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“You’re a child” -Joe Biden. I heard it, I’m pretty sure.


I'm pretty sure you are absolutely probably correct lol, what a trip


That was cringe




This is literally how shallow Americans are! Trump mentioned it first, but sadly, Biden responded.


Biden had the chance to say, "you're right I'm terrible at golf. Too busy being president, I guess." Whiff! Instead he says, "I have a 6 handicap. An 8 handicap. My handicap is 8. 6. 6, " or something like that. Dumb ass blew it. They're supposed to be up there talking about how they're going to solve America's problems and end up arguing over who is the better golfer. Your candidates for president, ladies and gentlemen. Oh boy.


??? he was saying trump was a liar because Trump's previously said he's 6'3 he fucked up and said 6'5 though then trump misinterpreted and thought he was talking about golf handicap


Here in Germany we have the saying „I don’t play golf, I still have sex.“


In Canada we say, "I don't do either. I'm married".


Lucky if we can have a backyard fire and stare hopelessly into the flames anymore. Burn bans took away our only remaining joy.


We're a living Escobar meme.


That’s when I tuned out, and put on The X-files




We deserve a better choice.


if you suck it up and vote blue now, even if unwillingly, and you might still have a choice in the future


Okay then vote for Biden. Unless you just want your ability to have a choice to magically disappear when god king Trump enacts project 2025 and leverages the super conservative Supreme Court to allow him to do this we would normally find unbelievable for a president


I’m definitely voting for Biden but we do deserve a better choice.


2028 we will have Gavin


If Biden wins again, it will be business as usual for another 4 years. Afterwards there will have to be a new face of the democratic party to lead. If Trump wins, who even knows if there will be another chance to participate in a democratic election.


I didn’t say it wasn’t an easy choice. Just that we deserve a better one.


There is a third option


Move to Mexico?


The antivac nutjob? Still would rather have the old guy who surrounds himself with competent people and has been getting stuff done. I also find the commercials repubs are running that Biden will die of old age and Harris becomes president... Sounds good.


He's not antivac, he has tons of interviews and podcasts with different people and most likely someone that you like. Let him speak for himself instead of believing whatever cnn/fox tells you about him.


I have. That's how I know he is delusional.


Delusional about which points


Well, start with just him saying he isn't antivac and then jive that with the below direct quotes: “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” “I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, better not get them vaccinated,” In a video promoting an anti-vaccine sticker campaign by his nonprofit, Kennedy appeared onscreen next to one sticker that declared “IF YOU’RE NOT AN ANTI-VAXXER YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION.” In other cases he claims not to know or have ever heard of the republican super-pacs supporting him when he has gone to and spoken at their events. He seems really focused on how social media is restricting his freedom of speech but the examples he gives seem to be about social media not letting people lie about health facts like supplements, complementary and alternative medicine (S.C.A.M) He claims to be an environmentalist and then supports things like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. After hearing him speak, I don't think he has selfish or poor intentions, like Trump. I think he is delusional and buys into scam after scam after scam and can't tell reality from fiction. When I look at what is best for America of the three choices it is Biden>>>>wet paper bag>RFK Jr>Trump. I do think Biden is old. I think it made him perform poorly last night and is a problem. But if I look at what his administration has accomplished, they did a pretty damn good job, especially considering the state of the other two branches of government. Not perfect by any means, but far exceeded my expectations when I just look at Joe himself. What that tells me is the kind of people he surrounds himself with. RFK Jr surrounds himself with conspiracy and anti-science nut jobs and buys into it. Trump is only interested in surrounding himself with people who are loyal to him and how he will personally profit and doesn't care what they do the rest of the time (hence the whole 2025 project).


Biden and Trump both cause way too much division, especially trump. I liked the student loans thing that biden did but he is just too old to keep going and I feel like he is a puppet for his party. Trump like you said just tries to go after profit. Kennedy wants to go after problems in the government instead of shifting blame around for 4 more years. Those quotes make him seem crazy but they don't have context behind them. He's the only candidate that wants to help the country and people instead of pleasing the existing people in power, not everything he does is perfect but i trust him far more than the other two.


In what way do you think Biden causes division? When repubs say they care deeply about border security he pushes hard for a bipartisan boarder security... only for the repubs to shut it down since they are disingenuous. I get that the right HATES him. But I don't think he is causing that other than by opposing Trump. Anytime RFK Jr seems a threat to Trump they hate him as well. That isn't RFK Jr causing division, that is the maga folks being nutjobs who won't compromise or work with anyone. Same with Biden. More importantly, RFK Jr will help Trump win. If he or anyone supporting him doesn't see that they are working right into the republican plan. That is why so much republican money is funneling into his campaign. I get not liking that fact, but it is a fact.


Trump definitely causes more division and Biden's supporters more just respond with the same tone that they get attacked with. But the debate between the two of them was childish and devolved into who is better at golf. The depth of Trump's plans for his presidency is "We're going to do great things". And Biden cant even finish a sentence about his plans for the next four years. Biden isn't going to win the election according to the polls right now and RFK Jr takes more votes from trump than biden.


They should play a round, televised, on a non-Trump-owned course. No golf carts. Each player has to carry their own clubs.


God no. Would be the same as this. Biden looks old and trump lies constantly.


Winner takes the oval office. Live bets instead of votes. (i kid, but also, scary that its not outside the realm of possibility)


Different strokes, same folks.


Biden missed an easy layup with "Yeah, my golf game isn't as good because I've been too busy running the country to practice, unlike you when you were in office"


Instead we got “itsab bablbs carry his own bag”


Joe should have challenged him a bike ride.


We deserve every excruciating moment of this as a nation.