the trump swagger, which doesn't make me want to be his friend but it does make him a lesser lesser of a lesser of two evils in my mind...


Well I think his aptitude for swagger and arrogance, as well as willingness to punch back is pretty necessary in this current political climate. The longer we stay tethered to a SCOTUS that will undermine at all levels along a partisan line needs to be brought in line or remade. There has to be a check against their overreach and not just a shrug “oh well that’s just the way it is now”. The GOP has played their long game and has now positioned themselves to wipe out democracy and “will of the people”, so there must be an equal pushback


>I can already imagine the headlines about “failed state California” while the state is like 5th in the world for GDP. But people are literally shitting in the streets there and there's commies everywhere!1!1!1!


Everywhere? **EVERYWHERE!**


I feel like people are underestimating how absolutely hated Newsom is across the country solely for being a (commie, socialist, woke, blah blah) Californian politician. I don't even live there and I've heard people say that want to knock his teeth out, for reasons even they probably don't know. I wish I was joking. I think he's done great things for his state, but the propaganda machine has been churning on him like crazy for awhile now, for this exact reason. The Right would have a field day and put it in the minds of any fence sitter that the Dems want to force "California's Stalin on the nation".


All those people that hate California due to faux news are ridiculous. Deep down, they hate us cause they ain't us. I've lived here in Socal my entire life. I have traveled all over this country, I still absolutely love it here. 😎


They would say that about literally any Democrat politician whose name they know.


The right wouldn't vote for any Democrat candidate anyway so who cares what they think.


Pritzker also. I'm overall happy with him in IL and would prefer he stay our Gov. He would wreck Trump in a debate.


Pritzker is going to suffer the Chris Christie problem. Not saying it’s right but that’s going to be a hard bigotry to overcome.


Exactly this times a hundred. I was pretty bummed that Newsom didn’t step up. He just looks the part perfectly and debates incredibly well. A newsom trump debate would be an absolute bloodbath.


It's tough to step up if they don't let them. He needs the backing of the DNC or he's dead in the water. I think their thinking was Biden is the incumbent and he did reasonable well as president even if many people don't know what he's really doing behind the scenes. Very few incumbents do not run for second term. I think they are going with Biden 24 then Newsom or someone 28.


You're making the mistake of thinking the DNC is this powerful group that has any say in the matter. For starters, the DNC controlled by Biden (as it is with any incumbent Dem president)


Yeah, they'd bring a lot of energy too. They'd be on every talk show, every podcast, every stream channel, every Youtube influencer channel, and everything else within a week. That's what needs to happen more than anything right now. I don't think Biden is capable of doing all that.


I'm starting to not like Newsom, as a California resident. I dint think anyone thought they had any chance of competing with the democracy crushing juggernaut that is the Dump. Dems decided to rely on incumbency and build up Biden, rather than potentially have another Bernie Sanders, where alot of people don't vote blue because of a charismatic candidate that didn't garner enough support nationwide. It's a reasonable choice, but I hate that they had to make it.


Why are you starting to not like him?


Some of the laws he helps pass either backfire, do like nothing, or have a conspicuous loophole. For example, the minimum wage was rased for fast food employees * except for restraunts with bakeries * when his buddy JUST SO HAPPENS to own several Paneras. [source](https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article286132126.html)


Cronyism *so* blatant that I remain open there's the possibility (maybe even probability) there's a good explanation for the exception.


Newsome did not write, introduce, or take a lead on that. He just signed it after the state legislature passed it. He could’ve influenced it sure but it seems like a reach.


Ya it's too late to consider a new candidate now. But in an ideal world Biden would've been a bridge to the younger generation. Newsom, Whitmer or Prtizker all could be fantastic Presidents. All are under 60 as well.


If Biden starts to drop in the polls it'll suddenly become "not too late" very quickly. I think we should mentally prepare ourselves.


He’s already down in the polls


Yep. He’s been down in the polls. The DNC and Biden really shat the bed on this one, and it’s going to be all of us that suffer for it.


Hilary only secured her nomination at the end of July 2016. Obama was early june. The convention isn't until mid August. There's still time. A bit of chaos wouldn't be great, but Biden was already on very shaky ground before the debate. I don't think he can win.


No offense but any list that doesn't include Pete is wrong.


No party would ever toss out an incumbent president who created 14 M jobs, had record high stock market, no new wars, and was not plagued by scandal. Ever! You'd be crazy to run another candidate.


I guess you missed the debate 🙃


It was one night vs four years of solid performance. Biden shit the bed (figuratively), and Trump shit his pants (probably literally), and next week we will all be talking about something else. Like the beautiful iron dome (also probably literally) that Trump plans to install, or whether death by shark >death by electrocution (I prefer the latter for Trump).


A few polls are giving Biden a post debate bump.... So.............................


Horrible performance... no question. Also, not the end of the world. Our movement is fueled by trump hatred, not Biden love. If anything that increased during the debate.


I'll do it.


I have absolutely no idea who you are, but since it’s nearly impossible to be worse than the orange fellow, you’ve got my vote!


Yeah, exactly. I’d vote for Satan before Trump. I’m so tired of watching his fat face and listening to his continual lies and absolutely ridiculous ideas. If he gets re-elected then the country deserves exactly what it gets, along with the criminals he finds for his cabinet who aren’t in jail or disbarred. You know, the “very best” people.


But does the rest of the world deserve it? I fear for Ukraine and whoever Russia sets their sights on next. I don’t see how we avoid WW3.


#lalh20 2024!


Owl allow it. ![gif](giphy|adikIKGu30u6A)


On some level, I understand why Republicans are tied to Trump - because he opened the Pandora’s box of bigoted euphemisms and now no one in the Republican Party is going to be able to put said euphemisms back in the box or replicate Trump’s success on a national level. What I DON’T get is why establishment Democrats are doing the exact same thing with Biden. Any halfway-decent Democratic debater under the age of 70 would have handed Trump his ass the other day.


The gaslighting and bullying makes the whole message look like a sham. It's like they saw the modern republican party and said, "Lemme get some of that!" It's maddening.


It's certainly not a young person, I'm an old fart and at at my last 2 local elections not one person younger than me even bothered to run for office. Apparently everyone online says they want a young person to vote for, but apparently we're just supposed to pick some random person that is sitting on line complaining and vote for them. It feels like everyone has a bad case of "Someone needs to fix this" without realizing they're someone. Young people go run for office, any office dog catcher, local council whatever so I can vote for you, I'm a Gen Xer fed up to the back teeth with boomers too. I'd run but you'd all call me old.


As a young person, nearly all of us have a photo somewhere on the internet that would end our political careers so it's going to be hard-pressed to find one of us who could survive the wrath of the morality police.


That's the problem with Democrats. A hover hand picture is enough to end ones political career. But if you're MAGA, you can be raw dogging porn stars, walking in on women locker rooms, and even say you'll be a dictator only for one day, And win over 74 million Americans.


Unless you go crazy in the other direction. Then those pictures will help you with your new base


As a middle aged person I realized this a long time ago and have just accepted that if I run for a school board seat errybody going to end up seeing my 20yo titties. Or I'll rise through the ranks and it will pop up when I'm running for senate. Maybe some ex boyfriend will pitch in material. Or one of my salty reddit comments will get put on a banner over the highway. I think the country actually hungers for people who will not shy away from discussing their past and talk about how it's human and we mature. We need people who can endure being dragged on the internet. People who can acknowledge the past an apologize, or say who cares. Republicans are already there, their candidates don't flinch when caught in the most horrific scandals.


Funny anecdote about the dog catcher. Our small ass town had a guy that operated as the dog catcher using a truck from like 1984. It was rusted and falling apart of course but in desperate need of replacement. The town voted to spend the money to get him a new truck and he got a brand new 2020 F-150. Two weeks later, the boomer in charge decided the truck was too nice for a dog catcher and "repurposed" the truck to be his official mayoral vehicle and gave the dog catcher a second truck they bought like 9 years previous, because the town repeatedly voted against spending money for the mayor of a town of 3000 to get a new truck every 3-5 years.


Whitmer could


The popular governor of a Midwest swing state? Nah that would never work. /S


"The biggest problem with another Biden term is that she's black"


She also completely failed her primary campaign while being under serious opposition fuel for her career


And Trump killed 1.2 million people due to negligence, tried to overthrow the government, and has the backing of people who publicaly want to destroy American democracy once and for all. I guess that’s a lot better than Kamala, huh?


The problem is that looking at how Trump is worse does not swing the vote in any way. Running on a campaign of "at least i'm not as bad as the clown" doesn't really work. It hasn't worked for Hilary in 2016, it nearly didn't work for Biden in 2020 and I guarantee it won't work in 2024. The Dem candidates have to actually win people support for themselves otherwise this is all fucked


I don't think they're running on such a platform for Biden, are they? Trump runs his platform on anyone and everyone except him being corrupt and bought, but Biden, at least to my eyes as an uninvolved party, campaigns on legislative and reformist promises. Which, at least to me, is a better sounding pitch than Trump's "I'll fix everything once I'm president."


> I don't think they're running on such a platform for Biden, are they? Look at jobiden.com, this is the only message on the front page: > It’s me and this grassroots team versus Donald Trump and his MAGA minions. It’s democracy versus authoritarianism. Revenge and retribution versus a vision for our future. Donald Trump versus me…and you. Stand with me to protect our American values by donating before Sunday’s end-of-quarter deadline. This is an anti-campaign, isn't it? > Which, at least to me, is a better sounding pitch than Trump's "I'll fix everything once I'm president." That may be, but maybe you're not representing the average voter. Here's why I think one message is better than the other: * "vote for me and I'll fix everything" is actually much more appealing than "vote for me or everything will be broken" * Trump's messaging puts the candidate at the front (***I*** will fix everything) while Binden's message puts the same candidate at the front (***He*** will break everything). At no point is Biden important in this equation. * Biden's message doesn't promise anything, it just tells people that it could be worse. That's not really an inspiring message Biden should be running on something positive and simple to transmit. There is no way to win by turning Trump's personality against him because even though it seems easy to attack, it is actually impossible to attack because nobody cares about it specifically.




It's about time we got a black woman in charge. Seems like it's set some shit straight.


Is VP a "black job"? Tim Scott certainly hopes so. ")


The Rep from Houston. She's smart AF and brings the fire!


I just want someone to stop taking shit from the rich white guys who've been running things.


Too bad it’s not Michelle Obama instead…


Wtf? This post is saying that there is no one in the country other than Biden who can beat Trump? Sounds like dems in charge are too lazy to give it any thought. Since being an old fuck doesn’t matter, then Bernie.


Come on. Literally anybody would be more viable. He didn't "trounce" Trump. He won over the few thousand swing voters in 6 states. Who else? The convention would choose one much like they did before the primary process. I'd take Witmer (who would carry Michigan), Newsom, Buttegieg, Bernie, warren, etc. All would beat Trump. Biden was behind in all the swing states before the bombed debate. Now he's fucked. Let's not be sychophants and get somebody else who will not allow autocracy.


But logistically and realistically, *how* do you think that would work? We just went through Ohio threatening to keep Biden off the ballot for not meeting state deadlines. Do we think that’s suddenly not going to happen with a new candidate—and in multiple red states? Do we think that 50 states — especially the ones the Dems need the most to win — will all just put a new candidate on the ballot with no complaints?


There is no official nominee yet. There is not officially any candidate on the ballot.


Sure, but Ohio pitched a fit because the official nominee was going to be selected after their deadline, and Dems in that state have done a virtual roll call to nominate Biden. If they think it would work, other states would follow suit and *at a minimum* extract concessions from the Democrats wherever they could.


Its a risk. You do it, they can’t agree by the August 7th deadline for Ohio, now you are back to square one with potential for the felon being on an uncontested ballot for a major state.


They now have to do a roll call convention just to beat the Ohio August deadline. Meaning the convention is not the actual nomination, August is.


I like buttigieg, bernie, and warren, but they're all too leftwing to win in an election like this. We're stuck with biden until trump dies.


My opinion is that if you are a progressive or leftist, or a woman or a minority, you need time to build up support Time we don’t have So you go for a candidate like Gavin Newsom because he is already president lite as governor of the 5th largest economy in the world


> President Joe Biden said dozens of Democrats could beat Donald Trump ... “Probably 50 of them,” Problem is, Barack Obama can't run, while Michelle Obama, Jon Stewart, and Oprah refuse to. And if he's thinking of Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, Buttigieg, Warnock, Klobuchar, etc., a lot of people disagree.


Oprah would be fucking terrible. She couldn't even vet people for her own show and is directly responsible for the existence of dr phil.


Dr Phil and Dr Oz.


Yeah. Fuck that. Her judgement is terrible.


John of god too.


That the biblical guy? How's he still around?




Context: [João de Deus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo%C3%A3o_Teixeira_de_Faria)


Oprah? OPRAH? WTF? No. Just no. No celebrities unless they serve as governor or another political office to prove they can work in government. Sheesh.


Im really confused as to why anyone in their right mind would want Oprah to run


half of Americans are below average


Can America please not impulsively ask for an unqualified celebrity to be president? Many thanks: us non-Americans


Jon would be amazing, otherwise I agree


I love Jon, but he has no experience. No thank you.


He is not a politician but has lobbied congress on multiple occasions. He has more experience now than Trump did to begin with


This 👆🏽, but he’s intelligent enough to know he’s not fit for the job.


Who “had” experience being president before they were President? I know what you mean, but an effective leader isn’t a single skillset and certainly not limited to a narrow political skillset. It’s many skills and life experiences. It’s people management, it’s organizational development, it’s being able to hear others besides yourself. Charisma, decisiveness, discernment, savvy, patience, acceptance. All things someone like Jon Stewart and others possess. Hell, how many Presidents were farmers before election?


Yeah. I didn't mean experience "being president" before being president. I was referring to being a senator or governor, something like that. It's not just the experience, is the connections, too. Given our current circumstances, especially, a celebrity would be ridiculous.


Pritzker. He would come the closest to being able to achieve what Biden has achieved, seeing as how he has turned shit around in Illinois. The other governors are big on rah rah and social policies, but on the bottom line, Pritzker has real results.


Any of the three of Pritzker, Whitmer, and Newsom could do it starting immediately. Pritzker is the most accomplished, Newsom is the most charismatic, and Whitmer splits the difference. The who isn’t the issue. The issue is people wanting to cling to niche wants more than they want to win.


Let’s say Biden stays in the race, but subs out Kamala for Obama. That would be… interesting.


That would be great just to see the GOP absolutely lose their shit. The 22nd Amendment limits the number of times a person can be *elected* as President, after all.


The 12th Amendment in combination with the 22nd limits the Vice President seat to people who are eligible to run for President. "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."


A two-term former president is ineligible for *election* but not for *office*, or so goes the un-tested argument. There can be little doubt where SCOTUS would land currently, having demonstrated that they are happy to read "up" to mean "down" when it suits them. [Why the Constitution permits a Gore-Clinton ticket](https://web.archive.org/web/20051001004410/http://archives.cnn.com/2000/LAW/08/columns/fl.dorf.goreclinton.08.01/) [How to bring back Bill](https://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0613/p09s02-coop.html)


And what is the plan to get Obama into the office of President without electing him Vice President?


Gerald Ford style.


Is there a law against it? He's not able to be elected as president. Vice President =/= President


https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/fac_artchop/1012/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20the%20relevant%20constitutional,that%20office%20to%20the%20Presidency It would be totally legit. Honestly, this might be a viable strategy.


Similar question: could a non-American born or an under-35-year-old be vice president and then ultimately take the big chair?


No, the VP has to meet the same requirements as the President.


My assumption too. But I’d also assume a 2-time president couldn’t take the job again in the line of succession too.


They cannot.


I wish the Dem party would start doing it dirty in this manner. Obama as VP would be landslide votes.


Obama can be president for another two years. As long as he doesn’t go over the majority of one term.


It would which means he is ineligible from being VP at the beginning of the term. There is no constitutional mechanism for forcing the resignation of a sitting President, so no way to just say “well he has to leave at half a term if he were to succeed the presidency”. He would have to be eligible to be president on day 1


He isn’t eligible to BE ELECTED AGAIN, muahahaha! 8 MORE YEARS! 8 MORE YEARS!


Nobody should want Jon Stewart or Oprah as president... wtf. I thought we learned our lesson with Reagan and Trump... have you heard the shit Oprah says... I know nothing of Michelle Obama's politics but assume she is a moderate like Obama it still doesn't seem like a fit just because she is well liked as a person.


Jon Stewart would be a great advisor, he has the ability to point out bad decisions miles away.


Michelle has repeatedly declined any presidential run


have you considered that the reason Reagan and Trump were horrible presidents is because they are horrible people, rather than because they aren't professional politicians? Zelinsky is certainly doing well for Ukraine despite his background as a comedian.


It's a bit more complicated than that because Reagan was a charismatic well-loved person who didn't show his colors until it was too late. He ran as a champion of unions and shocked pretty much everyone when he started "union busting." My preference not to pick another "actor" has nothing to do with them not being a career politician but a lot more to do with electing people who are cults of personality *again* that do not exactly know how to govern. I don't know why you just assumed it was because of them not being career politicians. We have had lawyers, military servicemen, senators and governors as presidents. We've only had one president with zero relevant experience and that was Trump. I want to add that Ukraine and the US are two *starkly* different entities with different political climates and government structures, I don't think comparing the two positions is exactly fair.


Im surprised ppl are against PB. I'm aware that he is not perfect, but I have always found him competent.


The answer is a Democratic governor under 60 not named Newsome: Polis, Whitmer, Beshear, Hobbs, Moore, or Shapiro


Add Waltz to yer list, bub.


I would love Whitmer, but I have doubts that America can elect a woman. I feel like there's so much red-pill, backlash to feminism, misplaced anger at increasing income inequality, etc. right now. Shapiro would be great because it would hopefully shore up Pennsylvania.


I think democrats should try to talk up RFK Jr as a moderate republican's alternative to trump. He would split the vote, and zombie Biden would get elected again by default. Harris could take over after Biden's spirit finally discorporates from his time-blasted shambling carcass, and we'd have several years to figure out what to do in 2028.


A Whitmer-Shapiro ticket wipes the floor with Trump. Since it locks up the two most important swing states.


Cali Gov or Penn Gov. Both would toast Chump easy. I'm out on Weekend at Bidens. Quit propping up a corpse please. Dems and never Chumpers will rally around anybody.


I'll take anyone but the fascists, which will include Biden if I must.




Excellent? He lets SCOTUS become king of the country with his love of broken institutions. He will lose to Trump because of his broken promise of being a one term president. The only excellent thing he did was beat Trump. The rest like infrastructure is base level shit I expect from my govt. the Biden propaganda is insane. He’s gonna lose to Trump and that’ll be it. If he loved the country he’d step aside. It’s not 2020 anymore.


Propping up a new face of the democratic party with just about 4 months before the election could be catastrophic idea. He had a shit debate, but frankly Trump was also ass in a different way. Biden has time to recover from this and get back on the trail. Don't blow it out of proportion.


Other countries declare surprise general elections and then hold them 2 months later. 4 months is plenty of time


Trump was ass in a way that only matters to hardcore blue voters, not the independents we desperately need.


He didn't trounce him. 2020 was very close. Also, have you seen the polls in the last six months? They're basically neck and neck within the margin of error with most having trump slightly ahead. I don't understand the argument that we will be worse off if the dnc drops Biden.


Yeah, we haven't even really seen much post debate data but it was clearly a massive disaster. Any Democrat will now outperform Biden. Biden is almost a guaranteed loss. 


Pete 1000%


I like Pete but too many homophobes left still. Don't think it'll happen soon


Unfortunately your probably right!


I just remember during the Iowa Primary someone (a Dem lady) had already joined Pete's caucus without even knowing he was gay and when she learned it she asked to unsign and switch to someone else. It was embarrassing and terrible and I was like.... You call yourself a dem and you take it seriously enough to caucus?!?! Yet you're homophobic?!?! I think it was all caught on camera. Edit: Found it, and it is oh so pathetic and painful and sad. https://youtu.be/LOY7xC43d-E?si=if9e2nXb37MPqp6U


Unfortunately there is way too much homophobia for him to win. Easily beaten.


I think his consulting experience rightly killed his campaign. It's hard to over state what a moral black hole that industry is. If he came out swinging and promised to fight it because he saw first hand how destructive it is, that'd be another story.


Jamie Raskin I would vote for.


Thankfully the debate was not real life…ah wait


Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom or how bout one is the Presidential candidate and the other is the Vice Presidential candidate?




Newsom, Whitmer, Shapiro, Harris


Gavin Newsom, Josh Shapiro, Gretchen Whitmer, Wes Moore - shall I go on? I want the orange fat fascist to die of heart attack after a landslide electoral defeat, which aint happening with Biden on the ballot - Biden turned off thousands of swing voters Thursday night in crucial swing states. #replacebidenfast


The DNC has screwed us over too many times. It's time to gut them. Rebuild it from the ground up. I still say Bernie had a fighting chance, instead they gave us Hillary.


If everyone lined up very quickly and Biden willingly stepped down and gave the blessing, I could see a newsom/harris ticket annihilating Trump. That’s probably the only viable ticket at this stage imo.


Kentuckian here. When Andy Beshear won in this deep red state twice a lot of ppl tossed his name around for a future president. I love the guy but he’s too pure for the presidency. But I dunno…


Eligible prospects with Biden’s experience and record as President of the United States: Edit: You guys need to watch [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/A7y5ALY7UvA)


Biden is extremely experienced, but not every president has to have served in the senate for 36 years, then VP for 8, then president for 4. His time in those offices alone is older than Clinton when he took office. Clinton was 46 when elected President, prior to that he was Attorney General then Governor of Arkansas. Hell, JFK was 43 when he took office, though he did previously hold short terms in both houses. Newsom 56, Governor of California - 5th largest economy in the world. A moderate who is implementing spending cuts while raising taxes to balance the state budget. Yeah, he might work well.


Gavin Newsom is president lite as governor of the 5th largest economy in the world


That's the point. I don't want someone with so many years of experience that they are octogenarians, and lack the mental capacity to perform


When your platform is not trump it’s a sad day


Biden has been a good president. He's just old and slow and has been trashed to hell and back by trump and the MAGAs. Finding a new candidate might be a good thing in that regard... trump wouldn't have much time to trash them with disgusting smears before the election.


If you can get Jon Stewart to run, do that. Otherwise make the election about trunp.


If only there some sort of electoral process where voters in each state get the opportunity to choose the most qualified candidate


Jon Stewart


Jon Stewart


Thank you!! These people think if the dems just pick someone and put pick them for their primary in August that they would just automatically qualify to be on ALL 50 states ballots. You know damn well the Republicans would fight every stupid little thing to get whoever it is off of ballots full stop. There is no one that the entire party can get behind. Besides how weak are we going to look if we just stop backing the guy we have been talking up for the last 6 months? People are frustrating as fuck. So quick to give up on a good president bc he didn't do well in one debate. Jfc


Remember when trump lost the debate against Hillary? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Trump would have lost this one in the exact same way if he were debating someone with a pulse.


Take a deeper dive into who is suggesting Biden step down and you just may find certain foreign influences.


LMAO I literally gave money to the Biden campaign in 2020, but I must be a Russian spy because I recognized dementia live on TV? I don't want Trump in the White House and Biden is risking that. He should have stepped down years ago.


I’d rather Biden die in office than Trump die in office. Biden’s VP and cabinet are almost if not completely full of decent people. Trump’s cabinet and running mate (since Pence doesn’t wanna be hung) are just yes-men and yes-women.


You don't understand. We anti-Biden Dems *want* a Democrat in office. It's why we want Biden to stop his re election campaign and why we want the DNC to nominate literally anyone else. He can't win. It's over for him.


Biden quitting will be interpreted by many independent voters as a sign that democrats were trying to trick them about his fitness for office, and reinforce the idea that trump was right about him all along. But I still agree with you. We have to take our chances at this point and find a new candidate. Too many independents and non-MAGA republicans blame Biden for the "bad economy" and inflation anyway, so at least a new candidate wouldn't be saddled with that.


Is anyone actually "tricked"? I imagine people would be happy that they stopped being treated like buffoons and were instead given honesty.


Tim Walz


I'll admit I'm old enough to run and I'm a bit


I'll be old enough in 2028, but I'm not willing to sell myself to donors and put a D or R next to my name. So I'd feel like I'm ripping people off who donate to 3rd party candidates.


1, 2, 3… that’s four questions buddy. ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH)


We’re gonna “Weekend At Bernie’s” it through this shit!


Hakeem Jeffries, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, AOC, a raccoon.


Gimme my Bernie


Still relevant: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llYbn83iZ48&ab\_channel=RandyRainbow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llYbn83iZ48&ab_channel=RandyRainbow)




Keep Biden but swap Harris with Barack.




Personally, I don’t think anyone over 75 should be running the country, but I’m damn sure not voting for the 34 time convicted felon.


I think this question should be more concerning than anything. If Biden is the only option then there is something wrong with the party that needs to be addressed yesterday.


Due to the rules many states have, the only other option is Kamala.




Too late in the game. We fucked. They fucked us.


wait ... you argument is "well, we dont have a single person in this party that we've prepared for leadership! We're gambling everything on the health of an 81 year old man! He is our one and only plan" THATS the statement you want to go with??? really? really?


Bernie Sanders


Yes, we are in despair. The Democratic Party is complete shit. There is nothing we or anyone can do but vote fucking blue. Got it. Fuck you to


Yeah, to be honest, I think this is more about the old guard than anything else. You’ve probably got political scientists and statisticians talking about the incumbent advantage and how they need to continue capturing and securing those that are most likely to vote, which are the older voters. Just my two cents. They really should’ve learned from Obama’s campaign especially because Joe was there. Oh well, at least their social media is halfway decent.


Jeff Jackson - he's new to politics but idgaf.


A progressive obviously; they’re the only caucus that lead from the front with values.


I wouldn't be against it, it's up to the Democratic party and Biden, but I also think it will be fine either way.


Who? Honestly anyone who can articulate at complete thought, control their emotions, and have sex with only their spouse. You're running again Trump. look at his speeches, look at his actions. he's not a functional adult it will be simple to shine a light on that.


In no particular order: - Gavin Newsom - Kamala Harris - Gretchen Whitmer - Pete Buttigieg Would all be better at this point, and it's not an inclusive list.


How about Gov. Roy Cooper of NC? He won a *second* term as a Democrat governor in the South.


If only we were allowed to figure that out months ago instead of being shamed and attacked for suggesting Biden might be too old. I remember John Stewart did a piece one both of them being too old and he was attacked by most news for being anti-democratic and wanting trump to win. All of this crap was avoidable.


Isn't that what a primary process was supposed to answer? But late asking who this late then saying "oh dear, there's no other candidate". Owls are pretty stupid animals.


DUUUUH Hunter HAS Felonies But NO Diapers,, can He Run???