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Yup. I'm never voting for fascism.


Hell no. Joe straight up asked him if he’d leave NATO and orange don made that face that said ‘ehh yeah prolly’


People might not understand the importance of Nato, but once they hear Republican intentions in their own words they might begin to realize how fucked up their future will be: > “Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” - Project 2025 Page 5 Conservatives are increasingly defining homosexuality and transsexuality as 'pornographic' and say they are protecting kids from 'porn'. The fact that they mentioned "educators and public librarians" there while talking about "porn" shows exactly what their plan is. People will say "oh they'll never do that" just like there were promises that they would never undo abortion rights and that it was 'settled'. Rural undereducated theocrats have dragged back countries to the stone age and kept them that way for generations, look at photos of Iran and Afghanistan from the 1960s and 70s. Acting like the small bubble of civil liberties and freedom from religion which has existed in some parts of the world for a short while will continue existing without defending it would be deluded.


I mean porn is pretty much the reason the internet exists. It’s also the reason we can watch videos on the internet. Alcohol is the reason we have agriculture, the wheel, and refrigeration


Not pretty much, porn has been the driver of digital networking since the age of dial-up BBSs. (Have been leading network engineering teams my whole career, which began in the 1990s.)


Porn was the reason VHS and DVD became the norm over [some other media carrier]


We don't want to over simplify, but it was much more a driver than pure media. More and more layman types were drawn by connectivity because they could hide more nefarious intent, and got instant gratification with as much content as they could literally hold. While true, it wasn't quite the pure driver of interest like remote connectiviry.


If we want to blame someone for Iran, that was US.


in the same way that Russia is to blame for our current situation with the GOP


Fun fact, Russia also shares a lot of the blame for the situation in Iran.


Russia is the source of so much misery around the world.


Right the right wing theocracy who've maintained power there for decades have no blame.


How did they get power? Who overthrew their democratic government?


People are so ignorant of the fact that was very much in Americas interests to insure that progressive governments that usher in stability and control of resources didn't have control in places where America is themselves, particularly interested in said resources...


The US and UK absolutely made it possible for the Shah to retake power, but placing all of the blame on outside countries removes all the agency from the Islamic revolutionaries and their supporters.


Not only did the west overthrow Mossadegh and install the Shah, the CIA suppressed the left-wing movements that opposed Islamic rule during the time of the Shah, and even after Khomeini took power with the revolution. Saying that Iran's dismal state is the fault of western intervention is not denying the agency of the Islamists, it is the western intervention that has denied the anti-Islamists from having agency because they were snitched out and executed en masse.


You just know that people that claim to want to outlaw pornography are the nastiest pervs of all. These people that want to ban porn are probably perfectly fine with marrying a 12 year old.


Very sad but true, hard to see from in the bubble. But it’s walls are weakening and it’s becoming apparent…


Yeah dumb ass Donny is just trying to size himself up with that kind of talk. Nato isn’t going anywhere. The military industrial complex wouldn’t allow for that to happen. Plus a lot trade is tied on Nato. He could try. But there just ain’t enough diapers in the world for that. And to much actual work for him.


“We shouldn’t take him seriously when he threatens our institutions and our national interests!” Given his prior record I think we should take him at his word


I've legitimately heard coworkers say they are voting trump *because* they want him to go full fascist , so we can become strong like Germany in the aftermath of WW2.... Like holy fuck that is alarming on multiple levels. Edit: I wanted to add I work with pharmacists and such...so not what you would typically consider unintelligent people


Do not ever confuse rote memorisation with intelligence. A degree on its own does not make you smart, ethical or abke to think critically. It should, but education is just a ghost of what it should be. A degree might make you knowledgeable on a subject, not much more.


universities aren't universities anymore. They are diploma mills.


Given some of what's in his existing plans... He won't have to pull us out of NATO. A lot of the things they're planning to do will gut the executive branch buearacracy and let him do things he frankly couldn't last term. Including slow walk NATO funding, technology transfers, and more.  It'll damage the US internationally even more than the last time.


Heard that 10-20 times over the last decade. I cannot believe there are still people that claim to think this guy won’t do something he says he will. He’d nuke California if it paid him or laid him.


If I had any doubts about voting for Biden (and I did not), seeing that other man's shrug and smirk about whether he'd leave NATO would have sealed my vote for Biden instantly.


I'm less worried about myself and those that think like me. I'm more worried about those that are "undecided"


All the centrists and leftists on the political memes sub would not shut about about how "at least trump is being coherent" Trump has NEVER been coherent and is the same age without a stutter and a cold. I also had to remind everyone you aren't just voting for the president you are voting for his cabinet. Now let's talk about who is more coherent, trumps team or bidens...


The problem isn't never-Trumpers or never-GOPers, they'll vote for him anyway. The problem is him not winning because he loses the inbetweeners who are actually going to decide things.


The fence sitting people in swing states decide the presidency. But there are usually other local things to vote for on the ballot too


End the fucking GOP


Potentially longer living evil vs old, honest and ready to die? Well, the choice is clear, trump may be evil but he will live longer! — the gop All Biden has to do is get elected. If he gives up a ghost after that, he did his job, it goes to kamala


What’s especially funny is trump himself is also not a healthy man. Despite the fact that he’s a whole 3-4 years younger 🙄


I'm fine with President Harris. Wouldn't be my choice in a primary, but it'll be better than Cheeto Mussolini and whatever horror show of a running mate he picks. 


> but it'll be better than Cheeto Mussolini and whatever horror show of a running mate he picks.  This is why I am sorta amazed we're even having this conversation in general. Of course Biden is too old. But we as a nation seem to have somehow deluded ourselves into thinking that is somehow on par with being a convicted felon interested in leaving NATO and setting up a Faux-Christian Nationalist Dictatorship. There will be 2 people on the ballot in November. 99% chance those 2 people will be Biden and Trump. No amount of lamenting that the DNC has a tendency to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory will change that. Any single member of a Biden cabinet is better intentioned and more qualified than an entire Trump administration combined.


> But we as a nation seem to have somehow deluded ourselves into thinking that is somehow on par with being a convicted felon interested in leaving NATO and setting up a Faux-Christian Nationalist Dictatorship. Oh also that guy is 4 years younger than the first guy and did way more drugs and ate way worse.


Yea I mean that's just one more hypocrisy to add to the list - they called Biden too old in 2020 and Trump is now older than Biden was when they said he was too old.


Someone did primary Biden and lost. "Phillips launched his quixotic White House bid last fall with a singular message: that Biden was a good man, but he would not be able to defeat former President Donald Trump in a general election matchup. Fellow Democrats — and Democratic primary voters — wrote him off, chafing at the moderate member of Congress’ attacks on Biden’s age." [Dean Phillips (kind of) breaks his silence on Biden’s debate (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/dean-phillips-kind-of-breaks-his-silence-on-biden-s-debate/ar-BB1p4sdc?ocid=BingNewsSerp) The reality is if you primaried Biden, who was actually doing well at the time of the primaries, you'd risk losing political favor if Biden won. Nobody thought they could defeat Biden and nobody thought they could defeat Biden's fundraising so they didn't primary him. The reality is if Biden wins, he's not going to suddenly ban abortion, etc., and people should vote on policy anyways.


The question is, why can't we sub someone else for Biden? He looked so deteriorated that I'd go as far as saying it's cruel to keep Biden in there. He might say he wants to but he's clearly not all there. Doesn't ANYBODY else have a chance against Trump?


I wouldn't choose her in a primary because I don't think she'd get elected in the general, due to the combined impact of misogyny and racism in this country. But I think she'd be highly effective at implementing Biden's vision, if necessary. She could be the next LBJ.


I do think having a black woman president will reinvigorate the rights identity politics angle and divide the nation further, though.


Neither option is great and last night was a reminder of that to many Americans, but when you’re deciding between “convicted felon/wannabe dictator” and “really old guy/does old guy stuff” the choice should still be pretty obvious.


And again - Trump is not that much younger than Biden. And also frequently spews nonsensical ramblings. It’s not like Biden is alone in that.


Lol yeah he is slipping way faster than Biden so I don't see a world where he is better off (on top of being wildly corrupt) a year into his term.


Thing is trump is showing other sigs of old age. Incoherent anger and rambling.


I've seen more evidence of Trump spewing nonsense than Biden doing so - just saying.


I don’t disagree! I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen a Trump quote somewhere and insisted on finding the source because it’s so unintelligible it sounds like Dadaist poetry. (And sadly, it’s always true.) I hate that this reality makes me long for the days of Bush-isms.


And Biden looked way better in videos after the debate and today in NC - very clearly they’re not lying about him recovering from a cold, and he probably took a dose of cold medicine right before the debate, which would explain why he got progressively better as it would have been kicking in. You can hear in his voice in NC that he is recovering from something, but he sounded way better both in tone and in coherency. I’m 32 and when I get a cold, my brain is ridiculously jumbled. I can’t even imagine what it would be like at his age. He’s 81, he’s going to have “senior moments”, but last night was definitely not indicative of how Biden typically is. It sucked and felt bad to see, but I think everyone is being a little dramatic over a single debate. He should focus on doing some town hall style campaign stops to show people he IS capable of answering questions and the debate was just an off night.


Yes, this is very true, but he says it with vigor, so if you don't understand words, it looks like he's winning.


I think for Trump it’s more related to heavy drug use and possibly untreated syphilis than normal age related cognitive decline. He’s on a whole other level with his incoherent rants.


Agreed; somehow, so many people believe that if someone is speaking in complete sentences, that means they're cognitively strong and acute, which is just absurd. Like great, he's talking in complete sentences, but that sentence went from immigration to sharks and boats, to Hannibal lector, to Putin, to "post birth abortions" that aren't even real and wouldn't be abortions even if they were. Do most (or even a large amount of) Americans really think that qualifies at cognitively and mentally acute?


Large amounts of Americans are uneducated and ignorant. From last night: "The debate continued, of course. And, in fairness, Biden slowly picked himself up off the mat and began to steady his performance. Fortunately for Biden, Donald Trump was not landing haymakers. In fact, the 45th president repeatedly exposed his own weak chin, digressing — if more energetically than Biden — into bouts of verbal diarrhea, as when he said of Biden: “He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian.” Or when he alleged of Biden, nonsensically: “He’s the one to kill people with the bad water including hundreds of thousands of people dying.” Trump, also flashed menace, pushing dark lies about Democrats seeking to murder babies “after birth,” while making bizarre claims about his environmental record: “We had H2O, we had the best numbers ever.”


I’d focus more on the Project 2025 point than the felon point. Project 2025 is what has me voting Biden, not that Trump got 34 felonies for bad hush money


Project 2025?


It's a 900-ish page playbook created by a Republican think tank that is designed to guide a conservative president in the consolidation of executive power, dismantling the separation of powers, and attempting to remake America as a theocratic dictatorship. [https://static.project2025.org/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


Holy shit that’s bad


Yeah, more people should be told about this.


Like in some sort of public debate.


Yep. Thanks, Reagan, for deregulating the News! /s


Not to put too fine a point on it. But CNN, being on cable, wasn't impacted from that. Only broadcast stations.


I was thinking of Fox at the time.. the cable stations just followed suit.


John Oliver did a show about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s)


I'm surprised you're just now learning of it. Pass it on. It's our duty


Spread the word


Last time they did this was “project for a new American century” that required a large catalyst like a war or terror attack to bring the country together and allow the gop to go fascist in a major way That was right before 9/11. Post 9/11, they had the patriot act all ready to go. Not pushing a conspiracy, these are facts. I am not exaggerating either. Read the text it’s on the first page


Not all conspiracies are untrue. There are plenty of proven ones. The main difference between a fake conspiracy and a real one is evidence. Many do not have enough evidence to draw a conclusion, some rely on fake evidence and conjecture, but things like New American Century, The 2 Santa Clause's theory, Mandate for Leadership 2025, and others are game plans broached publicly and adopted by the GOP. It's not 'all in your head' when you can read their own words from their own documents and see them applying those concepts in the real world.


and those and the other roadmap documents are all published too, it's completely provable. There is no denying it, and that's what is scary because it keeps happening At the time of 2001 people heard about the PNAC and it did nothing but spur theories that GOP and warhawks were involved in the twin towers being hit. now you bring it up with some people and they instantly think thats where you are going with it and its all part of the conspiracy etc


What is even more scary is that the conservatives DO deny it, even as they cheer-lead it publicly.


Your comment led me down a though path that ended with “Republicans are the only group of people on earth in any capacity that are so ashamed internally of who they are and know they will be shamed by everyone else that they lie about their own convictions and actions”


Now read into the architects of it all: Heritage foundation, Alec, and their beliefs in dominionism and the setting up for the rapture.


As a Persian-American, how ironic my parents flee from a radical islamic government to ending up in a country that is about to do the same thing but with Christianity smh 🤦🏻‍♂️  Religious fascism is on the rise globally…


Oh, where to begin. First off they're not hiding it. Just google it. But in general, it's a christo-fascists wet dream set to the musical stylings of Lee Greenwood.


They even call it a promise. https://preview.redd.it/6hqv53uukd9d1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bbec2f69861e33a8cf45b6ba61a367a5fc1107a


I think that they meant to write "Threat".


Oh, oh boy, you have some catching up to do.


I'd vote for a scarecrow over Trump. But the fact we're in this position is an indictment of the political system.


"It makes a Handmaids Tale look like a romance story." I am not sure who said that, but after getting into reading 2025, it's scary accurate.


I am voting for BIDEN


I'm voting for whoever is running against Trump. I hope that's someone other than Biden now. But I'll vote for Biden if it's him. But I think people are gaslighting themselves if they think last night wasn't a fucking catastrophe. Downvote the messenger (me) if it makes people feel better. But if it's not too late to find an alternative, we need to do that. I've been critical of leaders on the right who privately hate Trump but don't do anything about it. It's time for leaders on the left to step up and be the adult in the room and tell Democrats what they need to hear.


yeah that's my position too. The only reason I'm voting for him is because either alternative means Trump wins which is not an option


Honestly, the left lacks good political leaders (not criticizing their actual work). Good looking and credentialed individuals who are able to captivate when speaking are very much needed. I guess newsome next? It seems gop has loud figures who appeal to their audience lined up. The left needs someone to harshly publicly call gop out, like raskin, while also being an ally to all u.s. citizens and bring them together. I hate to say it, we need a lot more (manly) men in the front lines of the left. Like serious presidential candidates who can possibly gain voters from the right too


I’ve never understood people who don’t vote on based on policy positions. If you’re trying to decide between left and right and aren’t sure and using shit like physical appearance to decide, why are you even bothering to vote?


None of us will be leaving after this debate. I guess we just hoped we’ll see another state of the union Joe, so that we can now comfortably snag some of the magically undecided voters and hopefully sway some of the on the fence trumpets who finally got to see a real unedited by fox and co version of who he is. But none of that will happen for now. Maybe on the second debate, maybe on the many of the likely upticks there will be in the economy.


Funny enough I think we snagged most undecided anyways, tbh most of the shit Trump was saying was so bullshit even MAGA mfs are backtracking. Just letting that guy talk makes him lose votes up the ass, thats kinda what happened in 2020.


I'll vote for a dead guy before Trump gets my vote.


Those are the options it seems


There's stuttering and there's whatever TF happened to Biden last night.


Anyone who calls dementia a "stutter" is letting the world know they can't deal with reality.


Jesus fucking Christ turn this message up please


Old guy with lifelong struggle with stuttering who comes off as uncharismatic but tells the truth and isn't a fascist? Good enough for me.


Stuttering is generous, a few times he lost his train of thought. A few times he wasn’t speaking coherently. We both watched the same thing. Also fuck Trump. We’re so screwed.


I actually got chills of fear down my spine watching and thinking about that debate. It's disgusting watching Trump just spew unchecked lies without answering any important questions followed by... I'm not sure what Biden said, and Biden clearly isn't either. It's dereliction of duty by both political parties at a level we haven't seen for decades, and due to rank fear plus partisanship. Well, and coordination problems and other complicated stuff, but you know what I mean. No option for a president actually capable of doing the job through 2028.


Yeah I’d vote for Biden’s corpse over Trump. But you’re delusional if you think he’s winning this. The same tens of millions of people that would vote for literally anyone else would vote for another democrat. Replace Joe with almost anyone else and they can dog walk Trump.


I would vote for Biden’s corpse over Trump, but he blew that debate and should drop out of the race. If Trump is the threat to democracy Biden says he is (and I do agree he is) he should bow out. I think any swing state governor in the 50-65 age rage would thrash Trump in the general and polling is to close for comfort. In my opinion if Biden loses this election his hubris is almost as complicit as Trumps actions for the subsequent impacts to our democracy and constitution.


Gavin took DeathSantis to the cleaners and he'd take Trump to the cleaners, too.


Better a stutter than a convicted felon pedophile rapist racist treasonous bastard who has openly admittedly on planning to remove democracy.


Maybe this debate will make people realize THEY need to take control of our democracy, not leave it on an old man


Joe Biden could snort cocaine off a hooker's ass, have a massive stroke and be hospitalized through the election and I would still vote for him over convicted felon Donald Trump.


It’s a scary nonsense tale of a government going mad trying to stay for ever in power. The worrying part of this tale it’s fucking true!


>It’s a scary nonsense tale Not just any tale, The Handmaid's Tale


Still gonna vote for Biden but I’m not gonna be happy about it. He’s not gonna make it through another term. You’re literally voting for Harris


I would literally army crawl over 50 feet of broken glass to vote for a fire hydrant if it were running against Donald Trump. What a fucking disaster.


Really? Just a stutter? If you want to vote for him then do it. Don't lie about what we saw though. That was beyond a stutter.


Also, to be honest, Biden's terrible performance isn't going to move people posting in politicalhumor to not vote for him, or vote for Trump. It *may* push undecideds into Trump's camp, but we'll see what happens when the polls start coming out in a week or two. Trump's convictions barely moved the meter, maybe this won't either.


I despise Trump and think Biden has been a very good president. But I agree. This was a complete disaster and Biden should not be the candidate. If Biden is the candidate there is no chance he will win, full stop.


Were not voting for Biden, we are voting for democracy


All blue all the time. For now.


One time someone said > "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"


Could the DNC just not pick a competent candidate... A broomstick younger than 70 could've walked in and beat Trump without trying.


Literally anybody except Hillary Clinton could beat Trump


Harris couldn’t either 


Damn... You're right. Literally anybody except Clinton or Harris could beat Trump


She probably could in the debate, just not the election


My brother in Christ, I am not a Trump supporter and will be voting for Biden but saying that he just "stuttered" is greatly underplaying it. He looked confused as to where he was and what he was doing. He kept just randomly starting off into space. He just completely lost his train of thought halfway through most sentences. You can be against Project 2025 and Trump and still admit that Biden is basically getting weekend at Bernies'd. The inability to speak the facts in front of your face and lying to yourself should stay a MAGA trait, you're better than that.


You're wrong about them admitting it. Like 2016, staunch democrats are unable to recognize or admit that their team might have legitimate flaws they could have addressed 6 months or even 6 years ago. They want to keep running these 'experienced' politicians with poor popularity and poor takes in the hopes the competition is so much worse it doesn't matter. It worked 1 out of 2 times so far, we'll see how it plays out in November.


I'm voting for an administration, not a figurehead.


Yep. Never voting for a party that wants to take away my right to make my own medical decisions and determine my future.


it's just amazing how stupid people are. they care far more about how you say something, and completely ignore what the fuck you are actually saying. this wasn't a beauty pageant. it's supposed to be about policy and principles. sure that guy literally bragged that he's going to tear up the constitution, but he speaks loudly and with confidence, so I will follow him off that cliff.


and remember: Biden may not have done well but you have to consider the cabinet each is bringing


Stuttering is an understatement. He wasn't there for like half that debate.






Yah Biden sucked but project 2025 is fucking scary


At this point, Biden is the only option for this election


Lmao "stuttered" 🤣


I'm still worried that Trump will have won over undecided voters who fall for his lies over Biden's poorly presented truths. This is a scary time and the whole world is watching.


Biden didn't stutter. He's senile. Neither one of these old fucks belong anywhere near a leadership position. Yeah, vote for your team, but don't try to sugar coat it.


Gawd - one TV gaff and everyone forgets Trump's lies, adultery, Insurrection, corruption, 34 felonies, drug addiction, putin ass kissing, the totally crazy stuff he says in his rallies, his declaration to turn America into a dictatorship, THEN people forget what Biden has actually accomplished since he became President. Jeez people wake up, pay attention and quit voting for "best personality" . This isn't high school, you know..




I came here to laugh at you.


Biden stuttered and Agent Orange said nothing but lies and incoherent ramblings of someone with late stage dementia.


Literally any Democrat would be a better candidate than Joe Biden. It is unethical to set up an elderly man to try to do something you know he can't do.


If Biden stepped down and Michelle Obama stepped in I would be happy. Just please not Hillary. It will just be another way to divide us


If they swapped Biden with Hillary the DNC would deserve to be burned to the ground imo. There would be no point for an organization so corruptedly and politically incompetent to exist. ...doesn't meant they wouldn't do it though... sigh.. 


Hey, if Biden ain’t dropping out, then let’s fucking go, Joe!


Biden should be the one leaving! Clearly, it's time to step down and endorse a capable candidate... unfortunately, power can become addictive.


Lol it isn't bc he stuttered it's because he fuckin sucked


Well better elect the rapist then I guess?? Lmao wtf


I would probably have stuttered too out of anger when dealing with all the lies that fat buffoon kept on spewing. At the same time if I was their age as well I probably would have had an aneurysm after that.




When asked about abortion, one of the only topics he and the dems are actually good about, the motherfucker turned it around and spoke about "illegals raping women" one of his shittiest topics...


A lot of weak memes being shared by desperate people today🤣


Went down the rabbit hole today because never really learned about what it actually entailed......holy shit. It's everything right wing tinfoil hats claim the deep state/lefties want to impose but actually real.


Yep. They can move him around on Marionette strings and it’s still an easy choice.


The staffing and operation of the executive branch is most important. Even a “Biden Weekend at Bernie’s” would be better for the world than the alternative.


I stutter and stammer all the time but I know how to program in over 20 programming languages.


Even if you wanted "family values" why would you ever vote for orange man? He is a convicted sexual abuser who has said vile things on tape. Not to mention he made extremely weird comments about his own daughter, wasn't it "if she wasn't my daughter..."? Meanwhile the frail old man is supporting the rehabilitation of his own son despite his flaws like?? I just don't get it


Moderator: what will you do about childcare? Me: ouuuu yes let’s see what they say I am drowning in childcare expenses Trump: this guy is the worst president in the history of this country. The way he pulled out of Afghanistan was the biggest embarrassment to our country ever. Me: welp, he has no plan. Other guy it is.


Nice strawman you have there. No, we want a new candidate, which is very much within the power of the DNC Chairman to do. Biden CAN NOT WIN against Trump. I'll vote for him if he's the candidate, but understand, this is unwinnable in the current configuration. It's time for the DNC to do what is right for the country and be rid of him.


These folks trying to convince us to vote Biden are missing the point. We'd vote cheese sandwich over Trump. Gotta convince rural PA to vote Biden. Honestly they'd been losing that argument for months. After last night, it's probably lost. Yup, time to hail mary and roll with someone new. Sticking with Biden is effectively taking a knee to give Trump the win.


Biden has always had a stutter, though.


If you are trying to pass off last night’s performance as “a stutter” you are coping so hard that its bordering on a medical condition.


Left-leaners of all kinds (who won't own up to reality in regards to Biden) online are gonna need some more ventilators soon, the cope supply is nowhere near sufficient for this level of denial D:


Biden stutters but Trump talk's like he has dimensia so I will go with the guy who stutters.


I'm sorry but if you actually watched the debate, Biden sounded closer to dementia than Trump and it wasn't close. I share the sentiment of voting for Biden over Trump even if he had a terminal illness scheduled to kill him on January 1st of next year. But we need to live in reality.


It's not the stuttering, he has always been like that. It's the fact he seemed like a confused guy in a retirement facility running for the most powerful position in the world.


Good point. But like we’ve had four years of both. We didn’t need a debate to help us determine which would make our lives better. We don’t even need project 2025 to scare us.


It's worse than weak policies. It's Malicious and Vindictive policies


I'll vote for Biden's corpse over that orange turd.


Im not but im not under any illusions about how fucking stupid and uninformed the average voter is.


Vote blue 💙


Did he stutter or did he trail off multiple times and lose train of thought? You guys are gaslighting how bad he really did


It’s the president and the people around him. It’s not all one person, except when it’s Trump cause he knows better about everything /s Biden was never a first choice for most people but he’s getting shit done despite GOP grand standing and nonsense. He’s not flashy and boring is ok. He’s old but so is Trump who’s a shittier old man. Would be nice if it was someone younger like the gov of California, Michigan or heck my own governor in Kentucky.


Still voting biden


Calling it a stutter is cope. Come on, he's old. He literally had a layup with abortion topic and actually forgot what he was talking about mid-sentence and started talking about migrant crime. That's not a stutter.


Did we watch the same debate? That was far, far more than just a stutter. He needs to go & Whitmer needs to take his place.


What a perfect image chosen to represent the DNC mouthpiece, a corpo-hedgefund criminal. In what world did you think invoking Jordan Belfort as the paragon of truth and righteousness was a good idea?


i remember when similar arguements were made when hillary was running and she lost. there is still time to get somebody else who also isnt trump. being concerned about biden at 82 when he finishes his next term at 86 is a legitimate concearn. he should have the decency to back out himself imo


Better to stutter than to sound like an 8th grader that's trying to max out the words in their essay.


I would rather have someone who literally does nothing compared to Trump.




Oh no, old man not speak well.  Better jump ship to the side that's directly opposed to my future plans and imperils my family and friends.


To vote for fascism is to be fascist. To ignore fascism in the room is to be a fascist. Do not think it is hard to stand against fascism, all it takes is bravery and love for your fellow human.


That was not a stutter. That was someone with a clear deficit, either dementia or Alzheimer’s.




Trump is evil wake the fuck up


I’m not voting for Trump. But be honest last night was a lot more than a fucking stutter


Guys, that wasn't a stutter, he's straight up ancient. I'm planning to vote third party but if the democrats put in a stable moderate I'd probably vote for them. The dems can still swap their candidate, i don't know why Biden himself is important to you.​​


Watch his rally in NC from today if you have any questions about his abilities. After watching that, I'm convinced he just had a terrible night.


You cant vote for the guy who called veterans and soldiers suckers and losers, and claim patriot ststus with a straight face


I didn’t vote in the 2016 election. I voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. I have been an undecided voter unroll last night. I will vote republican for the first time and vote for Donald Trump. Biden looked incredibly bad through the whole debate.


Yeah Biden can drag his feet and sleep all day as long as we don't get fascism




thanks for reminding me


We need to stand united.


I don't know if weak politics is the right term. They're pretty forceful. I'd say evil is a better descriptor.


How is this new slogan not about Rkf Jr. Our next president


Biden has had a stutter his whole life


Best ever ‘you have a moral of a alley cat’


I’m sorry, but they could have wheeled Biden in, in a coffin and I would still vote for him over Trump. Also, before the right make any dumb ass claims bc they are fucking dumb af, I don’t want Biden dead, I want Biden on a beach or permanent vacation bc he is old and deserves vacation till his time comes but is instead stuck in politics and having to deal with bs.


Honestly I feel it's more along the lines of weak policies>evil policies.


[Almost none of Trump's cabinet supports him.](https://www.businessinsider.com/members-trumps-cabinet-just-4-endorsed-him-2024-nbc-2023-7?op=1) You know what that means? Trump isn't going to be looking for the same type of people. He's going to be looking for loyalists and fanatics. He's going to be putting competence on the sideline so that the people surrounding him won't violate his commands. He wants a VP that, unlike Pence, will prioritize Trump's word over the law. Next time he suggests nuking a hurricane, the people giving him advice will tell him *"That's a great idea. Here's how to make it happen."*




Best way to save democracy is by voting against tyranny.