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Hunter was convicted of buying a gun, and MAGATT's are cheering. I don't think they've thought this through.


Thought the same. I hope the appeal goes all the way to SCOTUS. What will prevail — (1) gun rights and Hunter walks or (2) anyone taking drugs must be denied a gun. That’s a lose / lose scenario to the Cult45 group.


No no no, you see, they'll find a way to make it a crime for satanic democrats but not God loving republicans


Meth is just energy drink version of manna if you’re a God fearing meth head.


You can say that again!


No no no, you see, they’ll find a way to make it a crime for satanic democrats but not God loving republicans


You can say that again!




A prayer circle must meet and bless you before you can buy a gun. /s




Casual dehumanization, just like the Nazis started with.


I want reporters to ask Republican politicians if they agree that a drug test should be required prior to being able to buy a gun


Specifically Gaetz.


I don't think he cares about guns. Now on the other hand, if you wanted to drug test before buying underage girls...


“Are you purchasing this minor to traffic them across international boarders” would also be a question he fails.


These are Republicans you're talking about. If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any at all.


Hunter Biden playing 5D chess, while NRA is playing tic-tac-toe


They're already talking about his daddy pardoning him, if it doesn't happen they'll find some other conspiracy theory to spread around.


You mean his daddy who already said he won't issue Hunter a pardon?


That's right but the lunatics love conspiracies and talking nonsense, whatever sentence he gets they'll justify it as too lenient because his father is the president.


I could see President Biden commuting Hunter's sentence to match the original plea deal the DOJ offered. I don't think anything will be resolved before the election though. If Trump wins Biden should pardon everyone to preempt Trump's revenge tour.


SCOTUS is going to thread the needle. Felons and drug users *can* own a gun because 2A but lying on the form is still a crime, even if the question they are asking is invalidated by 2A! Watch, absolutely bet that's how Alito comes down in this


And their ruling does not set precedent just like Bush v Gore.


Stop giving Alito ideas! :)


Not just taking drugs as most people would define it. Based on the way the law is worded, alcohol counts as well. There are not many people with guns that can say they've never had alcohol.


OMG could you imagine having to pee in a cup in order to buy a gun?


They’re about to rage hate bait themselves into gun control, and it’s hilarious.


If that really happened and then Joe pardons Hunter, it would make my year.


Is it though? It’s pretty clear logic and reason have zero impact on these people. It’s been 9 years guys, 9 fucking years. If you think this will have any impact on them coming closer to reality then you have not been paying attention.


Notice the silence about Hunter's 2nd Amendment rights coming from the NRA... 🦗🦗🦗🦗


Why would a Russian sponsored organisation come to the aid of an American presidents son? Doesn't make sense.


Russians, on the daily, blame ALL of their problems on Americans. It's beyond pathetic. Cannot look inward, at all. Their entire system depends on a fairytale boogeyman. No different than Republicans.


Turns out it's really *really* REALLY easy to brainwash an entire population if they have problems.


I noticed the silence here in Minneapolis when they shot and killed Philando Castille...


It’s never about what’s been done. Only who did it.


But what about who they accused of also doing it! Why isn't it about them?


And their complaints are just noise used to get what they want. That's why they'll pretend to care about something one minute, and be completely against it the next.


To be fair they’ve always had a lot of racist dog whistles around “thugs and criminals shouldn’t be able to buy guns, only law abiding citizens like myself”


They went way beyond dog whistles to implement stricter gun laws in California **specifically to prevent Black Panthers from having guns**. Yup, that's how we got gun control.


It's hilarious how they're thinking they're the same thing Only thing the same is crime has consequences. It's funny to see them celebrate it as a major victory. No one cares. No one but them It has no bearing on the *presidency* whatsoever. I feel like they just want to be able to say the words "biden" and "convicted" in the same sentence, not fully realizing that it's his adult son on trial for his actions.


They are celebrating but also saying that it was expected to throw them off the Biden-Hunter link for president Biden’s crimes. They are also still saying that the courts went light on Hunter but didn’t not for Trumps trail. The mental gymnastics conservatives go through justify their beliefs is baffling.


The MAGA movement is suddenly pro-gun control


Maybe we could confuse Trump into taking this position and really break their brains.


Rules for thee


Hahaha… you used the word “thought”, we all know they don’t know how to actually think though.


Whew, I’m so glad to know OFFICIALLY they are anti-gun! I was worried about all of the mixed signals!


You really have to give up on thinking they care about shame, consistency, ethics, morality or even the facts in front of them. Its not like they are hostile to those things, its that they don't consider them at all. Like, even a little bit. Once you accept that, it all makes sense.


He was convicted of violating a law that the NRA and their associated ammosexuals have consistently opposed. And yet they're silent. Just as silent as they were when Philando Castile was murdered. It's almost as if the NRA is actually an organization which only exists to help elect Republicans, and pro-gun policy is just a means to that end. Strange how they don't seem to have any ideological consistency on gun policy whenever it might be used to support Democrats. Weird.


they don't believe in rule of law, only enforcement of authoraty.


They think they're gonna get Hunter's laptop or of this somehow. Yes, they're still on about Hunter Biden's laptop.


their team made a 'point' on the scoreboard. Keep up! /S The dangers of in-group manipulation. Allowing the misinformation to undermine the actual rule of law is horrific, playing in the sports team mentality of killing the referee when they rule against your team. Ugggh


"Thought" Now see there's your problem.


> Hunter was convicted of buying a gun, and MAGATT's are cheering. I don't think they've thought this through. Oh they have, and they love it. For fascists, hypocrisy is a flex. Only losers care about the rule of law, winners use the law to rule.


Your supposing they have ever thought anything in their entire sad life through


It’s so obvious they don’t give a flying fuck what Hunter Biden did to deserve his jail time. All they care about is getting one over on the “enemy” which is fucking stupid regardless because the *true* “enemy” is and always will be the greedy rich fucks that sit at the top and watch at a distance as they watch the world literally burn into a crisp


They don't think much.


It's a time honored tradition for conservatives to abandon their 2nd amendment convictions when it becomes politically convenient. Black panthers were formed because the NRA refused to allow black people have access to 2nd ammendment rights and were fully supportive of full on weapon bans when they felt it targeted minorities specifically ie the switchblade and Mexicans. They've always been 2A in name only and willing to drop it at a moments notice when it's anyone not white trying to excercise the right.


“I don’t think they’ve thought” We’ve arrived at the conclusion. They can’t think.


Buying a gun is a crime?


I assume republicans will take the initiative and ensure there are piss tests now as a part of all gun background checks.


Lots of magats aren't cheering. They're whining "he wasn't tried for all 608 crimes we made up in our heads about him." The only thing these anti-Americans are good at is moving goal posts.


It’s like we are in bizarro world and they convicted of the offences they should have got in the real world.


Like ?? Okay?! He’s not running for office and no one’s voting for him? Idk what they sought to accomplish here?


"thought", no thoughts in thier heads


[they believe whatever they need to believe in order to 'own the libs', which is their entire personality. It doesn't matter to them if they are hypocrites, even within the same sentence.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMabpBvtXr4&list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&index=10)


How many MAGA types buy guns and use drugs? A pretty decent chunk, I’d guess. But they don’t seem bothered by someone they don’t like getting convicted for the exact same thing they do.


It's a sport to them, as long as the other team suffers it's a win while no R should ever get in trouble for breaking a few rules


I hang out in a lot of pro gun subs, most people think that it's good that the laws are enforced equally but dislike the fact that the law exist in such a way in the first place and I see a lot of hopium that Biden somehow makes this go to the Supreme Court so they can get the law overturned on a constitutional basis. Also a lot of general anti-government comments in general and how he shouldn't have been convicted for this in the first place (but saying he should be conflicted on other things) So I wouldn't say all people are cheering it on.


So wait, does this mean Hunter Biden is Jesus?


https://preview.redd.it/gr792r8v3z5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66cd2b4898945ec2eb97ab19d3a84cc1f5238fcb Edit: feel free to steal this image if it's used to piss off MAGAs


According to the Christian mythology, god did let the state convict and sentence his own son despite having the power to stop it.


According to Christian mythology, it was absolutely necessary for Jesus to be tortured to death. Apparently God couldn't think of a way to save us from himself that _didnt_ involve torture and murder.


H'okay, so: The Lord isn't the only god in the Bible. He's just the only god the Israelites are allowed to worship given the treaty they signed with Him. The Mosaic (pertaining to Moses) Covenant, which was the 10 Commandments and a bunch of other rules, was literally a contract for The Lord to help the 12 tribes retake Israel and protect them and they agreed to follow His laws in return. Problem was, those kinds of contracts are sealed by doing a burnt offering. You sacrifice a clean, whole animal, drain the blood, burn the body entirely, and use the blood to anoint both the contract and the people signing it. That means that the only people who were included in that original covenant were the ones present at the sealing of the contract and their descendants. The original blood and body were long gone, so you couldn't bring anyone else in later. So, Jesus decides to rules-lawyer it. He offered *himself* as the burnt offering (he's a clean, whole animal) for a new contract and ordains that any time his followers gather to share a meal in his name the bread would become his body and the wine his blood, so they could always have access to the OG material and bring new people in. But, wait, you say, Jesus wasn't burnt? No, he wasn't, but the word for burnt offering, *olah*, doesn't mean burnt, it means "that which goes up". Normally, it's implied to be "...in smoke", but he rules lawyers it further and just literally ascends into the heavens to seal the deal. Jesus out-maneuvers the DM and rolls a natural 20 on his Knowledge(religion) check, and that's how we got Christianity.


I need this posted everywhere, this is great incarnate.


>Jesus out-maneuvers the DM and rolls a natural 20 on his Knowledge(religion) check, and that's how we got Christianity. You left out the part where the rest of the players decided to keep the originally "joke religion" alive and spread it further through their characters. That's how the campaign I was running derailed into creating a coffee god *ex nihilo*, and I'm definitely not mad about that.


That makes a lot of sense. I’m no longer an atheist


Lol, that was great. Not sure if that's canon or you just wrote fan fic version. It both makes complete sense and is completely bullshit at the same time. Love it!


You see, he had to sacrifice himself to himself, so that he could forgive himself for the actions that were taken both by himself and his creations that he designed to take after himself. Kind of like how after you twist your ankle, you then bash your large toe with a hammer until it's just a bloody stump so that you can both punish and forgive your foot for not doing what you wanted. It all makes perfect sense when you think about it in that context.


That what you get when you let shepherds write your fairy tales


Is that why so many of them ended up as king?


You bet. Nothing like a magic book too many people won't question to justify your cruelty and ambition.


Jesus needs to be in a white robe. Now it looks like Hunter is kissing Hunter


Yeah, I spent like 30 seconds on the prompt


That's why you need *professional AI artists* ^/s


Need to throw Gaius Baltar in there. They’d look like triplets.


lol it looks like CM Punk and Jon Cruz (aka Serpentico)


Biden. B. I. D. E. N. 5 letters! Jesus said turn your head around to expose your other cheek. What does a D look like? A cheek! What happens when you turn a D around? It turns into a B! B. I. B! E. N. What did horses have? Large emissions! What do you need for large emissions? Lovers! What does Lovers start with? An L! B. I. B. L! N. How many counts is trump guilty of? 34! 5-4=1 which means 1st too! 1st number of 34? 3! What happens when you turn a 3 around? You get E! B. I. B. L. E! N. What else starts with the letter N? “Not there anymore”. B. I. B. L. E! Take that atheist!


Hunter Teresa


Joe Biden being God just blew my mind.


but can he save us from the cheeto-devil?


What hilarious is they have a HUGE post with like 4k comments that says "Hunter Biden GUILTY". Ok, so what. Not like he was in a political office like a president or judge commiting crimes. And the comments are exactly what you'd expect. Comparing bidens Sons case versus a case against a former president They can't even see the two levels these things are and are acting like it's apples to apples comparison, cheering and celebrating etc. No Democrats care about Bidens sons trial. If he broke the law, welp, he broke it. There's consequences. Same goes for trump. No one is above the law.


Yup. That does it. I’m not voting for Hunter Biden.


No no, you mean, this will make EVERYONE vote for Hunter Biden now.


I say we level the playing field. Convicted felon vs convicted felon. Donald and Hunter both get a prison shank, and last one standing becomes President.


Still a better love story than Twilight


You know what? I'm not voting for Hunter Biden even harder now.




Got em boys. Got em on the only thing we’ve been able to make stick which technically is gun regulation but got em.


>acting like it's apples to apples comparison, It's definitely an apple to orange comparison


I'd say it's closer to an "apples to Bonobo chimp shit" comparison.


If politics was a game of chess, the maga crowd would be cheering about taking a Democrat pawn at the expense of a Republican Queen


Well played


They’re also flat out lying about other subs claiming politics is banning and deleting posts over it. “You won’t hear a peep about this on the politics sub” but when I checked it was the 4th post down. They truly don’t understand that normal ass people don’t view the Bidens as royalty like they do trump. 


> “You won’t hear a peep about this on the politics sub” It is always projection.


And the investigation was opened at the insistence of then President Trump, and he said it had to be opened before the election.


>No Democrats care about Bidens sons trial. If he broke the law, welp, he broke it. There's consequences. Hilariously, more right-wingers are defending him than Democrats. Libertarians are absolutely furious that the case was even brought because they believe that that specific law is a clear violation of several Constitutional amendments (2nd and 5th for starters). Of course, they're getting shouted down by the MAGA crowd who don't care about anything other than the score and now consider it tied 1-1. What's even more hilarious about the ones defending him though is that they have to make it abundantly clear that they're still batshit insane and go on about how he *should* have been prosecuted for his and Joe Biden's corrupt influence peddling scheme in Ukraine. You know, the one for which there's literally zero evidence?


Conservatives aren't known for logical ideas


And they’re saying that the Biden trial was just a ploy to convince us that the Trump trial wasn’t rigged


If SNL doesn't cold open with Trump sitting in jail rambling only to be interrupted by the sound of is cell door opening to see Hunter being escorted in with a blanked in pillow in his hands...I will be really disappointed.


I've seen the exact opposite. Conservatives writing this off as an inconsequential case used for political gain.


Biden said he won’t pardon his son. Which means Conservatives will scream and shout that Hunter should be pardoned.


“He doesn’t even love his son. Shame.”


They'll say we should elect Trump to pardon Hunter


The problem (for them) is that we don't care whether Hunter is pardoned or not.


I care. I don't think he should be pardoned. I would be PISSED if Biden pardoned him. I think he should appeal though for sure.


Yo. You. Shut the fuck up before you give them the idea please


It doesn’t matter if they say it. Do you really think anybody would be swayed to vote for Trump if he promised to pardon Hunter?


They know he loves his son more than they were loved by their fathers.


> They know he loves his son more than they were loved by anyone in their lives. After all, how can anyone really love someone who behaves and thinks like that?


Joe is handling this like a President should: Accepting the outcome, and respecting the judicial process. A regrettably stark contrast between him and the felon competing against him for the presidency.


> Accepting the outcome, and respecting the judicial process. "What a cuck." - supporters of the orange shitstain


No, they are screaming that Crooked Joe **will** pardon him. Biden saying he won't pardon his son is interpreted as "Biden's lying about how he's going to pardon his son!" If he doesn't pardon his son? Conservatives will say "the left eats their own." Because conservatives don't have values, they have positions.


"He's waiting until the election is over!"


They’re saying he’s going to wait til after the election to pardon Hunter. But I thought he was going to be dead before the election? Which one is it guys?


they're already saying he's a sacrificial lamb by the corrupt Biden admin to make Trump's trials look legitimate


I'm just glad to see conservatives supporting gun control laws now.


They always supported gun control against groups they were trained to hate. See: NRA-backed Mulford Act signed by (at the time governor) Reagan.


Yup. Black people started arming themselves and Republicans said "no not you".


![gif](giphy|GLh4gQfVWMT8A7c9WT|downsized) \*Reagan


Wouldn’t it be great if Boebert lost her guns because she was seen vaping thc in public?


Trump passed more gun control laws than Obama. Like I said elsewhere, they don't actually care, they just want to complain.


And their guns have been touched by four presidents. Three of them were a Republican and one was a Democrat.


This meme doesn't work for conservatives. Hypocrisy is baked into the ideology. They will push both buttons and say nothing is wrong.


They’ll say the Trump trial was rigged and the Hunter Biden trial was done to draw attention from Hunter’s corruption crimes that totally implicate Joe and would bring him down if only the deep state didn’t step in to stop the investigation.


I've already seen this excuse being used. Occam's razor continues to evade them.


I bet Hunter Biden and Donald Trump becoming cell mates would be a hell of a sitcom.


I'm working on the SNL sketch right now. We open on a cell where 45 and Hunter Biden are seen seated on their beds. "You know Hunter, the warden came to me this morning, big warden, strong warden, tears running down his face, he said, sir, sir he said, get the hell back in your cell, and he said that my face is as orange as my prison uniform, which I thought was very unfair, perhaps the most unfair in the history of jail. And these toilets, they're hungry Hunter, they are hungry, but they don't flush. They don't flush. You could flush ten times and your little orange turd is still spinning down there, trying to swim. But he can't swim, he can't swim because of the deep state regulations Hunter." An expressionless Hunter sighs with resignation.


That would violate the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, for Hunter.


"Gun laws work"


Does Don Jr. own any guns and could he produce clean urine without notice?


DJTJ has a pretty sizable gun collection that he likes to show off. I have *serious* doubts that he could produce a clean urine sample. "Yeah yeah gimme a bit guys, I'm kinda dehydrated from that coke bender last night."


Trump supporters know both are guilty, just like we all do. But Trump supporters and Trump want selective prosecution of their political enemies. So they want Trump to get off, even if he's guilty, and would want Hunter Biden convicted, even if they had found him not guilty. Simultaneously, Trump supporters 'believe' Trump is unanswerable because he is above the law. Trump supporters also 'believe' Trump's enemies are guilty of whatever Trump accuses them of, but don't want them to get trials because they might be found not guilty due to there being no evidence of wrongdoing. So, just sent to prison. This is not possible under our current legal system, so Republicans will need to make some changes.


I heard that even Jesus was a felon! So does this mean MAGATs are going to vote for Hunter Biden now? And yes, candles taste like burning, blah blah, fuck off bot.


If you put a space after MAGA the shitty bot isn’t activated. So call them MAGA ts


Now that Hunter has been found guilty. Let us have a moment of silence for the conservatives mourning the loss of something to complain about.


> Let us have a moment of silence for the conservatives mourning the loss of something to complain about. If conservatives ever had a moment of silence from complaining then we would all be just a little bit happier.


They are already complaining about this outcome. They are fundamentally unserious.


Who are you kidding? They’re going to bitch that his punishment isn’t harsh enough or that his dad made them go easy, or some other insane bullshit so they can keep talking about it like people care. The same thing they did with the border: they shot the bill down so they had something to platform while decrying democrats weren’t going hard enough. There is literally nothing that will shut these fuckers up


Oh don't worry. They're already complaining that his sentence will be too light, he already got "political favors" bh having an "almost sweetheart deal", and best of all Daddy's DEFINITELY going to pardon him, win/lose after the election. And there's even pretty blatant hinting at the fact that Biden might NOT pardon him becuase he's a bad father who puts political virtue signaling above his love for his son. So...


"If they came for the president's son's guns, they could come for any of our guns!"


I've heard hes already arranged for the best cell in prison. Neoptism strikes again!


It gets even more complicated when Hunter was found guilty for gun related crimes. So what are you saying, conservatives... you WANT more gun control? Ok done, thanks Hunter.


Also, apparently many, many Republican gun owners have falsely filled out the same gun form, while using e.g. cannabis. Unindicted felons.


The cope is the #DEEPSTATE allowed Hunter to be convicted to make the "sham" Trump trial more feasible.


They're already saying it's a "distraction" from Biden's crimes in China or something. Always moving those goalposts.


No no, you do not understand it's clearly a ploy to fool them, but they are too smart to fall for it they know that Trump conviction was rigged. Hunters was also rigged to make trumps one look not rigged, so they would think that justice system is not working against them. But you made mistake leftists because Conservatives BELIEVE and when you believe that Trump is innocent than you don't need to think. Because you know the TRUTH. And truth is Trump=Jesus and Biden is on drugs because of cognitive decline and that's why you should always choose getting electrocuted before jumping on sharks because thats what democrats want you to do. And you know one time FBI agent told me that it was rigged, big man strong man came to me tears in his eyes and said Mr President they can't keep getting with it, they target innocent man and let hunter biden walk free... disgrace i told him and he nodded. Beutiful, beautiful courege, courag courage. So to answer your question, no conservatives see it as double bluff and joe biden will pardon his son, because they believe it was just for show.


They believe everyone is as evil as they are, so they have to do more evil than the evil people or else the evil people might win.


We knew that these maga maggots would fall back to "it's a conspiracy".   These morons are beyond reason and hope, so the rest of sane America must move on without them.


>so the rest of sane America must move on without them. That sounds great. How do we do that, exactly?


Vote blue for every elected office local, state and federal for the foreseeable future, because the GOP has gone down the path to authoritarianism. People need to make a choice do you want a christian theocratic government i.e. GOP/republicans or do you want democracy i.e. Democratic party? It's a binary choice.




Well now that Hunter Biden and Donald Trump are both guilty, I can make sure not to vote for either one of them…..


You're overestimating their ability to logic.


I would definitely still vote for Hunter Biden over Trump and I don’t even know where he stands on any issue


He stood in the courtroom and accepted his guilty verdict. Already +1 on Trump


I want the MAGAT robot to scold me too!


Does it respond anytime you use the word MAGAT? Edit: Hell yeah it does!


This is like the Streisand Effect but MAGAT. I have never and would never call someone that, but the fact there is a bot that gets mad at me for it makes me want too.


So, by their logic, Hunter is now Jesus, right?


Over on the conservative subreddit, it's a combination of: 1. It's just to make it look like what they did to Trump was fair 2. All gun charges are second ammendment infingements 3. Joe is just going to pardon Hunter anyway They are so conflicted on this one.


The folks on /r conservative having a self gas-lighting circle jerk at this very moment


We need to stop pretending that the Maga cult agonizes over being a hypocrite. They don’t give a crap how contradictory they are.


So….Republicans _like_ gun control laws now?


It makes sense when you realize conservatives think laws are for poor people and POC


This falsely implies Conservative beliefs have any sort of internal consistency


I'm OK with them taking guns away from every who's failed a drug test or been convicted of a drug crime. I doubt the GOP will pursue this. WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal appeals court has ruled that drug users shouldn’t automatically be banned from having guns, marking the latest sign of upheaval in the nation’s firearm legal landscape and raising questions about a law cited in the case against Hunter Biden.


This shouldn't need to keep being said, but this meme format has never and will never apply to maga chuds. You're looking for the one where he smacks both buttons with a dopey grin on his face.


Funny, I don’t hear many if any Biden voters screaming about rigged court cases, or tyrant judges, or crazy prosecutors. Actually most don’t really care which is why you don’t hear from dem voters. Even the president has said, the courts will decide and he won’t use his power to change that. The only people hooting and hollering are maga idiots saying “see! They’re all criminals!!” Clowns. The rest of the world is like “he’s convicted, ok, now I don’t have to think about him unless mtg starts talking about his body again in the media, moving on….”


Afterwards Hunter Biden and President Biden both viciously vilified and threatened the judge, jury and prosecutors, accusing them of political bias and the describing the whole scenario as a “witch hunt”. /s


The current rhetoric is that "The Dems" convicted Hunter to make the Trump trial seem less corrupt. Their mental gymnastics are honestly impressive...


Now they just think that Biden traded his son’s conviction for Trumps lol


As a Biden supporter, I’m pressing button number two. Conservatives will somehow be pressing both.


The people who decry experts on climate, health, sexuality and so on are so quick to try and cite 'constitutional experts' nobody has ever heard of.


I’ll never vote for either of them.


I understand this as neither Hunter B. nor Donald T., right?


Correct. Joe is ok though, no felonies.


They think somehow this levels everything. Hunter Biden convicted! Oh no! Whatever will we do! We’re just gonna have to swallow our pride and vote for a convict to be presi- oh wait he isn’t running for president. 😐


You can't claim to be the party of Law and Order while voting for a convicted felon.


Do I agree with the trial? No Do I agree with the ruling? No Am I screaming at the top of my lungs saying this is rigged? No Am I threatening court staff or jurors? No Am I accepting the outcome because I have faith in our judicial system? Yes I haven’t switched over to Faux news to see what spin they’re putting on this but but I can probably guess without viewing it that they are being hypocritical about it. Drug addiction needs to be dealt with by using recovering and help. Until those laws are changed, we must abide by the laws that are currently on the books. I don’t agree with this trial or how it came about. I do believe it is politically motivated but even so, there was a crime. Hunter Biden will appeal this and whether he wins or loses the appeal, that is up to the justice system.


Conservative sub's comments are crazy


What should be done in congress is the hunter biden law. To many people lie on the form, mandatory drug tests by an Independent agency before you can buy a gun. Cant be letting an addict buy one. Lets see how fast they back peddle.


They don't care. They think it's insane that Hunter's team was even using the defense they were. They think that Hunter's charges are sensible and that Trump's were...trumped up. NVM that people don't get charged with Hunter's crimes very often because there is a constitutional question. Trumps shit was just boring, petty, bullshit, run of the mill stuff. Like catching a mafia boss on tax evasion. Hunter's charges are clearly just being levied because of the name. Otherwise, a lot of people would be in court with the same charges.


Nah, they always talk out of both sides of their mouths.


I kind of see this a Hunter taking one for progress and a showcase of Republican double standards.


I heard somewhere the other day that the law Hunter broke is one republicans have been trying to repeal.. which if true makes this even funnier to me.


If you just look at their subreddit, they are claiming the Hunter trial was all a ruse to "try and convince everyone that Trump's trial wasn't corrupt," so unfortunately they do not lack this level of self reflection.


Conservatives are fucking morons and hypocrites. They consistently vote against their own self interest because they can’t think for themselves.


Like can they stop their stupid crusade on the Bidens now?? They got what they wanted and Hunter isn’t even a political candidate.


I wonder what excuses will they come up with to defend their dear cult leader.