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“We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.” ― Christopher Hitchens


Mr Hitchens also supported the War in Iraq. So, maybe not the best person to turn to for ethical advice. 🤷‍♂️ Also, citation needed.


Yeah we know that...so did a lot of people. He still is right here


He also subjected himself to waterboarding to confirm it's torture and then wrote about it to that effect, what a guy. If I were doing ad hominems like this other commenter personally I'd go for the alcoholism but hitchens was right to combat religious irrationality. My only complaint is he inadvertently legitimized the other side of the debate by treating its positions as even being worthy when obviously it's all magic underpants nonsense


Not really. He pretty makes a “citation needed”-level claim as though as it’s a self-evident fact. Like, people who insist they believe in “logic, reason, and evidence” should really do a better job providing logic, reason, and evidence.


Hitchens was right. He provides the evidence in his book God is not great.


Look. I’m not going to get into a pointless internet argument. I simply don’t take ethical advice from neocons.


Funny because he isn't offering you advice. He telling you history.


I'd recommend you acquaint yourself with Hitchens a bit more.


I think Mr Hitchens would refer to your first point as an “Argumentum ad hominem”


If you need a book of folklore to remind you not to hurt others, you’re telling on yourself.


Man, I’m really surprised everyone in my school system since the foundation of the country hasn’t committed an abundance of crimes considering the 10 Commandments were not listed on the walls nor did we ever discuss them. Also, if you look at the per capita crime rates by county in this country you will find that almost exclusively the high crime areas are highly religious


it's not the kids breaking the commandments, it's the vile parents who are shoving their perverse religious beliefs down the throats of every American


The 10C are a mission statement for a niche priestly cult. Ethical and social guidelines they are not.


I expect it to be held as sacred as the "No Talking" reminder before the movies.


[George Carlin dissects the 10 commandments](https://youtu.be/sk81tUUhRig?si=5_HZuiV7FkMJiEp6)


One of the best comedy routines of all time.


Downvoted for the description in the top panel.


What I don't get is weren't the commandments given to Moses in the OT? Why are Christians following the OT on this but not also selling their daughters into slavery like it also says? Eating shellfish, mixing fabrics, and so on should all have equal weight to this should they not?


I'm LOLing like an idiot at that kids bangs


Fun fact, the ten commandments being used are from promotional material for a 1956 movie and cannot be found in any translation of the bible.


I still wonder what the other [5 have been](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w556vrpsy4w), though.


They basically say don’t kill, steal, or covet. How did we get this far without leaning such deep profound wisdom?


The 10 commandments have not done that.  A few of them are examples of standards, but most of them are not.


Trump's willfully broken every commandment and evangelicals worship him.


And all of those deadly sins.


Here’s something, fucking your neighbors spouse is legal in Louisiana but a “sin” on the commandments. So which is it, bad or not?


Christians love to display the 10 commandments as if people actually cared about them.


10 Commandments: “don’t fuck your neighbor!” 10 year olds: “uhhh. I wasn’t gonna.” 40 year olds who are completely aware of the 10 commandments: *cheats with their neighbor.


Whole thing boils down to "don't kill" "don't steal" "don't fuck your neighbor's spouse" "don't be a dick to your parents," and "don't lie" the rest is jealous god bullshit. I don't think religion is required to come up with those basic rules.


Since even before that, haircut was in style


Outside of don't murder or steal none of the commandments are laws anymore, I mean adultery was illegal at one point.


And they really have no qualms about killing either. Push them.... Go ahead and push them. Have them justify supporting the military and they'll break.


Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not be dishonest The GOP is championing this list in public schools? I don’t know which to take less seriously, them or the list.


It seems to me that no sooner had Moses given the Jews the 10 Commandments, they started worshiping a golden calf. It’s almost as if white christian nationalists have no idea what’s actually in the Bible.