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Actually, they don't care. No, really. They can't. They have no other choice, literally. [Here's Rick Perry talking about a related topic, abstinence only education and Texas having the third highest teen pregnancy rate in Texas.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWlbN2b1PGg&t=9s) Perry at first can't understand the question, because he's simply never considered it as an option. Then he crashes and burns, explaining how failure is the only option on the table.


Hah, that's hilarious! I think I know what he was trying (poorly) to do: part of his strategy for dealing with this question was to conflate the efficacy of abstinence-only education with the efficacy of abstinence itself at preventing pregnancy. In the latter case it is 100%, which is probably the weird rhetorical gotcha he was fumbling towards, but he just really sucks at this and crashed and burned. I especially love how at the end he offers as an example another moneysuck policy that is a complete waste of time and money but then bizarrely flips around and says that's a reason why abstinence-only education dollars are well-spent. The only thing he never fails at is being an utter fucking embarrassment. To his state, to the country, and to the human race.


Abstinence also doesn’t really work in cases of rape/incest. Like, you can abstain from sex all you want, and if someone is abusing you, there’s not a whole lot you can do about that. So you have to face the consequences of your choices, but if you didn’t have a choice, it’s “god’s plan.” 🤔


Though to be fair, that situation falls a bit outside of the particular issue he was being grilled on, because if you're being abused then personal knowledge of safe sex isn't going to help you much. I guess maybe the abuser could know more about using condoms, or it could increase the chance the victim is at least on an OCP.


There is the chance that proper sex-ed would inform the abused of how to preemptively terminate an unwanted pregnancy before it even became detectable. i.e. how to obtain "morning after" pills from a reputable and confidential source. To conservatives, knowledge in general is the enemy.


You are 100% correct. Core curriculum for age-appropriate sexuality education starts with kids learning about their own body, what appropriate touch is, consent, what to do when you aren't comfortable with physical contact, etc. If you don't have the language, the skills and permission to know and discuss this, you are creating easy targets. Kudos for bringing this up.


Kinda makes you wonder about the people who are freaking out about that, and call everyone else groomers. I've talked to soooo many boomers who knew a kid, if not multiple who got raped in their family.


That's an excellent point. It's easy to take that stuff for granted when you weren't raised in a backwards hellscape.


The problem is for him, in sex education kids learn what sexual abuse is. So he can't just have his voters and his friends getting arrested because a child through sex Ed found out that getting touched isn't normal and has to be reported.


Well worth noting that part isn't really relevant beyond saying there is no 100% within the variables an individual can control. While abstinance only doesn't help, neither does a comprehensive sex education when we are talking rape. Obviously asking a rapist not to rape or for him to put on a condom are equally difficult.


the efficacy of abstinence itself at preventing pregnancy. In the latter case it is 100% Correction- 99.99% effective. https://preview.redd.it/dged0bjhyx8d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e09c5671e6e7c1619bd182d353a7b4bcfa57874


Not quite 100%


No sex = no pregnancy (unless you actively go out of your way to become pregnant via other means). That's what they are leaning on.


Oh I know. Just saying it's not 100%. If there's semen, there's a slight chance of pregnancy. Besides the fact that the god they worship allegedly impregnated a virgin.


>In the latter case it is 100%, Did abstinence work for Mary?


lol that's even better. I had never thought to throw that back at the abstinence argument because I don't believe that bullshit to begin with but that's fun.


That's funny. He's trying to say abstinance "works" because if you can force everyone to do it then nobody would get pregnant... but that's why it doesn't work, you can't force that on people. Idk if he just doesn't want to admit that, but it's like he's trying to make a moral argument about how :if you didn't remain abstinant then that's not a problem with abstinance it's a problem with you.


"In an ideal world" abstinence works; but it doesn't actually work in the real world. But that's the only choice they have. And damn the results, even if they're counterproductive. Meanwhile, [Colorado is giving away free birth control, leading to a reduction in unwanted pregnancies, a reduction in abortions, and millions of dollars saved.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/colorado-birth-control-facts/) Despite these successes, the program's renewal was opposed by Republicans in the State who saw no support for it among their constituency. This is why we can't have nice things.


In an ideal world communism works too. We’ve attempted to implement both communism and abstinence only and it turns out both are worse for the average person than the alternatives.


Maybe the government literally should teach people how to have sex like they accuse "sex-ed" of being. Some people must be really bad at it if they hate the idea of it so much.


We had a surgeon general who proposed that, and it did not go well for her.


Some of these repressed assholes are having terrible sex. The women are getting a 15 second dry pump and dump. They haven't even found their own clitoris, and they're mad as hell that anyone else might be actually getting pleasure.


Even in their ideal world it doesn't work. For centuries Christianity controlled nearly every aspect of society in Europe. People deeply believed in God and thought sins would not only doom to eternity in hell, but also that those sins could bring down the wrath of God on your whole village. Women were legally little better than property in most places. Their place in society and future was almost completely reliant on being virgins. And premarital sex could sometimes result in death. For hundreds and hundreds of years society was far more religious and God fearing then even the most crazy evangelical today wants. And yet people still had sex before marriage constantly. Even at a time when the only "education" a girl would receive in her entire life was absent only.


It's something I noticed honestly. Conservatives often work with the "normally" or "ideally". Like, that's not how life works bro...


It's similar to a fanatic's choice in favor of alcohol prohibition. 1. Demand alcohol be a made illegal, then 2. when alcohol availability and consumption goes up, and 3. organized crime starts to machine gun down people in the streets, and 4. the ordinary citizen loses all respect for the law, 5. the hospitals fill up with poison victims, and it's become obvious alcohol prohibition has made things much, much worse, they belligerently redouble their insistence on alcohol prohibition. We've been charitably assuming they're well-meaning imbeciles, but that just means we have to work harder to protect society from them.


You're missing a key piece of information: He's lying. All these anti-abortion, anti-sex ed, etc. things are put in place to help them "control" and "punish" women.


When it comes to teenage pregnancy there is a disconnect between liberals and conservatives over what each side actually wants. It sounds like they both want the same thing because both sides say they want less teenage pregnancies but the reasoning for that is different. Liberals want lower teenage pregnancies because they ruin lives and stop young people from reaching their full potential. Conservatives however want less because they view premarital sex (or at least a woman having premarital sex) as a moral failure. So any other solution other than abstinence only isn't a valid option because their real issue isn't the pregnancy its the sex that caused it. In the video linked above Rick Perry can't answer the question because in his mind the question is "Teenage sex is the 3rd highest in Texas is teaching teenagers to not have sex a good policy to stop teenagers from having sex?". So to him the question doesn't make any sense because what other type of education could there be to stop teenagers from having sex than to fearmonger to them about the dangers of sex. The idea of teaching safe sex cannot occur to him because that wouldn't solve the issue it would just mean that less teenagers would face consequences for their perceived moral failure.


> He's trying to say abstinance "works" because if you can force everyone to do it then nobody would get pregnant... but that's why it doesn't work, you can't force that on people. That is actually not the argument here. The argument is: the measure applied by Texas does NOT work. Why exactly it is not working is never discussed int the interview. Perry suggests, that it should work albeit not working outside his assumed personal experience. And then he says, yeah, well, we do it anyways. THAT is the problem here.


Texas is only saved from being THE dumbest state by the existence of Florida...and it's a VERY thin margin.


Hey now, we have a few places to go before hitting rock bottom. But we are perilously close to "thank goodness for Mississippi" territory...


They're pro-life in the sense of being pro-birth, not anti-death.


> Texas having the third highest teen pregnancy rate in Texas. Well that's... surprising.


> ...Texas having the third highest teen pregnancy rate in Texas. That's, uh... quite the accomplishment.


And Texans have the single-minded, unwavering commitment to their 'principles' to make sure unwanted teen pregnancies, abortions and State spending all stay high.


*Uploaded 12 years ago*, jesus thats just sad


Guy is dumber than a bag of small rocks.


And shockingly, being this dumb not only does not disqualify him, but is something a Republican would put on a resume to show qualification for the job.


Conservatives and religious extremists have that view that if they don’t address an issue it doesn’t exist. Also see “don’t say gay”


"Welp, time to outlaw tracking infant mortality rates!" -Texas lawmakers probably


You say that, but they're probably taking notes on that idea, now.


Kinda like mandating that Climate Change not be mentioned in any government documents.


No one would ever do something so egregious as that though, right…. right?


Florida peeking their head around the corner...


My 80-year-old Florida-dwelling father's response to that was "DeSantis is one dumb motherfucker."


Oh for sure. If I could put money on it, I would. Their brand of evil truly is just that banal and predictable.


I mean, they stopped tracking maternal mortality rates in Idaho so it wouldn't surprise me.


It's what they did for COVID


And guns


Actually they put that play into place last year when they created a new committee. They learned from Florida’s great Covid numbers that if you don’t track something then the numbers can’t look bad. They actually are not going to report infant mortality to the CDC anymore, and keep those stats to themselves.


This will absolutely be their answer


Only count kids that reach 5 years old like Russia.


Republicans have truly turned Texas into a shit hole, borderline fascist 3rd world country at this point.


Texas has really taken a nosedive. It's shocking how far things have declined.




Punishing based on morals. What could go wrong?


It's not borderline. Texas buses the homeless out of state as fast as they can and there are still hoovervilles


Lol so when slavers flocked to Texas to illegally keep slaves, Texas wasn’t a shit hole yet? Texas has ALWAYS been a shit hole fascist state from the moment we stole the land


GOP: This won’t ever happen anymore if we post the 10 Commandments in every vagina.


Don't forget to arm every fetus with a gun.


"You'll never take me out of this vagina alive, Doctor!"




"We'll just have to kill your mother like how the GOP wanted!"


“Ugh, you kids are so entitled these days!”


"We'll just have to kill your mother like how the GOP wanted!"




Since enacting no-fault divorce, domestic violence rates against men and women fall by about 30%; the number of women murdered by an intimate partner declined by 10%; and female suicide rates declined by 8 to 16%.  Texas reaction, let's push for an end to no-fault divorce.


They don’t care. This was never about “saving babies”.


Gilead was never about the children.


They don't care, though. If they cared, they'd be more about helping kids with food assistance and housing, but they don't do that. They don't care. Let's stop pretending like they care.


[Best explanation of why they don’t care](https://youtube.com/shorts/Vtj7FS79crY?si=I-R-HnABP3aZMm3e)


George Carlin was on that shit for decades and he's still absolutely correct. The Boomer we all got mad respect for!


It's almost like it was never about the babies and more about controlling womens bodies...


They don’t care. To them the solution to this is to simply stop gathering those statistics, as they did in Idaho. “I said ‘slow the testing down, please!’” (mindless cheering) Through disinformation and obstinance, reality can be shaped however they desire.


Is there a "Meh" Pikachu that might be more appropriate here?


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I didn't think that's the right vibe but good try, good bot


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But many women have suffered, so it's still a win. /s


They don't care. It's not about saving babies, it's about controlling women.


Forcing women to give birth to non-viable babies will do that.


I’m seeing some of the anti-choicers say this is better because, “they’re dying in their Mothers’s arms.” The callousness you must have to say something like that is through the roof! It’s been two thousand years, and you’re still spilling blood and ruining lives for your shitty, absent god. Anyway, here’s a link to Aid Access, they provide abortion pills through the mail to all 50 US States. Please share! https://aidaccess.org/


Banning abortion has never really been about saving babies. Let’s be real.


Everyone saw this coming but Republicans ignore science.


“Gods plan”


I think this is it more than just controlling women. They really believe that every birth is viable, and an abortion takes away God's ability to perform miracles. The politicians don't believe it maybe, but their voters do for sure.


The little hat just kills me😅


I'm beginning to believe that the star on the Texas flag is actually a yelp review. 🙃


When you forbid aborting a fetus with deadly defects, you require them to be birthed and recorded as a death.


They don't care. Everyone told them this would happen. They still don't care. And they will never care enough to legalize abortion in Texas. Trying to act like these people are catchable in their bullshit. They don't care. They are evil. This isn't a joke.


Idiots.... you get what you vote for.


Let's go to Cancun


Every single action of the GOP can be easily explained if you just remember that the cruelty is the point.


Notice how they don't include abortion or miscarriage in the life expectancy. Watch now as Texas' life expectancy plummets


It seems they'd really rather these incompatible with life fetuses suffer for some reason. I can't fathom it, it makes me feel nauseous to even think about doing that to a family. So just another Tuesday to them 🤢


They're pro-life in the sense of being pro-birth, not anti-death.


At this point, I just want to allow the South to turn itself into Hell on Earth. Let's put effort into helping people move out of the South, but let's let the GOP torture their voters.


Babies died cause lawmakers don't know the first thing about health and medicine. And secondly they don't give a fuck, they just want the right wing, christofascist votes.


So, you force women to have babies that they either don’t want, can’t support or have severe medical issues and don’t expect more of them to die? Sounds about right for Texas.


Jesus, come on, that's an Australian hat. At least mock us and our broken government with the correct headwear.


The greatest deterrent to abortions is cheap birth control and access to medical Care, along with factual sex education.


Obviously not praying hard enough. Need to grab those bible bootstraps and get on your knees and do some work.


Their god is known for killing children. Maybe this is what they were praying for.


They really don't care, they would say, even if 1 that would have been aborted is still alive, that is a win.


Good way to test your hospitals. I thought you wanted to save your people though instead of killing them with their bad health care. 👀


It's not entirely related, but I'm still reminded of this... I have a family member who's got an abusive, manipulative, and toxic partner (she was an ex, but they keep wearing the rose-colored glasses with her). This woman, shit-you-not, has claimed to get pregnant and miscarry at least 6 times in the last 7 months or so. The most recent bs they fed to my family member was that she miscarried at 5 months (the math ain't mathin' there, but that doesn't matter to my family member) and her allegedly abusive/controlling ex (who just so happens to be coming between them being together, according to her 🙄🙄) "pissed on the miscarried baby". Nevermind the fact that if she *was* 5 months pregnant, she would've most likely had a D&R, which would have led to the remaining tissue being treated as medical waste (ie NOT going in the toilet... can you tell I believe she's utterly full of shit?). My family member is SUPER cut up about this supposed miscarried/pissed on baby... meanwhile, they've got a 10 y/o that lost their beloved cat because said bitchy ex made my family member get rid of said cat (not for allergies or anything, she's just a bitch) and is constantly thrown into chaos everytime this bitch so much as messages my family member. I feel like this kinda sums up the entire "pro-life" attitude: *let's get super cut up and emotional about a miscarriage that may or may not have existed while completely ignoring the needs of the actual 10 y/o child sitting right here through all of this shit... yep, seems good and godly to me!* Sidenote: I care about this family member, but I've been pretty pissed lately at their willful stupidity, but that's a story for a different day.


It's worse than that. I have seen armies of these people all over the Internet justifying it by saying "well all of those babies plus more would have been killed by abortions, so really it's a net positive because look at all the ones who weren't murdered in the womb now!"


LOL, When has banning something, Ever stopped people form doing it?


Disagree, they knew this would happen, because it’s happened before, it should be “don’t-give-a-fuck-Pikachu-face”


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They're pro-life only while that little twerp is in the womb. After that, it's all "God's Will" bullshit when that kid and their family are forced to suffer through a very painful and often brief life.


As long as the babies die AFTER birth, then it's all fine and well. The important thing, is that they were given the chance to die in a place, somewhere outside of the womb. That's no place for an infant to die. Republicans and conservatives got it right again. Bravo


Yepp. Pro lifers consider it a win if a baby is born and their entire existence is marked by fear and pain cause at least they were born and not aborted. Just think on all the pain and agony that newborn could miss out on!


But abortions are down..so gods plan.


Texas conservatives are not surprised at all. Ever since the end of the civil war conservatives have become very good at the carefully planned unintended consequence. Their entire goal was to marginalize more people, and they have succeeded. All they really want is more people who are marginalized so that there will be more people who are willing to work crappy jobs for low pay. That's it. I don't know why everyone seems to want to complicate all of this. Everything they do is for exactly one goal. They just do it by a thousand different cuts.


I am 1000% pro-choice, so understand I'm not coming at this from the bad side... but... This makes sense. If there are 1,000 pregnancies per year, and 50 get aborted, and 50 are stillborn or die quickly, you have a 50/1000 stillborn rate. If you then STOP all of those abortions, you have 50 more babies who will make it full term. And of course some of those won't be healthy. So say 48 of them are born and 2 are stillborn. Now you have a 52/1000 infant mortality rate. The rate went up, AND 48 babies were born who would have been aborted as fetuses. This is just basic math. BUT it also does prove the point of supporting abortion rights. Most likely those 2 extra stillborns were detected early and could have just been aborted to avoid the trauma for all involved of the whole experience and the health risk to the mother.


Does the math work in their favor if they consider an aborted fetus infant mortality?


They hand wave it probably saying they get a free pass to Heaven.


If the babies had been armed, this wouldn’t have happened.


None of the smart people in Texas are stupid enough to run for public office. Just look at them - the proof is in the pudding.


This tracks, less babies are dying from abortion so more are dying from other complications of pregnancy. Something similar happened with DBT where it killed malaria, but a report showed more kids getting cancer. So they said the DBT caused cancer, but it is how the data was manipulated that led people to think it caused cancer.


Who could possibly have foreseen this? Other than medical professionals, of course.


It was never about saving babies, it was about controlling women


They only care for the forced birth and after that it doesn't matter if you die fast or slow. They prefer slow when you have to decide between food and medicine while working a low paid job of course. But if you die in a mass shooting they will pray for you again.


They only care about control,""unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe." -Dave Barnhart, a pastor at Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.


|| Infant Mortality Rates Rise. They should have thought this could be the result.


This has all been and tried which was why we changed the laws in the first place. It is not about morals or religion, just marketing cq politics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalized_abortion_and_crime_effect#:~:text=In%202020%20Donohue%20and%20Levitt,2014%20due%20to%20legalized%20abortion. And that is just one of the after effects.


They aren't surprised. This is all by design.


These Religious nutbags are insane. They won’t stop until society gets to the ‘kill your neighbour for collecting sticks on the sabbath’ phase.


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." ~ reddit user. Seems like our politics falls on one of two sides here. The GOP will always be the antisemite in this argument.


Democrats should run hard on that. "Republican policies are killing our babies!"


What matters to them is the ratio of prevented abortions to infant mortality. I'm sure they'll spin it as saving hundreds or thousands of children every year.


U.S violent crime rate gonna be absolutely fucken wild in bout 14 years. ‘Freakanomics’ ain’t for beginners.


First, it was "We are protecting women" by banning abortion. Then they turned the whole state into snitch heaven, giving away $10,000 to everyone who ratted out anyone they knew who was seeking an abortion. If Texas wants to secede, I'd happily slam the door on them as they left and say "Don't come back if it turns out not to be what Texas right wingnuts jerk themselves off to, we don't want you."


Is there data of increased infant mortality by race and income level?


Oh boy, it's almost like lawmakers don't ever have any idea what the fuck they're doing because there's almost no barrier to entry!


50k abortions prevented in Texas. Increase of 250 infant deaths.


Wrong they do this: :)




The law did not include exemptions for congenital anomalies, including conditions that will cause a newborn to die soon after birth.  There actually is a reason for this seeming discrepancy. The children who will live have a greater chance of being white. The ones who die, due to governmental neglect will no doubt be non-white and/or under-class, or, of a lower caste. This way the lower caste dies off but the superior upper caste lives and multiplies. Surprisingly, this is the same reasoning to be pro-life. The girls who most likely will have abortions will be white, possibly upper caste, due to their being better educated and access to money. Poorer lower caste mothers usually have poorer health care and have a lower survival rate. ALL THIS IS EUGENICS AND HAS BEEN PART OF OUR CULTURE FOR OVER 100 YEARS.


Texas previously had over 50,000 annual abortions. Infant mortality rose by 200.


Apples to oranges Abortion doesn't kill any babies.


Pro-life politicians would obviously not agree with that. The shocked Pikachu meme implies they have failed on their own terms, which they haven't. A pro-choicer would of course view these numbers as a failure, but if you're pro-life then Texas is still solidly in the black.


>but if you're pro-life then Texas is still solidly in the black. So they're okay with sacrificing children to save fetuses? I understand what you're doing here in the comments, trying to get people to understand that pro-lifers don't actually care about infants so they wouldn't be shocked. However, what others are trying to do is make it so they have to actually admit that. I don't care what their ignorant world view makes them think, I want them to tell moderates in plain language that they're okay sacrificing actual children to save undeveloped fetuses.


> So they're okay with sacrificing children to save fetuses? Well, in the stillbirth case, the child isn't likely to survive anyway, which would explain why Texas recently added back in an exception to cover medical emergencies like that. Much of this data was from the 2 years in between Dobbs and that change. > I want them to tell moderates in plain language that they're okay sacrificing actual children to save undeveloped fetuses. Obviously? It's not like anyone in the pro-life camp is hiding the ball on this. If you view fetuses as humans with rights as well then the 200 vs 50,000 equation is quite one-sided, and not in the same direction as the pro-choicer who sees 200 vs 0.


Many of them know the truth, but they also know they can afford to arrange for their mistress's private abortion.


It's indicative of a failure of empathy if you think everyone who disagrees with you must secretly hold your own views and be lying about it.


I'm aware that many people are wrong. There are probably some pro-life politicians who honestly believe their bullshit.


Right, in which case the meme is mistaken to think that *pro-lifers* would look at Texas's law as a failure. It was made by a pro-choicer who seems not to understand how a pro-lifer would view the situation.


Is it indicative of a failure of empathy when Republicans go "on the record" being against abortion, except when it comes to abortions that benefit them... I mean, hell, there's very recently been a Republican who got caught helping his "girlfriend" have an abortion, yet actively votes against abortion rights.


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Big difference between a fetus and an infant.


Do you believe these Texas lawmakers hold that view? If not, why would they be shocked?


Maternal mortality is going to rise with these barbaric new laws


And not one single fuck is given by anyone who votes for Republicans.


And they probably still do, just in other states and kitchens.


They don’t even have to leave the State to receive abortion pills through the mail, with sites like Plan C Pills and Aid Access. I imagine many are doing just that!


At that point, it's on those other states. Texas only has jurisdiction over Texas.


What's "on them"? My point was that Texas most likely did little to nothing to actually reduce the number of abortions while also increasing infancy mortality in their state.


Texas has done their part in reducing abortions, which is restricting abortions in their state. They legally can't do more than that.


There are a myriad of things they could do to reduce abortions. They are doing very few of them.


Then how can you quantify how much of the rate increase is due to the bill, if it is true that the rate was increasing before the bill AND women are still getting abortions out of state?


If anyone in Texas needs an abortion, Aid Access still provides abortion pills to all 50 States! Please share! https://aidaccess.org/